AZ - Lori Vallow Daybell charged w/ conspiring to kill ex-husband Charles Vallow and another relative, Brandon Boudreaux, Chandler, Maricopa County,

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
IMG_1425.jpeg I thought this map might be helpful for those of us not familiar with the area.

Most of these locations - Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, San Tan Valley, seem to within about 20 to 30 minutes drive from each other and are all in Maricopa county except San Tan Valley which is where AC lived when CV was killed. It was also where the neighbor said the argument in the street between LVD & AC happened and she accused him of disgracing the family.
I think I have changed my mind on whether Arizona will try the CV & BB cases together. I’ve been doing some reading and I’m not sure that they can even if they want to because the events of one crime could prejudice the jury to convict on the other and there may not be enough of a connection to try them together. I’m not even sure they can bring up the other crimes including her convictions in ID in either of these trials. Also, they are two separate indictments and AZ only notified ID about their intent to extradite on the CV charges.

What are your thoughts?
Timeline Events Related to Murder of Charles Vallow
(October 2018 to August 2019)

Prior to October 2018

CV and LVD live in Gilbert, AZ. Adam Cox lives with them. MG also lives in Gilbert as does MBP & BB and ZP. Alex Cox lives in San Tan Valley. CD & TD live in Rexburg, ID.

LVD has been reading CD’s books since at least 2017 and listening to a lot of podcasts that included Julie Rowe and Mike Strough since early 2018.

MG does podcasts sometimes with JM, MS, and/or Thor. She is involved in teaching at PAP conferences and is familiar with the teachings of Julie Rowe and CD and sometimes uses the AVOW forum. She has had contact with CD prior to July 2018 and they are friends online but says she met him at a preparedness camp in Ogden Utah and July 2018. CD spoke at a conference in Mesa Arizona on July 13, 2018 that MG attended and some say she may have helped set it up for him to speak there.

October 2018

10/4 Th - MG meets LVD. JM has met LVD and thought she & MG were like minded and should meet. LVD calls her & MG tells her she is speaking at a church in Mesa & they make a plan to meet. LVD brings MB with her & they meet MG. LVD says she has been sealed in the temple as part of the 144,000.

10/19 Fr - MG is hosting a meeting at her home & doing a podcast & LVD gives her testimony. ZP is there (already knows MG) & meets LVD. Among other things, LVD says she has been visited by Moroni who has instructed her in her mission.

10/26 & 27 Fr/Sa - CD is speaking at a PAP event in St George, UT. LVD & ZP & MG are all at the conference (& 2 more of MG’s friends) and LVD & ZP meet CD. AB is also at this event & meets CD. MG already knows him. LVD is familiar with him as she has been reading his books. CD tells LVD they were married in a previous life.

November 2018

11/16 & 17 Fr/Sa - CD is speaking at PAP event in Mesa, AZ. (Thor also spoke at this one.) CD, MG, ZP, SS, & AB stay at LVD’s. AB met LVD at this event & stayed at the end of the conference at her home. CV & JJ are out of town but AB says she met Tylee so she was home. AB notices a vibe between CD & LVD.

December 2018

12/4 Tu LVD does 1st podcast with MG & JM.

12/5 Wd they do another podcast but this one is with CD.

Mid Dec - about 2 months after she met him, CD reaches out to AB via FB & phone & asks her to be LVD’s friend. Later more of a liaison between CD & LVD after he tells AB that TD is going to die before her 50th birthday & that he is going to marry LVD.

Mid Dec - Julie R says CD sexually assaulted her at a private meeting in Rexburg - an energy healing session.

January 2019

Jan - specific dates unknown

CD does another podcast with MG & LVD and after it calls LVD & tells her CV has an evil spirit named Ned Schneider. Around this time, LVD tells MG that she had a dream that CV would die in a crash on his way back from TX. JJ would be in the vehicle but LVD did not say if he would die. Later when CV did not die, LVD said something interfered.

CD emails LVD a list of things for them to accomplish together.

LVD emails CD vids of her dancing. CV finds them & concludes LVD & CD are having an affair.

LVD accuses CV of having an affair & tells the Cox family who all begin to turn away from CV. LVD tells ZP that CV died and another spirit came in and took over his body - she says an evil spirit has 2 minutes to come into the body after a person dies. She says CD said Ned Schneider is an old friend of CV’s who died.

Castings start at Zulema’s house. LVD tells group that CV has evil spirit named Ned Schneider & wants them to help her get him out. LV brings up energy work (Julie Rowe does energy work & she has listened to her podcasts for over a year by this time) and Christina brings up casting out. Castings group is LVD, ZP, MG, Serena, Christina, & Nicole and sometimes AC.

1/23/19 Wd - LVD texts AB wanting to know when they can talk now that she knows what’s really going on.

Late Jan - Zac Cox & CV get in a fight and Zac packs up & moves out - he likely moved out while CV was in TX as CV mentions him living there to LE when they are at the house on the 30th. Zac says mostly he didn’t want to be in on anymore of LVD’s & CVs fighting.

