Baez files motion for JG DNA report showing he's not the father 1/28/09

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DNA Solves
Jersey Girl, your right about the money factor as far as acquittals go.
SP didn't have money like OJ and WKS and he's on death row. KC doesn't have that kind of money either. Spector had money but because of Lee's activities he only got a mistrial. Another is the celebrity factor. OJ and anyone named Kennedy had or have a large fan base. KC doesn't have this in her favor.
I wouldn't worry about the murder charge as opposed to them charging her with negligent child abuse. She is also charged with aggravated child abuse which will net her a life sentence if convicted.

Ya know what...I need to go back over the docs b/c I thought KC was arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse/negligence in the beginning, then when the OCSO checked the computers & saw the chloroform searches, they built up some evidence and arrested her on murder charges. I thought the child abuse charge was changed to murder 1. I had remembered seeing it on her incarceration data, but then I thought it changed. I remember thinking "Why would LE drop that instead of just adding it to a murder charge". I remember thinking that at least if they couldn't get her on murder, they'd still have the backup negiligence charge. I'm worried that all she'll get is time in prison for what she did to AH & lying to LE. That might only net 10-20 years vs life in prison. It might be even harder to convict based on "murder" with the death penalty on the table, especially since I believe the defense will try to create reasonable doubt. IMO - it might not be too hard considering the agency they're up against. On the other hand, the FBI is a different story, in which case the defense would have to prove contamination of some sort before evidence was sent to FBI lab.
IMO, JB is looking to counteract/refute JG's he may have a grudge against Casey (she misled him about paternity) and therefore is testifying "against" her. FWIW, I'm not sure those papers actually exist.

The papers don't exist. The attorney whom they named as having drawn them up said so.
I absolutely agree. I believe the Prosecution is dragging their feet b/c they're still trying to compile everything together. I honestly don't believe it's b/c they're dotting their I's and crossing their T' way. I think they either know they need better evidence or they think somebody else is involved enough to charge them - which in turn they'd need to prove also. Shoulda went with manslaughter...shoulda shoulda shoulda. I've lived in Orlando and have heard sooo many stories of the OCSO - alot of which are drugs, racketeering, prostitution. Supposedly they've cleaned their acts up. I can only hope. If they can't clean up Orange Blossom Trail, then how can I expect them to clean up their respectful FOP? Bold By Me - but I'm not shouting. Just something to think about.:blowkiss:

If they are dragging their feet, why did they file so fast?

If JB is ready, why didn't he file for a speedy trial?
I don't understand the law, But don't JG have rights. We all know from the beginning were JG came out and told the world that he asked for the tests and he was not the father, Where is JB going with this? I hope the judge let JB have on Friday.
The files motions is getting out of control. Beside everyone know that Casey doesn't know who the father is.
Ya know what...I need to go back over the docs b/c I thought KC was arrested and charged with aggravated child abuse/negligence in the beginning, then when the OCSO checked the computers & saw the chloroform searches, they built up some evidence and arrested her on murder charges. I thought the child abuse charge was changed to murder 1. I had remembered seeing it on her incarceration data, but then I thought it changed. I remember thinking "Why would LE drop that instead of just adding it to a murder charge". I remember thinking that at least if they couldn't get her on murder, they'd still have the backup negiligence charge. I'm worried that all she'll get is time in prison for what she did to AH & lying to LE. That might only net 10-20 years vs life in prison. It might be even harder to convict based on "murder" with the death penalty on the table, especially since I believe the defense will try to create reasonable doubt. IMO - it might not be too hard considering the agency they're up against. On the other hand, the FBI is a different story, in which case the defense would have to prove contamination of some sort before evidence was sent to FBI lab.
She was originally charged with child neglect. The grand jury indicted her on aggravated child abuse. Life sentence if convicted. She's also charged with murder among other things.
The prosecution keeps saying they will turn over the requested items to Baez and when the date passes when they said they would do it, he has to file more motions to try to get them! If the prosecution would quit with the delays and turn it over, maybe the trial COULD move forward!

When requested info is received by the defense it often shows where new info is needed, that is why it is called "discovery".

