GUILTY AZ - Sylar Newton, 2, Rimrock, 25 July 2010 - #4

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I believe that this "fundraising" needs investigating. I dont know whether anyone is scamming, or if this is a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, but either way, its casting a bad light on fundraising for missing children. Many people who have given might never give again if this comes out as a scam. Its better to get the truth out right away before too many people are affected. If Charity is involved, then yes, she should face consequences. No matter what someones circumstances, they are responsible for their actions and their choices.
I KNOW it's scamming.

I called my Aunt and asked her which county it was that my cousin died in. I had wanted to avoid doing this, because obviously it's a hard subject for my Aunt. She confirmed it was Yavapai county.

I asked her how much she had to pay the medical examiner.

She laughed at me.

She said You don't pay the medical examiner...

Don't you think we would have heard about "hysterical family member kills Medical examiner when told they have to pay $700 to get loved ones body" by now if that were true?

That's a good point...

Obviously it is possible that they could charge "boarding" or "storage" fees for the time the body is there...but I highly doubt it. I would think the cost would be for the autopsy itself. However, here is what is on the Yavapai county website itself.

Any autopsy examination conducted under the auspices of the medical examiner is a public expense. There are no charges to the family for that examination.

I also found this, which to ME sounds like any fees from the medical examiner are charged to the funeral home and then come with the charges from the funeral home. It is the funeral director, not the medical examiner arguing the families can't afford an increase.

In February the board raised various fees charged by the Medical Examiner's Office to put the county more in line with other Arizona counties. But the supervisors also asked Alan Vigneron to research the actual costs in staff time and come back with more information. Vigneron told the board at an earlier hearing that it costs about $104 to do the paperwork to allow a body to be released to a funeral home for cremation.

Supervisors Chairman Chip Davis said the board took the position that the county fees should be "self-sustaining."

"We aren't looking to get rich," Davis said.

But funeral director Ben Buehler argued that Vigernon's estimates were off base and "not an accurate reporting of time" for staff members to do the needed paperwork and sign off on releasing a body.

"The bottom line is the families we provide services for cannot afford increases in fees," he said.

I believe that this "fundraising" needs investigating. I dont know whether anyone is scamming, or if this is a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, but either way, its casting a bad light on fundraising for missing children. Many people who have given might never give again if this comes out as a scam. Its better to get the truth out right away before too many people are affected. If Charity is involved, then yes, she should face consequences. No matter what someones circumstances, they are responsible for their actions and their choices.

I thought a headstone was already donated, but it was the wrong size so they were planning to trade it for one Charity liked better?

Me too, but that's not what the most recent update appears to say. Maybe that monument company didn't have ANY that Charity liked, so they had to go through a completely different one for it.

Either way, she hasn't sent a link to the new beautiful headstone that they are getting. That's a bit out of her normal pattern.
I ask this in all sincerity: What do you think should be done?

I am not being sarcastic. I have agonized over this too.

I think someone should call the medical examiner's office and ask them how much it costs to have their loves ones body released to them.

I think someone should report the situation to LE to make sure they are aware of it.
I think someone should call the medical examiner's office and ask them how much it costs to have their loves ones body released to them.

I think someone should report the situation to LE to make sure they are aware of it.

It has been reported that LE is monitoring the FB pages.
I ask this in all sincerity: What do you think should be done?

I am not being sarcastic. I have agonized over this too.

It just seems to me that someone close to her must be aware of how this looks, and they could sit her down and talk to her about it. It would be uncomfortable, but if there is an explanation I'd think that they would not want that misperception to be out there. :)
I talked to a friend of mine whose 2 children were murdered (one of which the body has never been found). It didn't happen in Yavapai County, but still in AZ. I'm not going to mention the case or the people involved, but she told me she never had to pay a ME for anything and believes it's something covered by the county or state.

As far as funeral expenses, the only thing she was responsible for paying is for the memorial and cremation. She had no money at the time and victim's assistance paid for it. She says she did not have to pay the expenses unless there was a lawsuit payment.

