AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #9

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I was watching an interview tonight after TS walked out of the police station and I find it odd that she can use the word "honestly" and say to "pray" after she had just admitted that she lied to police AND helped EJ forge a legal document. How in the world can she expect Anyone to believe anything she says at this point..... IMO she is just as bad as EJ and needs to be locked up!!! Lieing to authorities is a crime, so lock her up in cell right next to EJ and MAYBE they will talk and reveal where Gabriel is

I know I'm still way behind, but I had to comment here. LOL, I know many of my pasts posts have been about this document EJ submitted with TS's cousin's name on it, but when I see something wrong, I can't rest until they do something about it. I'm so glad they called her out on this!!

FWIW, you still can NOT believe what TS says. Even when she admitted to this fraud upon the court by EJ and assisted by TS, she's still lying to the media.

She CLAIMS the document was for the purpose of 'SUPPORT.' She knows that's a darn lie! Why would she put a bogus name on a document trying to collect support for the child? She just doesn't get how stoooopid she sounds.

The fact is, TS, you were helping EJ file that document to try to have Logan taken off as the father so you could steal his baby.

Face it, you're not a very nice person.

But, but, but......she only lied about this one thing. We should believe her about everything else.

Yeah, right.
I don't know... but I do think it was a snafu on her part and means she met her in Dec? Else, she did something else last June we don't know about.

I agree she did not have to pick her cousin to put on there. Not sure though what that was supposed to accomplish later - could be Tammi didn't think that one through very well. And, come on, I'm pretty sure it wasn't Elizabeth who though up the idea of delaying the custody thing by saying someone else might be the father. Elizabeth could have come up with real names if she wanted and more than just Logan's best friend.

I've thought almost from the start though, that Tammi was screwing Elizabeth along hte way also - make her look like she did this or that or whatever so they could then claim both parents were unfit. And/or to even get Elizabeth to do something else, who knows. I think Tammi has been a caniver (sp.) for a very long time and she tries to wrap it in a sweet package. I hope Elizabeth is finally singing because she knows Tammi is using the excuse that she is her victim - oh brother!

I have always thought TS was behind this whole charade. That's why everytime TS talks about how smart EJ is, I have to laugh. Believe me, even if she is that smart, ie in school, it wouldn't have prepared her for the BS that we've seen transpire in this case. No...............this has TS written all over it, IMO.

But, see, that's what happens when TWO LIARS get together. Each is trying to bamboozle the other, but when it's all based on lies, the house of cards is very fragile and can tumble down, post haste!

I hope they took all of TS's computers!

Sorry guys, she may not be able to post on her FB for awhile. ;)

EJ seems to really be in to Craigs list. I wonder if that's how she met Tammi. Maybe she posted and adoption ad on there? I know it's illegal, but so is solicitation of sex and they post about that all the time.
Okay so here’s my take on the babysitter interview from NG last night. All JMO of course.

EJ goes to court with TPS on Dec 14th to file false papers to block LM’s custody petition. This attempt fails and EJ is ordered to split custody with LM. I believe I read that the split was supposed to be one has the baby from Wednesday to Sunday, the other from Sunday to Wednesday. So EJ has custody of the baby on the 18th but isn’t due to take him to his father until Sunday the 20th. TPS was with EJ at the hearing so she would have known this. For some bizarre reason she posts a picture of Gabriel on her FB wall on Dec 15th asking people to pray for him. I think the plot was put in place then. So when EJ asks the Smiths to meet her at an arranged location on Friday the 18th to pick up Gabriel to visit his father, 2 days before he is due to go to his father for his Sunday to Wednesday custody time, they want us to believe they didn’t think anything of it.

EJ came into SA on the 20th knowing she had an appt on the 23rd. The same day that TPS posted on her FB about EJ finding underground help. And the same day she was arguing with someone on the phone after her appt.

