Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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Isn't it amazing that after almost three years this is the "best" he can come up with?

PS- I'm thinking he thought "early morning hours" sounded better 'cause it can imply that Casey was still in bed and had no idea that Caylee left the house. Any later, everyone would be up and starting their day. Also, if George hadn't locked in his testimony as to seeing both leave on the 16th, I might have bet something did actually happen "early" on the 16th. I always felt there was a reason why Casey wrote that she dropped off Caylee between 9a-1pm. Who wouldn't be able to remember something like that?!! I mean it was the last time you saw your child (supposedly)!

Sure, but GA dos not sound like he is telling the truth.

I am sure the jury will wonder why the evasive answers about the gas can when the recalling of every detail on the 16th is clear in his mind as is the one fo the 24th.Except what Casey was wearing.

Yet the trip to the tow yard and the tape on the gas cans are straining him.
Not to mention the tow yard witness completely called him out from denying on the stand he said aything about his daughter to admitting it.

Cindy her self called him out about something else he had said on the stand.

GA doesnt look ,act ,or sound believable.

I have firgured out GA is a very obsevant person. To bad it is only when he wants to tell us what he was observant about that we get to see his skill set.
Most avid readers will say that they can identify an author by his style...without even knowing his name. I know I can.

Each author has a unique and compelling style.

As an author of lies, Casey Anthony has a unique and compelling style too. It’s easily recognizable. Casey has a “talent” for long, intricate, involved lies. Her lies have great scope and minutiae,woven together at the same time. She deals freely in fantasy with little care as to how she might have to one day...reconcile fantasy with reality. There is a recklessness to her lies that have a true unmistakeable boldness.

That’s her “style of composition.”

That too will be part of her downfall.

One huge flaw in Baez’s OS is that George, ex-LE, (had he been in charge of the cover-up of Caylee’s death) would never have allowed Casey to proceed with a complicated, fantastical story that involved a fake Nanny, that she met through a Fake Friend at a Fake Job. George would know instinctively to keep the cover-up real...and keep it simple. Only Casey could be the author of the Zanny chronicles. It’s her “style” to tell fantastical lies of great detail.

Secondly, George, as ex-LE, would have had 31 whole days to depose of little Caylee. Florida is a paradise of isolated swamps, alligator-infested lakes, and...surrounded by a big deep ocean. In those thirty one days...he could have “gone fishing”...or just for a long drive...NO ONE knew Caylee was dead....and accomplished a very competent disappearance. Casey could have been instructed to say Caylee wandered off at a mall in the Park where she of those typical sad stories we hear every day. No ex-LE would have put that Baby right down the street...and no doting Grandfather would deface her remains with duct tape...pushed into garbage bags.

George, for all his faults, is a meticulous guy. If he were running the cover-up, it would have been very neat and meticulous. He and Cindy have had careers in jobs that call for regimentation. Cindy, the nurse, would be programmed to put the pool ladder in the same place every time.

There is nothing neat, meticulous, or regimented in the style of this crime.

Once again, Baez’s story of this crime is illogical and by it’s style...clearly identifies its “author” as Casey.

To repeat...Casey had her “talent” for long, intricate, involved lies. Her lies have great scope and minutiae, at the same time. She deals freely in fantasy with little care as to how she might have to one day...merge fantasy with reality. That’s her “style of composition.”

All the prosecution needs to do in closing is take all those long involved lies being testified to by Cindy, by other boyfriends, by other friends... and compare them to the Masterworks of the Zanny story AND the Baez Opening Statement.

Baez OS is complicated...fantastical...unconcerned with merging details... as it weaves from sexual abuse by George, sexual abuse by Lee, Cindy’s carelessness...into the neighborhood Meter-Reader somehow becoming a greedy co-conspirator.

Would Cindy, whose own family writes how she is so manipulated, so insanely protective of her daughter...have enabled a sex-abusing husband? Would that daughter, who even saw Dad kicked out at one point...not have told her?

Again, would George, ex-LE confide the biggest and most dangerous secret of his lifetime in a neighborhood meter-reader... no one has yet proved he even knows? Would the greedy Meter Reader let the body lay around for months and maybe lose his pay-day?


It’s clear that the author of Baez Opening Statement...of the Zanny Chronicles...of the Fake Job Novelette, the Fake Friends with Fake Children Essays...all those great, fantastical works of but one person: the one and only...Casey Anthony.

WOW....thanks button not enough for this one!!! What an AWESOME post!! (I just got here this morning and am catching up from last night, so I am behind, but just HAD to comment on this one!!!)
This is what Baez stated in his opening remarks;

"Early morning hours the exact time is not could have been early afternoon...early morning...actually it was the early morning hours.