1/29 Tu - LVD tells CV on phone she is the leader of the 144,000 at Christ’s 2nd Coming in July 2020 & if he gets in the way of her mission she will murder him. She says she’s a resurrected being & cannot die but she can murder him with her powers. She says she’s supposed to marry Moroni & sees Moroni & Jesus Christ every day in the temple.

1/29 LVD takes a box of CVs clothes & gives them to Good Will & says the Lord told her to. She takes Tylee & JJ and moves out of the house into a hotel. She takes $35,000 out of CV’s business payroll account. CV finds the home empty when he returns on the 30th.

1/30 Wd - CV is returning from business trip in TX. He has left his truck parked at the airport. LVD & AC take CVs truck from airport & parks it at some hotel - perhaps Courtyard by Marriott. LVD also cancels his flight & he has to book a more expensive last minute one.

1/30 Wd - CV gets home & finds it locked up & no one around and calls police. He tells them he thinks LVD has had a mental break & lost touch with reality. He is worried about the kids as he has been trying to reach them for 2 days. He doesn’t know whether LVD is going to flee with them or whether she might hurt them. She had told CV to come get them because she didn’t care what happened to them but then took the with her when she left. He has an order for a psych eval but they cannot serve it on her as they do not know where she is.

1/31 Th - CD device search for Ned Schneider obit Louisiana 1997

1/31 Th - CV goes to JJ’s school to see if he’s there and there & ok & sees LV's car and takes purse & cell & hotel key - trying to keep LV from leaving so he can get LE there for the psych eval pick up - note CV says this her religious views have been going on for about the last 4 yrs or so but has really gotten bad over the past few months with the influence of the people from Idaho.

1/31 LVD & MG pick up CV’s truck from the hotel and park it at a place near the temple.

1/31 CV has LVD’s phone & texts MG to try to get his truck or keys back. MG doesn’t realize it’s not LVD at first but once she does she agrees to go over and see CV.

1/31 MG doesn’t know what to do & calls CD who is surprised because he didn’t realize LVD had told her about them. She sees JM at an intersection and flags him down and asks what to do. He tells her LVD needs to go to the police station.

1/31 Tylee drives LVD & MG to police station. LVD tells them CV was cheating on her and they had a fight and she went to the hotel while he was away. Police have CV bring her purse & keys back to her at the police station but also tell LVD about the order for the psych eval. She agrees to go & it is short and they let her go & she tells MG & Tylee that she passed with flying colors.

1/31 CV picks up JJ from school

February 2019

2/3 or 2/4 - LVD finally tells CV where his truck is.

Early to Mid Feb - CV files for divorce & custody of JJ - states that LVD’s whereabouts are unknown & she hasn’t requested any time with JJ.

LVD’s whereabouts remain unknown to CV for 58 days. Later revealed that she initially moved in with AC in San Tan Valley but has a fight in the street with AC & tells him he has disgraced the family and leaves. Tylee was with Cox family at this time. LVD’s parents also lived in San Tan Valley.

Mid to late Feb - LVD & Tylee go to Hawaii & stay with her friend April. She tries to recruit April into the 144,000 and the mission but tells her she’d have to leave her family. April thinks she’s having some kind of psychotic break.

Sometime in Feb - CD tells the Gilberts (Alice & Todd) that he had a vision that TD’s time on earth was coming to an end & she would not likely live past 50.

2/20 - CV learns someone has changed his password on his life insurance policy and he changes the beneficiary to KW.

March 2019

Early March - LVD & Tylee return to Gilbert from Hawaii. Serena is back in AZ for a girl’s weekend with LVD & casting group.

AC says CV came to his house looking for LVD because she won’t talk to him and had words with Tylee. AC says this was a couple of months before the shooting but it is more likely that it was early March before CV & JJ left Gilbert.

3/7 CV takes JJ out of Gilbert school & says he’s taking him to TX to be with family.

3/19 - LVD & CD fly from Idaho to AZ - not sure when LVD went to ID but CD was speaking at an event & they flew together.

Late March or Early April - LVD says she has to go to TX to make financial arrangements for after her divorce. She goes to TX & she & CV try a reconciliation.

Late March or Early April - Serena is calling CD a lot & questioning some of the things LVD says - LVD says she is growing dark & untrustworthy & being influenced by Julie R.

April 2019

4/2 - CV emails his attorney to stop the divorce. CV’s son says he wanted to try to save his marriage.