She also said that immediately after she learned about her children that victim's assistance and another victim's advocate organizaton contacted her. She did not have to contact them. They came to help right away.

The bottom line is this is normal in an investigation. Even when the child is presumed dead as one of her children is and as Sylar is now considered. (Please excuse my bad grammar).

There should be no expenses that CN will be responsible for and it is my opinion that a lot of people are getting sucked into this because they feel sorry for her. They need to do research. I do have compassion and sympathy for CN. There is just no need for all this fundraising.

Another page claimed the money is for funeral expenses and the headstone and anything left over will go to NCMEC. So, I don't know what to believe with all these different pages saying different things. It's bizarre, to say the least. Too many cooks in the kitchen (agree with whoever said that in an earlier post).
*Thread Hog Warning*

Here is just one example of victim's services provided in Arizona through the state.

The State of Arizona has a Crime Victim Compensation Program that offers financial help to victims of crime. Claims are awarded by a local Crime Victim Compensation Board in each county. An innocent victim or a secondary victim (a person who is affected by the crime) may apply for help with out-of-pocket costs in the county in which the crime took place. Funds to pay these claims come from fees and fines paid by convicted defendants.
I have not posted on the FB wall but I have been reading there, and when it came out that CN had given up more children then just Sylar and when people started posting negatively about it, there comments were deleted by the mods and there account was banned from even reading on the wall, So as much as I would love to bust this out as a scam (as I feel it is) what good will it do when only a few people may see it and then it is deleted off the wall.....This whole things makes me SICK SICK SICK...
Awesome info in your posts Taminator, thank you! :)

I'm sorry that your friend had to go through that, I'm so glad that the state was able to support her like that. :beats:
It has been reported that LE is monitoring the FB pages.


Do we know if that mean that if there was something amiss with the fundraising it would have been dealt with or that they are monitoring the FBs for information about what happened to Sylar?

Aside: Today I was thinking about CP's children and hoping that they are safe and have people around them that love them so they can get through this difficult time. Hoping that the child who was camping with the family is getting the same. Hoping that LE is close to getting an arrest that will lead to justice for Sylar and sending prayers to all that have been hurt in this tragedy, especially Sylar.:beats:
I would donate to a tubal ligation fund.

Sorry, I know it's blunt. But the mom in me just can't understand someone who keeps giving birth to child after child, only to hand them off for some virtual stranger to raise. :furious:
I would donate to a tubal ligation fund.

Sorry, I know it's blunt. But the mom in me just can't understand someone who keeps giving birth to child after child, only to hand them off for some virtual stranger to raise. :furious:

I agree! I would love to think that there is an organization out there that would offer their services to CN so that she could stop inflicting more pain on more kids.
State insurance will pay for tubal ligations in most states.

Even when it is not advised in women with private insurance, because they are young, only have one or two kids...etc. State insurance will pay for it.

OT: I had a friend that was advised by a worker to have a tubal ligation after her second child because at the time she was on state insurance. She declined at the time. She got back on her feet, met a wonderful man and had one more child. She went to college after she found a job too, shortly thereafter. She is still married after 20 years to the same man.

But State insurance will pay for it.
State insurance will pay for tubal ligations in most states.

Even when it is not advised in women with private insurance, because they are young, only have one or two kids...etc. State insurance will pay for it.

OT: I had a friend that was advised by a worker to have a tubal ligation after her second child because at the time she was on state insurance. She declined at the time. She got back on her feet, met a wonderful man and had one more child. She went to college after she found a job too, shortly thereafter. She is still married after 20 years to the same man.

But State insurance will pay for it.

