Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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No, CementPond - he did!

.........Baez said - Kronk ...uh......dishonorable.....wanted the reward...lalala...took.... $$$....errrmmm.....moved.....has bladder problems...uh - hmmm - behind the....placed the body....pretended to find her.....a disgrace!!!

And there you have it! Sorry you missed it! :great:

with all due respect, you're mistaken.....kronk is morally bankrupt, not merely dishonourable! :floorlaugh:
In all reality, JB is doing what every defense attorney does, throwing stuff out there to shed doubt on the states evidence. Thats really all he has to do, he doesnt have to "prove" someone else did it, he only has to cast doubt that his client did it. I hate to say, when you view the case so far without emotion and just as a viewer, he may succeed. The defense wont have to "explain" everything, only cast doubt on what the state brings in.

But in order to do so,you must at least make a little effort to make sure the story makes some kind of sense.
Every person on this jury had already heard the story. We will never know the "truth" as to how much they really knew before being sworn in. Baez has not took any of that into consideration.
No, CementPond - he did!

.........Baez said - Kronk ...uh......dishonorable.....wanted the reward...lalala...took.... $$$....errrmmm.....moved.....has bladder problems...uh - hmmm - behind the....placed the body....pretended to find her.....a disgrace!!!

And there you have it! Sorry you missed it! :great:

Most avid readers will say that they can identify an author by his style...without even knowing his name. I know I can.

Each author has a unique and compelling style.

As an author of lies, Casey Anthony has a unique and compelling style too. It’s easily recognizable. Casey has a “talent” for long, intricate, involved lies. Her lies have great scope and minutiae,woven together at the same time. She deals freely in fantasy with little care as to how she might have to one day...reconcile fantasy with reality. There is a recklessness to her lies that have a true unmistakeable boldness.

That’s her “style of composition.”

That too will be part of her downfall.

One huge flaw in Baez’s OS is that George, ex-LE, (had he been in charge of the cover-up of Caylee’s death) would never have allowed Casey to proceed with a complicated, fantastical story that involved a fake Nanny, that she met through a Fake Friend at a Fake Job. George would know instinctively to keep the cover-up real...and keep it simple. Only Casey could be the author of the Zanny chronicles. It’s her “style” to tell fantastical lies of great detail.

Secondly, George, as ex-LE, would have had 31 whole days to depose of little Caylee. Florida is a paradise of isolated swamps, alligator-infested lakes, and...surrounded by a big deep ocean. In those thirty one days...he could have “gone fishing”...or just for a long drive...NO ONE knew Caylee was dead....and accomplished a very competent disappearance. Casey could have been instructed to say Caylee wandered off at a mall in the Park where she of those typical sad stories we hear every day. No ex-LE would have put that Baby right down the street...and no doting Grandfather would deface her remains with duct tape...pushed into garbage bags.

George, for all his faults, is a meticulous guy. If he were running the cover-up, it would have been very neat and meticulous. He and Cindy have had careers in jobs that call for regimentation. Cindy, the nurse, would be programmed to put the pool ladder in the same place every time.

There is nothing neat, meticulous, or regimented in the style of this crime.

Once again, Baez’s story of this crime is illogical and by it’s style...clearly identifies its “author” as Casey.

To repeat...Casey had her “talent” for long, intricate, involved lies. Her lies have great scope and minutiae, at the same time. She deals freely in fantasy with little care as to how she might have to one day...merge fantasy with reality. That’s her “style of composition.”

All the prosecution needs to do in closing is take all those long involved lies being testified to by Cindy, by other boyfriends, by other friends... and compare them to the Masterworks of the Zanny story AND the Baez Opening Statement.

Baez OS is complicated...fantastical...unconcerned with merging details... as it weaves from sexual abuse by George, sexual abuse by Lee, Cindy’s carelessness...into the neighborhood Meter-Reader somehow becoming a greedy co-conspirator.

Would Cindy, whose own family writes how she is so manipulated, so insanely protective of her daughter...have enabled a sex-abusing husband? Would that daughter, who even saw Dad kicked out at one point...not have told her?

Again, would George, ex-LE confide the biggest and most dangerous secret of his lifetime in a neighborhood meter-reader... no one has yet proved he even knows? Would the greedy Meter Reader let the body lay around for months and maybe lose his pay-day?


It’s clear that the author of Baez Opening Statement...of the Zanny Chronicles...of the Fake Job Novelette, the Fake Friends with Fake Children Essays...all those great, fantastical works of but one person: the one and only...Casey Anthony.

