AZ - FLDS leader Warren Jeffs on child sex charges, Colorado City, 2005

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thanks BG---you know one of the best true crime books ever written was called The Only Living Witness--forgot the author's name but he interviwed bundy in jail extensively,and got bundy to speak,"hypothetically",how a serial killer is born--a lower-middle class illegitimate kid,he didn't start killing until his high-society college girlfriend told him to get lost---every woman he killed had the same hair color and hairstyle of this rich ex-girlfriend of his---he originally peeked in many windows way before his murder spree,then progressed to burglaries---he hated himself profusely and agreed with the observations that "psychologically,some people are not prepared for failure" and that "committing murder is a form of suicide"
Yesterday afternoon Fox News has a little background on the FLDS, and spoke with a young woman who escaped. The young woman said that she was very young (I didn't get the age, but she was a teen) and marred off to a 32-year-old man as his third wife. She said birth control wasn't allowed, and she had 8 chldren, one after the other.

One of her children had a disability and was on oxygen most of the time. She finally got to the point where she wanted to escape. The opportunity came when her husband was away on business for a few days. She called her brother in Salt Lake City and asked for help. Her brother said he'd meet her 3 miles outside of town (I think Hildale) at an intersection.

She told the other wives - there were now 5 althogether - that her child was ill and she was taking him to a doctor. She told her other children that they were going to come along because while they were in town, she was going to have their picture taken by the local photographer.

She got into her van with the children and was about to leave when she realized her oldest daughter wasn't in the car. She briefly debated whether she should risk going back inside for her daughter and all of them being detained, or leaving with the 7 other children. She went inside and her daughter didn't want to go with her. The daughter said, "something wrong is going on." The young woman grabbed her daughter and pushed her outside and into the van.

The young woman said she realized she had very little gas and was worried about going through town and 3 miles beyond town to meet her brother, but she made it. She and her children are now living in Salt Lake City and are so glad they left.

Today, a Fox reporter was on location near Hildale and reported that a car tried to run the camera crew down.
Leila said:
Today, a Fox reporter was on location near Hildale and reported that a car tried to run the camera crew down.
I hope the crew got it on tape......
Fora Jessop, an anti-polygamy activist, spells out the new problems:

JESSOP: Well, I think that there is absolutely somebody standing in the wings that is looking to become the next prophet. There is a toss-up right now as to who it will be between two members of the community, but both of those men are actually more brutal than Warren Jeffs was.,2933,211299,00.html

this is one of the vilest cults on the planet!
Bhodirasta said:
If yall ONLY KNEW how much MONEY, TAX PAYERS money goes to support pedophilia and polygamy yall would BARF. This man is a DISGUSTING PEDOPHILE worshiped by hordes of people. He is a sick sick man. Pop out the kids, then rape the government to support them.
Absolutely DISGUSTING.
They run the town, the police, the local gov't. A man name Leavitt prosecuted a similar case in UT, and what did they do? They booted him out of office! I will have to dig a bit to find that case, but I think it might have even been one of Jeff's (If not Jeff himself) "little buddies".
The poor GIRLS!!! They are not to watch TV, go to school, QUESTION thier husbands (even if they are EIGHTY)... It is absolutely ATTROCIOUS that we turn our heads from this....
I agree with you. The one point I want to get across is how can we persecute the Middle Eastern nations that treat their women with no respect and have no rights and then have this kind of perversion to young girls and women going on in literally every state of the United States, seems like hypocrisy to me. Women everywhere need to stand up for their rights.
After just seeing him in the court room on tv now, it looks and sounds like a wimp.....
Leila said:
Yesterday afternoon Fox News has a little background on the FLDS, and spoke with a young woman who escaped. The young woman said that she was very young (I didn't get the age, but she was a teen) and marred off to a 32-year-old man as his third wife. She said birth control wasn't allowed, and she had 8 chldren, one after the other.

One of her children had a disability and was on oxygen most of the time. She finally got to the point where she wanted to escape. The opportunity came when her husband was away on business for a few days. She called her brother in Salt Lake City and asked for help. Her brother said he'd meet her 3 miles outside of town (I think Hildale) at an intersection.

She told the other wives - there were now 5 althogether - that her child was ill and she was taking him to a doctor. She told her other children that they were going to come along because while they were in town, she was going to have their picture taken by the local photographer.

She got into her van with the children and was about to leave when she realized her oldest daughter wasn't in the car. She briefly debated whether she should risk going back inside for her daughter and all of them being detained, or leaving with the 7 other children. She went inside and her daughter didn't want to go with her. The daughter said, "something wrong is going on." The young woman grabbed her daughter and pushed her outside and into the van.

The young woman said she realized she had very little gas and was worried about going through town and 3 miles beyond town to meet her brother, but she made it. She and her children are now living in Salt Lake City and are so glad they left.

Today, a Fox reporter was on location near Hildale and reported that a car tried to run the camera crew down.

I saw this too. The dangerous thing about this cult is that they believe their leaders are gods or that they get their "orders" straight from God via a direct pipeline that canot be questioned. Soooo......... he can spout out new beliefs and revelations on a daily basis, and his authority or wisdom is never to be questioned. There is one case regarding the Lafferty brothers, where one of the brothers murdered his sister-in-law AND her BABY, because she was beginning to question the faith. The brother, her husband, gave his consent for the murder, and now they are both in prison. God told them to do it. :sick:

Have a few questions.
I don't know the laws in that state.
Is there a lawyer in the house?
Aren't kids suppost to go to school til 16 or homed schooled?
The government should step in.
Give ALL the kids tests, to see how much they have learned and what grade
they are in?

