AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #24

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I think she meant the victims in the mass murder in the movie theater in Colorado.
What prompts a 9 yr old and an 11 yr old to make a prank phone call?

Curiosity, wanting to do something new/different/daring, maybe they saw the reward $$$, maybe one dared the other, it doesn't mean something deep.

I remember making prank phone calls with a friend when we were about that age. Why? Because we were kids and kids do silly and stupid things. The phone had special and magical powers--the ability to dial some numbers and talk to someone else, even a stranger, was fun at that age. I would venture a guess that some significant number of kids do silly things like that, if not that exactly. Or at least did, when I was their age.

Sorry, but calling someone to ask if their refrigerator is running or if they have Prince Albert in the can is a prank phone call. Calling 911 with a false report is altogether different.
If they were my kids, I would make sure they learned that there are consequences for irresponsible acts like this. They would have ALL of their privileges taken away for a period of time, no computer, no phones, no access to friends, no 'treats'... and I might think up a few more. This was a STUPID thing to do and I'm sure they are regretting doing it by now.
I think she meant the victims in the mass murder in the movie theater in Colorado.

Ooops my bad.

Well I've had my opinions on that too, even before it happened, and got howled down in no uncertain terms.

My opinions were expressed in the form of "America's pathetic gun laws" or something like it.

I keep away from shootings because that's all I've got to say and Mr and Mrs America just doesn't want to hear it....their right to keep a shooting stick in the house overwhelms the right of a bunch of kids to see a movie without losing their lives I guess.

Sorry, but calling someone to ask if their refrigerator is running or if they have Prince Albert in the can is a prank phone call. Calling 911 with a false report is altogether different.
If they were my kids, I would make sure they learned that there are consequences for irresponsible acts like this. They would have ALL of their privileges taken away for a period of time, no computer, no phones, no access to friends, no 'treats'... and I might think up a few more. This was a STUPID thing to do and I'm sure they are regretting doing it by now.

I agree there's a big difference, however I can't say that a 9 yr old and an 11 yr old would distinguish content of one call versus the dire seriousness of a different one. I suspect they didn't understand what the full outcome would be when they made that call and that a bunch of cops would show up and haul them away in handcuffs. That in no way excuses their behavior, and I'm not saying it does.

If either of these kids were missing they'd probably be referred to by many as babies..."bring those babies home!" (as was done in some prior cases).

Kids do not have the reasoning ability that adults have, which is why the law doesn't recognize someone as an adult until they're 18. Punished they should be for sure, but attaching adult thoughts and adult motivations to them doesn't seem valid to me.
I think she meant the victims in the mass murder in the movie theater in Colorado.

Thank you Tx. Yes I did mean the shooting victims. I know what I'm grieving for in that situation.

The point I was making was: with the Isa case I'm not sure there's anything to grieve about, let alone knowing what that something is exactly. A scam? A prank? A money-making scheme? A fake abduction? A real abduction? An accident gone wrong? A homicide covered up? We don't know anything.

Keying off the parents behaviors, they don't seem to be upset or grieving or even looking, and if they are not, and it stands to reason they know more than any of us here, then why would anyone else grieve. For all I know this girl is at summer camp or visiting relatives.
Sorry, but calling someone to ask if their refrigerator is running or if they have Prince Albert in the can is a prank phone call. Calling 911 with a false report is altogether different.
If they were my kids, I would make sure they learned that there are consequences for irresponsible acts like this. They would have ALL of their privileges taken away for a period of time, no computer, no phones, no access to friends, no 'treats'... and I might think up a few more. This was a STUPID thing to do and I'm sure they are regretting doing it by now.


911 is no prank and no pre-tween i know would EVER use that as a source of humor...boredom notwithstanding...

i find nothing funny or irrelevant about it. 25 officers swarmed a neighborhood. all other calls were avoided to respond. that's a crime.

these girls should be devoid of any I-device for a long...time. ipod, ipad, iphone, itouch, icarly...and perhaps a parenting semester for their caregiver(s).

my mundane thoughts for the evening...
My girls are slightly older than the "prank call" girls, and from regularly volunteering in their schools and always having as household of friends, I feel pretty confident in my opinion that kids that age know better, and their punishment was NOT too harsh. I would be ashamed and furious if my girls did something like that.

I'm still reading and checking up on the forum... One day there will be some kind of development.
However, with 25 officers responding to a call, we know that some number greater than 0 officers is still on the case. No, probably not all 25 or even those particular 25, but some number of LE, yes.

At last report less than 20 LE remain on the case. IIRC that was a month ago or close to it.

The father of these young girls seems to be mortified, has apologized and states the girls will write letters to the Celis family (probably more significant if they went to TPD/taxpayers). He or Mom requested that the girls be shown juvvie as a likely scare tactic.

The location of these kids and the Celis home may seem "close" on a map, but aren't terribly connected in terms of schools, etc. My hunch is we had two very bored young girls, maybe lacking supervision, using a non-activated cellphone (which can call 911 only)... being dumb bunnies.

I don't personally read anything more into this fiasco than the above. But that's MO only.
Not to mention our erstwhile local media's penchant for ummm, bizarre and unprofessional reporting. Tonight's HUGE revelation, after a wicked day of monsoon activity, was "there's a downed telephone pole on fire!!!". OMG. Call in the National Guard. Pfffffffft.

We.Need.Journalists.In.Tucson. Sorely.

