Babcock Murder Trial - Weekend Discussion #1

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I remember this article. Would love to see the guy on the stand

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and, apparently DM was on the boat with 2 different women. One at a time, but wonder which females? CN? LB? Jenn?
and, apparently DM was on the boat with 2 different women. One at a time, but wonder which females? CN? LB? Jenn?
I wonder if he'd be able to identify them after all this time?

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To skip the prelim hearing in a case without a body you have to think there is something substantial linking LB to the accused. Like DNA.

The mattress could have been transported to the farm in the trailer or the white van. There could be some evidence in either of these. The mattress would be burnt in the open like the seats from Tim’s truck. MOO
Here is a question I've been thinking about and maybe someone could answer for me. A person can appeal a conviction if they feel their lawyer made errors when representing the, - would DM have waived his right to appeal based on these grounds when he decided to represent himself? I recall an article stating that his Lawyer of choice was unavailable til 2018, and the judge refused to extend any longer. Could he be reping himself hoping his lawyerof choice is available for the appeal?
Is it truly difficult to understand that a combination alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, tranquilizers, sleeping pills and anti-psychotics will mess you up?

I tend to agree with you Snooper in regard to LB's mental state and can perceive what a cocktail of drugs like you listed could do to really mess up one's head. IMO I don't think LB was suffering from a mental disorder other than depression and perhaps anxiety, but they would have been situational and brought on by the negative issues going on in her life. She may have told family, friends and people she was suffering from BPD hoping to gain attention, sympathy or some form of acceptance. She had a lot of negativity going on in her life and no doubt she wasn't handling life well and self medicating with illegal drugs as they allowed her a temporary escape. It then became a vicious cycle and addiction and snowballed.

No one (therapists) could pinpoint what was wrong with LB because she didn't tell them her dirty little secret, she was using illegal drugs and they were wrecking havoc on her mentally. She focused on and verbalized all the negatives going on in her life to therapists omitting her illegal drug use, so no doubt they would come to the conclusion she wasn't fairing well mentally. LB was prescribed drugs to see if they would help her mental state, but instead they messed her up even more because she was mixing them with illegal drugs. No wonder she made some poor choices in the last while of her life, one of them was keeping in contact with DM. ALL MOO.

RIP Laura.
Kind of off topic ...but just watched a documentary called Dear Zachary. It shows a very first hand picture of our judicial system errors (not in this case necessarily) but involves a woman with serious mental issues and how the courts and her doctors handled it. Now in saying this, I did not equate this movie and the discussion of mental issues to LB. I equated it to others.. specifically the likes of CN or DM. It showed how cold and detached a person could become when they were crossed or wanted something bad enough. Through the course of both of these trials we have seen some serious issues with the thought process of young people. I find it disgusting that in this trial the ones to show true emotion are the 2 that were told a story after the fact and didn't know LB and the "long time friend like this K girl" got up and bared her sordid tale like it was nothing. She was a friend at one time. With or without her continued friendship with CN, I would have expected a tear or two. I just don't get it. There must be some pretty proud parents out there.. (she says sarcastically)
I'm skeptical too, only because there didn't appear to be any obvious signs or symptoms of mental health issues prior to her going to university, which itself can be very stressful and cause a lot of anxiety, getting more independence from her parents by choosing to run with a rough crowd who had access to all kinds of drugs, sex and parties through their older "mentor" DM, and then leave home with no means of support rather than continue to follow the house rules.


Pretty common that mental health issues come to the surface during late teens or 20s.

Thanks Kamille,
I totally agree with what you say,
Could the problem be triggered by the marijuana use?
I have a friend who is exactly like LB and went right off and still does (for months at a time) when she gets into the maryj.
We never heard of bi-polar before mj became so popular.
I tend to agree with you Snooper in regard to LB's mental state and can perceive what a cocktail of drugs like you listed could do to really mess up one's head. IMO I don't think LB was suffering from a mental disorder other than depression and perhaps anxiety, but they would have been situational and brought on by the negative issues going on in her life. She may have told family, friends and people she was suffering from BPD hoping to gain attention, sympathy or some form of acceptance. She had a lot of negativity going on in her life and no doubt she wasn't handling life well and self medicating with illegal drugs as they allowed her a temporary escape. It then became a vicious cycle and addiction and snowballed.

No one (therapists) could pinpoint what was wrong with LB because she didn't tell them her dirty little secret, she was using illegal drugs and they were wrecking havoc on her mentally. She focused on and verbalized all the negatives going on in her life to therapists omitting her illegal drug use, so no doubt they would come to the conclusion she wasn't fairing well mentally. LB was prescribed drugs to see if they would help her mental state, but instead they messed her up even more because she was mixing them with illegal drugs. No wonder she made some poor choices in the last while of her life, one of them was keeping in contact with DM. ALL MOO.

RIP Laura.

