AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #7

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After everything that has came out about Tammi and all the lies she tells, I question whether her history with her ex husband is as bad as she makes it seem to be.

I think she wants babies and she doesn't care who she hurts in the process. If you notice she has been bad mouthing Elizabeth lately too. So it just goes to show that NO ONE around her is safe from her mouth!

And after seeing some of the stuff her children have said about this "woman" who at least one refuses to call her mom/mother, their acusations of her lack of parenting and manipulation of them is rather sad!

Maybe she just wants babies, and when they grow up (her other 3 were 5-6-8 years), mmmmm - not so much.
I just saw that too! Didn't know about the Texas ID, How did she get that? But did we hear Elizabeth used the last name of "Jones" somewhere?

To get a Texas ID all one has to do it go to TXDPS. She would need a birth certificate though, so she may have had one in her alias. I know when I was a teenager there were places that we could go (businesses) that made ID's so maybe she went to a place that makes ID's or maybe she just used the computer and made herself an ID.

Remember, she was in San Antonio...fake ID's are not that hard to come by there.
To get a Texas ID all one has to do it go to TXDPS. She would need a birth certificate though, so she may have had one in her alias. I know when I was a teenager there were places that we could go (businesses) that made ID's so maybe she went to a place that makes ID's or maybe she just used the computer and made herself an ID.

Remember, she was in San Antonio...fake ID's are not that hard to come by there.

I doubt it was obtained by legal means. I'm sure her "underground" help did this for her. After all, they were helping her with the "legalities" according to TS, right?
I doubt it was obtained by legal means. I'm sure her "underground" help did this for her. After all, they were helping her with the "legalities" according to TS, right?

So she's at the hotel, driving a car with AZ tags and she as a Texas ID...hummm
I doubt it was obtained by legal means. I'm sure her "underground" help did this for her. After all, they were helping her with the "legalities" according to TS, right?

And a whole bunch of "illegalities"!:twocents:

I wonder if the hotel made a copy of that ID? Don't they usually make a photocopy?

O/T but I live in Fla. Starting 01/01/10 to get a FL driver's license you have to present 4 pieces of ID - and one of those can not be a prior driver's license. I think all states are eventually going to do this, although it peeps are still going to be able to make fake ids.
To get a Texas ID all one has to do it go to TXDPS. She would need a birth certificate though, so she may have had one in her alias. I know when I was a teenager there were places that we could go (businesses) that made ID's so maybe she went to a place that makes ID's or maybe she just used the computer and made herself an ID.

Remember, she was in San Antonio...fake ID's are not that hard to come by there.

Yes, there are places where they sell novelty ID's here in Texas. The only thing they have to seperate them is a red stamp on the back that says not an official government document. With some fingernail polish remover you can have that erased. I've done it before. Depending on where you go it will cost around 50 bucks or so.

To get a picture ID takes 3 weeks here in Texas. You only need your SSN and BC. You go to the DPS and they give you a paper slip and the real ID arrives in the mail 3 weeks later. they are printed in Austin, TX.

I've stayed in SA before and depending on the place they will make copies, some don't though. Some just enter the info in their computer and give the ID back to you.
OT, but I just wanted to point out that is a blogging network more or less. Anyone can write for them and they pay by number of page views the "article" gets. It isn't the Associated Press and I really take what they say with a grain of salt because of that. The same with
Thank you for the information.

I was actually wondering about that, as the writing seemed a bit 'sloppy' for an article.
And a whole bunch of "illegalities"!:twocents:

I wonder if the hotel made a copy of that ID? Don't they usually make a photocopy?

O/T but I live in Fla. Starting 01/01/10 to get a FL driver's license you have to present 4 pieces of ID - and one of those can not be a prior driver's license. I think all states are eventually going to do this, although it peeps are still going to be able to make fake ids.

Definitely a lot of fishy stuff going on here!

Glad to hear that about FL. When we moved there, both DH and I were shocked at how easy it was to get our licenses switched over. We had a much harder time when we moved where we live now!
Another view showing how I-ACT is to Homegate Suites
The authorities need to be alerted to this!

It is possible they may already know, but I'd hate to take any chances.