911 is no prank and no pre-tween i know would EVER use that as a source of humor...boredom notwithstanding...

i find nothing funny or irrelevant about it. 25 officers swarmed a neighborhood. all other calls were avoided to respond. that's a crime.

these girls should be devoid of any I-device for a long...time. ipod, ipad, iphone, itouch, icarly...and perhaps a parenting semester for their caregiver(s).

my mundane thoughts for the evening...

It was a serious offense, calling 911 for a hoax. As for punishment, taking the girls to juvie in handcuffs more than likely scared the bejeebers out of them and I think they won't do something like that ever again. It was a punishment in and of itself.

I agree that the parents need to take the sort of additional steps you mentioned abouve.

ETA: I agree that the father having the girls write apologies goes a bit towards making them think before they act.
they called 911 three times???

Nearly $4,700 in resources was spent investigating a prank call made by a pair of sisters who called 911 Sunday and claimed to be missing Tucson 6-year-old Isabel Celis, the Tucson Police Department estimates.

The girls called 911 three times saying that a man was coming for them, giving the name “Isabel” and saying they were kidnapped, according to 911 tapes released Monday afternoon.

In the first call one girl repeats “he’s coming” when asked what she was calling to report, before hanging up the phone.

In the second call, a girl says “Isabel” when she’s asked what she’s reporting, when asked again why she was calling she replied “I’m kidnapped” and gave the address of “East Old Spanish Trail” when a dispatcher asked where she was calling from.

In the third call one of the girls again says “he’s coming.” When the dispatcher asked who’s coming she replies “The guy he’s coming for us, help me.”
Just my two copper pennies, but if Lil Knot pulled a stunt like that, a day trip to juvvie would be the least of her worries.

Let's just say Momma Knot's toilet scrubbing days are OVER and the vacuum now has a new driver! ;)
they called 911 three times???

Nearly $4,700 in resources was spent investigating a prank call made by a pair of sisters who called 911 Sunday and claimed to be missing Tucson 6-year-old Isabel Celis, the Tucson Police Department estimates.

The girls called 911 three times saying that a man was coming for them, giving the name “Isabel” and saying they were kidnapped, according to 911 tapes released Monday afternoon.

In the first call one girl repeats “he’s coming” when asked what she was calling to report, before hanging up the phone.

In the second call, a girl says “Isabel” when she’s asked what she’s reporting, when asked again why she was calling she replied “I’m kidnapped” and gave the address of “East Old Spanish Trail” when a dispatcher asked where she was calling from.

In the third call one of the girls again says “he’s coming.” When the dispatcher asked who’s coming she replies “The guy he’s coming for us, help me.”

They should have to reimburse the money spent...if it takes all of their allowance until they graduate. This is ridiculous and these girls are old enough to know better.
A link to a statement made by Rebecca Celis where she expresses, amongst other things, her surprise that "they" haven't given up on "they" she means locals who are still persisting in searching, fundraising, awareness raising etc. I find it odd that she defines herself as separate from these efforts.

I also find it odd that she is speaking entirely alone, with no support, indeed, no apparent need for support. She seems quite upbeat and perky. She also utters the (to me) absolutely mind-boggling and revealing sentence

"for me, the least I can do, the better".


This is why Isa is being forgotten. Her "mother" wishes it that way.

Is it me?? Did RC ever officially say" Thank You"?
Watching her, I kept getting the feeling - through her flat affect and stumbling, and lame request to " those who have her"- that when she kept saying... through these prayers ( oh and flyers)..."she is coming home- coming home-coming home and the angel- finding her and bringing her "home" ummm where? :what: home+ angels= heaven.

I too pray for Isabel and for justice.
Thank you Tx. Yes I did mean the shooting victims. I know what I'm grieving for in that situation.

The point I was making was: with the Isa case I'm not sure there's anything to grieve about, let alone knowing what that something is exactly. A scam? A prank? A money-making scheme? A fake abduction? A real abduction? An accident gone wrong? A homicide covered up? We don't know anything.

Keying off the parents behaviors, they don't seem to be upset or grieving or even looking, and if they are not, and it stands to reason they know more than any of us here, then why would anyone else grieve. For all I know this girl is at summer camp or visiting relatives.

Just wanted to point out something that you said, just to clarify among other members.

You're right in that we don't know exactly what happened to her. I give you that.

BUT, I can tell you that there is no way this missing girl could be at a summer camp. Those sort of things are registered for, and considering LE is bound to realize it's that time of season where kids are off at camps and such, I'm sure they would have searched places like that.

JMO, of course.
BUT, I can tell you that there is no way this missing girl could be at a summer camp. Those sort of things are registered for, and considering LE is bound to realize it's that time of season where kids are off at camps and such, I'm sure they would have searched places like that.

I was being facetious with the summer camp comment, based on the parents' lack of concern.
I was being facetious with the summer camp comment, based on the parents' lack of concern.

Not everyone can tell tone from a monitor, so sorry I didn't interpret that.

But where is your proof for thinking the parents are not concerned? Are there videos of them being happy during interviews? What exactly makes you think they aren't concerned?
But where is your proof for thinking the parents are not concerned? Are there videos of them being happy during interviews? What exactly makes you think they aren't concerned?

Where is my proof for thinking they are concerned? Interviews? Bringing in TES? Doing something other than asking for $$$? (no, nope, nyet).
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