AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #12

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The complainant (sister) gave a description to the dispatcher of the clothing in which Isabel was last seen wearing. If the complainant is actually Isabel’s brother, that is somewhat worrisome, IMO. (My sons would only remember what their sister was wearing 10 hours previously if it was a signed Sidney Crosby jersey.)

This could explain why the caller originally reported a pink shirt instead of a blue one.
IDK, it just doesn't seem that 'off' to me. My first thought would be "get the police here" and I certainly would be running outside to look for my child.

Also you have to remember what a panic they must have been in after realizing Isabel was gone.

but that's the thing...there wasn't panic. sergio has quite a set of lungs as we've shouting? screaming "isa?!!! isa?!!!" while running around the neighborhood? bbm:

"What we saw right here was a couple of people walking up and down the street, Nancy. And we think that that was maybe the father and the brother. And then the police had us right at that moment cut off the digital recording, and they took that evidence and that`s when they took it away. So we think that that was just the father..."

you'd think either rick or someone in the neighborhood would have heard or seen a frantic parent tearing up the block yelling...if in fact he had left the 911 call in the hands of a
Why ask the youngest boy to call 911 ? Why not the 14 year old ? MOO

Doubt if it was either boy who called...MOO
Why ask the youngest boy to call 911 ? Why not the 14 year old ? MOO

Doubt if it was either boy who called...MOO

i doubt it too, liz...possible but not probable...

i cannot find a sister to either rebecca or sergio though. has anyone else found one (i.e. the caller was an aunt and said 'my sister is en route' blah blah blah and the dispatcher took the complainant to be her sister)?
Well, I have a story about this. My bff has a daughter who at the age of 5 wandered out of the kitchen and fell into the pool. My bff was making hamburgers in the kitchen and was putting ketchup onto the buns, when her son said "mom, where is sis?" as they both looked out into the pool and saw her floating face down. My bff ran out and jumped into the pool with her cell phone in her pocket. She grabbed her little daughter and then grabbed her phone out of her pocket which now was wet and would not work. She then ran to her house phone to call 911. She had recently switched phone companies to one of those digital cheap plans and it would NOT call 911!! She was frantic and ran down the street to my house (I was not at home as I was at the dentist with my son), her little son was with her and he sprinted to my door and beat the door down until my husband ran outside and he yelled at my husband to please call 911!! That his sister was drowned and they couldn't use their phones. So my husband was the one who made the call. Long story I know, but anyway her dd is just fine now, Thank Goodness!! but in moments of panic sometimes things crazy like that just happen. My bff didn't do anything nefarious to her daughter, it is just how it worked out.

Now, of course I am sure that is not what happened here, but I think without more info about the call, there is really no way to know/understand what exactly occurred that morning or who actually made the call. We are only getting a 3rd party account by the scanner report.

I think there are a lot of conclusions being drawn and assumptions being made based on feelings toward the parents or past personal experiences. You are completely right when you said we need more info about the call, about the size of the house, about the searches, about everything. jmo
but that's the thing...there wasn't panic. sergio has quite a set of lungs as we've shouting? screaming "isa?!!! isa?!!!" while running around the neighborhood? bbm:

"What we saw right here was a couple of people walking up and down the street, Nancy. And we think that that was maybe the father and the brother. And then the police had us right at that moment cut off the digital recording, and they took that evidence and that`s when they took it away. So we think that that was just the father..."

you'd think either rick or someone in the neighborhood would have heard or seen a frantic parent tearing up the block yelling...if in fact he had left the 911 call in the hands of a

I really don't know how one is 'supposed' to act when they are in a panic.
When my daughter was almost three I was in the bathroom getting dressed and heard the front door shut. I was panicking, it felt like my legs would not work. I ran outside half dressed calling her but I wasn't screaming. However, she was right there in the front yard-I don't know how I would have reacted if it took me longer to find her. I just remember it felt like I had no control over my body-I was shaking and it was hard to speak.
My dad, whenever something happened with one of us he would panic-like the time my sister got lost on the beach-but he was very quiet, did not call for her or speak to anyone, just quietly kept saying 'she's gone, I know it, she's in the water' while looking for her. Just kept repeating it. And he was a firefighter/EMT..
FR: but *if* a parent asks a child (or neighbor or friend) to call 911 instead of doing it themselves (unless they are performing cpr or physically incapable of calling) it sets off alarm bells for me.


