Found Deceased AZ - Isabella Grogan-Cannella, 8, Bullhead City, 2 September 2014 - #3

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BBM - I thought SW was TG's mom from the previous reports

Toni Page is Tania's mother. She is the one that was interviewed which stated she believed her daughter had some kind of involvement in this.

ETA - Is she the one that said Tania called her to say she promised she wouldn't mess up again?
Not everyone bases their friendships on whether they are 'good people'. I imagine in some circles, 'bad people' would be more desirable friends. Lets not assume that our values are the same as someone with a drug and criminal lifestyle. Anyone who has read the lady's older fb postings can see she lives 'way off the grid, the whole thing is peppered with defiant statements and F-bombs, raunchy pics, you name pics of the kids are few and far between.... Oh, there is a bread recipe on there, which I think coincides with the last time CPS came knocking.

Good info .. and I would add, parents typically are encouraged to not post (unsecured) pictures of their children on the Internet. Pedophiles and other criminal types can use EXIF data (which could provide location information) to identify and stalk a family's frequented locations.
You can dedicate your strength and support to this group. It is obviously a cause close to your heart. Personally, I refuse to place more value on someone's life than they do on their own.

Life is full of adversity, for all of us. If we are human, we will all experience the full range of pain, betrayal, financial need, loneliness, anxiety,...

I have no qualms about leaving people who are addicted to their drugs of choice to sort it out, either 'make it or break it'. I am someone who is eternally grateful for the opportunity that is life, and no, it has not been a bed of roses. Why do some expect it to be? Why do some people need to enhance the gift of living with substance abuse, without care or concern for the consequences for themselves or their families?

I will never get it. These people are stereotyping themselves, no one is doing it to them.
No, I don't know a single person who has been involved in taking drugs. If I do, and am not aware, my view of them would change. An ex had a daughter that smoked pot all day long, then graduated to cocaine. She had two neglected children. I didn't need the drama, it cost us the relationship.

I have never smoked, I avoid being around smoke, (asthmatic), I don't self medicate with food, alcohol, gambling, etc. etc. I'm a gentle person who takes care of her own. I would sooner volunteer in a hospice or a nursing home than get involved with random interventions for those who are selfishly dependent on drugs/booze. There is so much help for them out there.
I'm by no means a perfect human being. Just really down on those who squander the life they are gifted with. To be able to roll with life's punches, we need to be healthy and whole...we need every available brain cell...

Beautifully written and I agree with you. Thank you.
Really ! I have read many cases where one gang member ordered the death of another gang member because they witnessed someone killed to keep them quiet. Especially woman seem to be in danger of this happening. They might feel more comfortable being around others who accept them felonies and all but most likely "normal" law abiding citizens would shun them.

And also if someone turns informant to escape harsh sentencing...and if someone dates an ex girlfriend of a fellow gang member...and if someone gets caught and can be tied back to their fellow gang members...and if someone doesn't pull their share...and if someone rips off a fellow gang member...and if someone owes a debt bc they did the drugs they were supposed to sell...and and and...
One thing to keep in mind: "gang" members are not prone to hurting one of their own. If you feel you're one of them, you feel no evil. In fact, you feel safer. I expect TG felt safer with RF than without.

This is unequivocally not true!

BBM - I thought SW was TG's mom from the previous reports

SW is the paternal grandmother.
My prayer last night was for a person that I never met, only read about. As I saw the pictures of those balloons being released in memory of Bella, I prayed for her mother to come to terms that she needs to change her lifestyle - no matter what the obstacles are in her way. The first step is the hardest but I believe if she'd take that step that people will be there to support her. She has to want the help. She has to try to help herself. Without doing so she gets no respect or sympathy, at least that's my opinion anyway. When we better ourselves, we add strength. When we're strong, we can achieve anything. The sky's the limit so why not go for it? Afterall, there's nothing left to lose once you've lost everything, so look up and find strength to conquer your demons...otherwise you'll be held down forever. Why become just another statistic instead of a success story? Success doesn't have to be tons of money and big houses with a Bentley in the drive. Success can be in your mind, in your heart, in your strength to keep on keeping on by simply doing things the right way. Faith.
I've been following along, and I think TG and RF know what happened to Bella. There's no logical explanation to me for TG to keep changing her stories, TG/RF not telling LE about JJR, and I also find it very interesting that these three, TG/RF and JJR all happen to go to Walmart almost the same time as each other. We are missing an important piece of the puzzle, and I think when we learn more, we're either going to be very surprised, or not surprised at all. I'm so tired of these cases involving children.:( :banghead:
I've been out all day so had quite a bit to catch up with.. I'd love to find out the official term for the noise I made when I read "why didn't you stay in bed?" Probably something like an angry, venomous, incredulous guffaw.


