GUILTY AZ - Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock, 25 July 2010 - #4

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I never saw an article, it just said that they went to court over the biological kids...and then the video.

That's why I summarized what was IN the video. Not everyone can watch them and there was no article with it to explain what happened.

I am fascinated now -- the story was ''edited'' and now the story is just a clip of the video and one sentence with the reporter's name -- interesting or what!!!!!

AND I have not found any other links to this story -- either a storm is brewing or????
Any kind of fume, including something as common as cigarette smoke, affects dogs ability to smell. Sometimes they can work through multiple scents or fumes- sometimes they can't. Sometimes it depends on what kind of training they've had, and sometimes it depends on the dog. Again, there are a lot of variables. Search dogs are not magic, nor are their handlers. They're just hard working creatures that do their best, and sometimes their best is not good enough because they are overtired, overworked, poorly trained, unsupported by the system they're working within, or just having a bad day.
Just like many of us do at our jobs. :(

The best we can do in failed cases is try and understand what variable or combination of variables it is that caused the failure, so that it can be changed in the future.

Unfortunately in Emmett and Sylars cases, we're not positive yet what those failures were.

May I add to your wonderful post that I have read where the desert can present it's own set of problems to a search dog. Even when the humidity is at a higher level as it is in the Monsoon season. The relative humidity is still considerably lower than what we seen in most of the rest of the country.

If it's arid, the dogs can have problems because the scent doesn't last.
If it's windy at all the dogs can have problems with the scent being blown around or diffused.
If it has rained again the dogs can have problems.

But the desert itself can make it very difficult for search dogs of any kind. Even if they are trained for desert search. JMHO and stuff I've read.
I have great faith in search dogs and is just so sad when they come so close and don't find the person. Same thing happened with Kayleah Wilson in Colorado.

Hoping for charges this week and a cause of death, and hoping they can determine that without a doubt...:(
Exclusive: Sister Defends Custodial Mom In Sylar Newton Case
Woman Denies Sister’s Involvement In Son’s Disappearance, Death

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. -- Pictures and memories are all Diana Collins has left of her 2-year-old nephew, Sylar Newton.

"The entire family has just been devastated since we found out," Collins said.
Exclusive: Sister Defends Custodial Mom In Sylar Newton Case
Woman Denies Sister’s Involvement In Son’s Disappearance, Death

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. -- Pictures and memories are all Diana Collins has left of her 2-year-old nephew, Sylar Newton.

"The entire family has just been devastated since we found out," Collins said.

Dr Know did you get a chance to watch this on Channel 5? If you did I would sure appreciate your ''sense'' of this.

I first read about this on the find syler newton facebook page and was hopeful that there would be a video clip.

Exclusive: Sister Defends Custodial Mom In Sylar Newton Case
Woman Denies Sister’s Involvement In Son’s Disappearance, Death

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. -- Pictures and memories are all Diana Collins has left of her 2-year-old nephew, Sylar Newton.

"The entire family has just been devastated since we found out," Collins said.

I don't know why but that really chaffed my hide.

And more importantly Tina is not Sylar's Mother.

Sylar was not her little boy. He wasn't. No biologically and not legally.

Now if it proves to be that she had nothing to do with Sylar's death and is in no way culpable I will accept that from LE.

But this child was no one's baby. He was a little lost soul. Wow, I need to sit back and figure out why I reacted so strongly to that article. I'm a bit embarrassed now. I probably shouldn't post but I will anyway.

I don't know why but that really chaffed my hide.

And more importantly Tina is not Sylar's Mother.

Sylar was not her little boy. He wasn't. No biologically and not legally.

Now if it proves to be that she had nothing to do with Sylar's death and is in no way culpable I will accept that from LE.

But this child was no one's baby. He was a little lost soul. Wow, I need to sit back and figure out why I reacted so strongly to that article. I'm a bit embarrassed now. I probably shouldn't post but I will anyway.


I feel the same way.

and.......yet another report that LE was called out regarding Tina and Sylar.
I don't know what went wrong with the trailing in Emmett's is possible he was dead within six hours...I just don't know. Scent articles, conditions, contamination, poor training, exhaustion, overworked from Sylar....there are many variables....

The one thing I think everyone can agree on is that 2 year olds should be warm, safe and asleep in their beds in the middle of the night. Not laying somewhere waiting to be found by SAR. :(

They said they felt the elements caused Emmett's death and his date of death on the memorial says the 4th. To my thinking he wandered all that time and eventually just as they said collapsed and died.

I have read that children do not have developed endocrine glands and the younger they are the harder for the dog to scent them.
Exclusive: Sister Defends Custodial Mom In Sylar Newton Case
Woman Denies Sister’s Involvement In Son’s Disappearance, Death

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. -- Pictures and memories are all Diana Collins has left of her 2-year-old nephew, Sylar Newton.

"The entire family has just been devastated since we found out," Collins said.

What upsets me the most about seeing people coming out to defend CP is where were they when Sylar was alive.

Even IF Christina is not responsible for Sylar's death, she very clearly was not there for him when he was alive. You can't tell me that these people saw nothing when Sylar was alive that made them think that Sylar should have been in a better home. Sadly, it looks like this family has many, many addiction issues, it wouldn't surprise me a bit to learn that these people have been co-signing each other's bullsheep for quite some time.