Sometime in April - LVD is in Houston with CV & CD makes a trip to Houston. MG also visited LVD in Houston & LVD told her that she & CD were going to do their mission work - MG suspects they were at a hotel and knows of no event CD would have been speaking at in Houston. MG says while LVD was in TX CD told her that Tylee had gone dark and it started when she was around 12 or 13. MG says LVD was in TX about 2 months

4/9 - Julie R is excommunicated from LDS church

May 2019 - specific dates unknown

LVD returns to AZ from TX with Tylee - not sure whether JJ was with her or still with CV in TX

CV goes to AC’s and/or LVD’s parent’s home in San Tan looking for LVD because she won’t talk to him and according to AC, CV gets in a verbal altercation with Tylee

CV/LVD search malachite

5/21 - MG & BG divorce (she is already seeing DW)

5/31 & 6/1 - CD is supposed to speak at PAP event in Sandy, UT but bails at the last minute saying he has a family emergency - SLB & DW take his slot at the event

June 2019

6/1 CD search for Hiplos

Late June - JJ is enrolled for summer classes in Gilbert, AZ

June - CD & TD are sitting almost all the way back at church - they had been moving further back for a while

Late June - AC (who previously had no past lives - was a 1st timer) has now been exalted & LVD tells everyone that as exalted beings they cannot be judged for what they do in this life as they are only on loan to accomplish the mission

6/25 - MBP refuses to go to BB’s grandfather’s funeral and accuses him of being gay, using drugs, and hacking hers & LVD’s computers - BB goes to CV & LVD and says this is all their fault - it is the last time he speaks to CV

6/30 - TD makes last FB post - a pic of her & CD at Mesa Falls

June or July - AB (living in UT at the time) sees LVD at Utah event - visits her in her hotel room - MG & ZP & others AB didn’t know are there - LVD needs help with CV - LVD mentions knives, fire, & weapons

Late June - LVD sends fake email from CV to TD

Late June - LVD & Tylee & JJ move into house in Chandler

July 2019

Early July - CV is talking to Adam Cox & others in Cox family to try to set up an intervention for LVD

7/8 - ZP sends email to everyone saying LVD wants them to call up an earthquake in CA where CV is driving - this may have been the trip where LVD told MG that JJ was with CV but JJ wouldn’t be living long because he had another mission so it wouldn’t matter if he was killed too - but that may have been the trip returning from TX in January when CV was supposed to die in a wreck before he got home

7/9 - CD search when you surprise someone with accusations

7/9 - MG spends the night with LVD

7/10 - LVD tells MG that morning that she has to leave because she has asked AC to come stay with her that night to protect her. She says that CV is coming the next morning to get JJ to take him to school but that he & Adam Cox & her dad are all trying to kill her to get the $3M life insurance she has - later she also says Zac C & BB are in on the plot

7/11 ZP sends text to LVD saying that she has been working on Hiplos & hopes today is the day

7/11 Th

- CV arrives at LVD’s house & texts Adam that AC was there

If you believe the account given to LE by AC & LVD & Tylee…

CV puts JJ in the car & goes back inside because he left his phone - LVD has it & taunts him with it provoking an argument - LVD goes into AC’s room & he stops between them - CV back up into the living room - LVD gets around behind him - AC steps forward & Tylee hears the commotion and comes out of her room with a bat - CV takes the bat away - AC & CV scuffle & CV falls to the floor & AC is hit in the head - AC steps into his room & gets his gun & returns - CV comes toward him with the bat & AC shoots CV - LVD sends Tylee out to the car with JJ

CV is shot twice in the chest - the 2nd shot while he was laying on the floor

7:49am LVD takes JJ to school - stopping at BK for JJ on the way & at Walgreens for flip flops after dropping him off

AC calls LVD on phone at some point before calling 911

8:32am AC calls 911 - tells them he shot CV in self defense about 5 minutes before he called

8:48am - LVD & Tylee return home & speak to police

7/11 or 7/12 - LVD hosts pool party - loud music & lots of people - this may have been day after as ZP said the next day she went over & AC was lying on a pool chair & LV told her he shot CV yesterday - AC tells ZP he’s okay because he didn’t kill CV but he killed a zombie. ZP says LVD made it sound like Father had given CV to them - made it sound like a Laban/Nephi situation.

7/12 - LVD takes $9,000 out of CV’s business account - a few days later she takes out the last $3,000

7/13 - Adam & Zac & BB are worried about CV as they have been texting him and haven’t heard from him since he told Adam that AC was at LVD’s on the morning of the 11th - a friend googles and they learn that CV was shot & killed & they call LW & KW. Adam & Zac go to LVD’s parent’s home (Adam’s parents too) & Tylee is there - she’s upset & crying & Zac thinks she wants to say something but she’s getting ready to leave and the grandmother intervenes and walks her out to the car and Zac never sees her again.

7/13 - CD text to LVD - about the 2 weeks - BYU graduation on 23rd - feels TD will be gone by then but will still have to deal with the hoopla

7/14 - LVD has not told CV’s sons yet that he was killed and finally leaves voicemail for one of his sons - last time this son heard from her

7/14 to 19 - AC flies to Columbia South America

7/15 - LVD tells MG CV was shot & killed

7/15 - LVD calls insurance company & finds out she is no longer the beneficiary

7/15 or 7/16 LVD is in TX packing up CVs house

7/18 - LVD tells Life Academy CV committed suicide

7/20 - CVs other son texts LVD and asks to at least have CV’s watches - she sent him junk watches and never answered his questions about what happened to his dad

