AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #7

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I'm very sorry. My mistake. I got carried away. Thanks for editing! :)

It's okay. I try to stay in the rules, because I don't want them changed again. If the rules get changed again, in regards to names and such, I may just scream and throw myself out a window.
It is so much easier now that we all know what we can post, I want it to stay that way.
I'm not a mod, and I'm not always right, so bear that in mind, too.
Scratch the Nashville agency, she wants a white baby, and since there aren't many in TN, per the Agape website, adoptive parents must be legal residents of TN.
(She has not to my knowledge said that the only wants white, but if not, she could have adopted one of the babies from overseas, that she considers "hers".)

so is that Agape Adoption Agency that she mentions?

I don't think anyone asked them for illegal money - I hope the FBI/LE can find out if they were adopting and who this person was
Right and if what she is NOW saying is correct about him coming out of the woodwork when H was a year and a half, then H was adopted around 2 years old. The judge would of had to give this guy SIX months to do what he wanted him to do, in this time the dad poof, gone, and then the judge strips his rights because they couldn't find him.

Something tells me all of this couldn't have happened in six months and if it DID happen in six months it wasn't done right!

That is not how it works. If a father is absent from the get go he doesnt get extra time once he shows up. If "H" was in state custody that is probably exactly what Travis was referring to when he said the "State worker didnt return his calls", he said himself they were in court and he left, and when he came back it was done. Its obvious he knew that "H" was in custody and that he had things to do to get her back. Instead he thought work was more important. BTW this kind of adoption does not involve an adoption agency.
Looks like they are separated by one building but google estimates the address. We can see exactly where Homegate is but not exactly where I-Act is because there is no street view. I'm still trying though.
Also what is the little building labeled documentation?

Normally I would agree that Google is off but, look at this picture


If you look this is the number for the building that is listed for I-acts address, then if you take that a step further, that is a citgo in the background at the corner of San Pedro Ave. and Sandau Rd.

So it goes Hotel, building, street (Sandau rd.) Citgo, then I-act home office!
Please forgive me for not reading over the pages and pages of the 7 total threads, I am at work and cant pour through them all right now, but I was wondering if this is going to get its own forum and also wondering where I can find the video of her 1st hearing...I see the clips on NG but would like to see the actual video......thanks in advance :)
Looks like they are separated by one building but google estimates the address. We can see exactly where Homegate is but not exactly where I-Act is because there is no street view. I'm still trying though.
Also what is the little building labeled documentation?

There is a sign in front RICOH Documentation from the street view

Here's the link I found on Google
so is that Agape Adoption Agency that she mentions?

I don't think anyone asked them for illegal money - I hope the FBI/LE can find out if they were adopting and who this person was

yes that's the one she mentions
Normally I would agree that Google is off but, look at this picture


If you look this is the number for the building that is listed for I-acts address, then if you take that a step further, that is a citgo in the background at the corner of San Pedro Ave. and Sandau Rd.

So it goes Hotel, building, street (Sandau rd.) Citgo, then I-act home office!

I know the places in the pic very well, the hotel is just on the otherside of the bridge.

ETA: on the right is the airport
Paraphrased -

Now, the same poster TPS was addressing earlier --

The poster wants to know what about logan? why did he say you all put the pressure on him to sign over rights AFTER the fact that his son was missing? The poster wants to know why LE and media are just narrowing in on just TammiJack? The poster says they are not accusing, but just wondering -- poster wants to know why if TammiJack are POIs, why is it that all we read about is TPS said this, did this . . . how did he (not sure who they mean here) get in all this mess? Another thing is everyone has seen TSP's pics -- if the baby was with TSP, poster wants to know how he ended up back with EJ to leave? and why? The poster then says - if you're trying to do right why didn't you call LE when it first dawned on you that she was running with Gabriel instead of JM? Poster wants to know if TSP was planning on taking two babies, meaning Gabe and the one due four days after getting the other one?
Paraphrased -

Now, the same poster TPS was addressing earlier --

The poster wants to know what about logan? why did he say you all put the pressure on him to sign over rights AFTER the fact that his son was missing? The poster wants to know why LE and media are just narrowing in on just TammiJack? The poster says they are not accusing, but just wondering -- poster wants to know why if TammiJack are POIs, why is it that all we read about is TPS said this, did this . . . how did he (not sure who they mean here) get in all this mess? Another thing is everyone has seen TSP's pics -- if the baby was with TSP, poster wants to know how he ended up back with EJ to leave? and why? The poster then says - if you're trying to do right why didn't you call LE when it first dawned on you that she was running with Gabriel instead of JM? Poster wants to know if TSP was planning on taking two babies, meaning Gabe and the one due four days after getting the other one?

That poster need a pat on the back. To bad I really don't want her on my page or I would send that poster a message just to say THANK YOU!

