AZ - Jesse Wilson, 10, found deceased, Buckeye, 17 July 2016 *arrest in 2022*

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:bump: Bumping for Jesse! I think of him often and it makes me sick to think of what may have happened. This kiddo has a place in my heart. May justice come through for him.
Happy Valentine's Day handsome young man xo

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Bumpies for you, sweet fella. We're still here...
I know very little about adoption processes. Don't they do a complete investigation of the homes they are sending these children to? Does anyone know if this "mother" was the only parent on the adoption documents? I have seen no mention of any.
Sounds like they did more investigation of the biological grandma than the person they gave custody to. Strange.

It's been almost a year, and they just did this? No results that we know of, even nearly two months after the fast track. I am sorry, but I am going to go back to what someone said early on. If this was a white child, no way would he be backburner like this for either media or LE. I am currently following the Abby Williams/Libby German case. The families haven't done a lot of media there, but the media (including national), LE, social media and WS are all over that case. This child? I am a native Arizonan, and I can find only a few media links.

Initially, I was suspicious of the mother, but I could see some of her statements being plausible. I have an autistic son who has "escaped" off and on since he was 7 or 8. He would often leave in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep. He would quickly figure out all locks and alarms we tried. The only fix was for an adult to sleep with him, so that's what we did. When I would call 911 for help, I would always tell them that this was not unheard of for him.

But, then, I thought more. I always called 911, not a non-emergency line. His autism diagnosis was one of the first things I told them. His reason for leaving was that he wanted to "go on an adventure", not that he was hungry.

The thing that hurts the most is that she didn't even show up to the custody hearing. If you loved these kids, including Jesse, wouldn't you fight? Even if you felt you might lose?

I also have sympathy for someone who struggles to pay for daycare, but DES will help with that. And why the hell did the state adopt them out to someone who couldn't provide, especially when the biological grandma has a job? Did the grandmother try to cover for the biological mom in some way, such as the hindering prosecution charges suggest she might be prone to? I don't get why she didn't have visitation. Anyway, it makes me furious at my state all over again. If we cared about children here, maybe our state agencies wouldn't have so failed these kids, especially Jesse.

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Jessie, we're waiting with you for justice. :waiting:
Thinking of Jesse tonight ~
138 open cases of missing children in Arizona? Holy cow!

About Jesse, I can't believe a woman known to have been abusive and neglectful to the other children in the home, who confessed that Jesse had run away before, that was so neglected he went to neighbors for food, I can't believe she hasn't been charged for his disappearance. I also can't believe she hid him so well that no one can find him. :(
138 open cases of missing children in Arizona? Holy cow!

About Jesse, I can't believe a woman known to have been abusive and neglectful to the other children in the home, who confessed that Jesse had run away before, that was so neglected he went to neighbors for food, I can't believe she hasn't been charged for his disappearance. I also can't believe she hid him so well that no one can find him. :(
Those 138 include many young, desperate immigrants who will likely never be identified. Our deserts are deadly, but desperate people do desperate things.

As for charging the adopted mother, there is literally no evidence for a case here. They might be able to charge her with neglect or child endangerment related to Jesse or the other children, but there's nothing to base murder, assault or kidnapping charges right now. That doesn't mean I don't have my suspicions. It just means that they need something beyond "a child who regularly sneaks out disappeared one night" to prosecute for his disappearance and probable murder. While it may not be likely, it's possible that he snuck out and a third party took him.

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Those 138 include many young, desperate immigrants who will likely never be identified. Our deserts are deadly, but desperate people do desperate things.

As for charging the adopted mother, there is literally no evidence for a case here. They might be able to charge her with neglect or child endangerment related to Jesse or the other children, but there's nothing to base murder, assault or kidnapping charges right now. That doesn't mean I don't have my suspicions. It just means that they need something beyond "a child who regularly sneaks out disappeared one night" to prosecute for his disappearance and probable murder. While it may not be likely, it's possible that he snuck out and a third party took him.

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LE may have enough evidence to charge her with child neglect and abuse, but there is no smoking gun to implicate her for murder. As you said, Jesse could have sneaked out and been abducted during the night. But, I believe LE do have their suspicions about what happened with CW leading to Jesse's disappearance and they have hope yet they will have enough evidence to prosecute her for murder. If they prosecute her now on neglect and abuse charges related to the case, they will not be able to charge her later for murder once they gather enough evidence because it would be double jeopardy. So, IMO the fact that CW hasn't been arrested thus far on any charges related to the case gives me hope that investigators are still gathering/testing evidence and the investigation is still very active with closure in sight.
My heart pitter pattered when I saw all the updates :(

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It's so scary that a 10 now 11 year old child is still missing. What is going on?????

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Wish some new info would come out....something that let's people know they are still looking for him. 138 kids missing down here (open cases). It is scary to be a kid!

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