Found Deceased AZ - Isabella Grogan-Cannella, 8, Bullhead City, 2 September 2014 - #3

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I think someone must of hacked her, surely she's been advised to keep off Facebook pages to do with the ongoing investigation!
Although, if it is her, than yep, it's pretty weird, part of me hopes she doesn't say anything on there, but I do keep going back for another look.
I'm not going to go look. As a rule I stay away from FB pages because they aren't allowed here. I figured if I don't know what's on them, I can't get in trouble.
OT: Is it just me, or is having actual command of the English language and/or spelling and proper grammar seem to be a rarity on SM? Sorry it bugs the living daylights out of me . I want to scream . TOO ! Not, TO! Lol

Your their to? ;) Of course not all people using SM are the type that couldn't properly spell their way out of a wet paper sack. I've had FB forever and was on twitter before anyone I knew was using it, and the vast majority of my friends & followers are pretty sharp people that take communication seriously. The stuff I've seen on this particular FB is probably the worst I've ever seen on SM. Of course it's also accompanied by a ton of cursing and profanity and loads of anger, so that may be a big part of it as well.
Ok, I'm trying to think. Difficult folks, very difficult, but I'm trying!!!

My Mom has this awful habit of talking nonstop when she's nervous. What comes out of her mouth, who knows, and it always ends up shocking those around. She's never done drugs, isn't an alcoholic, no mental health diagnosis, yet she can say some wild stuff, and later have no memory of the conversation. She did that when her Mom died, and we kept trying to talk sense into her about rushing the funeral, etc. Money wasn't the issue. She had watched her Mom unresponsive for a week before death, and she was frazzled. In the mean time, her landlord wanted the house cleared out to rent to someone else, so even though legally the rent was paid, and there was no way he could have made her move the stuff, I get a call at almost 9pm stating everything needed to be out of the house ASAP! Meaning, get here NOW! Well, it was done. House cleared, and Mom still fusses about it a year later, because she felt Grandma's things were disrespected, and not gone through with respect, and things got thrown away, or stolen, etc. There's no reasoning with her. It was a traumatic event for her, and the reasoning behind her actions do not make sense, but it is what it is.

I have an aunt, and an aquaintance that isn't a friend, anyway, both of them will lie just to lie. There will be no reason at all for the lie, and out it comes. You can question them to the cows come home, and they'll never admit it's a lie, and never tell the truth about whatever the event is. The more you question, the more the lies. It makes no sense, it's exhausting to talk to them, but it's true, they just lie. One recently was lying to me about a workman's comp claim. She has a torn ACL and several other ligaments in the knee, and a cracked knee cap. I read the MRI results so I know that much is true. HOWEVER, her working 8 hrs with that injury is bull. Yes she's working it, BUT, obviously the doc's report wasn't given to the employer or something. A company cannot make you work without a doc's release that you're able to work. And I was with her when the doc said no more than 4hrs and so many hours per week, no prolong standing, or walking. She works for Walmart. Now maybe she needs the money, thus is working while injured, but, she's not telling the truth about the whole thing. They can't make you work more than the doc's order says! That's just one example. Another, her cat disappeared, now she can't tell me if the cat is neutered or not. I kept saying it was 'tom catting' time and he'd show back up. Nope, insisted someone came into her yard, and must have killed her cat because she hasn't seen it since that person was there. Guess what? A week later the cat is back, but she failed to tell me that tidbit.

So, my point being, maybe some of Tania's talking is due to either of the two I mentioned above combined with drug use. While I'm not excusing her behavior, and not saying she is a good Mom, I'm only saying that her statements that don't make sense, don't add up, etc., might be her normal. Throw in the stress of having a child murdered, the other child removed from the home, police there daily, all but a handfull of the community wanting you arrested, knowing LE is watching your every move so if addicted to any drugs, that's going to be a problem of how to get more, etc., and she may be in shock, or under so much stress that she doesn't even know what she's saying or doing. She's going through the motions, but isn't there.