She went to an obscure hotel that might have been recommended to her before she went by someone who either has stayed there or has asked a contact in the area for the name of a good hotel. EJ would have passed at least a dozen hotels on the I-10, including another Homegate on her way into town. The one she stayed at she would have needed the GPS to find. Had to change highways even to get to it and it also wasn’t right in town. She intended to go to that hotel. It’s still questionable if it was booked in advance but we know that she paid for one week in advance, up front, in cash when she got there.

She then looked up babysitters in the SA area on Craigslist and made arrangements for that babysitter to watch Gabriel on the 23rd at approx. 11:30 am. She did this the first day she got there on the 20th. I don't think the babysitter is tied into this but she definitely was encouraged to make EJ look like a bad mother before that NG interview. Now who was she talking to before that again? Oh yeah TPS.

She most likely never contacted the person she had the appt with by phone. It was already arranged before she got there IMO. So no numbers on cell phones to be traced there. Convenient.

She got dressed up for appt on the 23rd the way that young women her age do. I’m sure she didn’t bring a suit with her. The babysitter’s “club attire” embellishment of her outfit was absurd.

She probably got pissed off because the babysitter was late. She told her she was late when she showed up. Since the babysitter said she showed up at about 11:45 she was probably supposed to be there at 11:30 hence the “I want to kill you“ face. (big eye roll there) EJ was probably worried she’d be late for her appt. and couldn’t call anyone to tell them she‘d be late. She probably wanted to take Gabriel to the babysitter’s house because she didn’t want another person knowing where she was staying. Plus then she would be in control in case some nutcase showed up that she’d have to use that butcher knife on. I think the babysitter was definitely influenced by TPS for that interview and was embellishing a lot. I assume LE got just the facts from her. At least I hope so.

She came back from the appt in a better mood, satisfied that arrangements had been made for Gabriel? She could have gone out for the whole day if she wanted time for herself and just didn't care but she didn’t. Returned in two hours after appt was over and appears to have never gone out without Gabriel at any other time. Told the babysitter she didn’t know where her life was going after that. (or something like that…not a direct quote)

She paid babysitter 40 dollars for two hours? That’s a little over the going rate for a babysitter these days isn‘t it?. Not to mention EJ should have been watching every dollar by this point but she just came into some money? Why would she tell the babysitter that? The babysitter must have asked for less and EJ must have decided to give her more and a conversation was struck up about the extra money. I doubt she made one appt three days in advance as a hooker in the middle of the day so someone at that appt gave her or promised her money. The timing of that appt sounds more like a lunch appt in an out of the way restaurant to me. I hope that GPS is listing places she had to program in to find.

Why the hand off the day after Christmas? Well how hard would it be for anyone to completely disappear from family and/or friends on or just before Christmas day? Almost everyone sees some friend or family at least on Christmas Day or at some point during the holidays unless you’re a recluse or have no friends or family. If you’re getting ready to hole up with a baby you’re not supposed to have, doing this right before Christmas doesn’t sound like a good plan. It would be a good idea to get your visiting with relatives done before taking on a baby that you have to hide from everyone.

Originally EJ said that the hand over was in a deserted park. Probably like she’d been told to do. No witnesses. But she changed hotels that last day and the hand over was most likely done at the new hotel. Makes sense since people at the original hotel might recognize the baby at this point and would see him leaving with someone else. They got her to admit that it was at the hotel when they told her there was video of the couple with the baby. That’s why her story changed. She thought there really was video and the park story was not going to hold up. Got to hand it to LE…they’re good.

So at this point IMO she made arrangements to give Baby Gabriel to someone in San Antonio on Dec 26th and she did just that. No who did she give him to and where is he? Please let today be the day they find him. Time to talk TPS. The jig is truly up now IMO.
Mark me down as somebody who thought the "babysitter" was making the whole thing up to get on TV. I recorded it and watched it this morning, and had to fast forward the babysitter interview because I couldn't watch it. It seemed just too obviously fake.

