AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #14

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I don't know about SG, but I was a tech in every dept at the hospital, and the nurses really do not have access to meds. They use a special system, don't remember what it's called but they really don't have access to them, they just get the med they need and give it to the patient.
I'm sure one of the nurses here knows what it is.

Various sytems,one is called "pxysis".But where there is a will there is a way,but these systems do make it harder,especially in a pediatric setting,where doses are smaller.
Various sytems,one is called "pxysis".But where there is a will there is a way,but these systems do make it harder,especially in a pediatric setting,where doses are smaller.

That's it, Pxysis! thanks!
Also in 911 call, SC tlks great English when he tells his name and how to spell it, then gives Isa's name with an that normal bilinqual

That is normal. They only call her ee sah BEHL and not iz uh bell. I do the same, I only say my daughters name in spanish pronunciation, even in English sentences.
I blocked HLN on my TV today, I am done with their "news" shows.

Speaking of news...we need those PC's to happen every day again, lol, it gets a little nuts here when there isn't anything new...


More than a "little" .... just saying lol
Tonight on local news they said that LE were still looking at the Celis', their family & friends. This was the first I have heard them say they were checking their financial records too.

I'd think that would be pretty standard though.

This is very interesting. You hear talk about finances when a spouse is murdered, but not typically in the case of a missing child.
I notice that RC talks about Isa as 'my' daughter nd SC talks HIS sons????
Does he think Isa isn't his maybe?
In AZ does a nurse and dental assistant make enough money to have an expensive home and a Lexxus?
Just wondering

I don't see how a nurse and dental assistant can make enough to afford that house and the Lexus *and* all the expenses that come with kids. I'm in Tucson and probably make what they do combined.....don't have kids....and I couldn't afford that house and car on my income. The property taxes alone are close to $500 a month on the house. Add mortgage, insurance and utilities - it has to be $3,000 a month plus for the house alone. Looks like they had 3 cars in the driveway - two looked relatively new. I just can't figure out how they could afford that lifestyle without either having money from family or some other source of income.
It seems like LE has a good idea of what happened but they don't have the proof they need. Or they think they have a good idea.
Russian girl adopted by pedophile testifies before Congress

Adopted Masha Allen Child Sex Trafficking Victim Testimony, U.S. Congress 2006
Adopted Masha Allen Child Sex Trafficking Victim Testimony, U.S. Congress 2006 - YouTube

NANCY GRACE "She was raised with nothing in an obscure Russian orphanage, abandoned by her own mother. But then, suddenly, an adoptive father comes to the rescue.

Tonight, the story of a little girl adopted through a legitimate U.S. adoption agency to an American pedophile."

in Bakersfield, hotel owner John Kruger was found guilty of five counts of lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 14, all four of his victims are his own adopted sons, 3 of whom were adopted from the Ukraine!

Video Deposition of Leslie Merriam, a Convicted Pedophile Testifying to Adoption of Emily Rose Hindle.

I keep hearing people talk about child sex trafficking in the United States in the context of pedophiles ordering children for the purpose of sex, from traffickers. That has been bantered about on this thread. Cartels are mentioned repeatedly in that context and cited as a possibility in this case.

There is not one case in the United States of pedophiles ordering an American child from traffickers for sex, that has been proven to be legitimate. The case of poor Masha and another which is cited above are cases of filthy pedophiles who went through legitimate adoption agencies to get his prey. (the other case is an international parental child abduction/custody case). Those agencies were not trafficking in child sex victims. They just did a crappy job and didn't give a darn about the kids. All they cared about was the money.

Cartels in Mexico have been known to abduct women and teen girls. There are reports that they have abducted young children as well, mostly kids selling on the streets down there, and sell them for sex before killing them. There is not one case of a child in the United States being sold to someone in another country for sex, to my knowledge.

