AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #14

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Must be a quiet news day so everyone is focusing on disassembling every other innocent player involved in this case -- because they are guilty of coming forward to help or provide info. :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:

If it was me, I'd take the 5th and refuse to get involved. :truce:
Remember, folks, no posting of links to minors' social networking sites/pages. And do not discuss stuff from those pages since you'd have to provide a link and you may not do that.


This had me confused as well, which is why I'm holding out hope he is alive and with another family. If something did happen to Gabe, I think it was an accident - probably OD. I just can't see her getting a sitter for a child she'd been considering "doing away with".

We can hope . . . .

My opinion on where she was going, though -- and JMO -- prostituting? The sitter said it was the middle of the day and she left looking like she was going partying. Could explain why she was irritated and stressed before she left (nerves?) and happy when she came back (money?). She did have to be getting money from somewhere and she could've easily found some creep on Craigslist and then popped in to find a sitter.

People on the radio show last week talked about how a black market baby could fetch up to $40,000. I can't see her going out hooking for $20-$50. The way she dressed doesn't seem unusual for a girl her age. That is how my teen age daughter dresses every day, my 22 year old too, when she isn't pregnant. I do think she may have had some kind of meeting about finding a place for Gabriel to go. I have said before, she had some reason for going to San Antonio, she didn't just arrive there randomly. TPS may or may not have set it up. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. I am hoping that is why anyway because Gabriel would still be alive.
What does this commentator mean by this?

snipped & bbm~
I mean really, at this point, I would seriously have to question the validity of everything that the babysitter has said on Nancy Grace. Every room at the motel that Tot Mom was staying at had a built in small kitchen of which Analisa has said virtually nothing about even though we have been led to believe that she actually had to prepare one bottle of baby formula from scratch.

I don't get it, she said she fixed a bottle, so she has said virtually nothing about that leading us to believe that she actually had to prepare one bottle of baby formula from scratch...Huh?..what does from scratch mean, you put the liquid formula in the bottle or you put the powdered formula in, add water and mix.

Sounds to me like this commentator is doing nothing but trying to
sensationalize this case even more for their own personal benefit..jmho tho..fwiw..

In the meantime, Elizabeth, where is your son Gabriel? :furious:

Well I was kinda thinking the same thing. This is a room with a food was stored and prepared there, right? Ooooooo, there was a butcher knife in the room. Yeah, so what! Yet the babysitter pointed it out. NG asked about a sterilizer, and Analisa said there wasn't one. Okay, again, no biggie. She never mentioned the kitchen area at all, or what was in in, like food etc, if it was clean or not. She seems to have noticed nothing at all about the kitchen.

Given that she described the rest of the room and what she saw there, why not mention the kitchen. She did have to prepare a bottle, and indicated it was powdered formula, so she had to go into the kitchen area to get water for it. Were there maybe other bottles in the sink, dirty, clean? Did she look in the cabinets for other baby food? What about in the fridge?

Just seems odd she wouldn't mention the kitchen at all.
I have zero tolerance for the posting of phone numbers of innocent people.

Please be more careful, peeps.

This is a TOS violation of the utmost seriousness.


People on the radio show last week talked about how a black market baby could fetch up to $40,000. I can't see her going out hooking for $20-$50. The way she dressed doesn't seem unusual for a girl her age. That is how my teen age daughter dresses every day, my 22 year old too, when she isn't pregnant. I do think she may have had some kind of meeting about finding a place for Gabriel to go. I have said before, she had some reason for going to San Antonio, she didn't just arrive there randomly. TPS may or may not have set it up. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. I am hoping that is why anyway because Gabriel would still be alive.

All very good points! I was just trying to think of where she'd be going that she couldn't take Gabe -- but if she did go to meet with the people likely taking him, maybe she just didn't want to take him until she got all the technicalities figured out. And by technicalities, I mean having at least half the money in hand before providing Gabe . . . .

