AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #24

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I have a hard time believing that people who are carrying out a hoax for money and attention would be going months without talking to national media. And after the hoax is revealed, then what? I doubt there's much of an audience for that after the initial news coverage.

I agree. I don't think this is a hoax to get money. I'm not sure what it is but staying away from the media would not generate more donations, would it? They'd be trying to get their faces on t.v. as much as possible and begging people for help.

As for what LE knows, I haven't seen a statement by them saying they know that. If they believed that, they would have detectives following them everywhere and they would be sending them to Mexico to check out distant relatives' homes and trying to find her. They wouldn't be just sitting on their hands playing 'wait-and-see.' The longer this goes on, the more I think that she was abducted, possibly by some relative or maybe someone close to the family, and that she was killed shortly after. Someone will stumble across her remains one day but the mystery of who did it may never be unraveled. JMO.
Isabel, where are you?

Asked RHETORICALLY, for those who may feel compelled to answer.
As in the case of missing Iowa girls from meth one knows anything, nor can LE prove it! Whether for donations, or hiding a murder(s) seems crime does pay these days. Am feeling so hopeless about this case. There will be an answer in the other, but what has happened to those girls in the interim or demise. After many cases here with no answer I feel no hope/helpless.

In reality I know that LE keeps things hidden, and they will eventually make arrests. If I feel this anguish imagine the mother of Isabel? And then when she knows....omg.
Sergio Celis at vigil for Isabel with his family tonight.

Becky and Sergio have no comment about the CPS restriction against Sergio being with the family. Becky has no anger about the little girls who made the hoax calls. CPS has no comment either. Hmmmm.
Some here post with an authoritarial tone that has the effect of giving great weight to their words. One might construe from those posts that LE doesn't suspect the parents at all in this case; that LE doesn't have any idea what happened to Isabel Celis; and that LE is, in fact, completely supportive of the parents and their actions.

But the record says otherwise. We remember the times LE has questioned the parents' behavior and called them out for their lack of concern; we remember that the father in this case is not allowed contact with his other children based on info that came to light in the investigation of his daughter's disappearance; we remember LE's comments, both on and off the record, about the Celis' lack of candor under questioning. We recall LE's actual statements that the parents lacked "a sense of urgency" about Isabel's "abduction," and when they released the 911 call, we heard that lack of urgency with our own ears. When looking at the facts in this case (all documented here in these very threads), it becomes clear that LE are focused on the parents as the "perps."

IMO, for LE, this is not a "who done it" case but rather a "we know who done it and we've removed the only children who might be in harm's way from having it happen again." LE is in "sit tight" mode until the parents produce the child because they believe, as do many others, that she is not dead; and that she is being used as a pawn in a money and publicity-making scheme cooked up by her parents.

They're not looking for her because this is not an abduction.

They're acting as responsible stewards of the public's money, knowing they have massive leverage over the parents with the no contact order. In other words, they know the parents will have to produce her at some point if Dad ever wants to see his sons.

That such a massive fraud could be prepetrated on the public for money and fame is sure to outrage the citizens of Tuscon, and these parents face unprecedented charges.

I've seen no proof of fraud so far. I saw nothing in the docs that indicates fraud and I know I'm not the only one. Tonight Dad saw his sons as well-and who knows for how long its been allowed without media knowledge-and she is still missing so....sorry but your theory really is full of holes. There's been no rumors or proof of misconduct with money. Parents are always looked at as perps first and it takes time to rule them out...if at all. I see no evidence of a hoax.....I do see people grasping at straws at any bit of info when in reality, in spite of a massive doc dump, there really is still not a lot of info known about the case

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It was the prayer vigil that brought everyone out, including the media, but the most interesting part was easily the public appearance of the entire family and the comments made afterwards.

If you remember Sergio Celis was banned by CPS from seeing his kids, but Friday they were all together so of course we asked them about it, but they wouldn't comment.

Beyond that we also asked the family about the recent hoax call that Isabel had been found.

Becky Celis said, "I feel sad for the community. It hurt us but the community as well to think and have that false hope."

Upsetting, but surprisingly she said they weren't angry.

Becky Celis said, "I can't be mad at that. They're kids. They're kids. What can we do?"
I've seen no proof of fraud so far. I saw nothing in the docs that indicates fraud and I know I'm not the only one. Tonight Dad saw his sons as well-and who knows for how long its been allowed without media knowledge-and she is still missing so....sorry but your theory really is full of holes. There's been no rumors or proof of misconduct with money. Parents are always looked at as perps first and it takes time to rule them out...if at all. I see no evidence of a hoax.....I do see people grasping at straws at any bit of info when in reality, in spite of a massive doc dump, there really is still not a lot of info known about the case

