GUILTY AZ - Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock, 25 July 2010 - #4

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According to the Find Syler Newton FB page a car wash fund raiser will be held on the 12th for......actually there is no information on exactly how the money raised will be used!

I just do not understand! Is it just me or is this just all wonky? I have never seen anything like this.

There is so much talk of raising money - bracelets, bumper stickers, etc. but a total lack of disclosure as to how the money will be used. There is no longer even a chart to show how much has already been collected.

But there are strange expenses mentioned almost as an aside until someone zeroes in on the statement. Then it is never mentioned again! Certainly there has been no explanation for the $700 reportedly due for the medical examiner. IMHO, the only explanation for that particular 'expense' is that it was a shameless bid for sympathy. :sick:

I had better stop now before I get myself banned without having even earned full WS privileges!

I am just so angry! :furious:
Now someone thinks Oprah should interview Charity and maybe Oprah could help with expenses...

This just gets more bizarre by the day...
Go to the facebook page. Go to the boxes tab. Latest discussion on costs of funeral (one week ago today)

(Can't directly link and can't copy and paste, can't paraphrase it's against TOS)
I don't believe you would have to pay the medical examiner to release the remains (or whatever other reason you would have to pay). I can find out more, but I think the ME is paid by the county or state and would release the remains to the mortuary once the autospy is complete and all forensic examinations are complete.

None of these fundraisers are making much sense and it only makes CN look bad, IMHO. Not one time, even if it was an empty promise, have I read that she wants to do something to help others with any of this money raised. Believe me, I am the first one to criticize people who criticize parents of children who are murdered that accept donations. Most of the parents want to make a difference when their child is murdered and the general public catagorize them as "money grubbers". If you are raising money to do something to help others, that's one thing. But to play on people's sympathy and ask for donations to so many different places, well that seems a little strange to me.
Go to the facebook page. Go to the boxes tab. Latest discussion on costs of funeral (one week ago today)

(Can't directly link and can't copy and paste, can't paraphrase it's against TOS)

Thanks, Kat, I saw that. It was actually on another FB page that I saw a discussion on other expenses. Since I'm not exactly sure what I can say in regards to that page I won't go into any more detail. There are no less than 4 pages related to this case on FB now.
I don't believe you would have to pay the medical examiner to release the remains (or whatever other reason you would have to pay). I can find out more, but I think the ME is paid by the county or state and would release the remains to the mortuary once the autospy is complete and all forensic examinations are complete.

None of these fundraisers are making much sense and it only makes CN look bad, IMHO. Not one time, even if it was an empty promise, have I read that she wants to do something to help others with any of this money raised. Believe me, I am the first one to criticize people who criticize parents of children who are murdered that accept donations. Most of the parents want to make a difference when their child is murdered and the general public catagorize them as "money grubbers". If you are raising money to do something to help others, that's one thing. But to play on people's sympathy and ask for donations to so many different places, well that seems a little strange to me.

I agree completely.
Now someone thinks Oprah should interview Charity and maybe Oprah could help with expenses...

This just gets more bizarre by the day...

Why would Oprah want to interview a drug addict who gave up custody of her child to another drug addict on a piece of notebook paper? She doesn't need Oprah, she needs Jerry Springer.
Also very interesting that they switched monument companies and are now getting the headstone somewhere else.

But, they haven't said where from.

I guess people calling and finding out there was a way to get financial assistance to pay for that headstone put a dent in the fund raising.
imo... This is all starting to sound like a huge scam.

And while I was mulling over whether to make a donation to a fund for Sylar, I will now be donating to an organization completely unrelated to any of these people and doing it in Sylar's memory. In fact, I think I'll be making an extra donation to Kimmie Daily's father in Sylar's name.
imo... This is all starting to sound like a huge scam.

And while I was mulling over whether to make a donation to a fund for Sylar, I will now be donating to an organization completely unrelated to any of these people and doing it in Sylar's memory. In fact, I think I'll be making an extra donation to Kimmie Daily's father in Sylar's name.

I agree JLM.

Here's my thing. It's just my humble opinion and other's may disagree but I'm cool with that.

Each and every child that is murdered doesn't need a foundation started in their name.

Not unless legislation needs to be passed to prevent this from happening again. That's a whole 'nother ball of wax.

IMHO let's not spread out the monies that are donated to org's to so many foundations. Let's pledge money to foundations that have a record for helping missing and murdered children. Klaas foundation, TES, or a foundation that simply helps children...period.