I totally agree with your post. IMHO, it's most likely very close to exactly what happened.

I hadn't thought of the part about waiting until after Xmas for the hand-off because most people are gathering with family and friends and their absence would cause concern.

I think you're spot on! Good post!


EJ seems to really be in to Craigs list. I wonder if that's how she met Tammi. Maybe she posted and adoption ad on there? I know it's illegal, but so is solicitation of sex and they post about that all the time.

EJ posted on craigslist Dec 8th for a nanny. The ad basically said she had no family, no money, no job and she was a single mother who needed a nanny so she could go to work. IMO TPS saw that ad, realized she was a desperate young woman in a bad situation and called her up. TPS admitted that she spent 4 hours talking with EJ in her trailer. Most likely on the evening of the 8th. JS probably wasn't there and that's when TPS came home and told him the story about the beautiful baby she held. On the 9th EJ handed Gabriel over to the Smiths and called LM at work. She told LM there were "papers" he needed to sign. These would have been the POA "guardianship" papers that the Smiths showed the detectives on the 9th when they found him at their house and EJ had already signed them. JMO.

In a news conference Tuesday, Tempe investigators said they interviewed Cherry, and he told them he had never met Johnson and never talked with her. Cherry also told police that he was related to Tammi Smith.

Tammi Smith tried to explain.

"I remember the conversation between me and (Elizabeth)," Smith said. "We were laughing about it and I just commented on how Logan (McQueary) and my cousin (Craig Cherry) have the same record about DUIs and stuff and we were making a funny joke about that."

The search warrants come just hours after Tammi Smith voluntarily met with Tempe detectives for more than two hours Thursday.

She quickly admitted that she played a role in manipulating paperwork with Elizabeth Johnson, the mother of baby Gabriel.

"I made a poor decision back when I met Elizabeth," said Smith. "I helped her (Elizabeth) file her paperwork so she could get her child support and things like that. There was another name put on there and I helped her (Elizabeth) fill out that paperwork, and because of that it obviously doesn't make me look good."

The name on the paperwork, was apparently Craig Cherry, which prompted Tempe police detectives to look into the possibility Cherry was Gabriel's father.

According to detectives, Cherry is not Gabriel's father, but is a relative of Tammi Smith.

"Instead of putting a false name there, I helped her (Elizabeth) put another name," said Tammi Smith.
Okay so here’s my take on the babysitter interview from NG last night. All JMO of course.

EJ goes to court with TPS on Dec 14th to file false papers to block LM’s custody petition. This attempt fails and EJ is ordered to split custody with LM. I believe I read that the split was supposed to be one has the baby from Wednesday to Sunday, the other from Sunday to Wednesday. So EJ has custody of the baby on the 18th but isn’t due to take him to his father until Sunday the 20th. TPS was with EJ at the hearing so she would have known this. For some bizarre reason she posts a picture of Gabriel on her FB wall on Dec 15th asking people to pray for him. I think the plot was put in place then. So when EJ asks the Smiths to meet her at an arranged location on Friday the 18th to pick up Gabriel to visit his father, 2 days before he is due to go to his father for his Sunday to Wednesday custody time, they want us to believe they didn’t think anything of it.

EJ came into SA on the 20th knowing she had an appt on the 23rd. The same day that TPS posted on her FB about EJ finding underground help. And the same day she was arguing with someone on the phone after her appt.

She went to an obscure hotel that might have been recommended to her before she went by someone who either has stayed there or has asked a contact in the area for the name of a good hotel. EJ would have passed at least a dozen hotels on the I-10, including another Homegate on her way into town. The one she stayed at she would have needed the GPS to find. Had to change highways even to get to it and it also wasn’t right in town. She intended to go to that hotel. It’s still questionable if it was booked in advance but we know that she paid for one week in advance, up front, in cash when she got there.