And, imo, WHY would they do it at all? IF it were an accident, and IF GA was there...what would be the point of disposing of her to be eaten by alligators instead of burying her with respect and dignity? JB is unbelievable. No one will buy this.
No, CementPond - he did!

.........Baez said - Kronk ...uh......dishonorable.....wanted the reward...lalala...took.... $$$....errrmmm.....moved.....has bladder problems...uh - hmmm - behind the....placed the body....pretended to find her.....a disgrace!!!

And there you have it! Sorry you missed it! :great:

Ah, thank you. I missed his opening and you made it all perfectly uh... not... but... uh ... yeah...

bladder problems?
"It got so bad that the FBI tested his DNA to see if he was Caylee's father"

Snipped respectfully.

This may have been mentioned somewhere on the thread already but I saw someone on one of the news shows covering the trial that basically said it was most likely done not because they actually thought he was the father, but because it's simple to do and then they would have one more thing shot down before it even comes heavily into play.
I don't want to post a link because I'm not 100% sure of the rules, but reviewing GA's visit to ICA in jail from August 2008 is very revealing and I think flies in the face of this new DT theory. First of all, GA's demeanor and statements to ICA do NOT match someone complicit in a crime (regardless of the fact they knew they were being taped AND it would be released in to the media). Second, in the beginning ICA repeatedly tries to impress upon GA that she needs to be out of jail to help. Just that continued "all about me" attitude that consistently comes from ICA. I'm hopeful they can get into evidence her continued pleas in these jailhouse visits that if she can get out she can help combined with family and witness testimony that she did nothing to assist once she was released. After hearing the accusations against GA this week I found this visit very revealing. The visit occurred 8/3/08. If this is allowed in I think it will have an impact on the jury. I'm sure the DT will spin it, but after the DT allegations against GA this week, I think this visitation will be difficult to spin.
I've said many times that, as a websleuther who hasn't followed this case as closely as others here, I think I might bring a different perspective to this trial, as much of the information I'm now receiving is new to it is to many members of this jury.

From where I'm sitting, right here and now, it looks incredibly bad for ICA. IF the DT can make a strong argument that Caylee died by accident, and ICA merely covered it up, I think that could influence some members of the jury. So far, I see absolutely no indication that the DT is going to be able to do that. JMO. I think unless this case takes a dramatic turn, this jury is going to find ICA quilty. As for the sentencing phase...if I were on this jury, the state would have to prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is a case of premeditated murder before I could vote for the death penalty. Before everyone throws tomatoes at me, let me explain why I feel that way. This was a 22 year old woman at the time of Caylee's death. The ME has been unable to determine cause of death. That leaves many likely scenario's in my mind, and I doubt the state will be able to definitely prove any one of them. (I'm still waiting to hear the forensic evidence...especially wrt the duct tape before I state that with certainty. The duct tape matters a GREAT DEAL to me). We have an obviously mentally unbalanced girl ICA's own admission, if we are to believe what she told AZ prior to Caylee having gone missing. Could ICA have simply snapped? I don't know...we'll have to see how it plays out in court. But if I were on this jury, and I was left with any question about whether or not a very young mother could have emotionally snapped and killed her daughter, I don't know that I could justify a recommendation for the death penalty. LWOP, absolutely. Death penalty? That would be hard for me.

All just MOO, of course.

Also, let me just add this: as someone who is hearing all of this from the perspective of a fresh juror, this nonsense about sexual abuse causing ICA to disassociate from her emotions about Caylee's "accidental death" (she seems perfectly capable of showing emotion when her own *advertiser censored* is on the line), this nonsense that GA helped cover up the accident, and the hide and seek game RK was supposed to have played in this scenario...that just buries ICA even deeper, imo. And I don't believe there is one single member of this jury that is going to buy into that load of BS. Again...JMO.

In light of the fact that you don't believe the sexual abuse, would you say JB/ICA has no credibility- like would that factor in at all? I'm thinking even if I hadn't followed the case - if the defendant's story of what happened was absolute nonsense (as this one is, imo), I would lean toward convicting on the 1st degree charge. Why would she be lying?
The tears during the break yesterday after Cindy walked off the stand, they were real.. this is the first time in 3 years that I truly seen real tears coming from ICA.

Yes, but there was nothing sad, nor sorrowful, nor remorseful in those tears.

Those were tears of pure, unadulterated RAGE and ANGER.
It appears the defense is trying to show that GA went to work after picking up the car from the tow yard in light of it smelling like a decomposing body, therefore he would be able to go to work after finding Caylee's body in the pool. Seems very implausible but DT doesn't have much to work with.