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I agree, t.f. Unfortunately, with lack of other hard evidence, l.e. has no choice but to focus on family. (They can't just throw their hands up in the air and say, "she's disappeared and we have no idea how to find her!".) The reaction by the police when the hoax call came in last week speaks volumes. If they KNEW that Isabel was dead, they would not have called in all the resources that they did. I still believe this is a case of a lucky creep who stole a child. I pray that she's still alive and will be found.
I'm glad that Sergio was allowed to stand with his family during this vigil, at least. They need his love and support. Maybe he was given a temporary reprieve from the no-contact agreement, or maybe it was for a certain amount of time and that's passed. IDK, but I believe if he or Becky were involved in Isa's disappearance, LE would have found the evidence by now. Seems to me when it turns out to be a family member, they are discovered much quicker than if it's a stranger.
I hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those cases where the victim is never found and somebody gets away with it. Glad to know that there are still dedicated LE working on the case.
I'm glad that Sergio was allowed to stand with his family during this vigil, at least. They need his love and support. Maybe he was given a temporary reprieve from the no-contact agreement, or maybe it was for a certain amount of time and that's passed. IDK, but I believe if he or Becky were involved in Isa's disappearance, LE would have found the evidence by now. Seems to me when it turns out to be a family member, they are discovered much quicker than if it's a stranger.
I hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those cases where the victim is never found and somebody gets away with it. Glad to know that there are still dedicated LE working on the case.

I firmly believe that Sergio is back with his family fulltime and has been for sometime now.

They seem to be a very strong united family and that is what Isa needs.

I am glad they are still holding vigils and its great that over a hundred people showed up to support the family and pray for Isa's safe return.

I have never believed either parent is involved in Isa's disappearance and I still dont believe it.

I hear you! But more gun laws won't stop this kind of thing. How about more security at theaters or similar places? How about laws preventing people from buying guns over the internet? I could go on. It's not the guns we have to worry about, it's the crazy people who can get access to them. Those guns don't shoot themselves.

Yes, but pointing index fingers and shouting "Bam!" isn't nearly as effective as a loaded handgun at killing people.

Unless the intended victim is a bit dodgy around the heart. ;)

Sorry, I couldn't resist paraphrasing Eddie Izard. It's one of my fave funny takes on gun control other than Chris Rock saying to just make guns free, but have the bullets cost $10,000. There would be a lot less "accidental" shootings. :)

Please let Isa come home today. :(
I firmly believe that Sergio is back with his family fulltime and has been for sometime now.

They seem to be a very strong united family and that is what Isa needs.

I am glad they are still holding vigils and its great that over a hundred people showed up to support the family and pray for Isa's safe return.

I have never believed either parent is involved in Isa's disappearance and I still dont believe it.


OBE, I have been wondering about the separation status. Since LE no longer gives PCs, I suppose we may not hear any official word unless the family makes a statement.

This is not something CPS would ever comment on, is it?

I do think that even if it still in place, it was the decent thing to do to allow SC to be at the vigil. No matter what I personally feel about his involvement, LE obviously isn't ready to charge him with anything, so he should have been there.

OBE, I have been wondering about the separation status. Since LE no longer gives PCs, I suppose we may not hear any official word unless the family makes a statement.

This is not something CPS would ever comment on, is it?

I do think that even if it still in place, it was the decent thing to do to allow SC to be at the vigil. No matter what I personally feel about his involvement, LE obviously isn't ready to charge him with anything, so he should have been there.


Hi Fray! No, they will never is a private matter but I really think one day we may learn it had nothing to do with Sergio ever being abusive to his family. Not one shred of DV in his past and not one witness statement in 500 pages of docs ever said they saw him being abusive to anyone much less his family. In fact those who knows him well said he is a great husband and father.

I really think if any locals were there they saw the entire family leave together. I have felt for sometime when we heard rumors of him being seen with his boys weeks ago that he was back for good. CPS would not let him come to the vigil if he was still in agreement with them to stay away. He didnt come and be with his family at the first vigil held but had to watch from behind a fence.

As I watched the video I saw a lot of love between the Celis family members and love and comfort from those who came to support the Celis family.The Celis brothers are just precious and so cute.

I wish someone could find Isa and bring her home. Becky and Sergio is right.....they need a miracle and I hope and pray they get it.
Hi Fray! No, they will never is a private matter but I really think one day we may learn it had nothing to do with Sergio ever being abusive to his family. Not one shred of DV in his past and not one witness statement in 500 pages of docs ever said they saw him being abusive to anyone much less his family. In fact those who knows him well said he is a great husband and father.

I really think if any locals were there they saw the entire family leave together. I have felt for sometime when we heard rumors of him being seen with his boys weeks ago that he was back for good.

As I watched the video I saw a lot of love between the family members and love and comfort from those who came to support the Celis family.

I wish someone could find Isa and bring her home. Becky and Sergio is right.....they need a miracle and I hope they get it.

IIRC, those rumors were around Father's Day, and I had a hunch they were true and that SC had been granted a visit. I can totally see an exception being made, especially if he had been abiding by the terms of the agreement.

And it is looking like there is SO much we may never know for sure. I just hope Isa is brought home soon. :(
I could analize the picture of the family all night but won't. I'll take my first thought and keep it to myself.

The family doesn't want to talk about it (back together or not per the news)..that to me means they still aren't all together. An agreement may have been made like with the first vigil that allowed SC behind the gate to peek over. This time they have made progress and one son lets him put his hand on his shoulder....and so on.

To be seperated from your sons per a voluntary agreement is no simple matter. Not in the least. Tiny steps...
Thinking of sweet Isa! <3

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