AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #4

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Didn't I read in one of these threads that Logan actually got something from CPS stating that EJ was charging him with abandonment?

Yep, and I bet she was COACHED to do that, too. Her own grandfather reported it from conversation with her before she took off. Had to of gotten that from those doggone sweet and ever-s0-helpful Smiths. Dontcha just luv em?

Wonder if an abandonment charge was ever brought against Tammi herself during that long 5 year period after she moved away from her children? More and more I see some serious signs of this woman manipulating other's lives to try to make her own past something other than what it was.
I am guessing she is like most people who have all their phone numbers programmed into their phone and doesn't remember them. She was without her cell phone at this point and even if she had it she probably only had Tammi's cell number, which you can't call collect to as far as I know. My question is why would she want to talk to Tammi first thing if she is in jail? Why would she think Tammi would care or help at that time?

Because Jail wasn't in the script.....she was supposed to disappear! Not get caught.

Hmmmmmm airplane landing in Victoria?????!!!!! that works for me!
I am guessing she is like most people who have all their phone numbers programmed into their phone and doesn't remember them. She was without her cell phone at this point and even if she had it she probably only had Tammi's cell number, which you can't call collect to as far as I know. My question is why would she want to talk to Tammi first thing if she is in jail? Why would she think Tammi would care or help at that time?

At the end of that phone interview, EJ sounds dumb founded... Tammi is saying in a way that makes it sound like EJ is going to hand over info "Is there anything you want to tell me before the time runs out (paraphrased)"... and EJ sounds kind of dumbfounded, lost, and says "No, I just wanted to know how things were going"... Very odd. The way Tammi says it sounded very staged to me, again, 'for the camera' (but audio in this case)
My bold

A puppet without his or her puppet master, is a limp dummy, in my opinion.

I just bet Ms Tammie is squirming because she isn't sure what's up inside with EJ. She should be worried. I'm thinking she should be getting very nervous about now.... this is not turning out to be such the party for EJ and she has quite the temper and is verrrrrrrrrrry vindictive.
My question is why would she want to talk to Tammi first thing if she is in jail? Why would she think Tammi would care or help at that time?

My guess would be that Tammi had coached her to the nth degree every step of the way and she needed to know what to do next. I would also bet that Tammi's injection of the word "murder" when Jack was telling her she'd be held on charges was Tammi's way of letting her know she was PO'd at Eliz. going off script and she'd pay for that one!

I read into that one word "you idiot, now you're gonna be held for MURDER when, if you'd only done what we TOLD you to do, you'd have been fine".

That Tammi Faye, she's a sweetheart, eh?
...I don't know,I'm still very much afraid Gabriel might be dead.I think Tammi and Jack did set it up at first for Ej to go to San Antonio but Ej's temper might have gotten out of control while there,I hope would not explain the lack of concern T & J are showing for Gabriel,but they're strange people,the celebrity status they've gained may make up for the loss of Gabriel in their minds...I hope,hope,hope that's not the case but otherwise i think EJ would have talked by now or the people that have Gabriel would have returned him by now,considering that this case is news nationwide...
At the end of that phone interview, EJ sounds dumb founded... Tammi is saying in a way that makes it sound like EJ is going to hand over info "Is there anything you want to tell me before the time runs out (paraphrased)"... and EJ sounds kind of dumbfounded, lost, and says "No, I just wanted to know how things were going"... Very odd. The way Tammi says it sounded very staged to me, again, 'for the camera' (but audio in this case)

the ENTIRE thing seemed staged to me and scripted!

CYA mode all the way IMO
Well, her FB list of "friends" shows her obvious obsession with "pop" status. Appearances are sooo much more important to her than substance. Just look at her own mess of a life and then the "appearance" of such "christianity".

I bet she is deep deep DEEPLY in denial right now, not ready to admit her made-up world is collapsing, so she's doing the dance of "stardom".

My bet is also that we will see her spiral into true madness amidst a media circus as this tragedy plays out.

How DARE she blame a young father when its so obvious to the world that the mother is mentally ill? Does she not realize that we see the same thing in HER also, and that her "aid" to Elizabeth is a thinly concealed defense of her own illness?