And so this happened after he and Casey supposedly found a dead Caylee in the pool? Like GA would be ok with her driving around with Caylee's body in her trunk? Am I missing something? I have been sucked into the JB vortex.
Week 1 of the Casey Anthony trial has ended. It has been interesting.

The state made a methodical opening statement laying out the 31 days. They have brought in witness after witness that stated KC seemed the same before and after June 16th. One even stated KC said she was such a good liar. The state also had a very credible witness in SB. They also brought GA and CA to the stand. They brought in photos and video showing KC was acting as if nothing had happened.

The opening statement of the defense was interesting as well. We do have to keep in mind that opening statements aren't facts.

Has JB already lost the trial? IMO absolutely not. The job of the defense team is to raise reasonable doubt. The alleged sexually abuse from GA and LA is a bombshell to the jury. The alleged drowning in the pool, and GA yelling at KC blaming her is another bombshell.

Many of the states witnesses have testified that KC acted like nothing had happened during the 31 days after June 16th. However, each and every one of them also stated that KC was a good mother, and that Caylee obviously loved KC very much. This relationship between KC and Caylee as stated by these witnesses may lean in the defenses favor, and bring reasonable doubt that a mother who so obviously loved her child could commit the premeditated murder of that child just so she could live the good life. Also, if the jury thinks GA did sexually abuse KC, then her behavior is understandable, and these witnesses claiming she was acting the same before and after the 16th only reinforces that KC was displaying the behavior of a victim of sexual abuse. This also may work in the defenses favor.

SB and GA both testified they thought they smelled human decomp. However, the jury must be wondering why, if GA and SB were so certain this was human decomp, did SB allow GA to drive the car home instead of immediately calling the police department? Unless the jury thinks that when they found the white garbage bag, they both thought that this was the cause of the terrible odor and it was not human decomp but trash that had sat in a trunk in the hot Florida sun for weeks that caused the odor. This again may also work in the favor of the defense.

At times, during the testimony of GA, he seems to be combative and evasive, and sometimes it looks as though he is not being truthful. This of course is in my opinion, but if any member of the jury feels the same way, this could definately favor the defense.

The jury has not researched this case the way many of us on this site have done. They do not have near the knowledge about this case that many of us have. We must disregard much of what we know, because it will not be considered in this case. We must put ourselves in the jury box, and try to see it the way the jury may see it.

I believe, in the minds of the jury, based on what has been stated in trial thus far, that the defense has an edge at the end of the first week. They are considering that GA may have sexually abused KC. They are wondering why SB did not call the police department if he thought that the smell was human decompostion. They are wondering if Caylee did indeed drown. They are wondering how could KC have murdered a child she had an amazing relationship with. The defense needs only to raise reasonable doubt, and during the first week of trial, I think they were successful.

As always my entire post is my opinion only.


This questions isn't just to thedeviledadvocate, it's to anyone that can answer it. I don't get the significance in this. Does this mean that there wasn't decomp smell in the car at that time? George says it was overwhelming when he picked it up. Casey says in a text that the smell is there, and it smells like death. So I don't understand the need to plant doubt about the car smelling at this time (in the towyard.)
They didn't want to commit because all of the computer and cell usage makes the whole thing unlikely. NO MATTER what time you choose for the 'tragic accident' to happen, Casey is just minutes away from uploading Fusion pictures or texting friends about her new living situation.

I do not believe this story either. My thoughts that if what Casey is now saying were true, (which I don't think for a nano second that it is) there would have been a dead ICA right beside the baby, because GA would have choked the living carp out of ICA for neglecting her daughter while playing tag on the computer or her phone. Just saying.
Al-righty now. I have read entire thread so far.

Now I ask this question.

Where was CA? Sleeping???? Answer with expanded version I can envision JB telling: MY STORY ONLY .... JB it's plagiarism if you use any of this in your future tales. And yes, I will sue.

OK, let's say CA is sleeping. So GA somehow figures out Caylee is missing. Goes to ICA and whispers "Caylee's missing" and the two of them quietly as a mouse so not to wake CA or the dogs (side note, Yorkies are chatty little things, I have own them and they are NOT QUIET dogs) go on a room to room search. Lifting sofas, bed linens, open closet doors, kitchen cabinets, stereo cabinet doors, bathroom cabinets and shower curtains, Caylee's room, under the crib turned into toddler bed, in the closets ......... wait they couldn't go into the master bedroom and look to see if Caylee crawled into bed with CA or look in the master bathroom tub to see if Caylee was there because that would alert CA that no one had paid attention to Caylee in the early morning hours when she was supposed to be sleeping. Only CA has the ability to hear sleeping noises through closed doors.

