AZ - FLDS leader Warren Jeffs on child sex charges, Colorado City, 2005

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opme said:
I can only hope that a few more of the many many girls that have been married off under similar circumstances come forward so they can continue to add charges and so that they can prosecute him for each and every offense.. though i suspect that many are either too afraid to come forward even now...Does anyone know if he would have to register as a sex offender once convicted of these crimes?

Third amendment on this post. I think I need another latte. The charges are accessory to rape, so yes, probably.
Am I the only one, but are most criminals busted because of bad driving???? They need to form a convict driving school.

It's about time he got busted.
Pepper said:
Even though this post is over a year old, it bears repeating! My husband spent a year living in Mohave Co. AZ and traveled to Colorado City on several occassions. Those people have figured out every conceivable way to avoid paying their fair share of taxes and want the government to support them at every opportunity. They purposefully do not complete construction on their homes so they can avoid higher property taxes. Since their multiple wives are not "legal" spouses, these women bear many children and use the welfare system to support them. IT IS DISGUSTING!

I know some would say they are entitled to practice their brand of religion free from government interference, BUT that would mean that anyone could set up a religion based on pedophilia, or perhaps the "sacrifice" of their first born child based on their "religious" beliefs, totally ignoring the laws of the land that dictate that murder or pedophilia is illegal and punishable under all state and federal laws. So why should these people be exempt?
They shouldn't be exempt. I also am disgusted by their lifestyle and their abuse of every social program (supported by our tax dollars).

What I'm wondering--If Jeffers is just following God's word, why did he run away? Why didn't he stay and fight for what he believed in??
julia said:
Am I the only one, but are most criminals busted because of bad driving???? They need to form a convict driving school.

It's about time he got busted.

I'll bet they had an eye on him. I am so glad!
julia said:
Am I the only one, but are most criminals busted because of bad driving???? They need to form a convict driving school.

It's about time he got busted.
If I heard right, it was something about registration tags.....maybe the cop checked and found out his name, then arrested him....:confused:
julia said:
Am I the only one, but are most criminals busted because of bad driving???? They need to form a convict driving school.

It's about time he got busted.

There was something about a 'temporary plate' being the reason. :doh:

I'm trying to visualize this, can you imagine when the officer realized who he was looking at what must have gone thru his mind?

Then when calling it in, to who he had, what the reaction must have been at headquarters? :woohoo:

Ha not even a bodyguard around! :waitasec: Did they have the night off LOL

Good COP! :blowkiss: for him!
Pharlap said:
If I heard right, it was something about registration tags.....maybe the cop checked and found out his name, then arrested him....:confused:
This cop recognized him right off and asked him if he was in fact Jeff. That is impressive.
Wow, that's great. Las Vegas??? That's an interesting place for him to be picked up. Good for the cop for recogonizing him.
He must of thought he was very safe in Las Vegas.....such a law abidding citizen.......! NOT!!!!!!!! Couldn't of happened to a nicer guy!
Maybe he was going to try to fatten the church coffers by tossing the dice on the craps table.
Wasn't it alleged that Jeffs himself had sexually abused some boys? But that of the boys that came forward, I think the time limits had elapsed? I hope if he abused other children that some of the other parents will come forward now.
Great news...what an idiot! A wanted fugitive, driving around Las Vegas in a red Escalade with temporary tags!! Ya gotta love it! Goes to show you, criminals are stupid and will eventually screw up! :doh:
mysteriew said:
Wasn't it alleged that Jeffs himself had sexually abused some boys? But that of the boys that came forward, I think the time limits had elapsed? I hope if he abused other children that some of the other parents will come forward now.

On one of the news shows featuring him after being put on the top 10 F.B.I. list a nephew of his spoke out about being abused by him at a young age. He is a grown man now. He talked about Jeffs sexually abusing both young girls and boys, a terrible man and I'm so happy he is now locked up!!! Hopefully it will be for the rest of his life. I seriously doubt he will be able to post any bail.

Old Broad said:
On one of the news shows featuring him after being put on the top 10 F.B.I. list a nephew of his spoke out about being abused by him at a young age. He is a grown man now. He talked about Jeffs sexually abusing both young girls and boys, a terrible man and I'm so happy he is now locked up!!! Hopefully it will be for the rest of his life. I seriously doubt he will be able to post any bail.


I was trying to locate the sentence for his charge and couldn't find it in the few minutes I had to search. For the "actor" of the charge, it was only about 10 years. If there are more than one charge, which i believe there were, its still less than 20 years total for the person who did the actual rape. I don't think he'd get even half of that for his part. They've got time to come up with something else - anything else to hold him on that the statute of limitations hasn't already run out on.
I don't believe this man will serve a single day in prison. there are too many people in positions of power to stop that happening, IMO.

Hatch pressed to take stand against polygamy

'I'm not here to justify polygamy,'' he said. ''All I can say is, I know people in Hildale who are polygamists who are very fine people. You come and show me evidence of children being abused there and I'll get involved. Bring the evidence to me.''

Very fine people. indeed. :loser:
:loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser: :loser:

The man is an atrocity...

Floh said:
I don't believe this man will serve a single day in prison. there are too many people in positions of power to stop that happening, IMO.

Hatch pressed to take stand against polygamy

'I'm not here to justify polygamy,'' he said. ''All I can say is, I know people in Hildale who are polygamists who are very fine people. You come and show me evidence of children being abused there and I'll get involved. Bring the evidence to me.''

Very fine people. indeed. :loser: the honorable Mr. Hatch has to see it to believe it, and won't go looking for it....hmmmm...

Wonder if that is still his stance?

And what about the girls that do escape and live to tell the story, or the young boys that are cast aside or the many wives that are living in situations that they did not want but had no choices in life...are they fine people too?
Do they deserve Senator Hatch to look the other way?

Did any of y'all ever watch BIG LOVE on HBO - about a polygamous family? I always felt sorry for that one husband...he looked so tired. Why any man would want to deal with more than one wife is beyond me....:waitasec:
Amraann said:
Aside from the young girl aspect (which I do disagree with and is IMO a seperate issue)

WHy is polygamy illegal? I mean my hubby certainly doesn't want more then one wife... But what does anyone care what 2 or more consenting adults do??

I guess they just circumvene the law by not marrying the other wives?
I am sure they have some ceromony but not a legal one.
The problem with polygamists is that the vst majority can't support their families and turn into welfare sops of the nth magnitude. In countries/cultures where polygamy is allowed its considered a crime to take a wife you can't support.
You don't hear much about polyandry. though--that's when there's one wife and multiple husbands.

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