This mess about car washes, bill boards, and bracelets may be very well intended but the money generated could be used to benefit more children if donated to an exsisting non-profit org. KWIM?

I will make a donation next payday. But I'm going to make a donation to TES in Sylar's name. Even though TES wasn't directly involved with Sylar, they do amazing work for all missing and murdered children. Tim Miller is one of my personal hero's. God bless him and his volunteers. I recently donated to M. Klaas. It's a pleasure to help. JMHO.
I agree JLM.

Here's my thing. It's just my humble opinion and other's may disagree but I'm cool with that.

Each and every child that is murdered doesn't need a foundation started in their name.

Not unless legislation needs to be passed to prevent this from happening again. That's a whole 'nother ball of wax.

IMHO let's not spread out the monies that are donated to org's to so many foundations. Let's pledge money to foundations that have a record for helping missing and murdered children. Klaas foundation, TES, or a foundation that simply helps children...period.

This mess about car washes, bill boards, and bracelets may be very well intended but the money generated could be used to benefit more children if donated to an exsisting non-profit org. KWIM?

I will make a donation next payday. But I'm going to make a donation to TES in Sylar's name. Even though TES wasn't directly involved with Sylar, they do amazing work for all missing and murdered children. Tim Miller is one of my personal hero's. God bless him and his volunteers. I recently donated to M. Klaas. It's a pleasure to help. JMHO.

The reason why I would not donate to anything that Charity has her hand in is simply because of all the so called "fund raising" going on when everything has already been paid for. And then the blatant lie about needing to pay a medical examiner it's just sickening. If you need money to help out with some bills because the death of your child is causing you such grief, fine, but to almost blatantly guilt people into donating to an outright lie is just despicable. The funeral and headstone are taken care of. There is no medical examiner's bill. Who does she really think she's kidding?

Kimmie Daily's father is so overcome with grief that he can barely handle normal day to day activities, yet Charity can lie about the need for money on facebook day after day. Sadly, that's exactly why I'll be donating to a man who is actually in need of something (because if I was a neighbor to Mr. Daily, I would be bringing meals and trying to help with any normal activities that I could, instead of sending money) instead of someone who seems to feel entitled to other people's money for a child she never cared for.
The reason why I would not donate to anything that Charity has her hand in is simply because of all the so called "fund raising" going on when everything has already been paid for. And then the blatant lie about needing to pay a medical examiner it's just sickening. If you need money to help out with some bills because the death of your child is causing you such grief, fine, but to almost blatantly guilt people into donating to an outright lie is just despicable. The funeral and headstone are taken care of. There is no medical examiner's bill. Who does she really think she's kidding?

Kimmie Daily's father is so overcome with grief that he can barely handle normal day to day activities, yet Charity can lie about the need for money on facebook day after day. Sadly, that's exactly why I'll be donating to a man who is actually in need of something (because if I was a neighbor to Mr. Daily, I would be bringing meals and trying to help with any normal activities that I could, instead of sending money) instead of someone who seems to feel entitled to other people's money for a child she never cared for.


Bless your heart. If no one says Thank you. Thanks sweetie you're a treasure :blowkiss:
Why would Oprah want to interview a drug addict who gave up custody of her child to another drug addict on a piece of notebook paper? She doesn't need Oprah, she needs Jerry Springer.

Yes, it does seem like Charity's decision making skills are "off" and could be a symptom of drug use, the effects of past use, symptoms of mental illness or a combination of all of them... :confused:

It really does seem like her mental health issues have been long term, so I really want to believe that she is past her drug days and this is just evidence of mental illness. Maybe influence of people who don't have her or Sylar's best interest in mind. I dunno.... but it has me worried because if she doesn't have much experience with positive coping skills she could fall back into some very bad habits. Even the best of us would be blown to the ground with what she has on her plate. I hope that she has found the strength within herself to mom up so to speak.

The silence that occurs when someone questions the validity of the financial needs does seem to say a lot though.

Anyhow, thinking about her mental health issues, I was thinking about how we were wondering how CP could have been able to to avoid having to prove that Skylar was her own child... I wonder if Charity is on social security. Skylar's benefits through Charity may have been continued even if Charity was in another state and she would not have had to shown paternity because the benefits would be attached to Charity regardless of who the father is.