ETA: If that poster is reading this THANK YOU!
This is getting more convoluted every day. The Smiths need to go to jail. I would LOVE to see Tammi in Sheriff Joes tent city. She would be hooked up to the chain gang the Sheriff uses there, and that would help to keep her "system" moving quite regularly. Exercise is good for that.

yes that's the one she mentions

So, that is an outright lie then unless they were claiming they lived in TN - or do they maintain property and some residency in TN?

I think the baby she is claiming was about to be born 4 days after they got Gabriel (notice her very weird wording here as it only says when he was going to be born), means that they changed their mind, they backed out of the deal because they figured they could have Gabriel instead?
It seems the only way to avoid TPS side stepping direct questions is to ask her what she thinks or feels...she'll answer those, and it loosens her up a little. Just from what I have seen posted on FB.
Hey NG producers, remember that.
She mentions Agape Adoption Agency, but there are about a thousand all over the country: GA, TN, AZ TX...I just thought the one in TN looked interesting. I don't know if that's it or not.

ETA: (A thousand may be an exaggeration, but not by a whole lot. Google gives 104,000 results.)
Paraphrased -

Now, the same poster TPS was addressing earlier --

The poster wants to know what about logan? why did he say you all put the pressure on him to sign over rights AFTER the fact that his son was missing? The poster wants to know why LE and media are just narrowing in on just TammiJack? The poster says they are not accusing, but just wondering -- poster wants to know why if TammiJack are POIs, why is it that all we read about is TPS said this, did this . . . how did he (not sure who they mean here) get in all this mess? Another thing is everyone has seen TSP's pics -- if the baby was with TSP, poster wants to know how he ended up back with EJ to leave? and why? The poster then says - if you're trying to do right why didn't you call LE when it first dawned on you that she was running with Gabriel instead of JM? Poster wants to know if TSP was planning on taking two babies, meaning Gabe and the one due four days after getting the other one?

Has this already been deleted? I can't find it.
Paraphrased -

Another poster has asked several times now when TPS first met EJ - was it confirmed that Elizabeth was coming back from Boston, and you were on a layover in Indianapolis? The poster is surprised that Elizabeth kept TPS's contact info all that time,and then called TPS many months after that. Poster says that it seems that the day before she contacted TPS she was just looking for a nanny, not to adopt.
Hmmn this link is not new
but it is TS' explanation for the Craig Cherry name on the paternity court docs

Why don't I believe this? First of all who uses first and last names when "joking" about DUI records

Second of all why CC? Why not joke about your "step daughter's" record that is LONG in at least two states? Because she is female?
C'mon TS get the story straight

AND PLEASE quit trashing Logan every chance you get?

Also why would you joke about something so serious as naming a father. I have to find both places that TS condridicts the explaination. The thing is, TS drove Elizabeth down to the court house and helped her with the copies and saying she did not notice who she put down. Like you would never ask the person you just brought done there, so who did you put down as a possible second father since you did not want to use his friend. Even TS suggesting this did she want her cousin to be called for a paternity test? She was just buying time. No one may not think this is a big deal but in one of the pictures that was posted of Gabriel while in their care had him and Hannah dressed the same. It was a photo I think that flashed on Nancy Grace. You could not see the other child's face but they are wearing the matching sweaters. Just seems too much. Like I said before, very unhealthy attachment.
This is probably stating the obvious (I've been working for two days straight and have lost my way in this case, LOL) but it seems most likely that this was just a ruse by TS to make Cherry the father so when he terminated his "parental" rights, she'd be a "relative" and perhaps no one would contest custody going to her when EJ didn't want the child and Cherry signed paperwork saying he wanted "his" child to go to TS. Merely a way to circumvent the traditional adoption process and get Logan out of the picture.

EJ and Cherry probably haven't gotten their naughty bits within 100 miles of each other. EJ's uncertainty about the paternity is just her way of getting Logan out of the picture so she can dispose of Gabriel the way she sees fit, no?

Again, this was probably something that was said pages ago, but I was reading comments on NG's FB and people seemed to think that Cherry might actually BE the father, and that to me is the least likely of eleventy billion scenarios.
Okay - she's baaaacckkkk!

Now she is directing her comments to a poster -- saying she can call P___ Y___ with the Tennessee DCS...They did not have to work to get H's (supposed) birth father's rights taken away!H was placed in their custody through DCS at 4 mo.old, and then when she was about 1 1/2 the father came out of the woodwork.The judge gave him (the father) some things to do and he did not do any of them. Then, they never heard from the father again!When ... when (I'm guessing H) got to be eligible for adoption, the courts tried to find the father but they had no luck, and then the father's rights were taken away! Then she says, by the way, the father didn't sign the birth certificate. They found out after the adoption that they were never legally married anyway. Then, about JM, she says she didn't know that about her! And JM called EJ to ask her (actually beg) EJ to come back to court!

Shear - here's the first one -
I say keep giving TPS the rope and soon enough she is going to hang herself!! This woman seriously needs help. Maybe, just maybe IF they are on NG again tonight the kid gloves will be taken off and some questions will be answered.
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