AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #13

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LDT work on all the wrong people, regular people like most of you, sure, you are generally emotional and nervous about lying and it will show accordingly. But they dont work on sociopaths and others with personality disorders very often and they certainly should never be admissible in court in front of a jury, no place for quack science in a court room.

I only have my own experience with LD tests...I had to take one some years back due to money being missing from a safe. I was one of several people who had the combination, I was extremely nervous, a wreck almost, and yet everyone passed except the person who confessed, after failing. And it was not a false confession as she returned the money...
If my family was missing I'd sit down with LE and talk for that very reason.

My family is my life. No sense covering my posterior on a lawyer's orders if my reason for living is in danger.

I REALLY wish I had your unwavering trust in LE AND the legal system, but alas, I do not. I think it WOULD be in my missing loved ones best interest to GET a lawyer so LE couldn't "settle in" on the fact that I had something to do with my child's disappearance when in fact they should be looking for the culprit.
JMO and my dad was a NYC police officer for 25 years... they are only human and make mistakes.... mistakes that have much bigger consequences than most people in life... :sigh:
I REALLY wish I had your unwavering trust in LE AND the legal system, but alas, I do not. I think it WOULD be in my missing loved ones best interest to GET a lawyer so LE couldn't "settle in" on the fact that I had something to do with my child's disappearance when in fact they should be looking for the culprit.
JMO and my dad was a NYC police officer for 25 years... they are only human and make mistakes.... mistakes that have much bigger consequences than most people in life... :sigh:

I bet your dad the police officer would IMMEDIATELY hire a lawyer for you if you were ever accused of a crime even if he knew you were innocent. Any cop would and that should tell you something.

Cops themselves immediately hire lawyers when they are accused, you wont see any cop subjecting himself to questioning by his peers without representation LOL.

Take note.
Let's assume that this facade was for the benefit of the children, to shield them from the truth while BC and SC decided how to proceed in their relationship. Why would you need to lie about that to LE? If BC wasn't even in the home overnight, why lie about that?

Excellent point. If either BC or SC were not home, there would be no point in lying...a lie that could be easily caught.

I have seen no evidence at all that BC or RC were not at home the night Isa went missising.

IMO If there was a separation, which I do not believe was the case, it would have been BC who stayed with the children. There is evidence of her being at that home in recent videos, and pictures shown both in MSM and on her FB. She spoke of nothing but her children on FB, really.

That said, I would not be surprised if SC was not home much, but that does not mean they were not together, or that they were not both there Friday night.

There was the coach who saw the whole family together at the ball game that Friday night, and LE has stated that the whole family was home. LE also stated that SC called 911, and I believe that to be true. I believe that he called, and then another family member called to update the information.

I believe the friends and coworkers who have been interviewed, the family members who have been interviewed who all spoke up favorably for this couple.
Let's assume that this facade was for the benefit of the children, to shield them from the truth while BC and SC decided how to proceed in their relationship. Why would you need to lie about that to LE? If BC wasn't even in the home overnight, why lie about that?

Thing is, I don't recall anyone saying BC spent the night there. (I may have missed it though) It was loosely implied by reports of her being put to bed by parents...and that RC left for work before the 8am discovery.. But I haven't seen it reported from WHERE she left for work. It also would explain why RC didn't peek in at the sleeping kids before work.

There has been some very cryptic wording from LE media releases, statements and pressers. I really believe they wanted to give SC enough rope to hang himself.. But jmo.
I bet your dad the police officer would IMMEDIATELY hire a lawyer for you if you were ever accused of a crime even if he knew you were innocent. Any cop would and that should tell you something.

Cops themselves immediately hire lawyers when they are accused, you wont see any cop subjecting himself to questioning by his peers without representation LOL.

Take note.