I was looking around and I found this:
Back to when we were speculating about who the father could be I wondered if the the reason or one of the reasons for the custody agreement instead of an adoption could be related to this:
Adoption agencies require both biological parents of a child to release a child to them for adoption. In cases where the paternity of a child is in question, DNA testing must be performed to determine who the father of a child is in order for that man to sign the child over to the adoptive parents. This testing is done to insure that all biological parents consent to the adoption, and to protect the adoptive parents from having a biological parent take the child back from them after the adoption process is complete. Biological parents have rights to custody of a child over adoptive parents until the biological parent legally consents to the adoption. Both biological parents consent must be obtained before an adoption can take place.
There are some other reasons for paternity testing on the page that are interesting as well.
Also very interesting that they switched monument companies and are now getting the headstone somewhere else.

But, they haven't said where from.

I guess people calling and finding out there was a way to get financial assistance to pay for that headstone put a dent in the fund raising.

I thought a headstone was already donated, but it was the wrong size so they were planning to trade it for one Charity liked better?
The reason why I would not donate to anything that Charity has her hand in is simply because of all the so called "fund raising" going on when everything has already been paid for. And then the blatant lie about needing to pay a medical examiner it's just sickening. If you need money to help out with some bills because the death of your child is causing you such grief, fine, but to almost blatantly guilt people into donating to an outright lie is just despicable. The funeral and headstone are taken care of. There is no medical examiner's bill. Who does she really think she's kidding?

Kimmie Daily's father is so overcome with grief that he can barely handle normal day to day activities, yet Charity can lie about the need for money on facebook day after day. Sadly, that's exactly why I'll be donating to a man who is actually in need of something (because if I was a neighbor to Mr. Daily, I would be bringing meals and trying to help with any normal activities that I could, instead of sending money) instead of someone who seems to feel entitled to other people's money for a child she never cared for.

Thats the thing, Mr. Dailys day to day life was affected, Charitys was not. He woke in the morning cared for his child and went to work, when he returned home that child was there. With her loss, His whole life is turned upside down. Nothing is the same, getting out of bed every morning must be painful. I feel for him.
Charity on the other hand; woke, ate some cocoa puffs and spent her day on FB. I see no change, other than a lot more people are friending her, and they are now offering her money. She may be sad over his loss, but it is not the same pain that a parent who loses a child feels. I know others disagree, but I believe she was never truly his parent. I am sure if Sylar had lived to adulthood, he would have agreed. I know my father left when I was two, there were a few scattered visits till finally nothing. I can honestly say I think of him more as a sperm doner than a father. I dont hate him, I'm not angry, but honestly, If he passed away, yes, I would be sad, but definately not in the same way I would be broken up over the loss of the person who raised me. I just dont have that connection that I would feel that loss, and I seriously doubt that Charity does either.
maybe someone can help me out here. what is taking so long with at least the positive ID? I am not getting it. He was missing less time than other little kids who go missing, the man who found him reported there was a smell so there was tissue present to obtain for testing and even if there wasn't then they can obtain that from bone. Something is up with this! I am sure a death and criminal investigation pushed at least the dna testing process up. And if I was CN I would be at the police office everyday demanding the positive ID as well as some results toward the investigation. I am so sick of the turtle pace this case is taking! Meanwhile, the two murders remain free to do as they wish! If that was an adult killed they would be right on this case and someone arrested by now!
maybe someone can help me out here. what is taking so long with at least the positive ID? I am not getting it. He was missing less time than other little kids who go missing, the man who found him reported there was a smell so there was tissue present to obtain for testing and even if there wasn't then they can obtain that from bone. Something is up with this! I am sure a death and criminal investigation pushed at least the dna testing process up. And if I was CN I would be at the police office everyday demanding the positive ID as well as some results toward the investigation. I am so sick of the turtle pace this case is taking! Meanwhile, the two murders remain free to do as they wish! If that was an adult killed they would be right on this case and someone arrested by now!


Often the most successful hanging comes from giving a person enough rope to hang themselves, kwim? Be patient..... <3
LE is still in charge of this case... I ponder if they are aware of all the "fundraising" surrounding Sylar, in regards of Charity. We don't even know to whom Sylar will be released to, period. Yes, she is biomom, but we do not know what is truly going on behind the scenes with LE and things they know about Sylar in regards of Charity and the those horrid people she gave Sylar to. I say that people should hold onto their dollars and see where LE is taking this... because right now all of the fundraising is starting to register high on the hinky meter.
LE is still in charge of this case... I ponder if they are aware of all the "fundraising" surrounding Sylar, in regards of Charity. We don't even know to whom Sylar will be released to, period. Yes, she is biomom, but we do not know what is truly going on behind the scenes with LE and things they know about Sylar in regards of Charity and the those horrid people she gave Sylar to. I say that people should hold onto their dollars and see where LE is taking this... because right now all of the fundraising is starting to register high on the hinky meter.