Not me.

I've relayed this story many times, but when my daughter had just barely turned 5, there was one morning I was sick on the couch. I dozed in and out when she woke up. I vaguely remember her saying something liike "I'm going to my friend's house". Next thing I knew, I didn't hear her and went to the back door and it was wide open. I did a quick look around the house, shouting her name, but I knew she was not in the house. Then the panic set in. Tried to get my hubby out of bed.

My only thought was getting to my child. I wasn't thinking about calling 911 or how sick I was, just finding my child. I saw a neighbor who had not seen her, but she drove me around our gated community. I got out of the car because I thought I had seen the nightgown she was wearing. Finally, the neighbor found her. A teen girl found her wandering around and took her to the office. My husband, without a word, went to the hardware store and bought more secure locks.

I broke down later that day, but at the time I was not thinking straight. I couldn't even figure out how to get dressed or how to put shoes on. It seemed like forever from the time I realized she was missing until the time I was actually out the door.

Just saying, everyone is different and my perspective may seem a little biased, but I think Sergio's mind was probably thinking "I gotta get to my child".

Well I think our frustration is getting to us? It's getting to me-trying to figure out what happened while not having all of the info. LE could come out with something that changes all of our opinions.
Why ask the youngest boy to call 911 ? Why not the 14 year old ? MOO

Doubt if it was either boy who called...MOO

Maybe the 14yr old was the one out looking for Isa with Sergio.
I would imagine a court order would have been issued early on if LE has any inkling of the parent's involvement. Of course we don't have that information. ;-)

IMO, they would never release this information, if true.

It would no good to conceal microphones and/or cameras and announce it on MSM letting the parents know they were there.
for those like myself who fly through the thread playing

jvm transcript

police scanner audio

Please correct me if I am wrong, but that is not the audio of the 911 call. We are only hearing what the dispatcher is saying to the officers. We are not hearing her questions to the caller or their response. The dispatcher could simply have asked who? and the caller thought she was asking who was missing and they responded with my sister. I don't know but I am not drawing any conclusions until the actual 911 call is released. This has been on the chatter thread for a long time. jmo
You could also add the possible hearing of the dogs and male voices by the neighbor at 6:28am per her comment of looking at her phone. Also, 11pm last time she was seen by Sergio?

Yes that is what Sergio said.
this lands randomly: do NOT post the names of the other minor children
I think people tend to believe that they would do certain things or act in certain ways if something similar to this happened to them. But really you don't know how you would react. When I was an EMT I saw perfectly logical people do very illogical things because they were scared. Then they spent days beating themselves up because they can't understand why they did things the way they did "why didn't I do this or that"?

It happens..
Has anyone look around to find relatives of either Sergio or Becky that live in Mexico. What part of Mexico were they from, what is the background of where they were born and raised. Is that here somewhere and I missed it.
Maybe the 14yr old was the one out looking for Isa with Sergio.

Sure. But, that would leave the younger child alone in the house ? After another child had gone missing ? MOO
I'm thinking that Sergio would have gone to his parents house right away ? Or called over there ? But,if he did,why wouldn't he also have called 911 ?

Did Sergio ever mention what time he went to bed that night ? TIA to anyone who might know...MOO
Well, earlier this week LE did state that they were planning to release the 911 tape, so that will explain the scanner most likely.

I believe there was probably more than one 911 call that morning by the family.

It seems to me that it's possible that Sergio called first, and then an aunt (sister to either Sergio or Becky) might have called directly after Sergio called.

(Now this aunt may be by blood or by marriage. We do have a witness who claims TPD told her that a man who knocked on her door was an uncle. It is possible that both an aunt and uncle who are married to each other live nearby. There are many extended family members who are referenced in the news, and from what I see on FB.)

I do notice that in the first part of the scanner tape that JVM has, the dispatcher states "in reference to the missing girl on East 12th." She goes on to state that the complainant is sister. This I believe was a second call to 911, as the dispatcher references it as an update to what was previously dispatched (something like a possible kidnapping with other details perhaps). In the previous dispatch, IMO I think the complainant probably woke up to find child missing (and this was probably Sergio first calling).

IMO where the JVM tape starts, is after the first 911 call, as she states "in reference to missing child. This dispatcher is updating the information. IMO This update that JVM begins with, is the dispatcher relating information from the second caller who is now the "sister."

JVM tape
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