AZ-Gabriel Johnson, 8 months News Media and Updated Information ONLY. No Discussion.

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San Antonio police gearing up to search landfill for Baby Gabriel
Posted on February 9, 2010 at 7:38 AM
Updated today at 6:10 PM
Bad weather has so far hampered the planned search, which has been in the works for some time. That search is expected to get under way today. It will focus on a relatively small area of the 1,000-acre facility.

McQueary is in San Antonio, as is world-renowned private investigator Jay J. Armes, who specializes in missing-persons cases. Even though a search for the baby's body is imminent, Armes believes the child was the center of an underground adoption.

Police said they are aware of underground adotion rings

During a news conference Tuesday morning, McManus said 45 feet of debris would be removed in a process that would take at least six days. After that, officers will begin the search phase, carefully sifting through layers of debris for possible evidence. Cadaver dogs will be brought in during that operation. Once the search phase begins, crews will be out Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-6 p.m.

*More At Link!

Listen to radio.

Video: San Antonio police gearing up to search landfill for Baby Gabriel 2:26

Video: San Antonio police gearing up to search landfill for Baby Gabriel 2:04

UPDATED: Police launch landfill search for missing baby Gabriel
Feb. 9, 2010 01:08 PM
There doesn't seem to be new evidence suggesting the child is in the dump beyond text messages sent from the mother, Elizabeth Johnson, to the boy's father nearly seven weeks ago in which she claims she had smothered him, stuffed him in a baby bag and left him in a dumpster.

The likelihood of finding the body in the dump, experts say, is not good. That is especially true in a case where there's no confirmation that the child is dead, said forensic expert Paul Laska, who oversaw a landfill search for a child in Florida. "Sometimes unfortunately, you end up having to do things because you have a public out there expecting you to," Laska said.

Such searches cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, take weeks to complete and are often fruitless. Once the landfill operators determine exactly where in the dump the trash of interest is, dozens of volunteers from the police department and the fire department gather for weeks to sift through the trash. They use cadaver dogs and forensic anthropologists.

They follow dates on discarded newspapers to make sure they are looking in the right spot. They become experts on the difference between turkey bones, chicken bones and steak bones. And often times, they never find the body. If the child is in the dump and authorities have identified the right place, Laska said, he has confidence that cadaver dogs could pick up the scent.

*Much More Info At Link!

Why No Amber Alert For Baby Gabriel?
POSTED: 8:29 am MST February 9, 2010
UPDATED: 9:16 am MST February 9, 2010
Baby Gabriel Johnson has been missing for six weeks, despite investigations by two major police departments and the FBI, and some are questioning why an Amber Alert was never issued.

"We were told that (Johnson) was passing through &#8230; San Antonio," said San Antonio Police Chief William McManus. "Then we got the information, 10 days later, that she had stayed at the (Homestead) Hotel. So, as far as the Amber Alert goes &#8230; you know, there was not (an) opportunity for that."

Nevertheless, the fact that Johnson was "passing through" Texas has nothing to do with the state's Amber Alert criteria.

VIDEO: Why No Amber Alert Issued For Baby Gabriel? 2:33
Should Texas authorities have issued an Amber Alert for missing baby Gabriel Johnson?

UPDATED: Landfill search underway for Tempe's baby Gabriel
Last Update: 2/09 10:58 pm CST
The landfill search is expected to take several days.

"Search teams will be looking for anything of evidentiary value," said McManus.

McManus said crews will first have to remove 45 feet of debris before getting to the location they've pinpointed as a search area.

"Debris will be thoroughly examined by search teams as well as cadaver dogs," said McManus. "All hopes are that we will find the baby alive, but we are going to proceed with a murder investigation."

Video: Landfill search underway for Tempe's baby Gabriel 1:25

Video: Landfill search underway for Tempe's baby Gabriel 1:30

Video: Police expected to search landfill for missing Tempe baby 1:55

Police search landfill for Baby Gabriel
Last Update: 10:49 am
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus says officers have begun excavating a landfill for evidence in the disappearance of an 8-month-old boy.