Hi Sweedie!
I agree that it would be very difficult for a therapist to diagnose anyone without proper disclosure. Has there been any info from any therapists who saw her? I am asking honestly because I have not personally heard about that. I'd be super interested if they have!!
I wonder how Laura had the misfortune to meet DM, that is one really bad fateful meeting with the devil. He gave her drugs, not weed but other drugs, before that she may not have done drugs except weed. She just had the enormous misfortune to meet DM. Once she met him and she was so young, her life went downhill. She had finished university and was by the description of her very outgoing, lively person. I think it was DM influence that dragged her down to his depth of depravity. Too bad she just didn't run as fast as she could from him.
Lerner dated Babcock for about 18 months and they broke up around Christmas 2011. Apparently LB and SL started dating around June 2009. 2009/10 LB introduced DM to her father. In February 2011, Lerner had planned a surprise birthday party for Babcock. Millard, whom SL did not personally know was invited. Babcock and Millard had dated briefly several years earlier, court has heard. It is unclear when or how their paths crossed again. I suspect LB contacted DM looking for a place to stay. Things began to fall apart in 2011 for LB. IMO SL stayed connected to LB because he truly cared about her. DM stayed connected to LB because he was using her for sex and providing her with drugs. What a ******* DM is. Why couldn't all these other women he was stringing along see the true nature of this user, womanizing, psychopath? Love is blind or money was the motivating factor for these women...SMH. ALL MOO.

Until things began to fall apart in 2011. She began rebelling against what he considered modest restrictions and, simultaneously, indications of mental health issues arose. “We couldn’t figure it out. She seemed agitated, couldn’t sit still.”

Laura saw several therapists. “Nobody could pinpoint what was wrong with her. But you could tell she was not herself.”

His daughter started spending nights away, claiming she was at her sorority house or with girlfriends. “She would never be gone for any length of time without letting us know where she was.”
Hi Sweedie!
I agree that it would be very difficult for a therapist to diagnose anyone without proper disclosure. Has there been any info from any therapists who saw her? I am asking honestly because I have not personally heard about that. I'd be super interested if they have!!

Hi Alice :seeya: I do hope someone very qualified will take the stand to explain what LB revealed to him/her. Perhaps one who found nothing wrong with LB and suspected illegal drug use. Not the specialist who prescribed the medications to LB as IMO I do not feel they diagnosed her properly. Any professional would not have prescribed these medication to LB had they known she was using illegal drugs because they would have known the dangers of mixing them. IMO this person did a terrible injustice to LB. A decent therapist would have been able to pull the illegal drug information out of LB or seen signs of illegal drug use. There would have most likely been some telltale signs depending on which drugs she was using. More common signs of drug abuse are: weight loss, skin outbreak/sores, blood shot eyes, fidgeting, shaking/tremors, rambling, slurred speech, cognitive impairments, paranoia, euphoria, slowed reflexes and impaired motor skills etc.

I think DM will try to blame LB's death on her illegal drug use. How he will explain that she ended up in his incinerator is beyond me, unless he tries to blame it all on MS. Not so sure he will take that route though. He will try and weasel his way out by denying he even saw LB right around the time of her disappearance. But with the evidence so overwhelming even now with the photos of MS with the blue tarp and the incinerator, will he claim they found her dead and panicked and disposed of her? ALL MOO.
Ann Brocklehurst mentioned the mattress in her tweets and in an article on her site (paywalled); it was part of the opening statement. If you read the day 1-2 tweets when they were free they mention it.

Correct Snooper. ABro tweeted on the first day, the Crown mentioned during opening statement, DM bought a new mattress at Sleep Country. Where are people getting this information about a bloody mattress from? :thinking: If it is not in MSM then it is considered a rumour, so please do not post rumours. We try to stick to facts here on WS and posting rumours only muddys the water so to speak. If it is in MSM please provide a link to back this information. TIA.

Also, If this information is coming from a facebook group I don't believe you are allowed to bring that information over here unless you have been given permission from a mod. Contact Sillybilly or ColdPizza to confirm please and thank you. ALL MOO.

ETA: If this information is coming from ABro's Patreon subscription account, you are not allowed to share this information here.
I'm curious if we will every hear more about :
1. Charter boat and blood
2. The hoses!

The Charter boat and blood was called in to LE some time after the fact. Other than what the Charter owner observed, I believe the evidence was long gone. It happened a year before LB went missing.

"Chris Blodgett, who rents out yachts in Manitoulin Island, contacted police after seeing Millard’s photo on the television. He called police and told them about renting a 32-foot yacht to Millard in the summer of 2011."

Now DM requesting that the hose be run is very weird. Not sure I buy his contractor's explanation that it was to test the soil for a new structure to be built.
I remember this article. Would love to see the guy on the stand

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Not sure who the 2 separate vacation girls were that DM took out on the yacht... LB? CN? JS? - but regardless of which of those or another that it may have been... if there was something wrong with the loo, I guess that means the girl is just dripping all over the place and not bothering to notice or clean up?? Bizarro.
Okay thanks, Swedie, I didn't know we can't bring things from fb here. I did not get it from ABO s subscription account.
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