AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #14

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What do you think the chances are that by July 4, Sergio Celis will be charged with something -- manslaughter, murder, etc. -- related to Isabel's diappearance? I say the odds are 80% SC will be charged by the Fourth of July.
Perhaps I'm a bit naive and/or overly-influenced by film and literary stereotypes, but Becky Celis doesn't strike me as a sweet, shy, innocent Mafia wife who knows nothing about her husband's sinister activities. Despite her insistance to the contrary, I don't think that Becky is one to hide her emotions or shy away from uncomfortable situations: She was quite outspoken and even a little aggressive in at least one interview. I can't imagine this strong woman being completely unaware of her husband's extracurricular endeavors, especially if she believed that her children might be in danger. If Sergio was involved with unsavory characters and participating in questionable behaviors, I'm glad that the children have been placed in a safe setting with their mother. :moo:
I dont believe sergio slpet that night at all. And I think the police figured that out too.
Those who are physically dependent on opioids and benzos take very high doses. With increased amounts, they become lethargic and will have slurred speech along with other side effects. When someone is on low dose of a benzo, they don't slur their speech, but the desired effect of decreased agitation can be witnessed. IMO, Sergio's affect was grossly inappropriate for the situation. He should have been agitated. He also misinterpreted that the 911 operator wanted his wife's height and not his daughters and he had difficulty spelling Isabel's name. Perhaps he is normally "goofy" like this, but I doubt it.

He may have been cooler on the outside than he was on the inside. To be fair, the conversation HAD turned to his wife, where she'd be coming from and along what route, and what she would be driving. THEN he was asked "how tall is she" and made a mistake in answering the question IRT his wife.

I also feel that Sergio has a VERY good grasp of English and ther eis no way his communication problems have been due to a language barrier. Aside from "clear eyes" I did not hear any "odd" words from him. Becky, on the other hand referred to Isabel's height as her "length" which was sort of odd wording. If EITHER of them has english as a second language, I'd say it is Becky, not Sergio.
(Respectfully stated) Sergio wasn't freaking out or exhibiting symptoms of tension.

I thought his chuckle after admitting that he ordered his wife to get her butt home was haughty. It reeked of domestic abuser.

I totally agree! He sounded like he wanted to punish Becky ... YOU get your butt home and take care of this annoyance. I did not hear any fear or worry whatsoever in his voice. I was completely shocked by his demeanor.
99.9 % of us would never be in those "shoes" because our behaviors, actions, situations, 911 calls, etc. would never warrant us to be removed from our children.

Righty-O. Sometimes here on WS, it is easy to get caught up in the minutiae and lose sight of the bigger picture.
What do you think the chances are that by July 4, Sergio Celis will be charged with something -- manslaughter, murder, etc. -- related to Isabel's diappearance? I say the odds are 80% SC will be charged by the Fourth of July.

I hope there is an arrest and charges filed in the disappearance of Isabel Celis before Memorial Day!
Forgive me if this has been addressed in detail. Im still only on page 20 or so and there are many more to go...ugh you guys/gals need to slow down :giggle:

Unless one follows politics and the news other than topics discussed here at WS... One probably would not know what F&F is. It is not a gang. Nor is about the movies of the same name :0

It is a political nightmare.

Here is an overview for everyone - it is a long read, but if you really want to know, it is a very good source of info:

Shortly after President Obama took office in January 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton launched a coordinated effort to pass more gun control laws here in the U.S.. The justification? 90% of military style semi-automatic rifles used in the cartel wars in Mexico were bought in U.S. gun stores and smuggled across the boarder.

There was only one problem: It was all a big lie. We now know that not only did the Justice Department know that the 90% figure was inaccurate, the State Department knew where the bulk of the rifles were actually coming from: Central America and U.S. sales to the Mexican Military.

The current timeline of the scandal provides the strongest support yet for the theory that administration officials first lied about the source of Mexican crime guns and then set about trying to support that lie by increasing the number of guns “going south”.

Early 2009: High ranking members of the administration launch a major campaign to pass a new “Assault Weapons Ban” in the U.S.. Over and over they state that 90% of weapons recovered in Mexico come from U.S. gun shops.

Early 2009: At virtually the same time: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) began ordering gun dealers to sell guns to suspected smugglers.

Early 2009 to late 2010: Instead of arresting the smugglers, ATF agents are ordered to watch as the guns are smuggled into Mexico. Over and over they beg for permission to stop the guns from going into Mexico – every time the order is the same; Stand down.

To begin...

Follow the link to learn more.....way too much to c&p and go into a post here...

Oh my goodness, this is so much more than I knew. I had no idea. What a mess and LE lost lives because of this fiasco.
99.9 % of us would never be in those "shoes" because our behaviors, actions, situations, 911 calls, etc. would never warrant us to be removed from our children.

Tell that to Kevin Fox. You never know who this may happen to.
Yeah, I definitely don't think a drug cartel would take a child. Not that I have lots of knowledge about cartels, but seems to me they would just kill you, or your family.

