GUILTY AZ - Shanesha Taylor leaves kids in car during interview, Scottsdale, 2014

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It may not be a popular sentiment, but the more I learn about Shanesha Taylor, [modsnip]. The "Justice for Shanesha" mantra has taken on a life of its own with her supporters.

She has somehow become the "face" of single,[modsnip] mothers struggling with grinding poverty-- and just nothing about her situation until possibly January seems to support that. She was solidly middle class, from all I have been able to find. Perhaps she had a falling out with close friends and family, an issue with the bio-dad of the 6 month old, perhaps she had some emotional problems or psychiatric problems suddenly appear, or possibly even substance abuse-- but her life up to about January was full of promise and comforts. She has held at least 2 jobs that can be documented-- Sprint, and a USAF enlisted soldier-- solidly middle class jobs, not menial, minimum wage, or entry level. She has attended college, and has a vast social network of family and friends. So WHAT HAPPENED?

Why is not a single media outlet asking THAT question? They WANT her to be that woman who is "homeless" and living out of a car, not educated, with few options, enduring grinding poverty, and tearful and pitiable in a mug shot. Her reality has been hijacked for the convenience of those promoting awareness of difficult social issues, IMO.

I do really question what happened to her in the last couple of months. This is not a woman who has been struggling with unemployment, lack of childcare, and grinding poverty for more than a few weeks! And somehow she has become a poster child for all sorts of causes for poor, single, homeless, [modsnip] mothers that are really only distantly and peripherally related to her leaving a 6 month old and a 2 year old in a car while she interviewed with an insurance company.

Something about this whole situation makes no sense at all to me. It's surreal. It's making less and less sense as time goes on. If anything, the more I have learned about "who" she is, the less sympathy I have for her. She is smart, articulate, strong, and capable. [modsnip] She knows right from wrong. She knows, IMO, with absolute certainty, that leaving those kids in the car was a terribly wrong decision. But she did it anyway.

What happened in such a very short amount of time for her to end up in a situation like this? That is the REAL story-- not the long suffering, poor, homeless, single [modsnip] mom struggling with grinding poverty and no friends, family, or resources. She had TONS of resources just a few weeks ago. Family, friends, loving and supportive, all of them. What happened?

I "get" why the public and the media need her to be something she isn't, to promote all of the various causes and agendas.

This whole situation is a head scratcher. It's fascinating to see how this has taken on a life of its own, and morphed into something it never was in the first place. IMO.

But hey, there is $99K in donations in a bank account. :facepalm:
I beg to differ on the whole dry heat doesn't feel as hot myth. I'm in NJ, I'm familiar with humid...been to Arizona where folks swore to me it was bare able because it was a dry was freaking HOT! 100 degrees is 100 degrees!!! Open your oven and stick your head in when it's hot.. That's dry heat...still HOT!

( I thought I would die in Arizona!)

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I also disagree- dry heat actually feels hotter! I've been in Arizona in 120 degree heat, it was unbearable!!!
And many posters posted links to studies that show a car can get really hot even if its not very hot outside. But you keep ignoring that.

I'm not ignoring it. The key word is CAN. The temp in the car depends on many variables and we don't have all the facts. We've all been in 70 degree temps where our cars were totally comfortable. It depends on lots of things we don't know.

Generally, I think the reaction to this situation is overly dramatic. The kids are fine, the temps weren't that hot and she wasn't stripping, hooking or on meth. ALL of the latter which are far more serious concerns for little kids in AZ on an hourly basis.
I'm not ignoring it. The key word is CAN. The temp in the car depends on many variables and we don't have all the facts. We've all been in 70 degree temps where our cars were totally comfortable. It depends on lots of things we don't know.

Generally, I think the reaction to this situation is overly dramatic. The kids are fine, the temps weren't that hot and she wasn't stripping, hooking or on meth. ALL of the latter which are far more serious concerns for little kids in AZ on an hourly basis.

Kids were fine because a passerby found them and reported it to police.
Stripping and hooking is a means to make a living.
I am not sure why you think a someone should be condemned for stripping or hooking if that is how she decides to make a living. Especially considering stripping is actually a legal occupation.
Kids were fine because a passerby found them and reported it to police.
Stripping and hooking is a means to make a living.
I am not sure why you think a someone should be condemned for stripping or hooking if that is how she decides to make a living. Especially considering stripping is actually a legal occupation.

The kids may have been fine because of a passerby.They may have been fine anyway-- we don't know except that they WERE fine. If someone wants to equate leaving their babies to strip and hook v. getting a legit job, you can have the title. Personally, I think more highly of women who don't support their little kids in the sex trade. jmo
The kids may have been fine because of a passerby.They may have been fine anyway-- we don't know except that they WERE fine. If someone wants to equate leaving there babies to strip and hook, you can have the title. Personally, I think more highly of women who don't support their little kids in the sex trade. jmo

And I think more highly of women who don't leave their kids in cars.
I also disagree- dry heat actually feels hotter! I've been in Arizona in 120 degree heat, it was unbearable!!!

No, dry heat doesn't feel hotter. Dry heat feels MUCH cooler.

Because of evaporation. When you are in dry heat, any sweat you have cools you immediately.

Go to New Orleans and compare 94 degree weather with 94 degree weather in Phoenix.
Her legal bills might not be that high. If I were her, I would stay away from the media frenzy, becuase in a normal case, she probably wouldn't get much of a punishment if she took a plea to lesser charge. If both sides become determined to prove they are right, it could turn into a lengthy, uncertain, expensive trial.