If you are disputing as to what level of behavior of a person should be a trigger for a someone to want to disallow that person from ever again infiltrating their life, then it must be observed in perspective. Not our own perspective, but on the perspective of the someone whose lifestyle and life experiences they use as bellwethers to dictate who they allow in to their inner circle.

A firefighter might be more inclined to allowing other firefighters in to his or her inner circle.
A drug abuser might be more inclined to allowing other drug abusers in to his or her inner circle.

So goes TG. And as far as we know, JJR does not have a history of doing things that would appear to be so out of sorts to what TG might be accustomed to witnessing from others within her own or her friends inner circle.

Those that think society should be more tolerant and supportive of drug culture have a tough road to hoe, I think.
I would suggest ( and not trying to be snarky in any way) that you show up to TG's home, suggest any of her acquaintances and friends are invited, bring the coffee and krispy kremes, and stage an impromptu intervention. My guess is you will be about as welcome as the JW's are at my door.
If you do get a toe in the door, you will not get a word in edgewise, and you will be subjected to variations of the "great mother"
story until you retreat, completely frustrated and deflated.
Those who defend the undefendable, ...Firefighters= Good? right? ...Drug Abusers = Bad?? I think...? that can't offer a single solution to deal with the gi-normous drug problem worldwide, other than soliciting sympathy and support for abusers have tough work ahead of them.
Personally, I have given more to this topic of debate than I planned to. I have been here for Bella and all of the other kids like her whose parents have failed them. I'm out...:)
"I am a druggie so I have other druggies in my life" is an excuse and nothing more. The fact that a child is being raised by one druggie does not mean she should have to live with even more. IMO homes should always be a safe haven for kids. Parents should not be creating situations that desecrate that.

JJR may not have a criminal history that concerns you but people change when they are on drugs. You don't take that chance with little kids in the home. TG should have acted as a mother first and not allowed JJR to stay in her home and care for her children.

*There is the bragging by JJR about killing a puppy but I can't remember where that came from so I'm keeping it separate.

Some addicts do use it as a 'reason' why they seem not be able to rise above the plight of their existence. There are some people who do not see it as unusual and do not feel a need to use it as a reason for justifying anything related to their lifestyle.

I never stated JJR's criminal history does not concern me. !! My commentary was in perspective to TG and her surroundings.

Those that think society should be more tolerant and supportive of drug culture have a tough road to hoe, I think.
I would suggest (and not and not trying to be snarky in any way) that you show up to TG's home, suggest any of her acquaintances and friends are invited, bring the coffee and krispy kremes, and stage an impromptu intervention. My guess is you will be about as welcome as the JW's are at my door.
If you do get a toe in the door, you will not get a word in edgewise, and you will be subjected to variations of the "great mother"
story until you leave feeling completely deflated.
Personally, I have given more to this topic of debate than I planned to. I have been here for Bella and all of the other kids like her whose parents have failed them. I'm out...:)

Don't you dare leave dang it! I absolutely agree with everything you write.
My prayer last night was for a person that I never met, only read about. As I saw the pictures of those balloons being released in memory of Bella, I prayed for her mother to come to terms that she needs to change her lifestyle - no matter what the obstacles are in her way. The first step is the hardest but I believe if she'd take that step that people will be there to support her. She has to want the help. She has to try to help herself. Without doing so she gets no respect or sympathy, at least that's my opinion anyway. When we better ourselves, we add strength. When we're strong, we can achieve anything. The sky's the limit so why not go for it? Afterall, there's nothing left to lose once you've lost everything, so look up and find strength to conquer your demons...otherwise you'll be held down forever. Why become just another statistic instead of a success story? Success doesn't have to be tons of money and big houses with a Bentley in the drive. Success can be in your mind, in your heart, in your strength to keep on keeping on by simply doing things the right way. Faith.

Phenomenal post! Many thanks...
Just for speculation purposes... Re the "Why Bella" comment... If there was a debt to be paid, again the keyword is if, Bella is the child that Tania had the longest. Right? She appeared to be her favorite for all intents and purposes. So if someone wanted to make a point and get back at Tania where it hurts the most, that person would seem to send a strong message by taking out her favorite innocent defenseless child. It in turn could make others that maybe owe a debt to come forward pronto before the same thing happens to them.


For more speculation purposes only, maybe Rector was strung out and was crazy when he strangled poor little Bella. Maybe she died right there in her home or outside in the yard and he moved her to that "wash" area once realizing what he'd done. Maybe he had a bad batch of whatever he smoked/snorted/injected/swallowed and it caused him to go loopy. If that's the case, it could have been any number of people Bella was surrounded by on a daily basis, except just this time it happened to be Rector. Heck, maybe her death happened sooner and somebody is worried they'd be held responsible for Bella's death bc they are the ones that gave Rector the drugs...

