AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #20

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I can see the detectives listening to tv interviews of SC and looking at each other, "What?", "What did he just say?". :what: :waitasec:
Anyone here know how long a blood test could come back. Like what a few days, weeks? If it would take two weeks, then it's possible that Sergio's blood test came back positive for drugs, etc and that's why he was removed from the boys. I have dates, let me get those.

I think that might be very possible!
It makes it more questionable to believe it was a stranger abduction, it's not impossible, but less believable.

I dont think she was abducted and no strangers involved . something happend in the home that night.

Anyone here know how long a blood test could come back. Like what a few days, weeks? If it would take two weeks, then it's possible that Sergio's blood test came back positive for drugs, etc and that's why he was removed from the boys. I have dates, let me get those.

And cannot talk or write to them??
Just to be the devil's advocate, not meaning SC is the devil though, I can see it being as likely someone got away with it if there is noise from the tv. I'm not sure there was noise from the tv after the prerecorded game was over - if it were our cable it would play typical programming afterwards. Also, when I have fallen asleep on the couch I have gotten up because different (morning) programming starts and it sounds a lot different (maybe louder and more perky?).

Not sure if someone could have looked in the windows first - or someone who knew the family came in, someone was already there from the night before (given it could have happened anytime after 11:30/midnight on).

I think I am the only one on the face of the earth that watches tv with the lights on - most guys (people maybe?) I know either don't care or want it dark.

I just don't see it that strange he got up at 5 and went to bed. If I woke up after falling to sleep to tv, I'd go into bed no matter what time it was (unless it was time to get up).

I am not saying all this because I am a Sergio supporter, just my feelings and logic about it all.
I'm bringing forward a post I made a couple days ago inquiring about the local Tucson reporter, Paul Birmingham.. I figured it was worth one more try at asking as the timing of my asking was immediately preceding the huge holiday weekend doc dump and I know we all became focused on combing thru the hundreds of pages of data.. I realize tho that it very well could be that no one knows or has an opinion regarding PB, but I am very curious as to what he is adamantly stating on national prime time news media re: LE 90% certain.. Here's my original post below and would be ever so grateful if anyone has any info or even opinions concerning PB and his statements(that btw I CAN ONLY FIND ATTRIBUTED TO HIM and nothing even remotely similar in nature having been stated by any other source[news media, individual or other wise])..
**and again TiA to anyone who may know or have an opinion they're willing to share**
Post below copy/pasted from thread #19:
Paul Birmingham is a local reporter who has been used quite a bit as a local source for the national media reporting on Isa's case. He states he's lived in the community his entire life and would like to know what any locals opinions are of him??..some reporters are known for their accurate reporting where as some others are known for their not so accurate reporting and even embellishing..

I keep thinking about his adamant claim that ACCORDING TO HIM LE are very secure in what they know to have happened to Isa and why.. He's stated numerous times LE are 90% certain of what they know but want to be a solid 100% certain in order to procure a successful prosecution.. He also states that he believes there to be trafficking at the heart of this case(narcotics or human smuggling)..

It is those IMO very very strong statements and the huge percentage he's stating as LE accuracy/knowledge of what's occurred in this case that have it always at the back of my mind since hearing this reporter state this more than once on major prime time national news media outlets.. And would love to know more about the man making such strong claims re: Isa's case.. As well as locals opinions or knowledge of his reporting skills, techniques, and reputation there in Tucson..

TiA to anyone who has any local knowledge or opinion they might be willing to share regarding Paul Birmingham and/or his statements about Isa's case.:)

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
I just located a doc that stated that a luminol reaction was located on the drivers seat of the Toyota. Who drove that car, anyone know? I'm recording this.

I think they have 3 vehicles - the inoperable red one, the Lexus RC was driving, so that seems to me leaves the Toyota to SC (although either adult could drive it)?? Did they take the fabric from the seat for more testing??
I think they have 3 vehicles - the inoperable red one, the Lexus RC was driving, so that seems to me leaves the Toyota to SC (although either adult could drive it)?? Did they take the fabric from the seat for more testing??

I placed the information that I located on the second page of the URL Document Dump page listed below my posting box.
No Prof! Backyard is my very English name for the rear of a property.

The screen I remember seeing in a video near to the porch/patio at the back of the house.(Again, My memory could be wrong!)