ETA: Maybe she told LM he was dead thinking he would back off looking for him? Maybe she thought she could just keep running long enough that everyone would stop looking for her - or was in the process of changing her identity
This is a message from Logan's Bring Home Gabriel page:

Logan McQueary January 20 at 5:32pm Reply
The McQueary Family would like to invite the public to a Candlelight Vigil in Honor of Gabriel Johnson at Chaparral Park at 5401 N. Hayden rd in scottsdale at the south soccer field on Sunday January 24th at 6:00 pm. Thank you to each and every one of you for all your thoughts and prayers. We are gathering for Gabriels safe return. Thank you Please repost

I hope I can post this being that is is from his site and it is to help out. If not, I will remove ASAP!!!
Taminator, I didn't notice your same post. I'm sorry
All very good points! I was just trying to think of where she'd be going that she couldn't take Gabe -- but if she did go to meet with the people likely taking him, maybe she just didn't want to take him until she got all the technicalities figured out. And by technicalities, I mean having at least half the money in hand before providing Gabe . . . .

ETA: Maybe she told LM he was dead thinking he would back off looking for him? Maybe she thought she could just keep running long enough that everyone would stop looking for her - or was in the process of changing her identity

I think her text that Gabriel was dead what her rage taking over. If she had not told LM that this probably would not be the national story that it is and no one would be looking for him. This wasn't in her plans.
This is a message from Logan's Bring Home Gabriel page:

Logan McQueary January 20 at 5:32pm Reply
The McQueary Family would like to invite the public to a Candlelight Vigil in Honor of Gabriel Johnson at Chaparral Park at 5401 N. Hayden rd in scottsdale at the south soccer field on Sunday January 24th at 6:00 pm. Thank you to each and every one of you for all your thoughts and prayers. We are gathering for Gabriels safe return. Thank you Please repost

I hope I can post this being that is is from his site and it is to help out. If not, I will remove ASAP!!!

I really hope someone doesn't decide to show up & make it into a media spectacle. I really, really hope she doesn't even entertain the thought of attending or sending someone to 'represent' her.

This is where I get confused. If Tammi was setting this up to get Gabriel herself, by sending EJ off to SA to wait it out, while trying to get Logan to sign papers, then what was all the comments from Tammi about "pray for Logan & his mommy" & her having formula & diapers from an underground service? How was that suppose to cover Tammi's tracks, if that's what she was doing? I understand Tammi stated the "underground" meant a shelter for abused women, etc...I keep getting confused around the time this plan may have failed.

where was EJ from Dec 18th until Dec 20-21 when she hired the babysitter?

This goes along with a theory I posted a couple of threads ago. TPS and JS IMHO, broker illegal adoptions. TPS and JS were never going to be the adoptive parents. The intent all along was for them to make their fee to broker an illegal adoption. There are many people so desperate to have a child, and among those are many who can afford an exhorbitant fee even if the adoption is "black market." TPS placing her cousin's name on the birth certificate EJ filed was done after Logan refused to sign papers waiving his rights and giving TPS guardianship. Then,once his named was filed on the birth certificate EJ filed TPS could then have his signature (or the signature forged by TPS) on the paper waiving parental rights and granting guardianship to TPS.

The room in TPS' house with a crib,etc that she called Gabriel's room, could be used to temporarily keep the babies until the new adoptive parents come to get them and pay their fee for the black market illegal adoption. Againm that is MOO. The main intent of TPS was to broker the adoption and get her fee - in my theory and MOO. There could be two endings to this theory - the first ending is that the adoption went as planned, and TPS is acting like the hurt propsective adoptive mother who was duped by EJ to try and fool LE into believing she had no involvement in baby Gabriel's disappearance. The second possible ending in my theory is that something went wrong - EJ snapped and killed the baby, or he died from an accidental overdose, or something similar. TPS gets stood up because there is no baby for the illegal adoption she has arranged. This angers TPS, and scares her that all of the attention on Baby Gabriel will only cause LE to look even more closely at her and her husband. So TPS and JS go on NG show, and cry about how much they loved that baby, were going to adopt him, here is the room in my house, etc. etc. Boo-hoo for TPS and JS - victims of manipulative EJ, or so they want the general public and LE to believe. Which ending has really occurred remains to be seen. I fear Baby Gabriel is no longer with us, but pray that he will be found safe. As for TPS and JS I still theorize their involvement is far deeper than we know, but LE is onto them, and is looking at them with great scrutiny, as should be. All of this is JMHO.
This goes along with a theory I posted a couple of threads ago. TPS and JS IMHO, broker illegal adoptions. TPS and JS were never going to be the adoptive parents. The intent all along was for them to make their fee to broker an illegal adoption. There are many people so desperate to have a child, and among those are many who can afford an exhorbitant fee even if the adoption is "black market." TPS placing her cousin's name on the birth certificate EJ filed was done after Logan refused to sign papers waiving his rights and giving TPS guardianship. Then,once his named was filed on the birth certificate EJ filed TPS could then have his signature (or the signature forged by TPS) on the paper waiving parental rights and granting guardianship to TPS.