If that's TG posting on FB on that thread, I'm Peter Pan, AND Wendy, at the same time. I've read TG's pages. She is a very angry, bombastic person with a lot of tough-girl attitude. Even on her "nice" posts they were full of profanity and degrading terms. Whoever this is posting on FB now, is not the same person. MOO.
I think someone must of hacked her, surely she's been advised to keep off Facebook pages to do with the ongoing investigation!
Although, if it is her, than yep, it's pretty weird, part of me hopes she doesn't say anything on there, but I do keep going back for another look.

I think she is stirring up drama. The 2 posters (sisters) talking of receiving messages are dummy accounts. TG probably made them and is playing games for chits and giggles. Making everyone message her and being the center of a lot of attention. But not actually messaging any real person but just a couple fake profiles. Sad and pathetic.
Your their to? ;) Of course not all people using SM are the type that couldn't properly spell their way out of a wet paper sack. I've had FB forever and was on twitter before anyone I knew was using it, and the vast majority of my friends & followers are pretty sharp people that take communication seriously. The stuff I've seen on this particular FB is probably the worst I've ever seen on SM. Of course it's also accompanied by a ton of cursing and profanity and loads of anger, so that may be a big part of it as well.

Well , I did specify that is was a rarity. I didn't say everyone was a grammar clod. Lol ;)
Two possible paths JJR took if he used a vehicle to transport Isabella's body:

blue path
yellow path
A = TG house
B = road close to body
body = Isabella
B to body is on-foot transport

View attachment 58817
Thank you for the map. However, could they not have gone the overland route, even if Isabella was still alive and thought they were playing? Having been in Bullhead City, there are not many trees, bushes or anything to keep people from driving across the desert area. For example, at the end of Chaparral, there is a dirt road hard pack that leads right to the area where the body was found, saving more than half of the distance if traveled by paved road. And if you cross over Bojorquez Ranch rd, there is nothing to stop you from driving straight there, only about a quarter of a mile, with no houses in your way.

ETA: I take back the going straight across from Bojorquez Ranch rd. It looks like there might be a fence.
If that's TG posting on FB on that thread, I'm Peter Pan, AND Wendy, at the same time. I've read TG's pages. She is a very angry, bombastic person with a lot of tough-girl attitude. Even on her "nice" posts they were full of profanity and degrading terms. Whoever this is posting on FB now, is not the same person. MOO.

A murdered child, family from all over coming to comfort you and mourn, possible discussions with or treatment from a health professional (anti-depressant, anti-anxiety) and advice from LE to not engage, no anger, no retort for her own safety. Not so unusual.
Thank you for the map. However, could they not have gone the overland route, even if Isabella was still alive and thought they were playing? Having been in Bullhead City, there are not many trees, bushes or anything to keep people from driving across the desert area. For example, at the end of Chaparral, there is a dirt road hard pack that leads right to the area where the body was found, saving more than half of the distance if traveled by paved road. And if you cross over Bojorquez Ranch rd, there is nothing to stop you from driving straight there, only about a quarter of a mile, with no houses in your way.

ETA: I take back the going straight across from Bojorquez Ranch rd. It looks like there might be a fence.

If you read the leading text in my post you will find that I qualified the map as such:

Two possible paths JJR took if he used a vehicle to transport Isabella's body:
Sniped by me, Thankyou msmarple,

Here's the video where she says "Bella, get your butt in bed." She also said Bella slept with her every night so maybe that answers where Bella and her sister usually slept in the house?

I thought I'd heard the Get your butt in bed statement early on.
So if Bella was told to be in bed, but no one actually put her bed, TG may have just presumed Bella was in bed before leaving for Walmart.
Then TGs question to Bella, " why didn't you stay in bed", makes a bit more sense, if TGs last words to Bella were telling her to get to bed. X

Bella, get your butt in bed.

This quote gets to me every time....who in hell speaks to their child like that, other than in jest? I mean really? Those were her last words to this child? What a .....
Bella, get your butt in bed.