ETA: Re Arizona dry heat. I can't make the comparison because I don't mind humidity, but the highest temperature I'd ever experienced was a few hours at about 100 degrees. In Arizona, it was 120 all day. It felt so much hotter than 100, but I don't know if dry v. humid made a difference. It's just that 120 degrees is unbelievably hot. But it really wasn't even comparable to anything I'd experienced on the east coast. In LA, temps were over 100 regularly, and I loved it. I think there it did make a difference that it was dry heat.

"solidly middle class"? Are you kidding? She has no husband, she has three kids, and SHE LIVES IN A CAR.
"solidly middle class"? Are you kidding? She has no husband, she has three kids, and SHE LIVES IN A CAR.

From what has been reported she listed her mother's house as her place of residence in the last year.
Her legal bills might not be that high. If I were her, I would stay away from the media frenzy, becuase in a normal case, she probably wouldn't get much of a punishment if she took a plea to lesser charge. If both sides become determined to prove they are right, it could turn into a lengthy, uncertain, expensive trial.

ETA: Re Arizona dry heat. I can't make the comparison because I don't mind humidity, but the highest temperature I'd ever experienced was a few hours at about 100 degrees. In Arizona, it was 120 all day. It felt so much hotter than 100, but I don't know if dry v. humid made a difference. It's just that 120 degrees is unbelievably hot. But it really wasn't even comparable to anything I'd experienced on the east coast. In LA, temps were over 100 regularly, and I loved it. I think there it did make a difference that it was dry heat.

It's rarely 120 degrees in Scottsdale. And on this day, the max high temp (after noon) was 80. Did you run or swim or hang wet towels while you were in the Dale? If you did, you would appreciate the difference between wet and dry air at high temps.
No, dry heat doesn't feel hotter. Dry heat feels MUCH cooler.

Because of evaporation. When you are in dry heat, any sweat you have cools you immediately.

Go to New Orleans and compare 94 degree weather with 94 degree weather in Phoenix.
Wrong, I live in California 94 degree with humidity feels much cooler than 94 degree dry heat in Arizona, I've experienced both.
It's rarely 120 degrees in Scottsdale. And on this day, the max high temp (after noon) was 80. Did you run or swim or hang wet towels while you were in the Dale? If you did, you would appreciate the difference between wet and dry air at high temps.
I was in Phoenix at the time- (which is not that far from Scottsdale), came through Yuma, and I've also spent time in Tucson and Flagstaff.
Heat with humidity is worse, because your body is not as efficient at cooling itself. This isn't a matter of opinion -- it's biology.
I'm dog sitting and the little baby dog keeps jumping in my car.

I keep taking her out, she keeps jumping in.

I am used to being able to run in and run out of the shops. It's bloody hot here and you don't want to hang around.
Now I have her staring at me from the passenger seat with her eyes. Apparently you can't take dogs into shops, no matter how cute they are.

I am literally afraid to go into those shops for 5 minutes in case some Animal Welfare Enthusiast decides to go ballistic on me.

Quite the shock to the system. First time ever I seriously contemplated perhaps being accosted at my local deli.

The dog would be fine, but I'm scared of being attacked by some zealot. How is that OK? :dunno:

End result - I leave the dog at home alone (locked out the back crying) or I don't go to the shops.

This woman is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. She shouldn't be ARRESTED as well! She could've left them at home with a lighter or something and everyone would feel sorry for her if they burnt the house down!
I'm dog sitting and the little baby dog keeps jumping in my car.

I keep taking her out, she keeps jumping in.

I am used to being able to run in and run out of the shops. It's bloody hot here and you don't want to hang around.
Now I have her staring at me from the passenger seat with her eyes. Apparently you can't take dogs into shops, no matter how cute they are.

I am literally afraid to go into those shops for 5 minutes in case some Animal Welfare Enthusiast decides to go ballistic on me.

Quite the shock to the system. First time ever I seriously contemplated perhaps being accosted at my local deli.

The dog would be fine, but I'm scared of being attacked by some zealot. How is that OK? :dunno:

End result - I leave the dog at home alone (locked out the back crying) or I don't go to the shops.

This woman is damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. She shouldn't be ARRESTED as well! She could've left them at home with a lighter or something and everyone would feel sorry for her if they burnt the house down!

How do you know that the dog will be fine if you leave it in a hot car? If she left them at home alone she could still be arrested because they are too young to be left alone anywhere.
How do you know that the dog will be fine if you leave it in a hot car? If she left them at home alone she could still be arrested because they are too young to be left alone anywhere.

I completely agree.

I wish you posted on the Madeleine McCann threads. They went out all night every night drinking, and left 3 babies alone at home, and you can't say one word against them.

I can't get my head around her leaving the keys in the ignition... why? I mean, she's got her 2, very young children alone in a locked car, windows down about an inch, and she's nowhere in sight for over an hour (as per articles linked, 30 minutes b/4 LE arrived, 45 mins (Long Interview!) after LE arrived). Should no one have intervened, that's an hour and 15 minutes. Again, according to linked articles, the baby was sweating profusely when LE arrived - so let's put this dry heat moist heat thing to rest - the kid was HOT.

IMO, leaving your kids in such a situation is not only endangering their lives due to heat - it's asking for them to be abducted.

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