AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #2

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R: Does it sound normal in your mind for a mom to hand over their baby to people that they don't know just because they were...

E: They're not... because I did it before and noone had a problem with it. Everyone commended me and thought I did such a great thing.

ummmm...... hmmmmmmmm.....

Did Elizabeth have any previous babies?

Just askin'

I think she means that she had previously given Gabe to the Smiths. JMO.
R: Does it sound normal in your mind for a mom to hand over their baby to people that they don't know just because they were...

E: They're not... because I did it before and noone had a problem with it. Everyone commended me and thought I did such a great thing.

ummmm...... hmmmmmmmm.....

Did Elizabeth have any previous babies?

Just askin'

She was talking about the first time she gave Gabriel away, to the Smiths. I am sure they showered her with praise for being a good mother, because she chose them to be the adoptive parents.
I really think the reason that the Smiths are going on all these shows and putting themselves out there so publicly is because they think that some poor girl will look at them and see how "wonderful" they have been with baby Gabriel and give them a baby. I think they are just networking so they can obtain a baby. I have no idea why TPS is so baby hungry (I am 52 and done with diapers) but she definately has a problem and her motives aren't pure. She either thinks she can somehow get Gabriel back or some other baby through this.

Some people have an almost pathological need to have a baby. If they didn't try to get one this way, who knows what they might try if the surrogacy avenues fall through. I'm not saying she's at the level of one of those women who rip a baby straight from the womb, but there's something very scary/sad about people who can't have a baby yet don't seem content to go through the traditional, safe avenues. Probably because the "safe" avenues can be incredibly time-intensive and I think a lot of these babynappers have little impulse control anyway. I'm not a paranoid person by nature, but stories in the media have me wary of how much information I share when I try to buy baby stuff on Craigslist, etc. I'm vague about my due date, all that. We don't do birth announcements in the paper and forget about those stork signs in the yard.

Anyway, in some way I feel for the Smiths. Don't get me wrong; I think they're likely whackjobs, or she is, but the desperation some infertile couples feel is just so heartwrenching. I'm not positive she approached EJ and was all "Let me take your baby." I think EJ probably gave her a big sob story and TS allowed herself to hope. The brief stint they had little Gabriel in Dec probably awakened something huge in her.

I think she's exploiting the situation now, but I can't feel a whole lot of hostility toward them. If it turns out they're actively trying to keep LE from Gabriel, then they should be arrested. If it's true that they're trying to blackmail Logan into signing termination papers, then they should feel incredible guilt. All I'm saying is that I get where this started, and I feel more anger toward EJ for exploiting their desperation more than I feel anger for them.

Either way, I hope Gabriel is safe and back with daddy soon.
I think the Smiths are up to their eyeballs in having a hand in this. I don't have proof, just going by a feeling, after watching them in interviews and about the things they have reportedly said to Logan about signing the papers after the baby went missing.

For so-called "adoptive" parents, they don't seem highly upset that EJ has supposedly duped them and given the baby to someone else. They have supposedly spent time with the baby, so they should have some sense of bonding with him... it would kill me if I had bonded with a baby and then the mother selfishly took the baby and gave it to some stranger.
Thank you for replying to this, NMK.

This just doesn't make sense to me (none of it does, actually) but, why would she abandon her car like that? Why was she trying so hard to disappear?

I have a 24 year old daughter, and can tell you that is the last possession she would probably give up willingly! When you are in your early 20's, your car is not usually just your form of transportation, it is your very vessel of freedom.

I wonder if it was out of gas? Do we even know what make/model/year it is?

Why travel to a youth hostel, by Greyhound bus, when you have a car?
I don't get it. With the money it costs to buy a Greyhound bus ticket, you could put gas in your car!

Adding to the confusion about the bus and the abandoned car, the car was left near a Tornado Bus Lines Station. Not Greyhound. Tornado is a Spanish firm and I would imagine they specialize in trips across the border. Looking at the station on Google Maps, it just looks like a parking lot in the middle of nowhere with a couple of run down buildings. I don't imagine they have hourly runs to Miami there and I haven't been able to find any schedule online anywhere. So how did she know there would be a bus to Miami there when she went? Had she already checked it out? Was she even supposed to go to Miami? It seems as though LE were tipped off about this bus trip long before they found the car so I would assume someone from the company contacted them. She's got pretty distinguishing features.
I think she was taking a page out of the Casey Anthony book. The similarities in the cases are pretty significant.