As I have stated before, there are millions of street children, poor children and kids in orphanages in other countries that are easily accessible to pedophiles. I have worked cases of these pigs going to Thailand and other countries to buy kids for sex. There is no reason why a pedophile or trafficker would need to go through the hassle of selling/buying a child from the U.S. a country where a missing child becomes a national issue with the feds involved etc. It makes no sense. It's much easier to molest the kid next door, adopt some poor kid from another country (or this one) or go on a little pervert trip to another country, which millions do each year.

I did watch NG but the kids were acting up-a good friend of Sergio's was on, he said that SErgio is very upset about his "boys being taken from him" Nancy was very confrontational, "WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK HIM WHY THEY WERE TAKEN FROM HIM?" and the friend said he did ask him, but SG said he could not discuss it, or he was told not to. Then Nancy got more confrontational, "Why wouldn't he tell you? You're supposed to be good friends and he wouldn't tell you? Who told him he couldn't talk about it?"
I am going from memory, just watching the last half again now.
Friend is Joe Vega.

Here's the video:
I don't know about SG, but I was a tech in every dept at the hospital, and the nurses really do not have access to meds. They use a special system, don't remember what it's called but they really don't have access to them, they just get the med they need and give it to the patient.
I'm sure one of the nurses here knows what it is.

You may talking about a pyxis machine that dispenses medications that are requested by the nurse, by patient name. The nurse has to put in a password and then must offer his/her fingerprint to get the machine to open. It does make it more difficult to skim drugs, but it can still be done.
I notice that RC talks about Isa as 'my' daughter nd SC talks HIS sons????
Does he think Isa isn't his maybe?
In AZ does a nurse and dental assistant make enough money to have an expensive home and a Lexxus?
Just wondering

Not sure what SC's job is, but if he isn't licensed, certified, am sure his salary is not very high. Did a look up on RN salaries for Arizona and Bureau of Labor Stats indicates average last year is $70,220.00 - Not enough for the note on a Lexus and half million dollar home with 3 children.
I just listened to the 911 calls. I was previously in the camp of 'no way these parents did anything', mostly in light of their cooperation with LE and the fact that they didn't lawyer up right away.

That said...SC isn't 'calm' in the 911 call, nor is he laughing 'nervously'. He sounds unconcerned. There's no underlying tension in his voice. He is weirdly removed emotionally (he sounds stoned, quite frankly), and this emotional detachment (even removed from the extreme emotionality of the other two 911 callers) is weird beyond belief, especially given his immediate, stated belief that his daughter has been abducted from his home. Seriously, WTF???

I've been the 'calm' 911 caller making slightly nervous small talk with the dispatcher as I tried to be the 'in control' adult more than once in my lifetime...and I can assure you, I didn't sound like I was ordering pizza or reporting a lost cat! I can assure you, if I laughed 'nervously', I sounded nervous! AND, it was fairly obvious that I was tense and under stress even as I maintained a calm demeanor.

And, always, even in between my nervous chatter with dispatchers, I kept asking that the cops get here now. There was an illuminating post upthread (or in the previous thread) about a scientific study regarding innocent 911 callers and 'guilty' ones...the innocent always begged for help asap, while the guilty didn't (among other interesting cues). Two of the three 911 callers begged LE for immediate help (hurry, you have to come here, etc.). One, oddly enough, was free of such pleas.

IMO and all.
I know,I know, Ill probably get some tomatoes for this, but, on this link, at around 1:35, watch how SC motions for the driver to open the car door.
He's not that little passive man he portrays himself to be. I can bet he's got a hot temper, BC is probably scared of him, & I'm sure agents have seen his real demeaner. JMO He's a kettle gettin ready to whistle :moo::moo:
I know if I was motioned to open a door like that, I'd make the person stand out there a little longer:blushing:
You may talking about a pyxis machine that dispenses medications that are requested by the nurse, by patient name. The nurse has to put in a password and then must offer his/her fingerprint to get the machine to open. It does make it more difficult to skim drugs, but it can still be done.