This quote gets to me every time....who in hell speaks to their child like that, other than in jest? I mean really? Those were her last words to this child? What a .....

It's sad but with the way that family is, to her they may have been a term of endearment or her weird way of showing Bella she loved her and was taking care of her.

I would say that to one of my kids after I had put them to bed for the night and they kept getting back up. And I never did drugs, don't have a drug/flop house or am drinking. What I would say it, it was at a moment of exasperation. Maybe to her, it's always the way she talked to her kids. (Which might be one of the reasons she doesn't have them anymore.)
I want to say something in defense of Tania. We all trust the friends and family we have in our circle. They may have flaws but we wouldn't be friends if they were bad people so ipso facto they are good people unless proven otherwise...and what it says about our own judgement is not going to be accepted unless there is proof. In her case the flaws are drugs and alcohol but she still has friends and she isn't going to think badly of them because they are much like her.

Thats normal. One difference is that i doubt very much she would have even known how to look up a criminal record of someone let alone think of doing it. It is like the safe harbor laws for infants. 3/4 if the people who need to know about it don't while most of the people who don't need it do...because the different circumstances, teens that don't watch the news etc. etc. So the babies get dumped, abandoned or killed.

IMO if you had asked Tania if JRR could have abused and killed a child before this happened the answer would likely have been hell no, i would never let someone like that around my daughters. And ChuckMaureen is right drugs do not make someone a pedophile or murderer of children. So to her, she knew him for a long time, he seemed perfectly rformal for her group or circle of acquaintances and this imo has been a complete shock to her.

I don't think she is handling it right at all but I am not in her shoes and can only believe that grief and shock have been walled up behind thick defenses.

Considering that RF is a felon and felons are not supposed to congregate with other felons, she actually should have been more aware than the average person as to the criminal records of the people allowed in their home.
It's sad but with the way that family is, to her they may have been a term of endearment or her weird way of showing Bella she loved her and was taking care of her.

I would say that to one of my kids after I had put them to bed for the night and they kept getting back up. And I never did drugs, don't have a drug/flop house or am drinking. What I would say it, it was at a moment of exasperation. Maybe to her, it's always the way she talked to her kids. (Which might be one of the reasons she doesn't have them anymore.)
I am guilty of those not-too-cool things adults should not say to kids.

If this was the only thing she said or did that was at issue, I would have no problem offering compassion. Unfortunately, from the comments that have been reported, this is the closest thing to 'parenting' I have seen by TG. It's too bad she didn't tuck her child in bed, lock the doors and stayed in earshot.
IIRC TG said JJR was just out of rehab? Does anyone have any idea if it was voluntary or court ordered?
'God' taking children by way of rapists and murderers .. making them suffer extreme and intense fear and pain, to remove them from Life? I was raised Catholic. I do not understand that thinking. Please explain further.

I can't offer anything rational behind it. It was late and I was feeling sad and frustrated. I don't think God "takes" children in order for them to avoid bad things...if He did, we would have a lot less kids in this world.

I am so angry and saddened by people attempting to defend the parents in situations like this. Yes, I get it that ultimately the person who killed the child holds the responsibility. But the parents that place their kids in dangerous situations hold liability for these kids' deaths! It's NOT OKAY that Jenise Wright was allowed to roam her neighborhood for hours on end. And that's NOT a mistake "any" of us could make. It's NOT OKAY that Bella was exposed to drugs and criminals. Again, not a mistake "any" of us could make.

I'm a pretty laid back person and work with many people who are on the fringes of society (substance abusers, mentally ill, and criminals). I get that they have a different mindset and don't always know better. But there is no excuse for Tania to have been allowing people like JR in her house. She has lost custody of her kids in the past. They make parents do parenting classes and get counseling and have drug tests in order to get custody back. If the well-being of her kids was her priority, she would not have been exposing them to drug use. She would not have been exposing them to criminals. She would have had them tucked in at 8 or 9 pm, they wouldn't have been awake playing hide and seek at 11:30 PM. She would have already had their snacks and lunch foods ready for the next week so she didn't have to leave her house at nearly midnight. JR being at their house would have been very noticeable because a)he is a felon that shouldn't have been around and b)he shouldn't have been coming around that late and c)Tania would have actually been paying enough attention to know something wasn't right.