Police turned to the landfill after the mother allegedly sent a text message to the father, saying their baby was dead. She later retracted the comment.

McManus told a news conference that police are excavating a section of the landfill believed to contain trash from a motel where Johnson was last seen with her baby.

San Antonio landfill search for missing baby
Updated: 10:46 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010
Published: 9:31 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2010
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus says officers have begun excavating a landfill for evidence in the disappearance of an 8-month-old boy.

McManus said Tuesday that authorities "remain hopeful that Baby Gabriel is alive."

McManus told a news conference that police are excavating a section of the landfill believed to contain trash from a motel where Johnson was last seen with her baby.

UPDATED: San Antonio Police Start Digging in Landfill for Missing Baby
Updated: Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 5:21 PM MST
Published : Tuesday, 09 Feb 2010, 8:45 AM MST
First in the landfill search, over 20 searchers will dig down to where trash dumped around Dec. 26 would be. Phase 1 of the search involves removing over 45 feet of debris, which will take six days to complete.

Then when diggers find the right area of trash, they will begin sifting through it piece by piece.

"This phase will be a long and repetitive cycle, looking for anything of value. Debris will be examined by search teams and cadaver dogs," said Chief William McManus.

*2-Videos Included In Article Link!

Cops search San Antonio landfill for missing baby
11:56 a.m. Tuesday, February 9, 2010
San Antonio's police chief says officers are searching a landfill for evidence in the disappearance of an 8-month-old boy.

Chief William McManus said Tuesday that authorities "remain hopeful that Baby Gabriel is alive."

Search Begins In Landfill For Baby Gabriel
Dig To Take At Least 6 Days, Maybe Longer
POSTED: 3:14 pm MST February 9, 2010
UPDATED: 5:30 pm MST February 9, 2010
Landfill managers identified the area based on where Gabriel was last seen on Dec. 26. The cordoned-off area was larger than a convenience-store parking lot.

The job is so immense, it will be another week before workers get to the area that could contain evidence, said San Antonio Police Chief William McManus.

"We will begin by removing 50 feet of debris," McManus said. "Once we've removed debris and searched our target area, we will begin the arduous task of sifting through layers."

The dig will begin every weekday morning at 7:30 and conclude at about 6 p.m. Because rain causes toxic runoff, the search can only happen on good weather days.

Carbajal declined to confirm whether Johnson sent the message, citing the ongoing investigation.

*Much More At Link!

VIDEO: Landfill Search Gets Under Way For Baby Gabriel 2:38
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus says officers have begun excavating a landfill for evidence in the disappearence of Baby Gabriel.

Slideshow: Who's Who In Baby Gabriel Mystery

Interactive: Map The Route Baby's Dad Is Following

UPDATED: Landfill search for Arizona baby begins
Posted: 02/09/2010 11:17 CST
He said he expects it will take at least six days for excavators to move 1.8 million cubic feet of debris off a section of the Tessman Road Landfill in the 7000 block of Interstate 10.

&#8220;We are chasing down every lead that we've come across, and we're chasing it down very vigorously,&#8221; the chief said. &#8220;The San Antonio community is a very tight community, and it takes very, very personally crimes against children. The community will not tolerate this, the police department will not tolerate this, and we're doing everything that we can to try to track down Baby Gabriel, and hopefully we'll find that baby alive.&#8221;

Once the 1.8 million cubic feet of debris has been removed from what police call the &#8220;search zone,&#8221; crews will begin the meticulous task of searching for evidence of a homicide, McManus said. Contractors will move the debris in the &#8220;search zone&#8221; to a separate secure site at a location that police declined to disclose, and search teams with cadaver dogs will then sift through the potential evidence.