No, Tammi, you cannot make this work out any better than the mess you made of your own past. No amount of colonics, makeup, and sweet-talking will ever do that. Time to get yourself some serious mental healthcare.

excellent post! I particularly like the paragraph I bolded
But....then how did she get hold of them at all? All jail calls are collect. Cell phones don't take collect calls.


Just one easy answer. That's all I want.

It was collect or something - at the end of the call you start hearing the jail come on and tell them their minutes are up. I think for some you purchase minutes ahead of time. I don't know if that's what they did. then the person in jail calls you collect or sort of.
Originally Posted by LadyL
"Somebody told me today that doing colonics is GROSS!!! I said that not doing colonics is GROSS!!! Why would you want "OLD POOP" inside of you, putrifying and creating MOLD for all your other organs to suck up and enjoy! And remember, your SKIN is an organ too....GRRRR-OOSS!!!!!!!!!"

um, most of us go to the dr. if we have "old poop" stuck inside of us ... just sayin' ...

Or take ExLax!

The phrase, "Stay on Topic" was created for this exact exchange. :slap::crazy:
on her sons wall (LOL'd)

[Named left out but is a family member] it would be nice if you kept our personal life from the rest of the world. she can flaunt herself to everyone. we dont need this. we are better than that.

that's rather ironic, considering she posted that on his public wall - she could've emailed or called him privately about it

anyway, not here to attack the kids ... can't imagine being thrown into the position they're in right now ... and it's not likely their bio-momster will ever claim any responsibility for her role in their 'public' outing
From the article that Mysticrose posted.

Since then, Bob has heard from his granddaughter twice. First, she called to ask for Tammi Smith's home phone number to call her collect from jail. In the second conversation, which was recorded by a local television station, Elizabeth said she had not killed her baby but had given him to a couple in a San Antonio park.

Why would she have to ask for Tammi's home number if the Smith's set this up?

I am back to Square Una.

Because she didn't have her cell phone with her? Lots of folks don't remember numbers anymore because you can store them in the phone.

Does anyone know who she sold the dogs to? Where she sold the dogs? Also does that park have surveillance? I'm just trying to figure this whole thing out. Another person giving their baby away in a park. deja vu

LAst I knew, know one knew who she sold them to. I thought at one point I heard she sold them to the Smith's but I never heard anyone else confirm that when it came back up. Wonder if she sold them to someone on craigslist and if those dogs actually belonged to both her and him?
...I don't know,I'm still very much afraid Gabriel might be dead............. i think EJ would have talked by now or the people that have Gabriel would have returned him by now,considering that this case is news nationwide...

I think the fact that EJ hasn't talked yet might be because the whole scheme was designed and scripted by the Smiths and she was coached to not say anything if she did get caught, or at least until she talked to them for the "next step". The Smiths certainly show no sign of seriously telling EJ to come clean and tell everything she knows. And now they seem to be orchestrating things as though THEY are in charge, hahaha.

If the people that were arranged to take him left via a private plane and flew to take a vacation in Mexico, they may have no idea what is going on here. EJ may have no idea who they are, and Tammi is still trying to figure out how to make this come out right with HER looking like the good guy! Har Har. Her denial is being stoked in her own mind by the celebrity status she thinks she's obtained. Very very sad state.
...I don't know,I'm still very much afraid Gabriel might be dead.I think Tammi and Jack did set it up at first for Ej to go to San Antonio but Ej's temper might have gotten out of control while there,I hope would not explain the lack of concern T & J are showing for Gabriel,but they're strange people,the celebrity status they've gained may make up for the loss of Gabriel in their minds...I hope,hope,hope that's not the case but otherwise i think EJ would have talked by now or the people that have Gabriel would have returned him by now,considering that this case is news nationwide...

I'm kind of wondering if she HAS talked, we just don't know. I'm hoping.
LAst I knew, know one knew who she sold them to. I thought at one point I hear she sold them to the Smith's but I never heard anyone else confirm that when it came back up. Wonder if she sold them to someone on craigslist and if those dogs actually belonged to both her and him?

I'm just remembering TFPS saying they were actually thinking about getting a dog ...

hmm ...
But....then how did she get hold of them at all? All jail calls are collect. Cell phones don't take collect calls.


Just one easy answer. That's all I want.

They were lying - again!!! :furious::furious::furious:

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