I'll go look see if I can find the statement in the PDF's and try and make sense of it.

There were two photos shown on Jane/Issues, of the backyard, and it showed the two windows, of which, at that time Jane/Issues believed this was Isa's Room.

Jane did a side-by-side of the windows with the screen and without the screen. This is a photo-shop photo.

Is this what you remember? Picture below.


  • Screen Removed Jane.JPG
    Screen Removed Jane.JPG
    33.1 KB · Views: 41
I am not sure about there but here cops have a recorder running all the time. This was the guy that approached the cop publicly no? Lets hope the officer did have a recorder running.

That said, his new story is sooooo different to the original, I can understand one or two differences but he went to far.

I agree. Why would LE carry a recorder around to interview witnesses? The only time I've seen recordings is when a person is taken in for questioning as a possible person of interest or suspect in a case.

I have a hard time believing this is a huge conspiracy by LE to frame the parents. As a matter of fact the documents only validate that LE is looking at every single piece of evidence and following up on leads. This dude changed his story for some of the reasons posted here. He had no idea his statement would go public.:moo:
Forenic testing turnaround times per state. Scroll down as it lists Arizona. The information is from 2010.

I remember Sylar Newtons dna was sent out of state though & then had to be resubmitted as they didn't send enough. Sad.

So basically in this particular case 7-10 days, which is about what I thought. Thank you much.
I'm wondering now if Becky and Sergio didn't have friends from Mexico and that's why Becky asked if LE had contacted Mexican authorities, or however she put that in her interview. This is what I found, and the Screen Shot is at the URL listed on the bottom of my posting box.

Residence visited by two people that lived in Mexico PG 34

They have relatives in Mexico.
I'm bringing forward a post I made a couple days ago inquiring about the local Tucson reporter, Paul Birmingham.. I figured it was worth one more try at asking as the timing of my asking was immediately preceding the huge holiday weekend doc dump and I know we all became focused on combing thru the hundreds of pages of data.. I realize tho that it very well could be that no one knows or has an opinion regarding PB, but I am very curious as to what he is adamantly stating on national prime time news media re: LE 90% certain.. Here's my original post below and would be ever so grateful if anyone has any info or even opinions concerning PB and his statements(that btw I CAN ONLY FIND ATTRIBUTED TO HIM and nothing even remotely similar in nature having been stated by any other source[news media, individual or other wise])..
**and again TiA to anyone who may know or have an opinion they're willing to share**
Post below copy/pasted from thread #19:

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:

Smooth, was this when he was on NG? I see something about the 90% but not the narcotics and trafficking.

"PAUL BIRMINGHAM, JOURNALIST, KNST: I do and my sense is that police are probably, as strange as it may sound, probably about 90 percent there in the investigation and they don`t want to screw it up.

They don`t want to do something inappropriate or that would lead a defense attorney to have something that they could then use at trial. I know that`s a long way off but that`s just my sense.

Police do not feel that they`re at square one, they just want to make sure that they leave no stone unturned in the investigation."

I do agree with you that as news director of KNST, he's probably inside the loop of LE info. I'll look some more. Do you remember when or where you heard it? TIA

ETA: I see where Paul discusses the cousin:

"Straight out to Paul Birmingham, KNST. Paul, what is the latest? And what can you tell me about this male cousin to Isa?

PAUL BIRMINGHAM, KNST (via telephone): Right. This is what we`re hearing from our sources here in Tucson, that police are scrutinizing this individual. He does have a criminal background, so he has had contact with police before. At this point, it is unclear exactly what sorts of questions they might be asking him or exactly what that scrutiny could consist of.

GRACE: So Paul Birmingham, I want to go back to this cousin. Is he actually cooperating with police and answering questions?

BIRMINGHAM: Now, police have not said specifically about this individual, but they have said repeatedly that the family is being cooperative. We can assume that that would include this cousin, at this point. It is unclear exactly if they`ve spoken with him, and if they have, what sorts of questions they may have asked."
I'm wondering now if Becky and Sergio didn't have friends from Mexico and that's why Becky asked if LE had contacted Mexican authorities, or however she put that in her interview. This is what I found, and the Screen Shot is at the URL listed on the bottom of my posting box, and on the second page.

Residence visited by two people that lived in Mexico PG 34

Link not working for me.
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