So they creep through the patio door, feeding the dogs treats so they would keep quiet, and did a do-diligence search IN THE DARK without turning on lights so as not to alert CA but use a flashlight after bumbling around to find it. Gingerly ICA went to one side of the house, stubbed her toe and under her breath mumbled a TOS word. Meanwhile GA tiptoes over by the pool, which is by the master bedroom kicking the dogs to keep them quiet, shines the flashlight around the pool, thinks he sees something. Gets the ladder. Climbs in and finds Caylee climbs out. ICA appears and GA in a whisper says "look what you have done, your mother will blame you" so get rid of her. I'll take care of your mother in the morning when she leaves for work, DO NOT COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM. Keep Caylee with you or there will be trouble and you will go to jail. No one will believe your story. Only I can save you.
Also, the way he worded it--....I have found 'missing kids' under the bed asleep and hiding in closets before, and they have been safe and sound. That is NOT the first place you need to look if there is a big body of water out back. And I am pretty sure they both know that. And why would they both stay inside and search? Wouldn't one run outside first thing?

<respectfully snipped>
You're exactly right katydid. And I bet not one of those missing kids you found under the bed or in the closet were anywhere near death. A normal internal emergency alarm would send you directly to where the missing child could get hurt, not just where they are hiding.

I truthfully think the Defense theory fails because it involves so many variables. The jurors are going to have to believe a whole lotta crap to get to a not guilty. imo
Does it really matter WHY a person lies (alleged sexual abuse)? Do people who are sexually abused by someone leave their minor child in the alleged sexual abusers hands as sole caregivers for even ONE minute? George did babysit at one time or another during Caylee&#8217;s very short life.
Personally have never sat on a jury before&#8230;In reading the investigation report(s) &#8211; as a juror am I allowed to find her guilty because of everything I have read in this report? Is this enough?
Dear Quiche,
Your meter reader comes and goes all stealth like so you won't be able to pick him out of a line-up. And your loyal canine friend? He's obviously taking kickbacks.

Sincerely, JB

He was! Just like the part where George was screaming at Casey. Really? :waitasec:
You have a grown man walking around with a dead baby, a young mother crying her eyes out, and her father screaming at her and not one single soul on that close block heard it? :waitasec: But they seen her backing into the garage.:waitasec::crazy:

This was EXACTLY the first thought that entered my mind when JB threw out that laughable sinerio. I hope that the jury gets to visit the Anthony home because as great as those photos were...actually being at the home in that yard would speak volumes. I remember when we lived in a neighborhood like that anytime we were outside grilling, in the pool, playing croquet, whatever, we got the little neighbor kids climbing into their treehouse so they could look in our yard and ask if they could come play. They could hear us right away and we hadn't just found the body of a little girl in our pool and we weren't yelling at our kids. There is just no way ... even when I was inside my home I could hear kids yelling and playing in their backyards.
Most avid readers will say that they can identify an author by his style...without even knowing his name. I know I can.

Each author has a unique and compelling style.

As an author of lies, Casey Anthony has a unique and compelling style too. It’s easily recognizable. Casey has a “talent” for long, intricate, involved lies. Her lies have great scope and minutiae,woven together at the same time. She deals freely in fantasy with little care as to how she might have to one day...reconcile fantasy with reality. There is a recklessness to her lies that have a true unmistakeable boldness.

That’s her “style of composition.”

That too will be part of her downfall.


It’s clear that the author of Baez Opening Statement...of the Zanny Chronicles...of the Fake Job Novelette, the Fake Friends with Fake Children Essays...all those great, fantastical works of but one person: the one and only...Casey Anthony.

Man! Maybe you can email that to the prosecutors? It lays it all out beautifully.

The jury will get very detailed instructions right before they deliberate and they will be reminded that their "opinion" does not count. the question will be if the state proved their case within a boundary of reasonable doubt. The question will not be "do you believe JB theory". Its really two different things. the state has the burden if proof. I know we have heard these words before, but when you really think about it, or if you have ever been on a jury, you understand the emphasis on the state. One thing true is that we do not really know the makeup of the jury. Some of these people could take the challenge very seriously in a legal sense, some will let their opinions override, even though thats not the way its supposed to be. In the end, I wont be surprised if she is found guilty and I wont be surprised if she is acquitted (Oj was). I cant wait to get to the end if this trial and see what happens.
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