The room in TPS' house with a crib,etc that she called Gabriel's room, could be used to temporarily keep the babies until the new adoptive parents come to get them and pay their fee for the black market illegal adoption. Againm that is MOO. The main intent of TPS was to broker the adoption and get her fee - in my theory and MOO. There could be two endings to this theory - the first ending is that the adoption went as planned, and TPS is acting like the hurt propsective adoptive mother who was duped by EJ to try and fool LE into believing she had no involvement in baby Gabriel's disappearance. The second possible ending in my theory is that something went wrong - EJ snapped and killed the baby, or he died from an accidental overdose, or something similar. TPS gets stood up because there is no baby for the illegal adoption she has arranged. This angers TPS, and scares her that all of the attention on Baby Gabriel will only cause LE to look even more closely at her and her husband. So TPS and JS go on NG show, and cry about how much they loved that baby, were going to adopt him, here is the room in my house, etc. etc. Boo-hoo for TPS and JS - victims of manipulative EJ, or so they want the general public and LE to believe. Which ending has really occurred remains to be seen. I fear Baby Gabriel is no longer with us, but pray that he will be found safe. As for TPS and JS I still theorize their involvement is far deeper than we know, but LE is onto them, and is looking at them with great scrutiny, as should be. All of this is JMHO.


Plausible theory.
Please continue here: [ame=""]AZ-Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, missing since 12-26-09 thread #15 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Thought I would start this now, while things are kinda quiet and before NG is on :)

This goes along with a theory I posted a couple of threads ago. TPS and JS IMHO, broker illegal adoptions. TPS and JS were never going to be the adoptive parents. The intent all along was for them to make their fee to broker an illegal adoption. There are many people so desperate to have a child, and among those are many who can afford an exhorbitant fee even if the adoption is "black market." TPS placing her cousin's name on the birth certificate EJ filed was done after Logan refused to sign papers waiving his rights and giving TPS guardianship. Then,once his named was filed on the birth certificate EJ filed TPS could then have his signature (or the signature forged by TPS) on the paper waiving parental rights and granting guardianship to TPS.

The room in TPS' house with a crib,etc that she called Gabriel's room, could be used to temporarily keep the babies until the new adoptive parents come to get them and pay their fee for the black market illegal adoption. Againm that is MOO. The main intent of TPS was to broker the adoption and get her fee - in my theory and MOO. There could be two endings to this theory - the first ending is that the adoption went as planned, and TPS is acting like the hurt propsective adoptive mother who was duped by EJ to try and fool LE into believing she had no involvement in baby Gabriel's disappearance. The second possible ending in my theory is that something went wrong - EJ snapped and killed the baby, or he died from an accidental overdose, or something similar. TPS gets stood up because there is no baby for the illegal adoption she has arranged. This angers TPS, and scares her that all of the attention on Baby Gabriel will only cause LE to look even more closely at her and her husband. So TPS and JS go on NG show, and cry about how much they loved that baby, were going to adopt him, here is the room in my house, etc. etc. Boo-hoo for TPS and JS - victims of manipulative EJ, or so they want the general public and LE to believe. Which ending has really occurred remains to be seen. I fear Baby Gabriel is no longer with us, but pray that he will be found safe. As for TPS and JS I still theorize their involvement is far deeper than we know, but LE is onto them, and is looking at them with great scrutiny, as should be. All of this is JMHO.

Doesn't seem to me they would have the new babies spend much time with H, if that were the case. They wouldn't want her getting attached.
This is a message from Logan's Bring Home Gabriel page:

Logan McQueary January 20 at 5:32pm Reply
The McQueary Family would like to invite the public to a Candlelight Vigil in Honor of Gabriel Johnson at Chaparral Park at 5401 N. Hayden rd in scottsdale at the south soccer field on Sunday January 24th at 6:00 pm. Thank you to each and every one of you for all your thoughts and prayers. We are gathering for Gabriels safe return. Thank you Please repost

I hope I can post this being that is is from his site and it is to help out. If not, I will remove ASAP!!!
Taminator, I didn't notice your same post. I'm sorry

No worries, I'm glad you posted the wording. Thank you ! The more people that spread the word, the better!!
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