AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #21

DNA Solves
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Respectfully, I disagree. LE has stated in every presser that they have not ruled out anyone in this class, and everyone is a POI.

"Police: 'Everyone is a person of interest' in case of missing girl"

I am not really sure that they served warrants and collected evidence from everyone on the block, either.

This person went out very early in the case on his own to a park some distance from the home on his own. He stood out enough to be investigated in a number of different ways.

That's very true Prof, but whatever they found in searching his home and vehicles, with a search warrant didn't cause him to be publicly named a POI or suspect by LE. They sure focused on photos of his home, vehicles and things in his home that day. I don't believe they took any of NMc's vehicles, like they did RC's brother, RSR.
Maybe it's one of the kids' phone. Or an old one. It doesn't have to be Becky or Sergio's. I have an old trac phone in my glove box that I've been meaning to donate to the women's shelter.

I keep waiting for someone else to ask this, but...

Is a cell phone without a plan on it considered a "911-only cell phone"? Could someone have charged up this older phone, driven the car to another location, made a call to 911 reporting suspicious activity, then turned it off and put it into the car seat pocket intending to remove it later and put it back where they got it?
I thought they found a fingerprint on the window sill that they cant identify?

And didnt the K-9 dog hit on a scent on Cooper Street?

I was thinking TPD had more than other LE had in other cases where children had been kidnapped from their home.......which was no evidence at all.

They took two prints from sill and a scent sample from sill.
Yes, the dog hit on the home on Cooper.
Someone else was just as curious about bomb shelters in Tucson lol.

If the image at the link is what a bomb shelter looks like , it's creepy.

I wonder if bomb shelters lead to tunnels? :waitasec:

The tunnels seems very creepy to me-!!!!:::shudder::: as for the bomb shelters: on the one hand, if there were all those tunnels under my hometown- I would want a bomb shelter of my own too maybe to hide from the tunnels!!! :what:

But on the other hand, in 1961 (during the Cuban Missile Crisis )my Dad built a bomb Shelter in our basement in NE CT. So-If the homes on The Celis block were built during the 50's 60-'s in the midst of the cold war Red Scare that fits in with the Historical Era. ( ala Blast from the Past)
The suspicious male sitting on the box had on a white t shirt that said Car
World on it...

Im wondering if the man was waiting for his ride to work?

He was in the alley behind the witness' home. The witness had never seen the guy before. The witness confronted the man about what he was doing there. The witness asked him to move on. This is all in the report.
Im not sure about a fingerprint.

If a K-9 hit on cooper street then Isabel was out there at some time....

Im not saying it isnt possible she was taken from her home.

I dont think personally that a stranger took her.

It was not specified that the K9 hit on Isa's scent. IMO that cannot be assumed. The foreign scent dog was in the home.
A scent sample was taken from the window. I can assume this would be a foreign scent, since any family scents would be available in other more reliable objects. IMO
That's very true Prof, but whatever they found in searching his home and vehicles, with a search warrant didn't cause him to be publicly named a POI or suspect by LE. They sure focused on photos of his home, vehicles and things in his home that day. I don't believe they took any of NMc's vehicles, like they did RC's brother, RSR.

Right, for that matter who have they "named" as a POI or suspect?

My point is that I cannot say that he's not a POI, and I cannot say that about anyone involved. LE has said that everyone is a POI.
In this case, at this point LE has to name someone as not a POI in order for them to not be a POI -- IMO

I would never want to post on WS about people who are not POIs, so this point is very important to me.

Make sense?
Well, I did say the other day, when I found they had drawn blood from both parents, it was only ten days after that, that Sergio wasn't permitted to be with the boys, so maybe you're correct.

I wondered why they not only took THREE vials of blood from each parent, but also that there were two with one colored top (grey, I think) and one with a yellow(?) top for each parent. I know different colored tops tell the lab what they are "for". Does anyone know what the colored tops grey and yellow mean? Was one set for DNA and one for some other testing? A drug screen?
I wondered why they not only took THREE vials of blood from each parent, but also that there were two with one colored top (grey, I think) and one with a yellow(?) top for each parent. I know different colored tops tell the lab what they are "for". Does anyone know what the colored tops grey and yellow mean? Was one set for DNA and one for some other testing? A drug screen?
I was really confused about the negative results for latent prints, when I first noticed that. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought that this report was during the collection phase.

I didn't think the prints would actually be analyzed and compared to eliminate the family members until they got back to the lab.

Does anybody know if they actually analyze and compare the prints out in the field? Or does the analysis take more training than a field tech would normally have?

Hello, Kat, I was just about to chime in about the posts that speculate on the prints being non-family versus family, but then I saw your post so I didn't have to!! :seeya:

The reports that deal with lifting the latent and even the patent prints from the home - in other words, ALL of the prints - deal simply with their collection. You are correct to question whether LE is actually analyzing prints in the field. They are not. Techs collecting the evidence take them back to the lab, and that is where fingerprint analysis is performed.

