Baez Files 8 Motions In Case

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People charged with murder are entitled to bond unless there is a flight risk.
For clarification are you stating this as your personal opinion or are you suggesting that a capital felony murder charge is bondable in the state of Florida?

Exactly. The State can't have it both ways. When they go to trial on the neglect charges, are they ONLY going to argue that Casey misplaced her child and then didn't call 911 therefore she is guilty of neglect? NO, because they think she is dead. They will not be able to argue that she is dead and Casey is responsible without offering compelling evidence of such, and they can't offer such evidence without also giving it to the defendant.

She won't see the inside of a courtroom on the neglect charge, it will be upgraded appropriately based on the incoming forensics. But if she did, depending on the agency that compiled it, he may not be entitled to it anyway. Think Feds.
Are they not suppose to be in court on Friday, maybe he's trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. I am not a legal eagle.
Although charges haven't been filed, Casey has been named as the sole suspect and statements supporting her guilt have been released to the media by LE. LE has said that the evidence is currently being tested for the THIRD time. In the interest of a fair trial, the defense should at least be able to view the results of that testing if not perform testing of their own. Why should one side have 3 (or more) extra months to prepare it's case? Casey may very well spend the rest of her life in prison, if she doesn't receive the death penalty. Considering the potential outcome, I don't think it's unreasonable that her attorney ask for a level playing field.
sometimes it takes years to make a case, she should consider herself lucky, she's got more time to spend with the ones she loves(sarcasm)
We should all pool some respurces and get you a sign that changes it's message electronically, the way sme of those billbaords do, so they would all fit!:furious::furious::furious:
Maybe we could get a Bluetooth device that's wired into Casey's brain. Then, YOU don't have to worry about changing the message, the sign will change everytime she changes her story. Hmmm...I think we're gonna need some lithium batteries, Jim!
She won't see the inside of a courtroom on the neglect charge, it will be upgraded appropriately based on the incoming forensics. But if she did, depending on the agency that compiled it, he may not be entitled to it anyway. Think Feds.

Under what rules of law or evidence are the Feds exempt from turning over forensic evidence in a murder case?
I'm looking for a three-word decision: "No way, Jose."
actually, he's not making an *advertiser censored* of himself - whatever you want to say about his client, his role is to serve her best interest, and it is in her best interest to get the evidence against his client he can't effectively represent her otherwise. any good attorney would file these same motions. not to play devil's advocate here but these are pretty standard motions (with the exception of the motion to travel) in any case. a good attorney is not going to sit there like a lame duck and wait for his client to be charged.

It is just my humble opinion that a more experienced attorney might limit a motion to compel production of evidence to evidence which is actually in the possession of the state. The request seems overly broad. if it is denied on the grounds, he has it coming to him. Then the relevance will not be material and the arguments over whether or not he is entitled to this stuff become moot.
Secondly, if the State agreed to produce these items and then failed to do so, that would be the appropriate time to file a motion to compel discovery OR a motion to dismiss for failure to provide agreed upon discovery within the agreed time period.

Thirdly, this "Compel" language, without going through the appropriate defense counsel hoops to arrive at that stage of motion-world, is simply more evidence that Mr. Baez does not have ample knowledge of how to wheel & deal on behalf of his client. He continues to ignore the etiquette of adversarial proceedings and ultimately he is not the one who will be punished for this breach.

They always "take it out on" the client.
He has effectively alienated law enforcement so as to destroy his chances of any decent "bargaining." He continues to shoot himself in the foot at an unprecedented rate of rapid fire.

Sooooo, how the heck this stuff is what any good lawyer would do is beyond my understanding.

just my humble..I could keep going but I think I've made my point.

She won't see the inside of a courtroom on the neglect charge, it will be upgraded appropriately based on the incoming forensics. But if she did, depending on the agency that compiled it, he may not be entitled to it anyway. Think Feds.

Plus - the Feds could still determine, depending upon what Casey has said/will say to them, determine to REMOVE her case to the federal courts... it's definitely NOT too late for that either, folks!
I also wonder why JB did not apparently request information regarding the money charges. Think he's planning to plead those out?
Maybe we could get a Bluetooth device that's wired into Casey's brain. Then, YOU don't have to worry about changing the message, the sign will change everytime she changes her story. Hmmm...I think we're gonna need some lithium batteries, Jim!

I wonder what we'd be seeing ???
Why would Baez have the right to the LDT's? If they can't be entered in as evidence he should have no right to them. Casey just wants to see what her former friends have said so she can retool her lies.

I agree completely.
She won't see the inside of a courtroom on the neglect charge, it will be upgraded appropriately based on the incoming forensics. But if she did, depending on the agency that compiled it, he may not be entitled to it anyway. Think Feds.

Under what rules of law or evidence are the Feds exempt from turning over forensic evidence in a murder case?

He hasn't asked the appropriate agency for it is what she's saying.
I think Baez is putting his cart in front of his horses wanting ANYTHING more than the charges against her . . . shows what a newbie atty he really is!

Yep. Seems like an admission of guilt for something more than child neglect.
He hasn't asked the appropriate agency for it is what she's saying.

Correct, and I never used the word exempt. Regardless of the agency without the charge it's ipso facto.

Plus - the Feds could still determine, depending upon what Casey has said/will say to them, determine to REMOVE her case to the federal courts... it's definitely NOT too late for that either, folks!

I completely agree and have been posting that option from the minute the feds were involved. I know everyone is sick of me saying it, but how this case is handled will be peppered into LSATS for eternity :)

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