Snipped by me for space!

I posted that exact same thing in the Big Holes in the Defense's theory thread a few days ago. Sitting here watching opening statements on Tuesday afternoon, when he switched up the times so very quick there was my "Aha" moment! "Aha" because you & your client are full of baloney Mr. Baez!!! No one with an IQ greater than Baez & ICA's, which includes all the great people here at WS, everyone sitting in that courtroom and especially the jury is going to believe that.

A few other things will help the jury decide it was bull, besides Baez' ridiculous version of what happened when George & Casey realized she was gone... because like others have pointed out... if you have a pool and children that is the FIRST place you look. George himself admits he had breakfast with Caylee, as he does most days (probably because ICA was too lazy to get out of bed to take care of her baby); and then they watched some videos together. He also states his routine is to watch some of his favorite shows (cooking I believe) on the television to relax before heading to work. So if George is in the living room, or even the kitchen... no way did Caylee open that sliding door without George seeing her. Add to the fact that Caylee was only 2, 34 months... was she strong enough to open the sliding glass door? My son wasn't strong enough at that age to open my mothers sliding glass doors, and he's only a month younger than Caylee. My daughter who is now 7 and weighs only 40 pounds, which Cindy said Caylee weighed in June 2008 is still not strong enough to open my moms door.

In addition, we now have Cindy's testimony saying ICA herself was calling her repeatedly on June 16th in the afternoon begging her to babysit Caylee because she had to "work". George & Cindy have both blown accidental drowning out of the water, and we're not even onto forensics yet. I have every faith the jury will see through the smoke & mirror defense and deliver justice to sweet Caylee.
If I understand this correctly and have my dates straight, the opening statements don't matter BECAUSE:

- they state that Caylee drowned on June 16th in the morning.

Forget whether bodies float or sink, forget who found whom where, who cried, who screamed, who didn't hear it, who found the body, stole it, etc. etc.

GEORGE had to be at work at 3:00. He testified he saw KC and Caylee leave some time after NOON.

KC made a flurry of phone calls on June 16th in the afternoon, around 4:00 pm or so, one of them to Cindy, asking her to BABYSIT.

A dead child does not need a babysitter. If Caylee died on June 16th, she died AFTER her grandpa went to work, and when she was alone with her mother. Case closed, as far as I'm concerned.

JB screwed up when he picked June 16 as the "drowning day".
I thought it did not have to be a unanimous decision and ultimately up to the judge ?:waitasec:
Judge Perry has never shied away from the death penalty,even for mothers.


but ...... both the state and the dt accepted a juror who is inclined away from what they say they want..

the state says it wants death

the dt says it wants not guilty

but both accepted a juror who, in the states case, will not vote for death, and in the dt case, already has an opinion that she did it.

so, are they both not indicating they are OK with LWOP when they let this juror on?

or what does it mean? personally I don't see how either side let him on. but he is on.
How do you guys think JB is going to explain away ICA's diary entry after Caylee's "accidental drowning", where she says she's never been happier, and doesn't regret a thing?

Let's hope that gets in, but with the ever present "prejudicial" objection Baez keeps making... I dunno! I wish HHJP would force Baez to use the word, and not the numbers for the objection. But then again, the jury may be sitting her thinking... why isn't he using words and not numbers to object and their Hinky Meters going off big time!
This may be a tad OT for this thread, but since it relates to Baez's total ineptness, I'm posting it here.

On Friday after a lengthy sidebar where they are debating whether or not the shopping videos should come into evidence, Baez renews his objections where he "requires a foundation", whereupon HHJP reacts in total and utter astonishment. After a long pause, HHJP responds, "YOU require a foundation?! ... Yeah... approach the sidebar". A moment worth watching again and again, BTW. :floorlaugh:) At @ 9:00 on the following:

After yet another lengthy sidebar where I assume HHJP is schooling Baez - again, he returns to the podium to renew his objections and I firmly believe he commits a monumental Freudian slip. He says, "When I give Ms. Drane-Burdick my word, it is my word, and I do NOT INTEND TO HON... uh... revoking that in any way, shape or form.". At @ 1:05 here:[/B]

:D I'd bet my life the word underlined above was 'honor' but he caught himself just in time. What say you good folks?


Actually what he says is:

I do not intend on uh revoking that in any way shape or form unless she's the first to know.

ETA: JB says "uh" a lot.
great thread Darnudes, there are so many things wrong, illogical and just plain nonsensical in that opening statement we could spend the rest of the trial finding all the problems with it.