Great sleuthing, by the way....... BRAVA!!!
you know at first i wanted to give TS the benifit of the doubt..but now i am completely convinced that this woman is evil.. she just "thinks" she doing the right thing.there are alot of false christians out there and she is one of them..

anyways onto my point..i gathered some info from fb that her son and oldest daughter arent to fond of her.the daughter says TS is not her mom and that the last time she asked her mom for help she was called evil and she told her she would never be spoken to again...what mother( who mind you loves kids so much to adopt)would tell there child she is evil?

this same daughter left a message on the sons fb wall saying he need to keep is personal life from the rest of the world and that she (TS) wanted fluant herself to every1 and that they are better than seems to me that this daughter has a good head on her shoulders and TS should take the advice of her 19yr old.this shows even more TS character,if she could be mean and vengeful to her own children think how she is with stangers.she's puts up a total front to the right people.

i do believe EJ did give her child to some1 in the park and the reason why she isnt worried about gabriel being alive is because she might not personaly now the person(s) is because this is an underground thing and she thinks this child is safe and that this maybe the best thing for him.i do think TS have everything to do with this and then some. SA is about 4-5hrs way from the border.maybe someone needs to check and see if gabriel was issued a pastport because now you have to have one to cross over.that would at least exclude the theory of him being taken to mexico.well at least the legal way of going to mex. they could have smuggled him in there that happens alot down here.

You can pay 1-200 bucks for a "texas" ID, with your name and pic on it. the only difference is, on the back one of the I's has is dotted. On a real ID it is not dotted

Also, you can get a Bexar county ID. would some consider that a Texas ID? Since it is from Texas? very easy to get. can't remember what you need. I can find out. Illegals will get these. you get it in 5 minutes. it can be considered a form of ID to get the Texas ID. and sometimes to get a job.
To get a Texas ID all one has to do it go to TXDPS. She would need a birth certificate though, so she may have had one in her alias. I know when I was a teenager there were places that we could go (businesses) that made ID's so maybe she went to a place that makes ID's or maybe she just used the computer and made herself an ID.

Remember, she was in San Antonio...fake ID's are not that hard to come by there.

And seemingly each TS and JS have family members who have experience in changing identities --
She's still accepting new friends - in fact, one in the latest group has their name written in Arabic (I think, all symbols), and pretty much it is all written in Arabic, except you can tell they love Amr Mustafa --

TPS is that person's first and only friend. Huh.
Thank you for the information.

I was actually wondering about that, as the writing seemed a bit 'sloppy' for an article.

No problem. :) If you scroll down on any of their pages, you'll see a "help" link where you can actually sign up and write for them.
The FBI needs to check the Homegate Suites past guest registries.

I'd bet money that Tammi Peters Smith has stayed there in the past.
Definitely a lot of fishy stuff going on here!

Glad to hear that about FL. When we moved there, both DH and I were shocked at how easy it was to get our licenses switched over. We had a much harder time when we moved where we live now!

there would be a near riot in Texas if we were required 4 pieces of ID. I know I dont own that many. I have SSN card and DL and thats it. I dont have a birth certificate and it is a pain to try to get it from the state of Michigan.

Texas is on a bit renegade side I guess. People complain about the DMV all the time. The long waits, the legal junk you have to present. They were thinking about making it illegal statewide to use your cell phone while driving and people went ape S. Shoot we just got the seatbelt law like 8 years ago!
Was he in prison 17-18 months ago? If so then that pretty much excludes him from any possibility of paternity, now doesn't it. Gabriel would have been conceived 17-18 months ago.

My son was born 2 days before Gabe and he was conceived on August 9th 2008. So it would have been right around that same time frame.
Yes, and TS admitted to having the discussion with EJ about this alleged other possible father being one of LM's friends -- and EJ allegedly stated that she did not want to put the real name down because it was one of LM's friends (BS) -- so TS KNEW anyway that EJ was falsifying a court document regardless of whom EJ named

TS WILLINGLY made 3 copies per her own admission of a false court document -- so that should be a charge on it own IMO

I cannot believe, though, that she wouldn't have snuck a peek at the document just to
see if JM's friend was on there, or what other false name EJ used

Her lies to cover up all of these BIG coincidences are simply ludicrous

Thanks to Mom, we know that TS has a fairly large connection to not only SA, but to where EJ was last seen -- I wonder how she will try to explain that?

Were not the TammiJacks asked if they had any SA connection?

If Logan weren't the father, seems like Tammi would have arranged for a DNA test ASAP. EJ could have then just said the father was unknown. Voila, problem solved.

The only point to naming a different possible father wouid be if Logan is definitely the father, but they wanted to delay custody fight while they brought pressure to bear on him and to spirit Gabriel away so the DNA test could not be performed. Once he signed away his rights, paternity would not be an issue.

I don't think they foresaw that the court would name Logan the father without a DNA test.
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