She then looked up babysitters in the SA area on Craigslist and made arrangements for that babysitter to watch Gabriel on the 23rd at approx. 11:30 am. She did this the first day she got there on the 20th. I don't think the babysitter is tied into this but she definitely was encouraged to make EJ look like a bad mother before that NG interview. Now who was she talking to before that again? Oh yeah TPS.

She most likely never contacted the person she had the appt with by phone. It was already arranged before she got there IMO. So no numbers on cell phones to be traced there. Convenient.

She got dressed up for appt on the 23rd the way that young women her age do. I’m sure she didn’t bring a suit with her. The babysitter’s “club attire” embellishment of her outfit was absurd.

She probably got pissed off because the babysitter was late. She told her she was late when she showed up. Since the babysitter said she showed up at about 11:45 she was probably supposed to be there at 11:30 hence the “I want to kill you“ face. (big eye roll there) EJ was probably worried she’d be late for her appt. and couldn’t call anyone to tell them she‘d be late. She probably wanted to take Gabriel to the babysitter’s house because she didn’t want another person knowing where she was staying. Plus then she would be in control in case some nutcase showed up that she’d have to use that butcher knife on. I think the babysitter was definitely influenced by TPS for that interview and was embellishing a lot. I assume LE got just the facts from her. At least I hope so.

She came back from the appt in a better mood, satisfied that arrangements had been made for Gabriel? She could have gone out for the whole day if she wanted time for herself and just didn't care but she didn’t. Returned in two hours after appt was over and appears to have never gone out without Gabriel at any other time. Told the babysitter she didn’t know where her life was going after that. (or something like that…not a direct quote)

She paid babysitter 40 dollars for two hours? That’s a little over the going rate for a babysitter these days isn‘t it?. Not to mention EJ should have been watching every dollar by this point but she just came into some money? Why would she tell the babysitter that? The babysitter must have asked for less and EJ must have decided to give her more and a conversation was struck up about the extra money. I doubt she made one appt three days in advance as a hooker in the middle of the day so someone at that appt gave her or promised her money. The timing of that appt sounds more like a lunch appt in an out of the way restaurant to me. I hope that GPS is listing places she had to program in to find.

Why the hand off the day after Christmas? Well how hard would it be for anyone to completely disappear from family and/or friends on or just before Christmas day? Almost everyone sees some friend or family at least on Christmas Day or at some point during the holidays unless you’re a recluse or have no friends or family. If you’re getting ready to hole up with a baby you’re not supposed to have, doing this right before Christmas doesn’t sound like a good plan. It would be a good idea to get your visiting with relatives done before taking on a baby that you have to hide from everyone.

Originally EJ said that the hand over was in a deserted park. Probably like she’d been told to do. No witnesses. But she changed hotels that last day and the hand over was most likely done at the new hotel. Makes sense since people at the original hotel might recognize the baby at this point and would see him leaving with someone else. They got her to admit that it was at the hotel when they told her there was video of the couple with the baby. That’s why her story changed. She thought there really was video and the park story was not going to hold up. Got to hand it to LE…they’re good.

So at this point IMO she made arrangements to give Baby Gabriel to someone in San Antonio on Dec 26th and she did just that. No who did she give him to and where is he? Please let today be the day they find him. Time to talk TPS. The jig is truly up now IMO.

I agree with so much of what you said!

A couple of things that I would like to add is:

1. If the potential adoptive couple knew they were going to be adopting the baby they would have wanted to take custody of him before xmas, if it was in their control. But then again you make a very valid point about them wanting to keep GJ a secret.

2. I believe that EJ met with an adoption professional who uses that hotel to house expectant moms and they are the ones she met with and they are the ones who gave her funds.

3. If she would have met with the new family on that day, and at the same time everything indicated that she was not planning on keeping Gabriel, she would have handed him over that day.

4. I believe that the new family needed time to get to SA, that is why EJ stayed in SA as long as she did.

5. I do not believe the couple was working alone.

Also want to add that I put a msg out on some adoption boards and lists stating that who ever has GJ need to return him and I am getting a ton of feed back from people who are not aware of his still missing. :angel:
Okay so here’s my take on the babysitter interview from NG last night. All JMO of course.

