AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #7

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Recently, yes, not sure of the exact date. But TPS says that she and EJ were talking and she mentioned that her cousin, CC, has the same record as Logan. And although she was the one that made copies of the paternity request paperwork, she says she didn't know that EJ had named her cousin.

what a witch EJ is, OMG. Just tell LE where is Gabriel!!! even if LM isnt the dad Gabriel still needs to be found. I still think she killed that baby.
There are more...and I will eat my lap top if they are all truly coincidences.
Here's a juicy one...
The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy – home office where Tammi is certified and receives her training is located at 11103 San Pedro, Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216
The Homegate hotel where Elizabeth stayed is two building over from I- ACT.
Map to follow

:O I trust LE has this? This is scary huge
I posted something yesterday about Tammi asking ' let me know when she goes into labor so we can set up the R.S. process'. That was around the time when she 'got' Gabriel. Anyone remember? I will try and find that post

I thought this was posted back in Jan of 2009 and it was in referance to her niece Elizabeth, and we never figured out what R.S. process meant.
Map of Homegate Studios & Suites, San Pedro Ave. The A on the map is the building where I-Act head office is located.


Satellite image


Looks like they are separated by one building but google estimates the address. We can see exactly where Homegate is but not exactly where I-Act is because there is no street view. I'm still trying though.
Also what is the little building labeled documentation?
All of this going on, and she just continues accepting friends . . . 3 more in the last 5-10 minutes
On dec 3 Tammi posts that they are adopting a little boy named Joshua David. He has Down Syndrome. They will get to take him home as soon as the hospital releases him.

HMMMMMM !!!!?????:waitasec:
You are just amazing with all of your wonderful info! Thank you so much!!!

Kamille put this together back on one of the other threads. I was just adding it to the not a coincidence list.
And... someone is STILL accepting friends!!!!!:waitasec:

what about this? I think we were typing at the same time!
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AZ-Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, missing since 12-26-09 thread #6[/ame]
This is the link to the comment, as it was discussed here. It was on FB, apparently, where she said the thing about the RS Process...whatever it is.
I posted something yesterday about Tammi asking ' let me know when she goes into labor so we can set up the R.S. process'. That was around the time when she 'got' Gabriel. Anyone remember? I will try and find that post

That comment was in regard to her niece Elizabeth not Elizabeth Johnson.
She has a niece named Elizabeth and had pics of her and her new baby on fb at one time, they have since been removed. It is not the same Elizabeth/mother of Gabriel. It's her niece.
On dec 3 Tammi posts that they are adopting a little boy named J D. He has Down Syndrome. They will get to take him home as soon as the hospital releases him.

HMMMMMM !!!!?????:waitasec:
Name shortened by me. He's a minor and innocent, don't name him. Actually, it might be okay, as long as D is a middle name, not a last, but I am not sure.
what a witch EJ is, OMG. Just tell LE where is Gabriel!!! even if LM isnt the dad Gabriel still needs to be found. I still think she killed that baby.

I do, too. She's had an attorney for a couple of days now and, as far as we know, she isn't talking yet. If she had given the baby away, I think there'd be some concentrated searching or a bulletin or something. It seems like the only situation in which there would be no additional information from her would be if she killed him.
I hope not, but that's certainly what I'm thinking now.
I think she found out she was in trouble and TS wasn't the person she first met, she panicked ran and did something to that baby hence the silence. The silence is some sort of defense. We see it so often
This is getting more convoluted every day. The Smiths need to go to jail. I would LOVE to see Tammi in Sheriff Joes tent city. She would be hooked up to the chain gang the Sheriff uses there, and that would help to keep her "system" moving quite regularly. Exercise is good for that.
In a posting from march of 09 she states that she has a 31/2 y/o girl. That clears up the age of H, I know some were wondering about that
HMMN! sounds familiar -- "courts tried to find him"? you mean the adoption agency tried to find him? like Janet Morris' agency does (not)?

Here she goes trashing fathers again

TS is neglecting to mention the JS' daughter (H's mother) involvement in all of this scenario -- or lack thereof

She twists every fact that I have found to fit her reality -- which is far from the truth from what I have seen

Okay when she was 1 1/2? so 3 years ago? hmmn sounds fishy -- Ask her about H's two siblings???

I dont think you are understanding the process after child protection takes a child into their custody. FIRST by federal law if possible they must place that child in the home of a family member before foster care. SECOND cps does not stay involved longer than a year, Bill Clinton (When he was President) signed a law making it easier to terminate parental rights and allow children to be adopted instead of languishing in foster care for years and years. To ensure this happened, he made incentives for cps to do that. They get more funding per adoption. So they actually benefit from terminating a parents right. How they do this is they set out a plan on how a parent can get their child back and give them a reasonable deadline of a year. If the parent has not done it then they terminate their rights and allow the child to be adopted. If that is the case that Travis Warford did not do, then it didnt matter if he was served or not the judge would have terminated his rights!

I think Gabriel looks more like Elizabeth/Robert, but it's hard to say because I've never seen baby pictures of Logan or Elizabeth. I have met Elizabeth's twin Robert and I think they look pretty similar. I don't think Cherry had even met Elizabeth.
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