7/26 - KW begs LVD to let JJ come to CV’s memorial

7/29 - LVD text to KW with pic of copy of beneficiary form and says 5 kids 7 no money & his sister gets everything - last time KW hears from LVD

August 2019

8/1 - LVD moves out of the Chandler home where CV was killed - CV had rented it for LVD & the kids from a friend of his who asked her to leave after CV’s death - they moved to a house in Gilbert

8/3 - Memorial Service for CV in Lake Charles, LA
Since this tbread is dedicated to the murder of Charles Vallow, I thought it might be helpful to pull out some info from various timelines that apply. I’m trying not to include everything but since it is all so intertwined it is difficult to put only what applies to CV. I’ll try to come back and add more info from time to time as I see more info from everyone else’s posts or new info comes to light. And please feel free to correct me on anything I may have wrong. But here’s what I have so far…

1991 CV marries 2nd wife Cheryl - they are married 12 years & have 2 sons - Cole & Zach

1991 or 1992 LVD marries Nelson Yanes
1992 LVD & NY divorce & LVD leaves CA

Oct 1995 LVD marries William Lagolia in TX
4/8/1996 Colby is born (later Colby Ryan)
Dec 1996 LVD files for divorce from WL

2001 LVD & Jospeh Ryan are married
9/24/2002 Tylee Ryan is born
2004 LVD is on Wheel of Fortune & in Mrs TX pageant
8/13/2004 JR files for divorce from LVD
May 2005 JR & LVD divorce is final

2/24/2006 CV & LVD marry in Vegas - CV converts from Catholicism to LDS

2006 JR files for custody modification

2007 CV’s ex-wife (Cheryl) said she had concerns over LVD’s mental stability & court ordered cameras in the home to protect the children

8/5/2007 AC attacks JR with stun gun after a custody visit - AC had been doing stand up comedy in Phoenix but told a friend he had to go to TX to take care of some family business - Adam Cox later says AC was supposed to stun him, throw him in the truck, take him to the woods & kill & bury him but it didn’t work & JR called LE & AC was arrested - AC’s ex later says when AC got out of jail he told her he wanted to bait JR into a fight & kill him & claim self defense

July 2009 JR filled custody suit against LVD in TX that is carried over to AZ courts

2009 LVD is found guilty of 7 civil contempt charges regarding custody of Tylee - she is ordered to have psych eval after telling social workers that death would be preferred to giving Tylee to JR even for a visit. LVD cancels the appt saying her sister had complications having a baby & she is going out of town to be with her - appt is rescheduled after it is brought up in court that she is a flight risk & she shows up for the 8/1 appt - she says JR called her a lying crazy Mormon & turned the courts against her

5/25/2012 JJ is born in Louisiana
2013 CV & LVD begin process to adopt JJ

Late 2014/Early 2015 CV & LVD & Tylee & JJ move to Hawaii & start a juice bar which fails & they later return to AZ

10/18/2016 JR posts he is moving back to Austin - unsure if he actually did

Late 2016/Early 2017 CV & LVD & Tylee & JJ move back to AZ
2/8/2017 Tylee is enrolled in HS in Gilbert
3/17/2017 Tylee is enrolled in HS in Chandler

Dec 2017/Early 2018 CV gets Bailey for JJ

Jan 2018 CR gets married in CV’s back yard

4/3/2018 JR is found dead in his Phoenix, AZ home - note his DL was issued iin Sept 2017 so he had been living there at least 6 months.

….I have more but have to stop for now…I’ll try to enter more info up to CV’s murder over the weekend. Hope you all find this helpful.
Wow! LVD was certainly not one to let the grass grow under her feet. Very enlightening post. Thank you for sharing.
Timeline Events Related to Murder of Charles Vallow
(October 2018 to August 2019)

Prior to October 2018

CV and LVD live in Gilbert, AZ. Adam Cox lives with them. MG also lives in Gilbert as does MBP & BB and ZP. Alex Cox lives in San Tan Valley. CD & TD live in Rexburg, ID.

LVD has been reading CD’s books since at least 2017 and listening to a lot of podcasts that included Julie Rowe and Mike Strough since early 2018.

MG does podcasts sometimes with JM, MS, and/or Thor. She is involved in teaching at PAP conferences and is familiar with the teachings of Julie Rowe and CD and sometimes uses the AVOW forum. She has had contact with CD prior to July 2018 and they are friends online but says she met him at a preparedness camp in Ogden Utah and July 2018. CD spoke at a conference in Mesa Arizona on July 13, 2018 that MG attended and some say she may have helped set it up for him to speak there.

October 2018

10/4 Th - MG meets LVD. JM has met LVD and thought she & MG were like minded and should meet. LVD calls her & MG tells her she is speaking at a church in Mesa & they make a plan to meet. LVD brings MB with her & they meet MG. LVD says she has been sealed in the temple as part of the 144,000.

10/19 Fr - MG is hosting a meeting at her home & doing a podcast & LVD gives her testimony. ZP is there (already knows MG) & meets LVD. Among other things, LVD says she has been visited by Moroni who has instructed her in her mission.