EJ goes to court with TPS on Dec 14th to file false papers to block LM’s custody petition. This attempt fails and EJ is ordered to split custody with LM. I believe I read that the split was supposed to be one has the baby from Wednesday to Sunday, the other from Sunday to Wednesday. So EJ has custody of the baby on the 18th but isn’t due to take him to his father until Sunday the 20th. TPS was with EJ at the hearing so she would have known this. For some bizarre reason she posts a picture of Gabriel on her FB wall on Dec 15th asking people to pray for him. I think the plot was put in place then. So when EJ asks the Smiths to meet her at an arranged location on Friday the 18th to pick up Gabriel to visit his father, 2 days before he is due to go to his father for his Sunday to Wednesday custody time, they want us to believe they didn’t think anything of it.

EJ came into SA on the 20th knowing she had an appt on the 23rd. The same day that TPS posted on her FB about EJ finding underground help. And the same day she was arguing with someone on the phone after her appt.

She went to an obscure hotel that might have been recommended to her before she went by someone who either has stayed there or has asked a contact in the area for the name of a good hotel. EJ would have passed at least a dozen hotels on the I-10, including another Homegate on her way into town. The one she stayed at she would have needed the GPS to find. Had to change highways even to get to it and it also wasn’t right in town. She intended to go to that hotel. It’s still questionable if it was booked in advance but we know that she paid for one week in advance, up front, in cash when she got there.

She then looked up babysitters in the SA area on Craigslist and made arrangements for that babysitter to watch Gabriel on the 23rd at approx. 11:30 am. She did this the first day she got there on the 20th. I don't think the babysitter is tied into this but she definitely was encouraged to make EJ look like a bad mother before that NG interview. Now who was she talking to before that again? Oh yeah TPS.

She most likely never contacted the person she had the appt with by phone. It was already arranged before she got there IMO. So no numbers on cell phones to be traced there. Convenient.

She got dressed up for appt on the 23rd the way that young women her age do. I’m sure she didn’t bring a suit with her. The babysitter’s “club attire” embellishment of her outfit was absurd.

She probably got pissed off because the babysitter was late. She told her she was late when she showed up. Since the babysitter said she showed up at about 11:45 she was probably supposed to be there at 11:30 hence the “I want to kill you“ face. (big eye roll there) EJ was probably worried she’d be late for her appt. and couldn’t call anyone to tell them she‘d be late. She probably wanted to take Gabriel to the babysitter’s house because she didn’t want another person knowing where she was staying. Plus then she would be in control in case some nutcase showed up that she’d have to use that butcher knife on. I think the babysitter was definitely influenced by TPS for that interview and was embellishing a lot. I assume LE got just the facts from her. At least I hope so.

She came back from the appt in a better mood, satisfied that arrangements had been made for Gabriel? She could have gone out for the whole day if she wanted time for herself and just didn't care but she didn’t. Returned in two hours after appt was over and appears to have never gone out without Gabriel at any other time. Told the babysitter she didn’t know where her life was going after that. (or something like that…not a direct quote)

She paid babysitter 40 dollars for two hours? That’s a little over the going rate for a babysitter these days isn‘t it?. Not to mention EJ should have been watching every dollar by this point but she just came into some money? Why would she tell the babysitter that? The babysitter must have asked for less and EJ must have decided to give her more and a conversation was struck up about the extra money. I doubt she made one appt three days in advance as a hooker in the middle of the day so someone at that appt gave her or promised her money. The timing of that appt sounds more like a lunch appt in an out of the way restaurant to me. I hope that GPS is listing places she had to program in to find.