Also if there not in school or comes to be not even close to the grade there suppost to be in, can't the government go after back moneys paid to the 100's of so called wife's that are getting money from welfare?
Or find some sort of fraud?
All the welfare money has gone into this nasty :sick: persons pocket and not spent on the kids.....
cynder said:
We are hearing a lot about this as the sect is relocating to 1500 remote acres in Texas. On the news last night it showed their new buildings - 11 or so of 2100 + sq feet in size plus a HUGE multi story "temple" three times that size - all completed since January 05. Locals say they are working 20 hours a day but are not buying anything locally and they have no idea how many people are living there presently. Local authorities are using a plane to fly over weekly and take aerial photos so they can follow the building and see how many people are there. The residents now hide from planes flying nearby. The property was bought as a "hunting ranch and retreat" but obviously they intend to move a large number of members there to live permanently. It is all behind locked gates and fences - and no phone on the property except one cell phone. Obviously things are getting too hot in Utah and Arizona for this sect so they are planning to try Texas. I've got news for them, Texas LE isn't going to look the other way, especially if they continue to be reclusive. The Mormons do not hold sway over anything here and Texans do not look kindly upon those who marry sweet young girls their daughter's ages (12, 13, 14) to men in their 40's and 50's who already have 3 or 4 wives. Those locked gates don't mean a damn thing to LE officers with 4WD trucks and gun racks. A chain cutter is standard equipment for LE in W Texas.
Ugh - this whole thing just makes my skin crawl!
I do not know much about Texas but I would not want them living near me.I hope if Texas does end up with this "sect' they keep a close eye on their 'practices'. My main concern is for the children in these enclaves.If nobody gets in how do we know they are o.k?

Jeffs' witnesses include family of reluctant bride
Defense lists dozens of supporters who may testify
By Brooke Adams
The Salt Lake Tribune

Article Last Updated: 09/07/2007 12:56:27 PM MDT
ST. GEORGE -- Attorneys for Warren S. Jeffs have 70 potential witnesses prepared to testify in defense of the polygamous sect leader.
The defense witness list includes the former husband, the mother and other relatives of Jane Doe, the state's key witness in two rape as an accomplice charges against Jeffs.
The charges stem from a spiritual marriage Jeffs conducted in 2001 between Jane Doe, then 14, and her then 19-year-old cousin. She testified in an earlier hearing that she objected numerous times to the union and to having marital relations with her husband.
Jeffs, according to Jane Doe, said her heavenly salvation depended on her doing as told. Jane Doe's former husband has not been charged with any crime.
The state has listed 18 potential witnesses, including Jane Doe, two sisters, a brother and her father.
Much of the defense list is made up of members of Jeffs' sect, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The list reflects the close-knit nature of the community.
There are 22 Barlows and 13 Jessops, common names in the sect's traditional base in Hildale and Colorado City, Ariz.

Jeffs' witnesses include family of reluctant bride
Defense lists dozens of supporters who may testify
By Brooke Adams
The Salt Lake Tribune

Article Last Updated: 09/07/2007 12:56:27 PM MDT
ST. GEORGE -- Attorneys for Warren S. Jeffs have 70 potential witnesses prepared to testify in defense of the polygamous sect leader.
The defense witness list includes the former husband, the mother and other relatives of Jane Doe, the state's key witness in two rape as an accomplice charges against Jeffs.
The charges stem from a spiritual marriage Jeffs conducted in 2001 between Jane Doe, then 14, and her then 19-year-old cousin. She testified in an earlier hearing that she objected numerous times to the union and to having marital relations with her husband.
Jeffs, according to Jane Doe, said her heavenly salvation depended on her doing as told. Jane Doe's former husband has not been charged with any crime.
The state has listed 18 potential witnesses, including Jane Doe, two sisters, a brother and her father.
Much of the defense list is made up of members of Jeffs' sect, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The list reflects the close-knit nature of the community.
There are 22 Barlows and 13 Jessops, common names in the sect's traditional base in Hildale and Colorado City, Ariz

In other words it is going to be like prosecuting a cross between an incest case and a mob case.
Not only the child sex abuse, but what about the young men that are called "the Lost Boys".

It is about bloodly time the Governement did something about this monster walking the earth diisguising himself as a human being.

He is a disgusting human being.

About a half dozen "lost boys" filed suit against Jeffs and the FLDS, saying they were thrown out of the FLDS community to allow older men to have more wives. The suit was partially settled earlier this year, with an agreement for a $250,000 fund to be created for housing assistance, education help and other aid to boys who leave the FLDS.
Have any of you been watching this???!!!

The "husband/rapist" testimony was freaky.

Brainwashed and faking it. I hope the jury will see past it.

I can't believe this is happening in AMERICA! People who are so sheltered and brainwashed they don't even realize their civil rights.

End the tyranny against women and convict this guy already.
I am sooooooooooooooooo happy!!
My husband said he would never be found guilty here in Utah and now I get to tell him he was wrong :)


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