Again, pure speculation but within reason could be possible.
Question: Has Justin Rector ever attempted suicide?

If so, I'm wondering if he could be taking one for the team here. Maybe he's hoping for the dp or a roof over his head & 3 meals a day in jail. Maybe the whole group is responsible and she died at an earlier time but maybe he just happens to be the one that disposed of Bella's body.

That's farfetched though, right?
Okay, if we focus on JR, what exactly do we have?

Someone recently out of rehab. Extensive criminal record. Staying with TG for a few days. Brought to LE's attention by the 10 year old sibling. Picked up shortly after walking from walmart with new clothes. Picked up and released after giving TG as an alibi.

Was Bella dead or alive when she left her home? How did JR and her get to the site she was found at? Did he carry her if dead? Did he steal a car? Where did the car go if it was him that someone saw leaving on foot from that site? Why walk from Walmart? Did he leave the car at Walmart if the person who thought they saw him was wrong? Why did he give TG as an alibi when questioned as to his whereabouts? Why did he say he couldn't talk about the murder? (I find that very bizarre as I believe that was said when she was merely missing, right? Or even if not that would be a weird thing to say as if he was talking about other stuff or was at least willing.)

I think there is much more to this case that does not involve JR himself. And I'm really curious why RF was the only one not in jail over those other charges.

Those that think society should be more tolerant and supportive of drug culture have a tough road to hoe, I think.
I would suggest ( and not trying to be snarky in any way) that you show up to TG's home, suggest any of her acquaintances and friends are invited, bring the coffee and krispy kremes, and stage an impromptu intervention. My guess is you will be about as welcome as the JW's are at my door.
If you do get a toe in the door, you will not get a word in edgewise, and you will be subjected to variations of the "great mother"
story until you retreat, completely frustrated and deflated.
Those who defend the undefendable, ...Firefighters= Good? right? ...Drug Abusers = Bad?? I think...? that can't offer a single solution to deal with the gi-normous drug problem worldwide, other than soliciting sympathy and support for abusers have tough work ahead of them.
Personally, I have given more to this topic of debate than I planned to. I have been here for Bella and all of the other kids like her whose parents have failed them. I'm out...:)

I never stated society should be "more tolerant and supportive of drug culture". The point is, society must remain intolerant but not give up on attempting to change the culture of self-destruction. Some societies cut off the hand of a thief. Would you be prepared to take similar destructive action if your cousin led an addict's life or would you want to at least attempt to save him from himself?

As for an intervention for TG and friends, stranger-led interventions are more difficult, the walls are built thicker and the anger burns hotter. Intervention should begin with family and very close friends ..I believe it is more likely to lead to success compared to stranger intervention. There is an emotional element with family and very close friends that is not available in stranger intervention. It should never be dismissed because it it difficult to break through.

As for "firefighters" and "drug-abusers" .. a "good" and "bad" analogy was not the intent, it was simply a way to highlight a gang (better phrase: "a group of like-minded individuals") typically is made up of like-minded individuals, regardless of an occupation or a recreation.
Question: Has Justin Rector ever attempted suicide?

If so, I'm wondering if he could be taking one for the team here. Maybe he's hoping for the dp or a roof over his head & 3 meals a day in jail. Maybe the whole group is responsible and she died at an earlier time but maybe he just happens to be the one that disposed of Bella's body.

That's farfetched though, right?

Interesting theory. Anything is possible. It doesn't look, to me, like the stories we are being fed are the truth, jmo.
My mind keeps rolling back to the post by the poster who tried to do a loose timeline of the events of that night. Coming to the conclusion that they all left the house about the same time. I'm still processing what that could mean.

I mean, I do have to ask myself why it took two of them to go to Wal-Mart to go get snacks (ahem) for the kids lunches the next day. That late at night, on a school night, with kids that needs to be bathed and in bed, why didn't one of them run up to Wal-Mart for what they needed? When I had little kids and they dropped a bomb on me that I needed 2 dozen cupcakes by the next morning, one of us stayed home with the kids while the other went to the store to buy the ingredients for said cupcakes. So both Tania and Ralphy at WM doesn't make sense to start with.

Now, you add the time that Tania's cousin said she got the call that Bella was missing, when she left a little after 11pm and got that call an hour later, that's midnight. That would mean that JJR had to have had Bella almost immediately after the cousin and her daughter left the house. By Tania's ever moving timeline, they were still at the house.

So were they all at the house at the same time, then all left at the same time???

Yeh, I agree, something huge is missing here. There is more to the story and the liars are protecting their own butts. IMO. Still waiting for more arrests, especially now that they funeral is over. LE has to be watching them like a hawk, just waiting for the right moment. Hopefully.
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