Why the hand off the day after Christmas? Well how hard would it be for anyone to completely disappear from family and/or friends on or just before Christmas day? Almost everyone sees some friend or family at least on Christmas Day or at some point during the holidays unless you’re a recluse or have no friends or family. If you’re getting ready to hole up with a baby you’re not supposed to have, doing this right before Christmas doesn’t sound like a good plan. It would be a good idea to get your visiting with relatives done before taking on a baby that you have to hide from everyone.

Originally EJ said that the hand over was in a deserted park. Probably like she’d been told to do. No witnesses. But she changed hotels that last day and the hand over was most likely done at the new hotel. Makes sense since people at the original hotel might recognize the baby at this point and would see him leaving with someone else. They got her to admit that it was at the hotel when they told her there was video of the couple with the baby. That’s why her story changed. She thought there really was video and the park story was not going to hold up. Got to hand it to LE…they’re good.

So at this point IMO she made arrangements to give Baby Gabriel to someone in San Antonio on Dec 26th and she did just that. No who did she give him to and where is he? Please let today be the day they find him. Time to talk TPS. The jig is truly up now IMO.

EJ posted on craigslist Dec 8th for a nanny. The ad basically said she had no family, no money, no job and she was a single mother who needed a nanny so she could go to work. IMO TPS saw that ad, realized she was a desperate young woman in a bad situation and called her up. TPS admitted that she spent 4 hours talking with EJ in her trailer. Most likely on the evening of the 8th. JS probably wasn't there and that's when TPS came home and told him the story about the beautiful baby she held. On the 9th EJ handed Gabriel over to the Smiths and called LM at work. She told LM there were "papers" he needed to sign. These would have been the POA "guardianship" papers that the Smiths showed the detectives on the 9th when they found him at their house and EJ had already signed them. JMO.

My guess is that you are spot on with all of this. Good work!
I wonder if charges will be coming down for Tammi for falsifying court documents ? Among other things ...
Mark me down as somebody who thought the "babysitter" was making the whole thing up to get on TV. I recorded it and watched it this morning, and had to fast forward the babysitter interview because I couldn't watch it. It seemed just too obviously fake.

I have A LOT of catching up to do. But I was so happy to login this morning and see your post. From almost the first sentence out of the "babysitter's" mouth, I had a strong feeling she was lying. I honestly feel that she is being paid to say that she watched baby Gabe. She was very focused on certain points of the interview (the baby was crying, only wanted to be held, the knife, baby was dirty, room was dirty). She kept repeating the same things but always using the same wording. It felt very scripted. And IMO, she didn't know how to answer certain questions. I felt, because she was only told certain things to say and was trying not to ellaborate on anything else because she was never told what to say on those things.

ETA: Was also glad this morning to see that a search warrant was served at the Smith's home last night. I don't think they were looking for Gabe, but I think they had specific things in mind to look for. PLEASE let this be one step closer to bringing home little Gabe, safe and sound.
I wonder if charges will be coming down for Tammi for falsifying court documents ?

I think LE is going to try to squeeze every drop of juice out of her before she lawyers up, which she would as soon as she was charged.
I love this quote!

I that was a little less illegal:waitasec:

Word to Tammi...putting any name other than Logan's on the papers is false! It's also illegal.:banghead:

Okay so anyone want to venture exactly what charges Tammi will face. I'm confident...there will be charges against her.
LOL, I wonder if NG will say anything about TS come Monday when she returns. (ie she's off fri, sat, sun) Wonder if she'll admit her error? Nah! :back:

Told you to ask her about the paperwork Nancy! But noooooo, you let it slide. Now YOU look like an idiot, just like TS and JS!:snooty:


PS............How's it feel BEING the news TS? :loser:
But, but, but......she only lied about this one thing. We should believe her about everything else.

Yeah, right.

Yeah, because, um, you know, um, she only lied about that one lot...but only that. Everything else is the truth.

To borrow from another case...the truth and Mrs. Smith are strangers.
(OR as my grandma would say, she wouldn't know the truth if it ran up and goosed her.)
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