You're absolutely right. i had an incident a few years back (someone accused me wrongfully of something which was later proved done by the accuser himself) and my dad was the FIRST one to tell me NOT to take a lie detector test nor talk to the police without representation even though we both knew I was innocent. I would never "stand in the way" of justice if I was innocont but I definitely would CMA!!!
It is really not even about mistrusting the police it is more about the fact that very few people have what it takes to survive a serious interrogation by the police. It is easy to say, sitting here in the comforts of our homes that we would have no problem taking a ride downtown to answer the nice officer's questions, but very few people realize how difficult it is to be locked in a small room with 3 or 4 cops standing in front, beside and behind you lobbying questions at you at a rapid pace and you needing to be able to recall fine details of what you were doing, eating, saying, reading, etc at any given time. It is not easy folks, it is an EXTREMELY difficult and nerve wracking position to be in and I am almost certain every single one of you, in that situation would be thinking that you wished you had a lawyer there to protect your interests.

I also understand that when your family or a loved one is missing a lawyer is the last thing on your mind and you dont care about yourself or anything else and just want them found, that is understandable.
I'd support that position if I had actually taken it, but I did not.

I am referring to a specific situation and using as support an innocent man who was in that very situation.

Sorry.. thrust my assumptions upon you by your statements.

Might not be unwavering but one's gotta trust LE if one doesn't feel the need to get legal representation IMVHO.
If my family was missing I'd sit down with LE and talk for that very reason.

My family is my life. No sense covering my posterior on a lawyer's orders if my reason for living is in danger.

I would do the exact same thing I would have nothing to hide, yea I saw and heard what Mark Klass and Mark Lumsford went through. But if one of mine was missing it would be worth it if it helped finding them.
It is a possibility that we have to be open to, imo. I have seen and heard of my share of coaches being sexual predators. Obviously it is just a very small percentage. But it is a real possibility. I would think that any victims would have come forward already though, given the circumstances.

If someone is molested by a person who tells them he will hurt or kill their family, and they suddenly see that this person's child disappears mysteriously, you might be less inclined to talk out of fear.
Thing is, I don't recall anyone saying BC spent the night there. (I may have missed it though) It was loosely implied by reports of her being put to bed by parents...and that RC left for work before the 8am discovery.. But I haven't seen it reported from WHERE she left for work. It also would explain why RC didn't peek in at the sleeping kids before work.

There has been some very cryptic wording from LE media releases, statements and pressers. I really believe they wanted to give SC enough rope to hang himself.. But jmo.

You may be right. Maybe we have been assuming something that hasn't been explicitly stated.
This was interesting1
I wonder if they are related?

Isabel Celis appeals from the judgment entered following her conviction by a jury of the first degree murder of Norma Barto. (Pen. Code, §§ 187, subd. (a), 189.)[1] The jury found two allegations to be not true: a lying-in-wait special circumstances allegation (§ 190.2, subd. (a)(15)) and an allegation that appellant had personally used a deadly or dangerous weapon. (§ 12022, subd. (b).) She was sentenced to prison for 25 years to life.

If they are related could it be a revenge thing?
If my child was missing, I'd talk to LE forever and a day and do whatever they wanted.

However, in any other situation, I wouldn't talk to them until they arrest me. I have been questioned before and NEVER AGAIN.
Showing more age... I remember when Rosie Greer took up needlepoint!

Oh yeah! That was a big deal, too, like he did commercials with him doing needlepoint! Awesome!

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There are two routes to take when getting an RN degree. One is an associates degree, (usually AAS =Associates in Applied Science in nursing. These are usually earned at a community colleges. The other is Bachelor of science in Nursing (so it would be Jane Doe, BSN, RN). The BSN is indeed the more prestigious of the two, a 4 year program. Either RN requires state licensing, passing the boards. I don't know which one the mother has tho, not that it matters...

And there is the rare Diploma RN, 3 year program plus college prerequisites, that's what I am.
I'll change my mind about missing children's parents needing a criminal defense attorney the day I find out the parent's attorney located the child. Till then, I support LE doing all they can to clear the parents of any wrongdoing.
JMO...the only time it would occur to me to call a lawyer if my child was missing, would be if I thought he/she may have taken the child...otherwise I would never even think of it. I would be so open with LE they would be embarrassed....
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