I don't know what her family is doing contacting the media like this. Just apart of their denial I suppose. It just fuels the fire IMO.
May I add to your wonderful post that I have read where the desert can present it's own set of problems to a search dog. Even when the humidity is at a higher level as it is in the Monsoon season. The relative humidity is still considerably lower than what we seen in most of the rest of the country.

If it's arid, the dogs can have problems because the scent doesn't last.
If it's windy at all the dogs can have problems with the scent being blown around or diffused.
If it has rained again the dogs can have problems.

But the desert itself can make it very difficult for search dogs of any kind. Even if they are trained for desert search. JMHO and stuff I've read.

This is very true. Arid climates are some of the most difficult for SAR dogs to work in. Scent 'lives' in moisture. Both heat and wind contribute to 'drying' scent out, and wind also obviously contributes to it being moved around and becoming disbursed over large areas. Think of putting a fabric with a stain and nasty smell on it out to dry in the sun. What happens on a hot, dry day after a few hours? The cone of scent that the dog is following essentially grows into an enormous and heavily spread out 'fog' and they can have a difficult time locating the heaviest deposit of scent- which is the MP.
It is hard work, for even a well trained dog.

Sorry if I seem to overreact to posts regarding SAR dog 'failure.' I truly do understand peoples' frustration with their apparent lack of success. But when you work with SAR dogs for a living- especially when you work hard, train hard, maintain hard, and have good success with many is frustrating from a SAR perspective when the media or general public portrays dogs or searchers in a bad light.
There are many issues among professional SAR dog trainers and handlers about competancy and training standards- without a doubt.
But when you work hard and you have seen results- just not the ones that make the news- well, it's very frustrating.

Anyway, my apologies if I seem militant. I'm not, and there is ALWAYS room for improvement in the delicate science of SAR dog work.
It's very painful for SAR when a missing person- especially a child- is not found in time. Very.
They said they felt the elements caused Emmett's death and his date of death on the memorial says the 4th. To my thinking he wandered all that time and eventually just as they said collapsed and died.

I have read that children do not have developed endocrine glands and the younger they are the harder for the dog to scent them.

This is somewhat true (well, it's true that they do not have developed endocrine glands.) That can contributes to scenting failure. However, fortunately small children have other scent markers that are very scent specific, which can help with trailing them. And usually they are a very specific combo of scent markers; think of your own babies and small children. When you smell the top of their head after a bath- you know them right away, right? And sometimes there are additional constants in there- an example might be apple juice or milk.
Dogs don't know the names for all of the identifying markers- they just know what the entire scent combo smells like. If they have a scent article that has that combo and nothing else- then they look to see if they can follow and find that exact combo.

Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for starting a thread TexasLil. I was trying to find more info.

I have no idea what's going on. But it is alarming and sad.
I want JUSTICE for this precious :angel:

Something bad happened to Sylar.
The story changed about what tent he was sleeping in.
The questionable history of the custodial Mother.
There are many things I have questions about in this case.
I just pray LE has enough evidence for an arrest.
Sylar so deserves a resolution.

You know what gets me is the police went to CP home and said Sylar was sitting at the dinner table smiling at CP while a friend cooked...Sounds staged! They had an opportunity back then to check out custody..if it wasn't produceable now I doubt it was then...and then according to CN no one ever called her regarding that incident!! huh??? they didn't notify biomom that a complaint was made?:banghead: if they didn't someone needs fired. I blame many for his death...of course CP and NC because they were there and last seen him, Police and CPS for not following up on this little boy and the family/friends of CP for not calling in that she was not fit to be raising him and CN for giving him to that nutcase family in the first place and then we have her family who failed to step up and protect one of their own. So many people who supposedly loved him failed him!:furious:
You know what gets me is the police went to CP home and said Sylar was sitting at the dinner table smiling at CP while a friend cooked...Sounds staged! They had an opportunity back then to check out custody..if it wasn't produceable now I doubt it was then...and then according to CN no one ever called her regarding that incident!! huh??? they didn't notify biomom that a complaint was made?:banghead: if they didn't someone needs fired. I blame many for his death...of course CP and NC because they were there and last seen him, Police and CPS for not following up on this little boy and the family/friends of CP for not calling in that she was not fit to be raising him and CN for giving him to that nutcase family in the first place and then we have her family who failed to step up and protect one of their own. So many people who supposedly loved him failed him!:furious:

Why would the LE have asked CP to provide evidence of custodianship in that incident? Probably CP just told LE that Sylar was her child and they believed her. On most cases, the LE doesn't make the parent provide proof that the child is theirs.
When this case at the campground first started, it was said that Sylar was CP's son. That was info apparently LE obtained from CP. It was later that it came out that he was not and she was trying to adopt him.

DNA tests for matching for identity should be in by now......from reading facebook pages bio mom is just waiting for remains to be released to her so that she may proceed with memorial service for Sylar Newton --- she's not able to comment. On local news this evening it was alluded that coroner is trying to determine cause of death (accidental or murder) - KPHO (Arizona this evening)
I sure hope they can determine cause of death, but they very well may not be able to, depending upon the state of his remains. Seems like it is taking a long time for results of autopsy, which makes me wonder.
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