AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #5

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Just say you are Sheeba from Il and you will get right through!

But, if you're trying to pass yourself off as Sheeba, you have to have a few stiff ones under your belt and have a really stupid question to ask.
Marc Klass will be back for more abuse from NG.....he seems to like it or accept it....

NG is good for entertainment purposes, but considering the seriousness of most of her subject matter, it is inappropriate, offensive and disgusting. IMO
Honestly, I think we mostly know the real Elizabeth and knew all along Tammi was lying about that (as well as Logan). I frankly don't want to hear her be the "Who is the real Elizabeth Johnson" mouthpiece nor do I even think that is important at this point. I'd rather hear zippo from TammiJack right now, even though they have been entertain since their carpo is so ridiculous, and get down to the business of hearing concrete evidence/facts and what possible scenarios they support. All Tammi is doing now is changing her story and damage control - do you really think the truth is that Tammi was so deceived. NO! Do you really think they now care about Logan? Ha! Give me a break.

No, I dont think Tammie was deceived and that she is the victim, but she does have valuable knowledge about what happened during December and she was who Elizabeth seemed to trust.
The only place I've heard the term "sighting" in reference to Nashville, was on Nancy Grace Friday. It was mentioned a few times during the show.

"Also, tips are coming in from Nashville, Tennessee, spotting baby Gabriel"


"Meanwhile, in Nashville, Tennessee, there are a lot of tips coming in of possible sightings of baby Gabriel. "

Any other source that I have seen mention it, were quoting this.

Thank you for this Closer.

~snipped and bolded ~ CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network In Session, in for Nancy Grace tonight. Well, Jack Smith and Tammi Smith say that they have taken polygraphs today at the police department in Tempe, Arizona. Also, tips are coming in from Nashville, Tennessee, spotting baby Gabriel, possibly. We`re going to talk about that in a second. ~end snip~

That word "possibly" makes me think the folks at NG were sensationalizing.

But then, here's another snip, bolded and underlined by me ~ JEAN CASAREZ, GUEST HOST: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network "In Session" in for Nancy Grace tonight.

Tammi and Jack Smith, they are with us live tonight. As you know, they have been named persons of interest in this case, but today they went to the police department and they say they took a polygraph. That was in Arizona.

Meanwhile, in Nashville, Tennessee, there are a lot of tips coming in of possible sightings of baby Gabriel.

Let us go to Matt Zarrell, NANCY GRACE producer. What`s the latest out of Nashville, Tennessee?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER, COVERING STORY: Well, police have reportedly gotten a flurry of tips from Nashville. Now we don`t know in what capacity, whether Gabriel was seen alone or with the mother. But we do know the reports are that the mother had no prior connection to Nashville. However, Tammi Smith and Jack Smith used to live there before."

~end snip~

So the bolded part definitely makes it sound like there was a sighting. I wish LE would speak to this. Maybe today at 1:00 p.m.? :waitasec:

Tempe Police Department will hold a news conference on this case at 1pm AZ time (in one hour).
Didn't Tammi tell someone online they had found a child in December. I know there is this and still curious who was inseminated three days before Elizabeth supposedly took off?

That was all in 2008 ( the insemination thing)
time, the second of the two surrogate mother links can't be posted, since that person has not been named in connection with the case. We can post Tammi's profiles, not other random people unless they are named.
, uhmm, is there different ways to do serogacy? what is "traditional"??
I feel as if I have stepped into a different world.

edited to remove quote.
From the hearing (transcribed word for word):

SA: there's a real potential that she could face more serious charges in the future. this is because, in her own words, she stated that she killed Gabriel.
I'd like to BUMP this post from thread 4 , post 616 (e-mail from Tammi's daughter)

January 10 at 1:52pm
Tammi wants air time. she will give a little info everyday so that she keeps going on the news. she loves the spotlight, she loves attention. SHE IS WITH HOLDING INFO. and if you do work for any news station mention the gps Tammi let Elizabeth borrow for her "trip" find the gps, you find your answers. gps can tell you everywhere that car has been. it will tell you the truth.

What is the significance of the GPS?
How did Tammi know about the GPS in the car?
How did Tammi know about the brand of the GPS in the car? (unless she actually gave Elizabeth the GPS)
Why does it say 'trip"?

Has someone forwarded this to LE or NG????
This may have already been posted, but just in case not here is Elizabeth's initial court appearance...

WOW! "When do I get a lawyer?"

OMG....Smiths on Fox News!! Jack says POI means nothing according to detectives. Tammi, I have other children....momster was distraught at Indianapolis airport.....momster told Tammi, I don't want this kid....Jack said they had Gabe for 8 days....took him back to mom so Gabe could see dad. Checked up on Gabe. Tammi says authorities don't suspect them of anything. GAG

I hope that works, Raymond Russel park, is very out of the way, 29 miles from the Motel 6, the Tornado bus station is right across the street from the motel.

It is a bit of a distance from the Motel 6 and bus station but the park is less than 7 miles from the Quality Inn at Six Flags (aka Fiesta Texas).

I keep having this feeling that she was in SA for some specific purpose. If she wanted to just kill Gabe there were hundreds of miles (and probably thousands of dumpsters) between Tempe and San Antonio where she could have done so and then disposed of him.

I agree. I wasn't trying to add any validity to the quotes, just answering Salem as to where folks were getting the info.

I like Nashville as a possible connection, simply based on what we know about Janet, her work, her talking with EJ while EJ was in TX, The connection between Janet and the Smiths, as well as JS having family and friends there. But I know that LE hasn't found anything of interest there, based on what they've said...

Yeah, I didn't think you were trying to add validity. I took it more that you were keeping us on track by showing where that came from! Sorry if my response made you think otherwise.

I hope there IS something to the Nashville tips. I don't doubt now that many tips could have been called in on sightings... it could be that's what often happens once it is announced that city is of particular interest, but I am hoping something comes of it. I don't think it is that difficult to hide a child in certain circumstances, if someone knows what they are doing and not one of those folks who are going to stand out like a sore thumb - like claim it's there baby somehow when two days ago they didn't have a baby. I think if he has been out in the public at all - he's either been disguised or he is in a location/situation no one would really pay attention.
No, I dont think Tammie was deceived and that she is the victim, but she does have valuable knowledge about what happened during December and she was who Elizabeth seemed to trust.

You know when you look at this, everything seemed to happen after Dec 8th. LM and EJ have had lots of problems in the past but it never got to the point of her taking off with the baby or handing him over to someone else. And LM claims absolutely no knowledge of the Smiths prior to then. So what happened on Dec 8th? Well she and LM broke up (again) and EJ posted an ad on craigslist for a nanny. Basically said she was a single mother who had no family, no job and no money. Now who might have seen that as a deperate single mother? Who might have responded to that ad to check out the situation? To "help out in any way they could". I'm beginning to wonder if the FBI can tie the "airport" story to EJ and TPS or if this was their first meeting. I can imagine the story that EJ would have poured out to someone who was "just trying to help". Things sure went downhill from then on when it appeared as though EJ was trying to make a go of things alone just before that.
Person of interest means nothing?

Really, because, I thought it meant that that person is a subject of a criminal investigation, yet has not been formally charged with a crime...(YET).

But, if Jack says it means nothing...then obviously I was mistaken.

Do not stand too close to this post, as the sarcasm will drip on your shoes.
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