AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #13

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I am sure that this has been discussed in here but I just have to comment. I was looking through the media thread that is stickied on top of the board and saw this picture in there. I don't know when this was taken but the baby looks drugged up in this picture. It gives me a bad feeling. Any nurses that are on that could give their thoughts? I mean just look at his eyes they don't look like tired eyes to me at all:

I'm a mom and a grandma and a photographer and I don't think anyone could conclude he is drugged by this picture. You get many pics of people with their eyes partially closed. Maybe he is tired, but it could simply be he blinked.
Well if she would have got some audio, maybe we could have picked that apart here for a while. It's not like we can just take TS's word on what she said.

I live in Phoenix. I am SO TEMPTED to go down to the courthouse just to watch the proceedings on Wednesday. Just to absorb aura in the room.

Come on LE, get lucky FCS.

you could go down and report back to us ... :D :cool:
Have we even heard who the lawyer is yet?

Ever since you wrote this, I've been sleuthing. Without much luck albeit but I have not given up yet.

EJ's current court cases are in the Judicial Branch of Arizona. Maricopa County, AZ

All of her cases are criminal court cases.

She has already had an initial appearance on 1/14/10 . On 1/15/10, EJ had to appear for Notice of Supervening Indictment-Party (001) in regard to the charges she is facing.

Unfortunately for us, the court records I have obtained do not provide us much to go on. Wishful thinking...if only she were in Texas.

CR 2010-1017610-001 - In this case, accepted on 1/12/10, it was direct compaint (all by party oo1).

Although I do not have all the court records you desire and I am willing to assist.

How come we haven't heard more about the alleged sightings at Six Flags the same day witnesses alleged to have seen EJ and GJ at the hotel on the 26th? WHO actually saw her Six Flags and why would you take an 8-mth old baby there???? Not like he can actually ride anything. Is it possible he was maybe dropped there somewhere? Either with someone or somewhere around the park where no one would ever find him (garbage dumpster there somewhere if we go with that scenario)?

"Missing baby Gabriel was last seen on December 26. Eyewitnesses saw him with his mother in San Antonio at a hotel and a Six Flags amusement park. On December 27, Ms. Johnson sent a text message to Mr. McQueary saying she had killed their son. She stopped making verbal cell phone calls to Jack and Tammi Smith but she did text a message telling them that she and the baby were fine."
Not if it was a 'soft kill', and if you study filicide, you'll see that it's common for mothers, even in a rage, to kill their children 'softly'.

Even violently, say by shaking him, what signs would there be in the hotel room?

And all that presumes, of course, that she had to have killed him in the hotel room. That's simply not so. There's no reason I can think of she could not have killed him elsewhere. Like a park.

If Gabriel died in that hotel room by any means I would have to believe there would be some forensics there and I certainly hope the room was either sealed or thoroughly checked by now. But you are right that it could have been somewhere else. That's why trying to trace her movements from the time of that photo until the time of that Motel 6 surveillance video are crucial.

I wish we knew positively which Homegate Suites she was staying at because if she had to drive between the two hotels, it is possible that Gabriel was sleeping in the car seat when she arrived at the Quality Inn so she just carried him in that way. If they were right next door to each other she would have just carried him over IMO.
Well if she would have got some audio, maybe we could have picked that apart here for a while. It's not like we can just take TS's word on what she said.

I live in Phoenix. I am SO TEMPTED to go down to the courthouse just to watch the proceedings on Wednesday. Just to absorb aura in the room.

Come on LE, get lucky FCS.

Fwiw, I think her case was moved to the Mesa courthouse. I could be wrong, but I thought that during the bail hearing, the judge said something about moving it to the southeast courts, which I believe is the Mesa Superior court on Javelina.

(Btw, I would go in a heartbeat if I didn't have a broken leg.)
Sorry, time. I meant to bold the part I was referring to, and forgot.

She has not told them as much as she can - she has told them nothing. I'm confident in contending that she knows more than nothing.