Scary isn't it. I wonder if she left the keys inside, doors unlocked, in hope that someone would steal it. Eerily similar if you ask me.

This leads me to believe, as was mentioned by momtective above, that the person that has the baby is using an attorney to contact LE and see exactly what will happen, if they can keep the baby, if they face charges, etc., etc.

I'm praying that this is happening. I pray little Gabe is still alive and will be found but I do have doubts. :(


Oh, that's what I'm praying for too. It would make sense for the Texas couple to lawyer up for fear of kidnapping charges.

Carbajal said, "We are getting information that Gabriel is alive but, I can't go any further and jeopardize our investigation."

Keeping fingers crossed!

I think the Smiths are up to their eyeballs in having a hand in this. I don't have proof, just going by a feeling, after watching them in interviews and about the things they have reportedly said to Logan about signing the papers after the baby went missing.

For so-called "adoptive" parents, they don't seem highly upset that EJ has supposedly duped them and given the baby to someone else. They have supposedly spent time with the baby, so they should have some sense of bonding with him... it would kill me if I had bonded with a baby and then the mother selfishly took the baby and gave it to some stranger.

Just my personal opinion - they freak me out. Who does that? Here, we'll adopt your baby! They have to know they need a family attorney and what not to make it legal. After watching some of their interviews, it was almost as if they stalked bio-mom.

Again, just MO.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I really want more info on her bio parents, and why she was put into foster care, and where her bio family is now, and when was the last time she had any contact with them...

I can't find any info on this when I try and google it. (I'm getting so frushtrated, I can't swallow)!
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned - I am still catching up.

During the 1/6 interview on GMA, TPS said that EJ told them she does not know anything about the couple other than caucasian, young, woman named Cheryl. That she did not want to remember anything because it might have led her to change her mind.

Then TPS said that EJ asked her to send along a message to Logan - "If he will sign the papers, I will bring the baby back."

Okay, did I hear that right? If EJ knows nothing else about the couple she gave the baby to - then how is she going to magically remember details that help her contact them and get Gabriel back, once he signs his rights away?

Did any interviewers or media catch that and follow up on it?
I think they should make sure Gabriel isn't in a box under Tammi's bed. (Oh wait, that was the Shannon Dedrick case).
I swear, if you were to make this stuff up, no one would believe you!
If it it turns out to be true she did stay at two hotels....I really cannot fathom where she got all this money from then. Selling her dogs and whatever other crock o' story they tried to tell isn't cutting it for me. She had to have a nice chunk of change to make this trip with all that was involved.

I doubt that she stayed at both hotels, although both hotels were involved because the adoptive couple stayed at one of them and she stayed at the other. jmo
So EJ left on the 18th and arrived in San Antonio on the 20th where she apparently had reservations from the 20th to the 27th. So where did she stay on the trip there? Other hotel/motels? Slept in car? Did she also have reservations for a rest stop motel on the way there? What about on the way back?

She obviously knew if she reserved from Dec 20-27th that she was going to be skipping that custody hearing.

I still say this whole thing revolves around that. After reading TPS' "history" on her blog and the fact that she lost custody of her own children to her ex-husband, she must have believed that EJ would too considering everything she had going against her. And she must have convinced her to run rather than face that hearing. Now did she help her or was it all EJ's doing? Was there a plan in place and did EJ screw it up? So many questions and so little answers.
Perhaps we are looking at Postpartum Depression? She didn't want anything to do with her baby. Old Daddy seems to have known she wanted nothing to do with the baby and wanted to give him up....Yet, he left her alone with his son day after day.....

Why is everyone so willing to give him a free pass?