10/26 & 27 Fr/Sa - CD is speaking at a PAP event in St George, UT. LVD & ZP & MG are all at the conference (& 2 more of MG’s friends) and LVD & ZP meet CD. AB is also at this event & meets CD. MG already knows him. LVD is familiar with him as she has been reading his books. CD tells LVD they were married in a previous life.

November 2018

11/16 & 17 Fr/Sa - CD is speaking at PAP event in Mesa, AZ. (Thor also spoke at this one.) CD, MG, ZP, SS, & AB stay at LVD’s. AB met LVD at this event & stayed at the end of the conference at her home. CV & JJ are out of town but AB says she met Tylee so she was home. AB notices a vibe between CD & LVD.

December 2018

12/4 Tu LVD does 1st podcast with MG & JM.

12/5 Wd they do another podcast but this one is with CD.

Mid Dec - about 2 months after she met him, CD reaches out to AB via FB & phone & asks her to be LVD’s friend. Later more of a liaison between CD & LVD after he tells AB that TD is going to die before her 50th birthday & that he is going to marry LVD.

Mid Dec - Julie R says CD sexually assaulted her at a private meeting in Rexburg - an energy healing session.

January 2019

Jan - specific dates unknown

CD does another podcast with MG & LVD and after it calls LVD & tells her CV has an evil spirit named Ned Schneider. Around this time, LVD tells MG that she had a dream that CV would die in a crash on his way back from TX. JJ would be in the vehicle but LVD did not say if he would die. Later when CV did not die, LVD said something interfered.

CD emails LVD a list of things for them to accomplish together.

LVD emails CD vids of her dancing. CV finds them & concludes LVD & CD are having an affair.

LVD accuses CV of having an affair & tells the Cox family who all begin to turn away from CV. LVD tells ZP that CV died and another spirit came in and took over his body - she says an evil spirit has 2 minutes to come into the body after a person dies. She says CD said Ned Schneider is an old friend of CV’s who died.

Castings start at Zulema’s house. LVD tells group that CV has evil spirit named Ned Schneider & wants them to help her get him out. LV brings up energy work (Julie Rowe does energy work & she has listened to her podcasts for over a year by this time) and Christina brings up casting out. Castings group is LVD, ZP, MG, Serena, Christina, & Nicole and sometimes AC.

1/23/19 Wd - LVD texts AB wanting to know when they can talk now that she knows what’s really going on.

Late Jan - Zac Cox & CV get in a fight and Zac packs up & moves out - he likely moved out while CV was in TX as CV mentions him living there to LE when they are at the house on the 30th. Zac says mostly he didn’t want to be in on anymore of LVD’s & CVs fighting.

1/29 Tu - LVD tells CV on phone she is the leader of the 144,000 at Christ’s 2nd Coming in July 2020 & if he gets in the way of her mission she will murder him. She says she’s a resurrected being & cannot die but she can murder him with her powers. She says she’s supposed to marry Moroni & sees Moroni & Jesus Christ every day in the temple.

1/29 LVD takes a box of CVs clothes & gives them to Good Will & says the Lord told her to. She takes Tylee & JJ and moves out of the house into a hotel. She takes $35,000 out of CV’s business payroll account. CV finds the home empty when he returns on the 30th.

1/30 Wd - CV is returning from business trip in TX. He has left his truck parked at the airport. LVD & AC take CVs truck from airport & parks it at some hotel - perhaps Courtyard by Marriott. LVD also cancels his flight & he has to book a more expensive last minute one.

1/30 Wd - CV gets home & finds it locked up & no one around and calls police. He tells them he thinks LVD has had a mental break & lost touch with reality. He is worried about the kids as he has been trying to reach them for 2 days. He doesn’t know whether LVD is going to flee with them or whether she might hurt them. She had told CV to come get them because she didn’t care what happened to them but then took the with her when she left. He has an order for a psych eval but they cannot serve it on her as they do not know where she is.

1/31 Th - CD device search for Ned Schneider obit Louisiana 1997

1/31 Th - CV goes to JJ’s school to see if he’s there and there & ok & sees LV's car and takes purse & cell & hotel key - trying to keep LV from leaving so he can get LE there for the psych eval pick up - note CV says this her religious views have been going on for about the last 4 yrs or so but has really gotten bad over the past few months with the influence of the people from Idaho.

1/31 LVD & MG pick up CV’s truck from the hotel and park it at a place near the temple.

1/31 CV has LVD’s phone & texts MG to try to get his truck or keys back. MG doesn’t realize it’s not LVD at first but once she does she agrees to go over and see CV.

1/31 MG doesn’t know what to do & calls CD who is surprised because he didn’t realize LVD had told her about them. She sees JM at an intersection and flags him down and asks what to do. He tells her LVD needs to go to the police station.

1/31 Tylee drives LVD & MG to police station. LVD tells them CV was cheating on her and they had a fight and she went to the hotel while he was away. Police have CV bring her purse & keys back to her at the police station but also tell LVD about the order for the psych eval. She agrees to go & it is short and they let her go & she tells MG & Tylee that she passed with flying colors.