Which one of us would dare to offer to drive the bio mom to the clinic to have this done? I think the highest tribute to her late son would be to have this surgery done immediately
With her disabilities (she claims to have mental disorder diagnosis and have papers to prove it) then she has state insurance and they would pay for a tubal ligation. She always states that because of her mental issues she is unstable to care for the children after she has them. My question is since she is totally aware of this then why does she keep having children. There are other options such as birth control and impanted devices that the state would also pay for but it is clear she chooses not to use those options so I think a tubal ligation would be a better choice considering her lack in judgement in who she places the children with. I still shake my head at her last choice in a parent for a child! Who in the world would pick TP? If I want my child to have a better life than what I could give them I would certainly pick one that made more money than me, had a father figure for my son, no nutty family member which I had to physically fight at one point, didn't overdose my son previously, and no previous arrests for child abuse/endangerment/neglect. I can't believe with all the wonderful people out there wanting a child so desperately she picked such trashy people to inflict upon this innocent adorable baby boy.
Hi everybody!

My mom used to work with a doctor that worked with difficult pregnancies here in Arizona. It was horrible how many of the woman that came in were drug addicted, even worse was how many of these women just kept getting pregnant to just have the children handed over to the state because they were clearly unfit mothers. Sadly, at that time, possibly due to Arizona being so conservative, the AHCCCS would not pay for tubal ligations or related procedures to prevent these women from having more children.

It was the same way with women who would keep getting pregnant despite serious health risks to both themselves and the baby. In many of those cases the women themselves were against having the procedure or using birth control because it was against their own beliefs. Often times these were women that were Fundamental LDS.

Things may have changed because that was about ten years ago, but I dunno because people are still pretty conservative around here.
With her disabilities (she claims to have mental disorder diagnosis and have papers to prove it) then she has state insurance and they would pay for a tubal ligation. She always states that because of her mental issues she is unstable to care for the children after she has them. My question is since she is totally aware of this then why does she keep having children. There are other options such as birth control and impanted devices that the state would also pay for but it is clear she chooses not to use those options so I think a tubal ligation would be a better choice considering her lack in judgment in who she places the children with. I still shake my head at her last choice in a parent for a child! Who in the world would pick TP? If I want my child to have a better life than what I could give them I would certainly pick one that made more money than me, had a father figure for my son, no nutty family member which I had to physically fight at one point, didn't overdose my son previously, and no previous arrests for child abuse/endangerment/neglect. I can't believe with all the wonderful people out there wanting a child so desperately she picked such trashy people to inflict upon this innocent adorable baby boy.

I read 3 posts on FB in which CN lists her 'mental disorders'. In 2 of the posts she lists conditions that seem to be not only completely contradictory in existing together but some are not even actual recognized disorders. It is as if she got her diagnosis' from the movies and not the DSM. MOO - I am not claiming to be qualified to diagnose mental disorders.

Now, if the schozoaffective disorder diagnosis is accurate it explains a lot.

Untreated, the individual with schizoaffective disorder may experience delusions. It should be noted that delusions in schizoaffective disorder are acute manifestations of an active psychosis and are not personality traits; that is, they go away when the psychosis subsides......

Hallucinations involving all five senses can also occur in untreated or undertreated schizoaffective disorder.......These hallucinations may worsen when the individual is intoxicated.

The untreated individual may quickly change their mind about their romantic partner, friends or family if they hear something negative being said about them..........

Comorbid or co-occurring anxiety disorders may also play a role in the subjective experience of schizoaffective disorder and thus may shape the individual's delusional thought content. For example, the individual may feel anxious, have trouble swallowing, and then believe that outside forces are controlling their throat functions. They may also suffer from various phobias which may also manifest as delusions......

Difficulties with thinking known as "cognitive deficits" (see executive function) may also be a problem for individuals with schizoaffective disorder. This may include difficulties with concentration, attention, logical reasoning and impulse control.

I would be very interested to learn when and where she was diagnosed/treated for this disorder. Any health-care professional involved would have been a mandatory reporter and I just can't believe that her abilities to both parent and make decisions as a parent were never an issue.
I am in no way taking up at all for CN but my daughter currently works for Medicaid and food stamps in our state, and CN is not eligible for those services, unless you are blind or pregnant you are not eligible for benefits and also if you have EVER had a felony arrest and conviction you are never eligible for benifits...SO unless a Dr and hospital agree to donate there services for free there is not any state that will pay for it.. although she may be able to get some assistance from planned parenthood...
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