Found Deceased AZ - Isabella Grogan-Cannella, 8, Bullhead City, 2 September 2014 - #3

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So if cousin says she got a call less than an hour after she left at "11:04" ,let's say 12 am , that Bella was missing . And the 911 call occurred at 1:15 am . RF says he's been searching for 40 mins that would put him back home at 12:35 . Wal mart is only 5 mins away . So what happened in the other 30 mins?
BTW. I purposely omitted TG From the above post , as there is no evidence that she looked for Bella at all.
I wonder why they would be out there at night ? What could they see in the dark that they couldn't during the day ?
If it's a forensics truck they would use an UV light for fluids. I wonder why this wasn't done before now, unless JJR's told them something.
It never ceases to amaze me when people run to FB after committing crimes. Our local sheriffs office put up a gallery of wanted people and every week a good portion of them are captured because they post to FB with their location tagged or they post pictures that make their location obvious.

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It wasn't too long ago a woman shoplifted a rather pricey dress, and then within hours I believe posted a selfie wearing the very dress that was reported stolen. Fact is, most criminals are just blithering idiots, and social media lulls them into this freakish, narcissistic sense of "I'm so awesome, look what I did!" In that sense, I'm glad these nutbaskets are utilizing social media the way they do.

Okay now a new theory has occurred to me. What if JJR only buried the body? What if TG and/or RF actually committed the crime but threatened to pin it on him? Threatened to make accusations of sexual abuse etc unless he complied and moved and buried the body? I know it sounds crazy, maybe this whole case is making me crazy! But TG strikes me as a bully, strictly based on social media post made by her. I think this case is making me nuts.
I think this case is making me nuts.

I think it's making thousands and thousands of people nuts. I've seen some DOOZY comments from tons of people all over north America following this case on several sites. Almost to a person, no one believes a word out of TG's mouth. I seriously doubt LE does either.
Too many missing pieces to the puzzle.

Did TG and gang actually go to wal mart and at what time ? I know on good authority that cameras are rolling day and night especially at entrances and exits . So LE has to know if That claim is true , but not saying .

Was or was not JJR present when they supposedly left ? And when cousin supposedly left ?

At what time did TG And RF return home and with whom ?

Who were the 3 other people downstairs with the girls ? JJR , cousin and cousins daughter ?

Not a peep from LE in days of any significance .This case seems to be moving so slowly its making me nuts.
I usually do not go to FB pages because they are nothing but garbage, but I decided to check this one out when I saw the name. Now I feel dirty and like I need to take a shower with Lysol!! I'm going to stay away from FB pages like I usually do.

I think you are very smart for staying away! I am not sure why I keep looking at these FB pages and am finding myself visiting less and less.

Here, Sheldon will help you with that Lysol bath!

I don't remember any msm reports stating that TG and RG did anything other than look around the house, yelling for her. They didn't mention calling family members, or friends that had been over earlier. Did TG or the older daughter call? Did they call others? Did anyone come back to the house to help look?
One of the articles said family and friends were looking for Bella, not sure who all came, except the one cousin who talked at the Memorial yesterday.
I'm checking his records in AZ and on 9/8/14 the record says he plead not guilty. Also, there's no active warrant I can find in Mohave for him so it must have been taken care of & the court doc reads ARREST WARRANT EXEC/QUASH. He's been arraigned as of that day.

just bumping up

allows others to check updates - nothing entered yet for RF and his '''appearance that had been previously rescheduled for the 11th of Sept''' -- probably slimed his way into another continuance but nothing shows up
When this case first was reported on SM, the time was closer to 11 than the recent reports. I remember seeing the flyer. It's amazing to me how quickly those flyers are spread on SM, because I don't have websleuth followers on my FB, and most of my friends/and none of my family are involved in sleuthing. They nick named me the detective as a child. If any of them want to know the dirt on someone, they'll ask me to pull court records, but otherwise, nope, they just aren't interested. So for a flyer from AZ to make it to my FB within an hour was amazing to me. IIRC the flyer said my friend's child is missing, or somethign to that affect. It wasn't an official police flyer then. I looked for it yesterday, and it's not on there, or else I'm overlooking it.

Anyway...I need another :rant: so skip if need be...

Tomorrow I'm going to visit my parents, hug them each and thank them for being a good parents, always providing for us, and most importantly loving us. They weren't perfect, as no one is. But they weren't drug users, weren't alcoholics, and didn't cheat on each other. My Dad would have seriously hurt anyone that sexually abused us. My Mom as well, but she also didn't tolerate even Grandparents being rude, or mean to us. I remember her chasing my GrandDaddy back to his house before for chasing me, and yelling at me. He wanted to whip me, but he would NOT have gotten away with it!! He got a second tongue lashing when Dad got home from work and Mom told him. Looking back my GrandDaddy has mental health issues that caused lots of anger...but things weren't treated like they are today.

After reading so many cases on here, I had good parents. For that I'm very thankful!!

Now my rant of all rants, for the love of dogs, I wish people like those in this case would NOT own pit bull type dogs!!! It just stereotypes the dogs for a life of ended up a pound, and killed. We have two local rescues that work so very hard to change that stereotype, and when they do end up at the pound, these rescues true their absolute best to pull the dogs out of the pound, get them in behavioral and obedience classes to up their chances of finding a good, permanent home. If only people would STOP breeding them, and take responsibility for them so there wasn't so many in the pounds. By far they make the largest 'breed' of dog within our local pounds. While yes their bites can do much more damage than a poodle, or dachshund, the truth is, they don't bite as often, and they give plenty of warning of what's upsetting them to cause them to bite. Before they were labeled a breed, they are first a dog, a member of the canine species!! Anything with a boxy head seems to be labeled a 'pit' in this area. And it upsets me. Too many of those in the drug world use them as a status symbol. Thus unfairly marking the rest of us as drug users/dealers.