1/31 CV picks up JJ from school

February 2019

2/3 or 2/4 - LVD finally tells CV where his truck is.

Early to Mid Feb - CV files for divorce & custody of JJ - states that LVD’s whereabouts are unknown & she hasn’t requested any time with JJ.

LVD’s whereabouts remain unknown to CV for 58 days. Later revealed that she initially moved in with AC in San Tan Valley but has a fight in the street with AC & tells him he has disgraced the family and leaves. Tylee was with Cox family at this time. LVD’s parents also lived in San Tan Valley.

Mid to late Feb - LVD & Tylee go to Hawaii & stay with her friend April. She tries to recruit April into the 144,000 and the mission but tells her she’d have to leave her family. April thinks she’s having some kind of psychotic break.

Sometime in Feb - CD tells the Gilberts (Alice & Todd) that he had a vision that TD’s time on earth was coming to an end & she would not likely live past 50.

2/20 - CV learns someone has changed his password on his life insurance policy and he changes the beneficiary to KW.

March 2019

Early March - LVD & Tylee return to Gilbert from Hawaii. Serena is back in AZ for a girl’s weekend with LVD & casting group.

AC says CV came to his house looking for LVD because she won’t talk to him and had words with Tylee. AC says this was a couple of months before the shooting but it is more likely that it was early March before CV & JJ left Gilbert.

3/7 CV takes JJ out of Gilbert school & says he’s taking him to TX to be with family.

3/19 - LVD & CD fly from Idaho to AZ - not sure when LVD went to ID but CD was speaking at an event & they flew together.

Late March or Early April - LVD says she has to go to TX to make financial arrangements for after her divorce. She goes to TX & she & CV try a reconciliation.

Late March or Early April - Serena is calling CD a lot & questioning some of the things LVD says - LVD says she is growing dark & untrustworthy & being influenced by Julie R.

April 2019

4/2 - CV emails his attorney to stop the divorce. CV’s son says he wanted to try to save his marriage.

Sometime in April - LVD is in Houston with CV & CD makes a trip to Houston. MG also visited LVD in Houston & LVD told her that she & CD were going to do their mission work - MG suspects they were at a hotel and knows of no event CD would have been speaking at in Houston. MG says while LVD was in TX CD told her that Tylee had gone dark and it started when she was around 12 or 13. MG says LVD was in TX about 2 months

4/9 - Julie R is excommunicated from LDS church

May 2019 - specific dates unknown

LVD returns to AZ from TX with Tylee - not sure whether JJ was with her or still with CV in TX

CV goes to AC’s and/or LVD’s parent’s home in San Tan looking for LVD because she won’t talk to him and according to AC, CV gets in a verbal altercation with Tylee

CV/LVD search malachite

5/21 - MG & BG divorce (she is already seeing DW)

5/31 & 6/1 - CD is supposed to speak at PAP event in Sandy, UT but bails at the last minute saying he has a family emergency - SLB & DW take his slot at the event

June 2019

6/1 CD search for Hiplos

Late June - JJ is enrolled for summer classes in Gilbert, AZ

June - CD & TD are sitting almost all the way back at church - they had been moving further back for a while

Late June - AC (who previously had no past lives - was a 1st timer) has now been exalted & LVD tells everyone that as exalted beings they cannot be judged for what they do in this life as they are only on loan to accomplish the mission

6/25 - MBP refuses to go to BB’s grandfather’s funeral and accuses him of being gay, using drugs, and hacking hers & LVD’s computers - BB goes to CV & LVD and says this is all their fault - it is the last time he speaks to CV

6/30 - TD makes last FB post - a pic of her & CD at Mesa Falls

June or July - AB (living in UT at the time) sees LVD at Utah event - visits her in her hotel room - MG & ZP & others AB didn’t know are there - LVD needs help with CV - LVD mentions knives, fire, & weapons

Late June - LVD sends fake email from CV to TD

Late June - LVD & Tylee & JJ move into house in Chandler

July 2019

Early July - CV is talking to Adam Cox & others in Cox family to try to set up an intervention for LVD

7/8 - ZP sends email to everyone saying LVD wants them to call up an earthquake in CA where CV is driving - this may have been the trip where LVD told MG that JJ was with CV but JJ wouldn’t be living long because he had another mission so it wouldn’t matter if he was killed too - but that may have been the trip returning from TX in January when CV was supposed to die in a wreck before he got home

7/9 - CD search when you surprise someone with accusations

7/9 - MG spends the night with LVD

7/10 - LVD tells MG that morning that she has to leave because she has asked AC to come stay with her that night to protect her. She says that CV is coming the next morning to get JJ to take him to school but that he & Adam Cox & her dad are all trying to kill her to get the $3M life insurance she has - later she also says Zac C & BB are in on the plot

7/11 ZP sends text to LVD saying that she has been working on Hiplos & hopes today is the day