Baez wants a speedy trial, the prosecution does not in this case. IMHO that is why they keep dragging their feet in turning over the discovery. They want the defense to go to trial with as little discovery as they can get away with.

Well, JB has not FILED for a speedy trial.

And, remember! He asked for all of the "Caylee sighting tips" tyhe LE had received. They complied, and he never bothered to pick them up.
Some items setting off alarms to me:
-What we know about Dr. Lee's past
-the fact that Dr. Lee found some "hair" samples in the car that le previously missed
-the anthonys alluding to JG being a person of interest
-JB requesting a copy of the dna test excluding JG as Caylee's father (which has JG's dna)
If I was JG I would be wondering if perhaps I left some hair somewhere and it was collected and mysteriously placed somewhere. (DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH THINKING THAT I BELIEVE JG HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS - I do not, I truly believe he was the only person that felt anything remotely resembling unconditional love towards Caylee)
I did not read the entire post, so if this has been brought up & discussed already I apologize.
ALL of the above is MOO.
If they are dragging their feet, why did they file so fast?

If JB is ready, why didn't he file for a speedy trial?

Scare tactic maybe? I have no idea, only thoughts. I do however believe they're doing it on purpose, and they must have a very good reason. No, I don't believe JB is ready at all and he probably suspected if he requested a speedy trial he'd lose. One thing I'd do if I were the prosecution and needed to supply some info to the defense, I'd accidentally drop 1000 pages of discovery in the defense's hands in the middle of a thunder storm with 30 mph winds!
Actually, that might be considered erroneous now that I think about it:)
Some items setting off alarms to me:
-What we know about Dr. Lee's past
-the fact that Dr. Lee found some "hair" samples in the car that le previously missed
-the anthonys alluding to JG being a person of interest
-JB requesting a copy of the dna test excluding JG as Caylee's father (which has JG's dna)
If I was JG I would be wondering if perhaps I left some hair somewhere and it was collected and mysteriously placed somewhere. (DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH THINKING THAT I BELIEVE JG HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS - I do not, I truly believe he was the only person that felt anything remotely resembling unconditional love towards Caylee)
I did not read the entire post, so if this has been brought up & discussed already I apologize.
ALL of the above is MOO. you can see by my previous posts.
She was originally charged with child neglect. The grand jury indicted her on aggravated child abuse. Life sentence if convicted. She's also charged with murder among other things.

Marina - Thank you so very very much. It was bothering me and I was getting ready to tread through all of my printouts! That's alot of pages! Again, thanks!
What I see is that KC has a right to a speedy trial. JB is going to argue that KC's right to a speedy trial was denied because he couldn't get discovery in a timely manner. Does that make sense.

It would be had he not refused to pick up some of the evidence that he had demanded.
I can't agree with you regarding JB because of his relationship with Todd Black and some of the nefarious releases done by Todd on behalf of JB. I also can't agree with you because JB has made a series of mistakes and one such mistake was not opting to take advantage of a plea early on. He has boxed her in on the ZG theory and forensics doesn't bolster his case one bit from what I see.

Nevertheless, I will agree that I am concerned about the lack of timely discovery release. There shouldn't be a reason that Baez has to constantly motion for release and it concerns me that suddenly a video visit appears.

I thought KC was the one insisting on Xanex the Nannex, and JB was pushing for JG.
would you all be so kind as to stay on topic? I get a lot of complaints about wading through OT chit chat that has zero to do with the case or the thread.
please, the threads can be so much more productive if we stay on topic.
So Baez wants THE LAB REPORT showing by test that JG not the father. Could JG blackout his own DNA code on the report give that to JB upon request? Afterall, it is a signed document that affirms that DNA testing has been done and JG is not the father of Caylee. Seems easy enough.

Otherwise, If I were JG, I'd have an attorney force JB to prove any relevance and subpeona the document from JG(if that is possible). Also, I'd have an attorney argue in court that the SA cannot turn over the report without JG's permission unless the DNA code is blacked out. This is very private information, and unless pertinance is shown, I'd fight the release if I were JG.
Those that know a bit of jurisprudence please correct me. :)
So the question of the day is...Could JG's DNA be linked to any of the hairs that Dr. Lee found in the trunk, and if so, couldn't that help to prove reasonable doubt?

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