Meanwhile, McQueary continues his own search in San Antonio, where he is retracing Johnson's steps. He has repeatedly turned down newspaper reporters' requests to be interviewed. McManus said investigators continue to update McQueary on the two cases in private meetings.

Homicide probe

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UPDATED: SAPD begins dig through garbage for Baby Gabriel
Posted on February 9, 2010 at 12:15 PM
Updated today at 5:57 PM
McManus told reporters Tuesday that homicide investigators have leads that point them to the Tessman Road Landfill.

Crews have begun digging through 45 feet of debris down to a target area, where garbage from a San Antonio hotel is believed to be. The excavation process will take a minimum of six days, McManus says.

Once crews reach the target area, investigators will begin sifting through the trash. Cadaver dogs will be called in to help with the search.

Video: SAPD begins dig through garbage for Baby Gabriel 1:47

Landfill Search Begins For Missing Baby
Gabriel Johnson Was Last Seen In Late December
POSTED: Tuesday, February 9, 2010
UPDATED: 12:52 pm CST February 9, 2010
San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said that a tip prompted investigators to obtain a search warrant to dig up an area of the Tessman Landfill in east Bexar County.

McManus said that crews will remove 45 feet of debris, and then cadaver dogs will be brought in.

"We'll begin the arduous task of sifting through layers in the search for possible evidence," McManus said.

The excavation is expected to take six days, McManus said. McQueary, who met with San Antonio police on Saturday, is being updated on the case.

Video: Search In Landfill Begins For Missing Baby 1:47
A local landfill is being dug up for clues into the disappearance of an 8-month-old boy. (Includes clips from the Press Conference & the landfill)

Cops search San Antonio landfill for missing baby
Feb. 9, 2010 2:04 PM EST
Police Chief William McManus said Tuesday that authorities began the arduous task of digging down through 45 feet of trash with hazardous material crews and cadaver dogs standing by. It will take at least six days to dig to the layer containing trash from the hotel. The hotel's trash, which is in a section that's been cordoned off for weeks, will be recovered and carefully sifted, he said.

He declined to offer any details on the investigation, which began as a missing-person case but was reclassified as a homicide to allow for the landfill dig. McManus said leads have come in from a variety of sources and investigators are checking every one.

Safely conducting a landfill search requires careful planning and specially trained investigators, McManus said. Heavy rains, which create toxic run-off, also have been a concern, he said.

Police Search Landfill For Missing Baby
Mother Of 'Baby Gabriel' Faces Kidnapping Charges
POSTED: 10:54 am CST February 9, 2010
UPDATED: 1:08 pm CST February 9, 2010
McManus said that crews will remove 45 feet of debris, and then cadaver dogs will be brought in.

"We'll begin the arduous task of sifting through layers in the search for possible evidence," McManus said.

The area being excavated contains trash from the Dumpsters at the hotel where Elizabeth Johnson was seen with the baby.

The excavation is expected to take six days, McManus said. McQueary, who met with San Antonio police on Saturday, is being updated on the case.

Police search Texas landfill for missing baby
Published: Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 3:03 p.m.
Last Modified: Tuesday, February 9, 2010 at 3:03 p.m.
Police Chief William McManus said Tuesday that authorities began the arduous task of digging down through 45 feet of trash with hazardous material crews and cadaver dogs standing by. It will take at least six days to dig to the layer containing trash from the hotel. The hotel's trash, which is in a section that's been cordoned off for weeks, will be recovered and carefully sifted, he said.

Safely conducting a landfill search requires careful planning and specially trained investigators, McManus said. Heavy rains, which create toxic run-off, also have been a concern, he said.

Baby Gabriel Search Moves to San Antonio Landfill; Police Remain Hopeful He's Alive
Tue., Feb. 9 2010 @ 2:00PM


Police in San Antonio, Texas, today began searching a landfill, where they think the remains of missing Gabriel Johnson, the Tempe boy missing since December, may be.

Police, however, waited until today to actually start searching the dump..