The father came from a somewhat rough past and, it appears to me, was getting his life together. It looks like the birth of his son helped him get even more serious about life.
Logan is a young man who probably felt, like many young dads I have come across as a family law attorney, that he had little rights and that there would be a bias in the court system in favor of the mother. I can't tell you how many men think that and believe they will never be granted sole custody.
But, Logan seemed to do the best he could to protect his son. First, it appears he called CPS and reported neglect on the part of EJ. That's why there is a CPS investigation going on. Second, he called the police when she trashed the apartment and said he feared for his safety and that of his son. Third, he requested a restraining order against her. I think it was granted temporarily. But, he said he dropped it to reunite with EJ, solely, according to him SO HE COULD BE WITH AND WATCH OVER HIS SON. From a legal perspective, all of this makes perfect sense to me so far. Likely, the baby was not included in any restraining order, so, to protect the child, he felt he had to drop the request. Fourth, he sought custody in the courts on a few occasions. He was granted joint custody before this happened. If he was so terrible, that would not have happened. Finally, he persisted in his quest for custody. The next hearing was on the 28th. She ran before then. Why? Likely because she knew he would be granted more custody. If he was a bad dad, it is unlikely that he would have. But, she apparently felt he was going to be given more custody. And he was. He got sole custody when she failed to show up.
This young man seemed to try via various avenues to protect his son. My question is why aren't most people giving him a break? He's a young man. He's not one of us (meaning a committed advocate for victim's rights, knowledgeable, etc). He just got his life together. He likely did not know that he could call CPS for something like EJ leaving the baby in the crib all day. He thought he was doing what he could by working hard to support his little family. He hoped for the best each day when he came home and he, according to his statements, would grab up little Gabriel, love him up, play with him and take care of all his needs while EJ yelled to "shut that thing up." I feel sorry for Logan. I think he tried as hard as he could.

It seems to me that the grandfather didn't care about the welfare of his own grandchild...Why would he care about her baby???

Here's another one that I don't condemn too much. Not like Logan, but not evil, in my book. This man probably did not have the wherewithall or capacity to care for EJ when she was in foster care all those years. He likely had no rights to EJ when she was a child. Did not have the situation that CPS would deems suitable.
He seems like just an average joe, not heroic, feeling bad about the mess but not feeling strong enough to do much about it. He did appear to try to help somewhat, however, by taking EJ and the baby in and lending her his car, etc.. Also, while he did say she was not into the child and a bit unstable, I did NOT hear him say that she was outwardly abusing or neglecting the child. He probably just hoped for the best and did what he thought he could.

We need much more education in this country about what we can and SHOULD do to help children in need. We also need more of an emphasis on one's obligations to try to care for the children around us. Too many people think someone else will handle it, or that it's just the way things are. That's a shame. We all need to be involved when we see a child at risk.

Finally, regarding TPS and company, I still think she may be in on it. There is no mystery adoptive couple. If anything, it is someone TPS knows hiding the baby for her. By now, the whole country is aware of this case and it would be hard to hide a new addition to the family. Few would even want to do that, keep a baby illegally, that is. But, TPS would and I just know that LE is watching her and her husband carefully, tracking them, their calls, their statements and movements. I see TPS as the type to prey on the unstable, the young, bad mothers like EJ, etc, so she can satisfy a need to "rescue" a baby and prove she is a hero.

LE did not just say they are "optimistic" that Gabriel is alive. They said that they have indications that the baby is alive but do not want to reveal those indications. I think those indications have a lot to do with TPS and her husband. I hope they are hiding the baby. Because if not, he is likely not alive.
Well, if Cindy has Gabriel hidden away in Caylee's room I wouldn't be that surprised. Maybe DCF should do another check on the situation.
IMO EJ is a nut job. I think she killed her baby. I hope i'm wrong, but her story seems a bit off, well a lot off.

I dont understand for the life of me why people have babies that they don't want or can't take care of. If EJ didnt want her baby then have an abortion or give it up for adoption legally or here's an idea, give it to the father. Why couldnt she do that? If he was unfit, take it to the courts. Our better yet, use birth control...

And the Smiths are loons too. Who defends someone they've been knowing for like 3-7 months? riiiiight. Why? They arent related to her, not her BFF, so why just take her word for it? Just crazy!

And who in their right mind is gonna threaten to kill a baby??!?! I wouldnt threaten anyone with killing their pet much less their own kid, just cause you are angry at them? Does that sound normal to anyone???
OK, there is a pic on TPS FB album that as Gabriel and H***** with the caption of "Daddy...we love you" Now, if they were just "babysitting" why would this say "Daddy WE love you!?" There is no doubt in my mind that TPS knows where little Gabriel is!
Well, if Cindy has Gabriel hidden away in Caylee's room I wouldn't be that surprised. Maybe DCF should do another check on the situation.

Hilarious! And frighteningly, not out of the realm of possibility.
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