I couldn't agree with you more, Elphaba. I can't believe that LE truly suspects CN, I mean didn't they give her the go ahead to go back home before they found Sylar?

But the hinky-ness is really disturbing. It does not cast CN in a good light at all, and I'm wondering if they were seeing evidence of it before any of this whole fundraising business started, even perhaps before Sylar was found... I mean beyond wondering how/why she would give her beautiful baby to someone like CP or her sister.

I truly do believe that CP is responsible for Sylar's death and even if her children are with their father, it makes me nervous that she is still free. But then how long did it take before they finally arrested Casey A.?

I want to breath the sigh of relief that will come when there is an arrest. I know I will get twisted up again until the end of the trial. I think I am just really anxious that there is justice for Sylar because it is so painfully obvious he was failed by so many when he was alive.

And even now that he is dead we are seeing signs that he could be being exploited. I just don't know what to think about it. I don't even know if I can, it is such an effort for me not to get really angry with Charity because I know that what she is going through cannot be easy. I don't go to the Facebooks and really read them, but I'm wondering why someone out there connected to Charity isn't doing something about this. From what I've read here it just getting swept under the rug. And maybe it is being dealt with and the public isn't aware of it. Maybe we shouldn't expect that we should be, but they're asking for money from the public and people are giving because our hearts go out to Sylar because we are so affected by the the tragic circumstances surrounding his death but the tragic circumstances surrounding his life.

Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut. I do volunteer work, much of it with homeless teens. I like to think that its my way of contributing to making a difference so that these types of things don't happen. Sometimes I don't really think that I'm making a difference, I look at the lives these young women have lived and I just don't see how its possible for me to do that. And as much as I hate to admit it, its tiering and frustrating and sometimes the insanity and sadness I see is to much to bear. It can really get to me, and Sylar has really inspired and motivated me. I'm losing faith that people in CN's life care enough to want to deal with this apparent problem.

AGGGG! I think that I just need to hit the submit reply button!
I couldn't agree with you more, Elphaba. I can't believe that LE truly suspects CN, I mean didn't they give her the go ahead to go back home before they found Sylar?

But the hinky-ness is really disturbing. It does not cast CN in a good light at all, and I'm wondering if they were seeing evidence of it before any of this whole fundraising business started, even perhaps before Sylar was found... I mean beyond wondering how/why she would give her beautiful baby to someone like CP or her sister.

I truly do believe that CP is responsible for Sylar's death and even if her children are with their father, it makes me nervous that she is still free. But then how long did it take before they finally arrested Casey A.?

I want to breath the sigh of relief that will come when there is an arrest. I know I will get twisted up again until the end of the trial. I think I am just really anxious that there is justice for Sylar because it is so painfully obvious he was failed by so many when he was alive.

And even now that he is dead we are seeing signs that he could be being exploited. I just don't know what to think about it. I don't even know if I can, it is such an effort for me not to get really angry with Charity because I know that what she is going through cannot be easy. I don't go to the Facebooks and really read them, but I'm wondering why someone out there connected to Charity isn't doing something about this. From what I've read here it just getting swept under the rug. And maybe it is being dealt with and the public isn't aware of it. Maybe we shouldn't expect that we should be, but they're asking for money from the public and people are giving because our hearts go out to Sylar because we are so affected by the the tragic circumstances surrounding his death but the tragic circumstances surrounding his life.

I do volunteer work, much of it with homeless teens. I like to think that its my way of contributing to making a difference so that these types of things don't happen. Sometimes I don't really think that I'm making a difference, I look at the lives these young women have lived and I just don't see how its possible for me to do that. And as much as I hate to admit it, its tiering and frustrating and sometimes the insanity and sadness I see is to much to bear. It can really get to me, and Sylar has really inspired and motivated me. I'm losing faith that people in CN's life care enough to want to deal with this apparent problem.

AGGGG! I think that I just need to hit the submit reply button!

I ask this in all sincerity: What do you think should be done?

I am not being sarcastic. I have agonized over this too.
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