7/11 Th

- CV arrives at LVD’s house & texts Adam that AC was there

If you believe the account given to LE by AC & LVD & Tylee…

CV puts JJ in the car & goes back inside because he left his phone - LVD has it & taunts him with it provoking an argument - LVD goes into AC’s room & he stops between them - CV back up into the living room - LVD gets around behind him - AC steps forward & Tylee hears the commotion and comes out of her room with a bat - CV takes the bat away - AC & CV scuffle & CV falls to the floor & AC is hit in the head - AC steps into his room & gets his gun & returns - CV comes toward him with the bat & AC shoots CV - LVD sends Tylee out to the car with JJ

CV is shot twice in the chest - the 2nd shot while he was laying on the floor

7:49am LVD takes JJ to school - stopping at BK for JJ on the way & at Walgreens for flip flops after dropping him off

AC calls LVD on phone at some point before calling 911

8:32am AC calls 911 - tells them he shot CV in self defense about 5 minutes before he called

8:48am - LVD & Tylee return home & speak to police

7/11 or 7/12 - LVD hosts pool party - loud music & lots of people - this may have been day after as ZP said the next day she went over & AC was lying on a pool chair & LV told her he shot CV yesterday - AC tells ZP he’s okay because he didn’t kill CV but he killed a zombie. ZP says LVD made it sound like Father had given CV to them - made it sound like a Laban/Nephi situation.

7/12 - LVD takes $9,000 out of CV’s business account - a few days later she takes out the last $3,000

7/13 - Adam & Zac & BB are worried about CV as they have been texting him and haven’t heard from him since he told Adam that AC was at LVD’s on the morning of the 11th - a friend googles and they learn that CV was shot & killed & they call LW & KW. Adam & Zac go to LVD’s parent’s home (Adam’s parents too) & Tylee is there - she’s upset & crying & Zac thinks she wants to say something but she’s getting ready to leave and the grandmother intervenes and walks her out to the car and Zac never sees her again.

7/13 - CD text to LVD - about the 2 weeks - BYU graduation on 23rd - feels TD will be gone by then but will still have to deal with the hoopla

7/14 - LVD has not told CV’s sons yet that he was killed and finally leaves voicemail for one of his sons - last time this son heard from her

7/14 to 19 - AC flies to Columbia South America

7/15 - LVD tells MG CV was shot & killed

7/15 - LVD calls insurance company & finds out she is no longer the beneficiary

7/15 or 7/16 LVD is in TX packing up CVs house

7/18 - LVD tells Life Academy CV committed suicide

7/20 - CVs other son texts LVD and asks to at least have CV’s watches - she sent him junk watches and never answered his questions about what happened to his dad

7/26 - KW begs LVD to let JJ come to CV’s memorial

7/29 - LVD text to KW with pic of copy of beneficiary form and says 5 kids 7 no money & his sister gets everything - last time KW hears from LVD

August 2019

8/1 - LVD moves out of the Chandler home where CV was killed - CV had rented it for LVD & the kids from a friend of his who asked her to leave after CV’s death - they moved to a house in Gilbert

8/3 - Memorial Service for CV in Lake Charles, LA
On October 30 2018, Chad sent Lori an email with light/dark ratings of her family members.

Timeline Events Related to Murder of Charles Vallow
(October 2018 to August 2019)

Prior to October 2018

CV and LVD live in Gilbert, AZ. Adam Cox lives with them. MG also lives in Gilbert as does MBP & BB and ZP. Alex Cox lives in San Tan Valley. CD & TD live in Rexburg, ID.

LVD has been reading CD’s books since at least 2017 and listening to a lot of podcasts that included Julie Rowe and Mike Strough since early 2018.

MG does podcasts sometimes with JM, MS, and/or Thor. She is involved in teaching at PAP conferences and is familiar with the teachings of Julie Rowe and CD and sometimes uses the AVOW forum. She has had contact with CD prior to July 2018 and they are friends online but says she met him at a preparedness camp in Ogden Utah and July 2018. CD spoke at a conference in Mesa Arizona on July 13, 2018 that MG attended and some say she may have helped set it up for him to speak there.

Didn't Adam's son live with Lori and Charles?

The other podcaster's name is Mike Stroud.

MG started podcasting with Lori and JM in December 2018 (Time to warrior up series of PAP podcasts). She was only a guest on a couple of other PAP podcasts (no JM) in December 2017 and February 2018 (source: Podchaser). Also according to Podchaser (podcast synopses), MG did not speak at PAP conferences until February 2019, but was named Arizona Branch PAP representative in February 2018. She gave weekly classes in Gilbert where Lori later met her.
Last edited:

Didn't Adam's son live with Lori and Charles?

The other podcaster's name is Mike Stroud.