If those circumstances had been present that night, I would NOT be holding TG accountable. I would be thinking how sad it is that a mom who had made some mistakes had been trying to make her life right and some creep she'd known back in the day had come around and committed a horrifying crime and she'd had no way of knowing what a crazy person he was because she hadn't been around him or others who knew him. (Sorry about the run on sentence.)

That's the deal. SHE KNEW BETTER and chose NOT to protect her kids.
Good info .. and I would add, parents typically are encouraged to not post (unsecured) pictures of their children on the Internet. Pedophiles and other criminal types can use EXIF data (which could provide location information) to identify and stalk a family's frequented locations.

Right, but if the parent has pics of the kids posted, it means they didn't care about that, and then gives outsiders the opportunity to compare the number of photos of their kids compared to the number of photos of their "lifestyle" and come to a conclusion about what was most important to that parent.
I am guilty of those not-too-cool things adults should not say to kids.

If this was the only thing she said or did that was at issue, I would have no problem offering compassion. Unfortunately, from the comments that have been reported, this is the closest thing to 'parenting' I have seen by TG. It's too bad she didn't tuck her child in bed, lock the doors and stayed in earshot.
I'm guilty too.. :shame: I'm pretty sure it was the multitude of other reasons why she is considered a bad parent.. Best thing that she could do for her surviving daughter is leaving her alone and let grandma raise her in my opinion.
Bella, get your butt in bed.

This quote gets to me every time....who in hell speaks to their child like that, other than in jest? I mean really? Those were her last words to this child? What a .....

Having raised two high-spirited, strong-willed children I can say I've said the same a time or ten. But only after a protracted amount of time of them dilly-dallying a lot. It sounds like she doesn't even put a minimum amount of time parenting though so I agree with what you are saying. It sounds like just the way she speaks to them once she can be bothered to pay attention to know they aren't where she wants them.
I want to say something in defense of Tania. We all trust the friends and family we have in our circle. They may have flaws but we wouldn't be friends if they were bad people so ipso facto they are good people unless proven otherwise...and what it says about our own judgement is not going to be accepted unless there is proof. In her case the flaws are drugs and alcohol but she still has friends and she isn't going to think badly of them because they are much like her.

Thats normal. One difference is that i doubt very much she would have even known how to look up a criminal record of someone let alone think of doing it. It is like the safe harbor laws for infants. 3/4 if the people who need to know about it don't while most of the people who don't need it do...because the different circumstances, teens that don't watch the news etc. etc. So the babies get dumped, abandoned or killed.

IMO if you had asked Tania if JRR could have abused and killed a child before this happened the answer would likely have been hell no, i would never let someone like that around my daughters. And ChuckMaureen is right drugs do not make someone a pedophile or murderer of children. So to her, she knew him for a long time, he seemed perfectly rformal for her group or circle of acquaintances and this imo has been a complete shock to her.

I don't think she is handling it right at all but I am not in her shoes and can only believe that grief and shock have been walled up behind thick defenses.

I disagree with you completely here. My daughter won't let her best friend watch her daughter. She loves her BFF a lot but she is a flake. She has a daughter too but the 3 year old can't even hold a basic conversation as her mother doesn't talk to her other than telling her what is expected of her or if she is in trouble. She is too busy with her phone, tv or friends. She takes care of her needs and doesn't allow her to do unsafe things but she isn't really treated like she is a distinct person so my daughter is uncomfortable with that.

That is just one example but I've known people to have friends or relatives they would never leave their children with as they might not be 'kid people' or in other ways unsuitable.
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