Also, stmarysmead, SPOT ON with your post about the author of this poorly constructed fiction.

Bravo to both of you.
Regardless of what JB claims happened - how in the world is he ever going to explain the tattoo? The beautiful life. And its done as Caylee is still missing. The beautiful life? Will he try to explain it away as Casey's tribute to Caylee? Doubt it.

I just can't wait for tattoo guy to take the stand. He will say that ICA was a goodmother - very attentive - that he saw Caylee basically grow up (from infant to toddler) - but there is no way to spin "La Bella Vita". No way.
The other weird aspect of this story is the whole gas can thing. I understand that the defense wants to tie George to the duct tape, but JB had also suggested that George was trying to "distance himself froM the accident" by reporting that the gas cans had been stolen and then not reporting that they were returned and then bringing gas cans with duct tape on them to the tow yard because he knew that he had put that duct tape on Caylee. (I know the italicized portion makes no sense, but this is what JB suggested when questioning george about the gas cans). JB even went as far as to suggest that the "here's your f'in gas cans" event never happened. seems to me that the defense is saying it was an accident that George decided to cover up and then decided to pin the cover up on Casey. WTH?

If George was truly trying to distance himself from this, why would he go to the tow yard, pay $500 that they truly didn't have, and pick up the death car? Baez's theory makes no sense! If George knew Caylee had been in that car, and knew that car would be evidence (ex-LE, he'd have to know that!), he'd leave it at the tow lot for it to be disposed of and/or sold off.
Jose Baez - "Anything Casey could do to protect her child she did, including living a lie, making up a nanny, making up a job."

How did living a lie protect her child?
How did making up a nanny protect her child?
How did making up a job protect her child?

This is just a small example of the ridiculous things Baez said in his opening statement. Will or can the SA go over Baez opening statement in their closing to point out all the illogical things he said? I'm afraid the jury may not have caught all this ridiculousness the first time around.
I gotta say, I still can't wait to see how he explains Caylee getting from the back yard to where she was found. Because, he never did explain that.
If George was truly trying to distance himself from this, why would he go to the tow yard, pay $500 that they truly didn't have, and pick up the death car? Baez's theory makes no sense! If George knew Caylee had been in that car, and knew that car would be evidence (ex-LE, he'd have to know that!), he'd leave it at the tow lot for it to be disposed of and/or sold off.

I know! And don't forget that he hid the notification letter for awhile and then stuck it in the door so he could find it and go get the car because hiding the letter ....wait...remind me what hiding the letter accomplished if he ultimately produced the letter and went to get the car...but also threw out the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reminder letters only to show Cindy the first one because....
.....Ugh. My head hurts.
How do you guys think JB is going to explain away ICA's diary entry after Caylee's "accidental drowning", where she says she's never been happier, and doesn't regret a thing?

He will attempt to use the "penis defense" (compartmentalization). He will attempt to describe how ICA hides her pain by stuffing it way down deep and carries on, putting on her happy face, just as she has for all those years when she would have to endure abuse and then go to school and act as if nothing had ever happened.

Total BS, but that IS the spin he will try to put on it. Thankfully, this is JB we are talking about. This maneuver might (and the might here is quite large) be pulled off by an excellent trial attorney, but it won't be pulled off by one such as him.
I gotta say, I still can't wait to see how he explains Caylee getting from the back yard to where she was found. Because, he never did explain that.

That's where the little green space people come in...
I think you are correct.. she would be floating, not at the bottom of the pool. There's a term "dead man's float" for a reason. I know that sounds awful. :(

She would only be floating if she had been dead for quite awhile. Initially she would be at the bottom of the pool. If nobody looked for her for hours, then she would be long dead, and floating. I doubt that was the case as 2 adults were home, mid morning. They would have missed her sooner than that, imo/
I gotta say, I still can't wait to see how he explains Caylee getting from the back yard to where she was found. Because, he never did explain that.

No, CementPond - he did!

.........Baez said - Kronk ...uh......dishonorable.....wanted the reward...lalala...took.... $$$....errrmmm.....moved.....has bladder problems...uh - hmmm - behind the....placed the body....pretended to find her.....a disgrace!!!

And there you have it! Sorry you missed it! :great:
I gotta say, I still can't wait to see how he explains Caylee getting from the back yard to where she was found. Because, he never did explain that.
My very first thought when JB said "Caylee drowned in the family pool" was that was how he was going to "counter the science" about the massive amounts of cholorform in the trunk. Cholorine from the pool. Problem is JB never does his homework. They do not use a cholorine system for their pool so...........................

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