MG started podcasting with Lori and JM in December 2018 (Time to warrior up series of PAP podcasts). She was only a guest on a couple of other PAP podcasts (no JM) in December 2017 and February 2018 (source: Podchaser). Also according to Podchaser (podcast synopses), MG did not speak at PAP conferences until February 2019, but was named Arizona Branch PAP representative in February 2018. She gave weekly classes in Gilbert where Lori later met her.
Yes, Adam's son stayed with them. He was supposed to take care of the children during Charles's Jan 2019 trip. Lori forced him out of the house and went on to hide Charles's things, move his car at the airport parking lot and so forth. Some otherwise puzzling remarks by Charles on the LE lapel camera transcript make sense when you realize the young man was supposed to have been staying there.
Timeline Events Related to Murder of Charles Vallow
(October 2018 to August 2019)

Prior to October 2018

CV and LVD live in Gilbert, AZ. Adam Cox lives with them. MG also lives in Gilbert as does MBP & BB and ZP. Alex Cox lives in San Tan Valley. CD & TD live in Rexburg, ID.

Didn't Adam's son live with Lori and Charles?

The other podcaster's name is Mike Stroud.

I have no idea why I typed Adam in there - indicolite22 is correct it is Adam’s son, Zac who moved out in January. And I typed Mike Strough but again indicolite22 was right and it was Mike Stroud. It wouldn’t let me go back and edit the original post so I thought this might be the bet way to acknowledge those corrections. I think I have concluded that it only lets you edit for a certain period of time after the original post. Thanks for the corrections, indicolite22.

PS when we get closer to this trial I’ll repost my timeline with these corrections and other info that has been pointed out or that I come across.
I've been curious about Alex's childhood, particularly his relationship with his father... especially as he was the first-born male child (and that often carries certain expectations). I wonder if Alex's dad was involved with his sons in any activities (sports or other hobbies)? Maybe he didn't have any expectations... in that, anything his son did (right or wrong) he deemed "wonderful". Was the father the primary disciplinarian? Was the father actively involved with his family or ?? Other than Alex's ?speculated? head-injury, and being the "joker" of the family... do we really know anything about his life and activities during his childhood, teen and young adult years?

What's next for Lori Vallow in Arizona after sentencing?​

On July 26, days before Vallow was sentenced to life in prison without parole on July 31, Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell spoke on the charges the former Arizona resident is facing.
So, when can we expect Vallow to make it back to Arizona to face her charges?

Mitchell says by the end of the year if all goes according to plan.

Vallow was sentenced to life in prison on July 31, and that's when the county attorney says the Governor's Requisition process will begin.

If Vallow is found guilty of the crimes in Arizona, will she serve her time in Arizona or stay in Idaho?

"If she's convicted here, she would go back there and do the sentence there," Mitchell said.

Would Lori's life sentence impact possible sentencing in Maricopa County?

"No. I mean, victims deserve justice. One victim's justice is not recognizing another victim who suffered, who died," the attorney said.

For now, the county attorney's office needs Hobbs' signature to proceed.

It could take 90–120 days to extradite Vallow.


If AC hadn’t died and he said he didn’t kill anyone but only helped dispose of bodies and cover up crimes. Would you believe him?

I keep thinking about LVD’s statement on the phone to CD after the attempt to shoot TD (overheard by ZP) where she is “scary angry” & calling some one an idiot and moron and says “idiot can’t do anything right by himself.”

We don’t really know what happened with Joe Ryan - I am convinced that LVD & AC were involved in his death but we don’t know how or when or who did what.

I know many of you will say that AC shot CV but did he? And if he did shoot him the first time how do we know he fired the 2nd shot while CV was laying on the floor? How do we know that he fired the first shot and not LVD? CV had put JJ in the car & returned to the house to get his cell phone. LVD had sent Tylee out to join JJ in the car before CV was shot and apparently before AC’s gun came out since Tylee made no mention of it in her police interview. How do we really know who went in AC’s room and got the gun? Or who fired the first shot? Or who fired the 2nd shot? Was it the same person? Why did AC need so much time between the shooting & calling 911? Cleaning up evidence & setting the scene? I know he told ZP he was okay because he hadn’t killed CV but an evil spirit that took over CV’s body - but was he really the one that killed him? Do we really know?

AC failed in the attempt to shoot BB and in the attempt to shoot TD. Do we really know if he killed anyone? We don’t know who did what to Tylee or JJ but it certainly seems possible to me that LVD killed them and had AC help her dispose of the bodies. We don’t know whether he helped CD kill TD or was just nearby in case he was needed.

We know AC tried to do what LVD & CD wanted him to do but it seems he was unsuccessful at least as much as he was successful even if he did kill JR & CV and I sometimes wonder if he really killed anyone or was it LVD all along and that’s why she go so mad when he missed TD after missing BB.

When AC told ZP that he was afraid he was going to be their (CD&LVD’s) fall guy - did he mean that he was only acting under their direction in taking lives? Or did he mean that he only helped after the fact and that he thought he was going to be blamed for things he didn’t do as well?

We know CD & LVD are liars so if AC had not died and had told police or testified that he tried but didn’t actually kill anyone and all he did was help after the deaths, would you believe him? Or if he said he had killed CV and maybe even JR, but didn’t have anything to do with killing Tylee or JJ and only helped after their deaths, would you believe him?

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