I don't know how anyone on this thread can be drawing conclusions about which prints belonged to whom until actual results are released.
Yep its definitely the exact words Shelby said.. if you Google [licksmitten Isabel celis surveillance]
Those exact words in he Google search box it will bring up this only one entry and it does in fact state that it is raw enhanced surveillance video from 4/21 @2:44am of Isabel Celis case.. hmm.. wth?

Here's a screen shot...


  • youtube.jpg
    85.2 KB · Views: 55
Im not sure about a fingerprint.

If a K-9 hit on cooper street then Isabel was out there at some time....

Im not saying it isnt possible she was taken from her home.

I dont think personally that a stranger took her.

OK, I am getting confused. I admit I had a full weekend and may have missed some things but I thought the dog was the kind that scented out unfamiliar scents found in Isa's bedroom and it was that scent that was scented on Cooper Street?

Did they get a SW for the home close by where the dog alerted?


It was not specified that the K9 hit on Isa's scent. IMO that cannot be assumed. The foreign scent dog was in the home.
A scent sample was taken from the window. I can assume this would be a foreign scent, since any family scents would be available in other more reliable objects. IMO

Didnt they go back and make sure the dogs werent picking up on the officers that were in Isa's bedroom to rule their scent out?

I've been away for the holiday weekend so I have a ton to catch up on but I was wondering if someone could tell me who NMC is? And what is this talk about another video?
I hope this isn't a dumb question, but in reading through the PDF's...I keep seeing a mention of 'a wash' or 'the wash' being searched. Is that a local term? I have never heard it used. What does it refer to? TIA!!

One other thing, I notice at the end of some of the reports, the letters 'NFI' are typed last. What does that mean? Anything significant? TIA!!
This was just uploaded w/in the past hour-no idea if it was previously uploaded though. 4/21 around 2:45 AM, can't tell much more about location etc from this device though. There is a man in a white shirt walking down the street.

April 21, 2012 2:44 AM - YouTube

I haven't finished reading last night's or this morning's posts so perhaps someone has an answer to why this video may or may not be of significance.

One thing that stood out to me is the pickup truck coming towards the camera towing what appears to be a low trailer (like someone who may be carrying supplies for a business) - hard to tell, but that's what I saw.

I have no other ideas besides the fact that there is someone walking wearing a white shirt FWIW - could be anyone.
Right, for that matter who have they "named" as a POI or suspect?

My point is that I cannot say that he's not a POI, and I cannot say that about anyone involved. LE has said that everyone is a POI.
In this case, at this point LE has to name someone as not a POI in order for them to not be a POI -- IMO

I would never want to post on WS about people who are not POIs, so this point is very important to me.

Make sense?

And again, I should have put "named" POI publicly by LE, which is what I meant. Moving on...
Makes alot of sense Kat, he made a point of going in to tell the boys to be quiet, because she's going to sleep. I read on here somewhere the boys left with RC from the ballpark, and Isa left with SC and I wonder where that came from. It would also make sense as to why LE was looking for her in any of the 9pm 4/20 to 10am 4/21 on the traffic cameras. Also, you can't entice a child to go with a stranger in the middle of the night. It would have to be someone she knew to get her to go out of the house, if that's where she was taken from.

I hate to go over this again, please bear with me.

A LONG time ago I suggested the family could have taken 2 cars knowing Sergio had to be there early and stay late. Rebecca had a very early morning, and might (IF THEY HAD TAKEN 2 CARS) have left as soon as the game ended. The logical thought would be that she took all three kids home to bed, or AT LEAST Isabel, since she was so young and ALSO had to be up fairly early. I speculated that IF THERE WERE TWO CARS, and Becky was headed to her car with the kids, but Isabel wanted to stay with her Dad, Becky MIGHT have relented and sent her back to the field. If this was the case, Sergio would think all three kids left with Becky. When Becky and the boys got home, they went to shower and/or play video games. Becky went to bed.

Isabel might never have made it back to Sergio, but since he would have assumed she left with Becky, he would not have even LOOKED for her. When he got home and saw Becky was asleep, he might have decided to turn on the game in the Living Room. If Isa's door was closed and there was no light shining under the door, he could have assumed she too was asleep, and not have worried until the next morning when he went to wake her. In this context, he might actually have said to Becky "get your butt home now". But my assumption is that, while he told the 911 operator this, he did NOT say it (in htose terms) to Becky.

HOWEVER, we have since heard that Becky braided Isabel's hair in the home that night, before sending her to bed. If this is true, everyone got home. And to (hopefully) end speculation, NOBODY has EVER stated FOR SURE that they did not all ride together. That was a "what-if" scenario posed long ago that still comes up occasionally.
Good Morning, all. Just getting home from work and checking in :)

Hope today holds a huge break in this case!! Praying for Isabel, her family, and TPD!!

Come home, Isa!
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