AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #7

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So...what happened to the downs baby? Was colon queen saying she was waiting for him in Oct. of 09??
I wish I had 5 minutes on air with Nancy Grace and the Smiths..
Just 5 minutes..:furious:
Then afterwords:banghead:, I wish I were granted 10 with this mother!:furious:
there would be a near riot in Texas if we were required 4 pieces of ID. I know I dont own that many. I have SSN card and DL and thats it. I dont have a birth certificate and it is a pain to try to get it from the state of Michigan.

Texas is on a bit renegade side I guess. People complain about the DMV all the time. The long waits, the legal junk you have to present. They were thinking about making it illegal statewide to use your cell phone while driving and people went ape S. Shoot we just got the seatbelt law like 8 years ago!

Texas requirements.

* one piece of primary identification; or
* one piece of secondary identification plus two pieces of support identification; or
* two pieces of secondary identification.
Natisha Lance(NG Producer) just stated on HLN that she had spoken to people at the hotel who said that EJ checked in there with a DIFFERENT name and had a TEXAS ID!

I don't think we'd heard THAT. To me, that is a HUGE deal. Who got her that ID? How did she get it?
During Elizabeth's court appearance in Maricopa County, Arizona, the D.A./ Prosecutor stated before the Judge that Elizabeth had used a false name and paid cash only while she was 'on the run'.

It was while the prosecutor was explaining to the court that Elizabeth was a flight risk.
OT, but I just wanted to point out that is a blogging network more or less. Anyone can write for them and they pay by number of page views the "article" gets. It isn't the Associated Press and I really take what they say with a grain of salt because of that. The same with

Thanks for point that out L4C, I recognized that as well but considering it was a condensed, well organized, well written recap of 7 WS threads I thought "hey, this gal could be a WS"
Every time I see a picture of Gabriel, he steals me and melts me and makes me laugh and cry and I feel love at the same time that I feel anger for what he is being put through so far in his short life here and then I snap back to love and melting again...

We're going to see and hear great things from this little guy someday, I know it!
Look into those eyes! He's a wise soul!


Thanks for your post!!! I know most of us feel the same way but sometimes we need the reminder of why we are really here. If I could, I would take Gabe home and raise him as my son's "twin". He looks like he is a sweet little boy that likes to "tell jokes and laugh" just like my son.

Gabe, we're still praying and pulling for you sweetheart.
My son was born 2 days before Gabe and he was conceived on August 9th 2008. So it would have been right around that same time frame.

August 9th was Caylee Anthony's birthday. A very special day.
you know at first i wanted to give TS the benifit of the doubt..but now i am completely convinced that this woman is evil.. she just "thinks" she doing the right thing.there are alot of false christians out there and she is one of them..

anyways onto my point..i gathered some info from fb that her son and oldest daughter arent to fond of her.the daughter says TS is not her mom and that the last time she asked her mom for help she was called evil and she told her she would never be spoken to again...what mother( who mind you loves kids so much to adopt)would tell there child she is evil?

this same daughter left a message on the sons fb wall saying he need to keep is personal life from the rest of the world and that she (TS) wanted fluant herself to every1 and that they are better than seems to me that this daughter has a good head on her shoulders and TS should take the advice of her 19yr old.this shows even more TS character,if she could be mean and vengeful to her own children think how she is with stangers.she's puts up a total front to the right people.

i do believe EJ did give her child to some1 in the park and the reason why she isnt worried about gabriel being alive is because she might not personaly now the person(s) is because this is an underground thing and she thinks this child is safe and that this maybe the best thing for him.i do think TS have everything to do with this and then some. SA is about 4-5hrs way from the border.maybe someone needs to check and see if gabriel was issued a pastport because now you have to have one to cross over.that would at least exclude the theory of him being taken to mexico.well at least the legal way of going to mex. they could have smuggled him in there that happens alot down here.

Yes, and the daughter "having a good head on her shoulders" would cast doubt on TS' accusations of an abusive ex IMO
To get a Texas ID all one has to do it go to TXDPS. She would need a birth certificate though, so she may have had one in her alias. I know when I was a teenager there were places that we could go (businesses) that made ID's so maybe she went to a place that makes ID's or maybe she just used the computer and made herself an ID.

Remember, she was in San Antonio...fake ID's are not that hard to come by there.

it is very easy to get fakes in SA, houston, and austin being thats where most of the major colleges are
Anyone a friend of Tammi on FB? I am? I would feel wrong to post what she says on a wide MB, so I'll keep it to myself. I'm sure LE has direct access to, so that makes me feel better. Plus, I'm sure we can't post thoughts, etc., from another site.


Yes, and the daughter "having a good head on her shoulders" would cast doubt on TS' accusations of an abusive ex IMO

my point exactly...i think TS may be a compulsive lier
If Logan weren't the father, seems like Tammi would have arranged for a DNA test ASAP. EJ could have then just said the father was unknown. Voila, problem solved.

The only point to naming a different possible father wouid be if Logan is definitely the father, but they wanted to delay custody fight while they brought pressure to bear on him and to spirit Gabriel away so the DNA test could not be performed. Once he signed away his rights, paternity would not be an issue.

I don't think they foresaw that the court would name Logan the father without a DNA test.

Excellent post! Thank you!
Anyone a friend of Tammi on FB? I am? I would feel wrong to post what she says on a wide MB, so I'll keep it to myself. I'm sure LE has direct access to, so that makes me feel better. Plus, I'm sure we can't post thoughts, etc., from another site.



Huh? :waitasec:
Anyone a friend of Tammi on FB? I am? I would feel wrong to post what she says on a wide MB, so I'll keep it to myself. I'm sure LE has direct access to, so that makes me feel better. Plus, I'm sure we can't post thoughts, etc., from another site.



MB? I am confused--
According to Natisha on HLN, EJ's grandfather says her public defender is telling her to stay silent. Not good news.
According to Natisha on HLN, EJ's grandfather says her public defender is telling her to stay silent. Not good news.

I was really holding out that he's alive, and still kinda am, but yer right: Not good news. :(
According to Natisha on HLN, EJ's grandfather says her public defender is telling her to stay silent. Not good news.

Not good news at all. You would think he would be doing everything possible to get Gabriel back and hopefully reduce her charges.
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