Well, I agree I think s he knows more. I think that although she didn't directly tell them, there are the conversations on tape with Tammi and the emails and such. You made me think, I guess this is where the 'couple' thing came from ? At any rate, I agree, she probably hasn't told them any more. My only point is that it is still possible she can't give any more info that will directly point to who Gabriel was handed off to (if he was). Or, she might have some vague physical descriptions of a person or a couple (say she met them very briefly and didn't ever even see their/his/her car). The person or couple could have been disguised also - I know that sounds weird, but if I were doing an illegal adoption, I would certainly do this. I don't even know if a description is of much worth, especially at this point. If he is dead and she did it, then of course, she can tell them where he is.

I hope I am making sense... maybe I just want to think he is alive too much. If he is not with us any more, then where do we turn?

So .... I would imagine that EJ texting Logan that she had killed Gabriel and placed his blue body in the dumpster would be a MAJOR security risk for the underground and ... the police report filed by Logan would pretty much ensure that EJ would be sought and caught. Rut roh!

I guess if EJ was involved with the Underground she did not follow the rules, placed herself in jeopardy as well as Gabriel and, now is on her own.

Exactly! I don't believe this would have gone down as it did if the Underground were involved. These places require quite a bit of manpower/donations/planning and organization.. you can't just walk in one day and say "I'm here". They are not about risk themselves or others that they have helped in such a way...jmo tho fwiw..:)
I'm a mom and a grandma and a photographer and I don't think anyone could conclude he is drugged by this picture. You get many pics of people with their eyes partially closed. Maybe he is tired, but it could simply be he blinked.

I agree, plus when he is awake and not too sleepy in his pictures his eyes are droopy. Tammi made a point of pointing that out
I wish we knew positively which Homegate Suites she was staying at because if she had to drive between the two hotels, it is possible that Gabriel was sleeping in the car seat when she arrived at the Quality Inn so she just carried him in that way. If they were right next door to each other she would have just carried him over IMO.

Okay, now I'm really confused ... did something about the two hotels recently change? In the 1st couple of articles I read about EJ's whereabouts in SA (and on NG I believe too, IIRC), it was stated she stayed in two Homegate Suites hotels. Now we're finding out the car was actually found at the Motel 6 somewhere and she also went to a Quality Inn somewhere??? Does the alleged 2nd Homegates hotel she originally was said to have stayed in not exist then? Do we actually know how many hotels there in fact were before she left SA for good on the bus? I was under the impression it was only two .... both Homegates in different parts of town, one where she used her real ID and the other where she used a fake one. Can anyone yay or nay this?
How come we haven't heard more about the alleged sightings at Six Flags the same day witnesses alleged to have seen EJ and GJ at the hotel on the 26th? WHO actually saw her Six Flags and why would you take an 8-mth old baby there???? Not like he can actually ride anything. Is it possible he was maybe dropped there somewhere? Either with someone or somewhere around the park where no one would ever find him (garbage dumpster there somewhere if we go with that scenario)?

"Missing baby Gabriel was last seen on December 26. Eyewitnesses saw him with his mother in San Antonio at a hotel and a Six Flags amusement park. On December 27, Ms. Johnson sent a text message to Mr. McQueary saying she had killed their son. She stopped making verbal cell phone calls to Jack and Tammi Smith but she did text a message telling them that she and the baby were fine."

I hope no one minds if I quote something I've posted before that is slightly OT. I wanted to mention it because I see so many WSers citing articles from

Afaik, A/C does not verify anything posted on their site. Writers for A/C get paid for their content, so the more page views their stories get, the more money the writer makes. Consequently, some writers (not all) for A/C skimp on the facts and make their articles more tantalizing in order to attract more clicks. (Btw, I don't think it's wrong to get paid for writing online, I just wish sites like A/C and would make this more transparent.)
Johnson did not check into the Motel 6 but could be seen on surveillance video driving into the parking lot of the motel about 11:45 a.m. on Dec. 27, according to Hitu Eatel, manager of the motel.

“She was alone,” Eatel said. “She could be seen walking out of the parking lot about noon.”