Then how would they get their money back?

Cadaver dogs detect the smells of decomposing bodies. If a body hasn't been in a location long enough for any decay to set in, a dog will not hit on it.

I think we have been told the smell of cadaverine begins within moments of death.
For me, it was not just the giggle.

I found the information he gave without being asked strange.

Why would he feel the need to say that his son noticed the window and the screen? Why was that detail important to give and other details not important to give? Why not just say the screen was off the window? Does it matter who noticed it? Why?

I found his stumbling on the questions he was asked strange. "Clear eyes"? IMO

BBM- vs. cloudy eyes? I mean what the heck?! Does that description have something to do with his line of work (only thing I can come up with)?
I have a quick question, hopefully nurse or one of the mods can answer

If you are a local and you have heard a rumor that is not ridiculous post it clearly as a rumor.

I underlined the part I have a question about. Who determines what rumor is or isn't "ridiculous?" Is there some standard used?

I think we have been told the smell of cadaverine begins within moments of death.

Yup. Our search and rescue professional posters have discussed how it can be detected almost immediately after death.
I am calling it a rumor because it is part of the rules here and obviously LE has not let this out to the public. Yes, I do have inside info but I am not LE and do not work for them. I am a local and know a person that is working on the case. I found this information out by chance.

To be honest I have been so interested in the Kelli Bordeaux case that I didn't realize how much was "unknown" or kept secret in this case. I wasn't told that it was a secret and haven't followed it close enough to know if people were already aware of this. When I came by last night I saw posts about cartels I immediately jumped to conclusions that it was out in the open since the whole CPS thing came out. Then I got excited and started blabbing what I knew,late at night like a dork and this morning there was an explosion.

I didn't do research before I started posting and now am regretting even saying what I did. I think I'm going to go back and start deleting certain comments that look as though it's a fact. I just don't want to step on people's toes or hurt any part of the investigation. I honestly don't know what they have ruled out as I learned about this a couple weeks ago. Things change day to day. Maybe the cartel is already ruled out. Much of what I said was MOO which I stated in most of those comments.

It wasn't just you that was posting this, but thank you for clarifying.
How late did the D-backs game run on Friday 4/20? Midnight seems awfully late for a baseball game unless it was on a DVR. i would have just checked the scores online rather than watch the game. I wonder if LE checked the DVR.

There has been questions as to how the mom did not hear the dogs barking that morning. She may have been in the shower at 630am. It may have been hard for her to hear with the water running. She may have had a radio playing too. Dad could have taken the opportunity to run outside and remove the screen while she was in the shower. I don't know why the dogs were barking at him though. unless....maybe Isabel was struggling and the dogs sensed danger. My dog will bark franticly and growl at me when i am rough housing with my son. Maybe the neighbor heard a male voice rather than several voices. Could have been SC shushing the dogs or telling Isabel to stop struggling.

BBM: My thoughts as well. Our dog is very in tune to our family's routine and gets very upset if people are breaking the routine, yelling or roughhousing about. He barks if my daughter is 1 minute late going outside to wait for the bus. So, IMO, it really depends on their dogs, and could go either way.
I think we have been told the smell of cadaverine begins within moments of death.

Not within moments, according to what I've read.

Generally within 15 minutes after death a scent can be detected by a properly trained cadaver dog on an item the body has been in contact with (pardon my poor grammar on that sentence). That's a general estimate and it depends on the dog, the conditions, etc. Probably not before 10 minutes though, again based on everything I've read so far.

So what that means is...if someone came into the house and killed Isa, they also left her in one spot for up to 10 or 15 minutes at a minimum. Why an abductor would remove a dead child from her house I don't know.
Take note that the F&F 19 have not went to trial can take that for what it means.

Okay, earlier you said run with the F&F theory. So here's where my brain is going--my theory only.

Let's say that SC was involved in a gun smuggling operation. A family member who's also involved in Mexico got wind that the guys in charge were angry at SC (maybe he's stealing money, maybe he's working with LE, whatever). Say the family member heard that whoever is running the operation vowed revenge, or that he would find another way to get their money back--maybe he hinted that they would target Isa (ransom kidnapping, child prostitution, whatever).

So this family member comes to SC in the middle of the night and says he's going to take Isa to Mexico to live with some family members to keep her safe. Tells SC to figure out how to explain it to his family and abduction is the best SC could come up with.

To me, this would explain why SC doesn't sound stressed out on the initial 911 call (he knows she's safe). Then maybe the police comment in the early interviews that he sure doesn't seem upset about her being missing, so he over dramatizes it in the press conference. Maybe RC knows it now, too, and now that the police know of his involvement, they've deemed it too unsafe for the boys to have contact with him.

There is absolutely no basis for me to know any of this is true, just throwing something out there. I have felt that SC knows where Isa is but at the same time, I've never felt like he murdered her.

So maybe I'm crazy... or maybe I'm on to something.
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