AZ - FLDS leader Warren Jeffs on child sex charges, Colorado City, 2005

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1 juror was replaced, has anyone heard why the woman was removed? It sure didn't take long to reach the verdict after she was taken out.

Yes, guilty of 2 counts of rape as an accomplice. He could face life in prison and I hope that's what he gets!

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
1 juror was replaced, has anyone heard why the woman was removed? It sure didn't take long to reach the verdict after she was taken out.


Court TV reported that the woman juror's husband had a construction business that had heavy ties to the FLDS sect because many of the men do construction work.

She was probably worried they'd come after her or retaliate in some way. I can't say I blame her.

Let's hope they start going after these people for welfare fraud next. They are costing taxpayers millions.

If anyone is interested in reading more about Mormon fanaticism, there is an excellent book on the subject called "Under the Banner of Heaven". It is written by Jon Krakauer who is famous for writing "Into thin air" about the tragedy on Mt. Everest.
A polygamous-sect leader tried to hang himself in jail in January, eight months before a jury convicted him of rape as an accomplice, according to documents released Tuesday.

The disclosure was in an evaluation by mental-health expert Eric Nielsen, who examined Warren Jeffs in April and found him depressed but fit for trial.

The suicide attempt was not disclosed in May when a judge released portions of the report.,2933,308885,00.html
More info at this link-
The court ordered the sheriff’s office to transport Jeffs back to Utah, where his 2007 convictions on two counts of rape as an accomplice are on appeal. He was sentenced to two consecutive terms of five years to life in prison for the charges, which involved Jeffs’ role in the marriage of an underage follower to her husband.

Smith noted that Texas has started extradition proceedings, but Conn said Arizona had only temporary custody of Jeffs until the charges against him were resolved. Any such proceeding must be initiated with Utah, not Arizona, Conn said.
Thanks for the additional info, Essies... The blurb I saw didn't mention any of that.

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