Meanwhile, Gabriel's father, Logan McQueary, is in San Antonio and has recruited famed investigator, Jay J. Armes, who has robot arms, to help him: The two are retracing Elizabeth Johnson's steps looking for leads.

The best "lead" -- Elizabeth Johnson -- is sitting in a Maricopa County jail at the moment, but she aint talkin'.

Texas landfill searched in baby Gabriel Johnson case
February 9, 2010 6:15 p.m. EST
"Let me say this, that we do remain hopeful that baby Gabriel is alive," William McManus, chief of the San Antonio Police Department, said at a news conference at the landfill.

"We are, however, conducting both a missing persons investigation as well as a homicide investigation," he said, adding that aspects surrounding Gabriel Johnson's disappearance involve elements of a possible homicide.

First, it will take at least six days to remove 45 feet of garbage that has piled up since the time investigators believe evidence may have been dumped in the area.

"Once we have removed the debris and have searched our target area, we will begin the arduous task of sifting through layers in the search for possible evidence," McManus said.

"This phase will be a long and repetitive cycle. Search teams will be looking for anything of evidentiary value."

Cadaver dogs will assist the search teams in the effort, which will be conducted weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., McManus said. He estimated more than 20 people will be involved.

*More At Link!

Gabriel Johnson was last seen in San Antonio, Texas, with his mother, Elizabeth Johnson.

UPDATED: Texas landfill search on for missing E.V. baby
February 9, 2010 - 9:29AM , updated: February 9, 2010 - 7:08PM
A San Antonio police spokesperson told the Tribune on Tuesday that an initial excavation will include digging about 45 feet deep, and no cadaver dogs are being used at this time.

Between Dec. 21 and 27, Johnson stayed at two motels in San Antonio, the HomeGate Studios and Suites and the Quality Inn and Suites, according to authorities. While there, she was seen with a Hispanic man at both motels and riding in a smaller SUV, according to a Maricopa County Superior Court document. When Johnson left the Quality Inn and Suites, where she was last seen with the child, she left behind baby items including a portable baby bed and Gabriel&#8217;s hospital identification band from his birth.

FBI agents in Florida were able to locate Johnson at a youth hostel by tracing her through a computer she was using at a nearby library to message Tammi Smith&#8217;s MySpace page on Dec. 29 and Dec. 30. Police confiscated a new cell phone, a GPS tracking device and a knife from Johnson, according to the court document.

Smith, 37, of Scottsdale, was charged last week with conspiracy to commit to custodial interference and forgery in connection to the case. Johnson is being held in the Maricopa County Estrella Jail on a $1.1 million cash bond, and Smith was released on $15,000 bond.

They both are scheduled to appear in Maricopa County Superior Court for a hearing on Friday.

*Much More At Link!

Gabriel Johnson, 9 months

Texas police: Missing Ariz. baby case a homicide

Landfill search for missing baby to begin


Search For Missing Baby Begins At Landfill
Tuesday, February 9 2010, 05:08 PM CST
It will take at least 6 days for police to search the Tessman Road Landfill for 9 month-old Gabriel Johnson.

Chief William McManus also addressed today the existence of underground illegal adoptions in San Antonio. This after Johnson also claims to have given the baby to a couple in San Antonio.

Police start searching for Baby Gabriel in landfill
2/9/10 Last Update: 8:04 pm
Chief McManus did not comment directly on what led police to the Tessman Road landfill, near I-10 and Foster Road. He said, "Homicide investigators believe that aspects surrounding the disappearance of baby Gabriel involve elements of a possible homicide." The chief said that workers at the landfill have identified an area where trash from the Homegate Studios and Suites would have been taken.

Police are focused on that area of the landfill and "will begin by removing 45-feet of debris," McManus said. That first phase of the search is expected to take at least six days. McManus went on to say, "Once we have removed debris and have searched our target area, we will begin the arduous task of sifting through layers for possible evidence."


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