Johnson walked toward a bus station across the street, Eatel said.
I hope no one minds if I quote something I've posted before that is slightly OT. I wanted to mention it because I see so many WSers citing articles from

Afaik, A/C does not verify anything posted on their site. Writers for A/C get paid for their content, so the more page views their stories get, the more money the writer makes. Consequently, some writers (not all) for A/C skimp on the facts and make their articles more tantalizing in order to attract more clicks. (Btw, I don't think it's wrong to get paid for writing online, I just wish sites like A/C and would make this more transparent.)

Yes, but it appears the regular new sources don't do such a great job either! I think we just have to take any reporting with a grain of salt. And, now I'm suspect of anything Nancy Grace says or Yami says. they get paid for writing also!
Okay, now I'm really confused ... did something about the two hotels recently change? In the 1st couple of articles I read about EJ's whereabouts in SA (and on NG I believe too, IIRC), it was stated she stayed in two Homegate Suites hotels. Now we're finding out the car was actually found at the Motel 6 somewhere and she also went to a Quality Inn somewhere??? Does the alleged 2nd Homegates hotel she originally was said to have stayed in not exist then? Do we actually know how many hotels there in fact were before she left SA for good on the bus? I was under the impression it was only two .... both Homegates in different parts of town, one where she used her real ID and the other where she used a fake one. Can anyone yay or nay this?

She stayed at only one of the two Homegate Suites for most of the week (we just don't have definite confirmation which one) and checked into the Quality Inn Fiesta Park on December 26th. She left her car only in the parking lot of the Motel 6 which was across the street from the bus station. She did this on December 27th.

Does anyone live in the area and feel like calling the Homegates? Wonder if they would even tell us. :waitasec:
I am sure that this has been discussed in here but I just have to comment. I was looking through the media thread that is stickied on top of the board and saw this picture in there. I don't know when this was taken but the baby looks drugged up in this picture. It gives me a bad feeling. Any nurses that are on that could give their thoughts? I mean just look at his eyes they don't look like tired eyes to me at all:


He also expressed worry about a photo taken of Gabriel while he was in Texas. In the photo, he appears drowsy and is holding a bottle of prescription medication. McQueary says Gabriel wasn't on any medication.

What Logan said in his presser today:

"When I saw that picture I started crying. Even when he is tired he never looked like that before," he said.

A babysitter recently came forward saying that Johnson asked her to give Gabriel the pills to "shut him up." McQueary says Johnson would complain often about Gabriel's crying.

"She didn't want to listen to him cry. She always told me to shut him up and put him in his crib and I just played with him," recalled McQueary.

At a press conference Monday, McQueary told FOX 10 that Johnson had a tendency to go into uncontrollable rages. He is certain she is capable of killing a baby,
Yes, but it appears the regular new sources don't do such a great job either! I think we just have to take any reporting with a grain of salt. And, now I'm suspect of anything Nancy Grace says or Yami says. they get paid for writing also!

I don't want to get too O/T, but I believe there's a difference between journalists and contributors to A/C or similar sites. Paid journalists (supposedly) have to get their facts verified or they can face lawsuits. Also, they (supposedly) have bosses that can check their work.

However, at A/C or other sites, there is no verification. None. A contributor could make up the most salacious piece of fiction and post it on A/C without repercussions. Granted, it will be removed if enough people complain, but in the meantime, the story has become "fact" and has traveled the entire internet and is cited by many as total truth.

I don't have any problems with people making money from A/C, I've written a piece or two for them. But I do have a problem with A/C's transparency and lack of vetting.

Btw, ita with you about Nancy Grace and am not too sure about Yammi right now.
I am sure that this has been discussed in here but I just have to comment. I was looking through the media thread that is stickied on top of the board and saw this picture in there. I don't know when this was taken but the baby looks drugged up in this picture. It gives me a bad feeling. Any nurses that are on that could give their thoughts? I mean just look at his eyes they don't look like tired eyes to me at all:


I see nothing but a drugged baby. Not sleepy, not tired....drugged. When I first saw those pics, all I could do is cry. I think she took these vile, horrible, cruel pics to haunt Logan. I figure she OD'd Gabriel, put a pillow over his face and that was that. May she burn in hell.
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