For the love of all dogs, don't let your child STAND on a dog for any reason!!! Don't let them pull their ears, their tails, or climb all over them. Because the minute the dog responds with a growl, or a warning, snap bite, it's all in the media how awful the dog is. Treat the dogs with respect, and remember they are dogs! They have teeth that are their defense, and they will use them. Some unprovoked, but by far the majority are provoked bites!

I'm mentioned before that I have numerous dogs of various breeds. My dachshund is the ONLY one that is a known biter. A fear biter. She was born with one eye, and is deaf. Her teeth are the only mechanism of defense she owns, and she will use them. My boxer/husky that was bred to 'improve' the pit bull breeding...yeah...crazy...but she's my barker. But she avoids confrontation at all costs. She alerts something is up, and expects US to take care of the danger she perceives, even if it's only a mouse on the porch step. :shame:

Looking at the many photos in SM, it just irritates me to see dogs being treated as a stepping stool, jungle gym, etc. Raise your kids to respect! Raise them to let sleeping dogs sleep in peace, and to avoid them when they are eating. So many could avoid a trip to the pound on those two issues alone. Society is tired of picking up the pieces of your screw ups, and having to reverse the damage on the psychs of such loyal creatures.


Anyone have a timeline of the night Bella went missing handy ?

Basically, put a list of times in one hat and a list of events in another hat, then pluck them all out at random.. and you'll have the timeline for this evening. I'm completely confused over what is supposed to have happened and when.
I don't know what version of events that night are true, if any!
It's so hard to follow, so far I think all the adults, except JJR and Ralph's mother left for Walmart around 11pm, leaving Bella and sister downstairs either with JJR( was he in The house,?), and grandma sleeping upstairs. If Bella's sister noticed Bella missing around 11.30pm, a guess would be she called TG around that time.
So Bella and JJR left the home between 11-11.30pm. In that 30 mins, JJR took Bella.
Now, I'm thinking going by the kidnap charge Bella was alive when she left the home.
How far away from her home was she found?
Where was JJR when the 911 call was been made? He wasn't picked up till 3am, so he had to have been inside somewhere? What time was he seen at Walmart pinching clothes? What took Ralph so long to call 911? Did anyone take off in the car to search for Bella?
I'm just going round in circles here lol, I do believe the adults in the home that night know more than they are saying. I wish someone would speak out for little Bella
I don't know what version of events that night are true, if any!
It's so hard to follow, so far I think all the adults, except JJR and Ralph's mother left for Walmart around 11pm, leaving Bella and sister downstairs either with JJR( was he in The house,?), and grandma sleeping upstairs. If Bella's sister noticed Bella missing around 11.30pm, a guess would be she called TG around that time.
So Bella and JJR left the home between 11-11.30pm. In that 30 mins, JJR took Bella.
Now, I'm thinking going by the kidnap charge Bella was alive when she left the home.
How far away from her home was she found?
Where was JJR when the 911 call was been made? He wasn't picked up till 3am, so he had to have been inside somewhere? What time was he seen at Walmart pinching clothes? What took Ralph so long to call 911? Did anyone take off in the car to search for Bella?
I'm just going round in circles here lol, I do believe the adults in the home that night know more than they are saying. I wish someone would speak out for little Bella


1/2 mile
Maybe MDN misinterpreted what Bella's sister was saying, which resulted in that misreporting. However, I think it's interesting that police only corrected that portion of what was said but in the same interview said they couldn't comment on the extortion question due to the nature of the investigation. Very curious... Aso, even though Tania said Rector didn't have a cell, the daughter could be referring to Facebook private messaging. There's drugs all over these people's lives so I wouldn't be surprised if any of them had throw away phones in addition to whatever else they had. Rector could have had an itouch with the text free app. All he'd have to do is be in a wifi hotspot to text from. There are sooo many possibilities. Then we also see Rector is questioned in the wee hours Tues morn arrested Tues night, and police are back at Bella's home Thursday where evidence was taken from the house as well as Tania's car - so was Rector talking? It's all so curious... His charges show he is a danger to children and anyone that knows him would most likely know of these charges already, so how could someone honestly think he wouldn't be a danger to kids? Is that just wishful thinking on their part?

Suspect charged in girl&#8217;s death
By JULIE FAIRMAN and DK McDONALD News West | Updated 1 week ago

Isabella Grogan-Cannella&#8217;s 10-year-old sister told the Mohave Valley Daily News on Tuesday evening that she heard yelling and when she came out of the bathroom, Rector and her sister were gone. Williamson specifically contradicted that statement at Thursday&#8217;s news conference.

&#8220;Bella&#8217;s sister did not hear any yelling or any kind of disturbance,&#8221; he said.

The sister also told the Daily News that Rector later texted messages to the family indicating that he had Grogan-Cannella and asking what they were going to do about it.

When asked about possible extortion charges being filed against Rector, Williamson said he couldn&#8217;t answer the question due to the active nature of the investigation.

&#8220;Police questioned Rector early (Tuesday) morning and discovered he&#8217;d been to Walmart and shoplifted some clothing to change into,&#8221; continued Williamson. &#8220;Police found Rector&#8217;s old clothes which he attempted to hide. He was arrested for shoplifting on Tuesday night.&#8221;

Rector is no stranger to the court system. He has been arrested more than a dozen times since 2000 on a variety of charges. He was convicted of aggravated assault with intent to cause serious physical injury in 2006, and in 2008 he was found guilty of assault-touched to injure.

Unidentified minors sought and won a protective order against him in 2010; the order expired one year later.

He has also been convicted of a handful of disorderly conduct and criminal trespass charges.
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