Nurse Jackie figured out how to rip off the pyxis (HBO show)
Let's not jump to conclusions on thier income's based on just thier jobs. Just because thier job's might not jive with the home and cars... it's very well possible that SC make's a fairly decent income and they may also could have other thing's going on such as a rental home and other investments or sources of income. It's not uncommon in AZ for people to have lived in a home and later use it as a rental or to have a secondary property in Northern AZ such as a cabin that they rent out on a week to week basis. I have known people who were mere factory workers at Northrum Gruban (spelling) making night vision goggle's and they owned a half million dollar home in Mesa and a nice cabin in Heber which they rented on a week to week or per night basis.
Also in 911 call, SC tlks great English when he tells his name and how to spell it, then gives Isa's name with an that normal bilinqual

Have you ever watched Giada DiLaurentiis on Food Network? While Giada has lived in southern California most of her life (she's in her early 40s, I believe), has a degree in Anthopology from USC, and speaks flawless, fluent English, Ms. DiLaurentiis deliberately and dramatically over-enunciates the pronunciation of Italian foods.

Both Sergio and Becky have over-enunciated Isabel's given name, but I believe that it is simply a reminder to her proud parents that they christened their daughter with a beautiful name that reflects their heritage. :moo:
:giggle: I have been trying forever to respond to this! :banghead: lol

I dont think there is a standard....because just like everyone has two holes in their nose, every person has a different opinion.

On top of that, unless you truly know a person, there is absolutely no way you can accurately judge their personality, their tone, the way they talk, how "schooled" they are (do they speak proper grammar?) and the list goes on.

The way someone talks. Ugh....this is why I hate statement analysis. A person who is raised in a certain area of the country (or world) will NOT speak the same as another raised somewhere else. And throwing in a multi-lingual person, well that too throws all the "rules" out the window. I have many friends who speak more than one language and they always get things all messed up :giggle: I also know of some people who are ummmm (thinking of a nice way to put it) not very educated and their grammar SUCKS. I think how the hell did these people grow up in America speaking English when they cant even use the proper words in a sentence.

Then, lets thrown in....medications. Are they on something to help them cope? Are they on illegal drugs? Now lets throw in mental capacity. Are they in a state of shock? Could they have aspergers or something else similar?

My attitude and the way I speak depends on many factors. I am very silly. Very outgoing. However, if some dude tried to approach me in public, Id come off like the biggest ***** ever. If im sick, or on allergy meds or whatever....again, I can be a complete different person than my normal self.

EVERYONE is like this.

Just like forensics (as I mentioned earlier) there are TOO MANY FACTORS when it comes to how people behave.

HOWEVER, over time, I think you can begin to measure a person's behavior for consistency. You can get opinions from others who know them.

With all that said :giggle: I think there is an inherent standard response that most parents would have if their child was missing....and I cant imagine that most people would ever be calm, rational and able to carry on a even toned conversation.......I personally think listening to SCs 911 call was very hinky.....BUT, based on everything I said above....I could be wrong.

Us humans are very confusing/complicated....that's why the psych industry is big business :D

I agree, the court of public opinion would crucify me. My mouth can't keep up with my brain. I say some crazy and stupid things sometimes, I embarrass myself. I'm sure my brain would be way ahead and i wouldnt be able to give answers correctly, and I only speak one language. I'm nowhere near perfect like the public expects, But i am a tad better via writing.

As for the chuckle, I had a really good friend in college break out into full laughter when I told her of an immediate family member's death. She instantly was mortified and apologized explaining her laughing was nervous reaction.
As for spelling, I do that due to constant incorrect name on everything, I probably would in an emergency too , just habit.

None of the above speaking for or against SC, just feel that we might be putting too much importance on the call.
At no time has the Celis tax bill reached the $500 a month zone, not even in the early can see the tax bills right on line, s more like $350 a month for $4200 a year...

Cars don't have to be bought brand new...can buy used...not seeing that extravagant a lifestyle here...
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