Baez - Just Lost The Trial

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I wonder if Baez had a wtf moment? Mason was concerned enough to say something to Baez and Baez's body language is clearly showing something's wrong.
ooh, quite clearly

gotta love the camera, which had been on KC, panning to JB just as that moment was crystalizing
Did anyone else catch Baez stating in his OS that George & Casey both went out the front, each going around the house in opposite directions to the backyard? The gate on the right side of the backyard (looking from the front of the house) was completely blocked by the shed - so how could George get into the backyard from the front??? Plus, if Casey went to the left as Baez said, she would have gotten to the pool before George, assuming he looked in the playhouse & other areas first.

And then the veer off from George having the body to Kronk supposedly finding the body & keeping it for months, then hiding it for the reward just didn't make sense. How was he (Kronk) sure that no one else would find it during that time? :waitasec:

Lastly, the sex abuse claims against George & Lee didn't make sense either. I posted somewhere here (forget which thread, but it was probably the OS thread) a few days ago about Baez saying Lee's alleged attempts not going as far as George's & in the next sentence Baez says "it got so bad..." not making sense. I just hope and pray the jury has caught all of these illogical statements.
I thought he lost when he said George yelled at Casey "Where's Caylee?!" "Where's Caylee?" and then dramatically went on and on about them searching under the beds, in the closets and in the garage...the first thing I thought was, if you have a pool and you can't find a child, that is the first place you look.
Have you felt an acutal child in distress? It's horrible, and unforgettable. I cried all the way to the hospital with the paramedic constantly asking me if I was ok, I couldn't stop crying. And all he had was a febrile seizure, but the blue lips, the seizures, and I didn't call 911 right away, I talked to him, I told him you can't do this, I need you, you aren't supposed to do this...and then I called 911. You know what they did to help me...they said we're coming and hung up. 2 seconds...they spent that long getting my address...and that's it.

I can totally relate! My son had febrile seizures. Only the first time he had one I was afraid to touch him I was shaking so bad. Luckily my other half was home. I was on the phone with 911, standing outside, crying hysterically and puking over the balcony. Cried hysterically all the way to the hospital. Reacted this same way every time he had a seizure - he had quite a few as a baby. Scared the dickens out of me!

The paramedics and dispatchers were great with me. THat first time, 6 paramedics showed up. 6. 5 out of the six all had kids that went thru febrile seizures.
I thought he lost when he said George yelled at Casey "Where's Caylee?!" "Where's Caylee?" and then dramatically went on and on about them searching under the beds, in the closets and in the garage...the first thing I thought was, if you have a pool and you can't find a child, that is the first place you look.

Pretty bad acting job, muchless, making people believe it's actually the truth.

All the world's a stage - William Shakespeare
I wonder if anyone will bring up the A's dogs. They had two, IIRC correctly Cindy said they followed Caylee eveywhere...where were the dogs when ICA and George were supposedly searching?
Great catch on the time it would take GA to get Caylee out of the pool.

And of course the jury may not know but we all do....GA loved Caylee so much that there is no way he could have gone into work that afternoon if Caylee had just died.

I think JB has just spend too much time reading blogs and took a little bit from all the different ones he read and tried to merge them all together.
Isn't it amazing that after almost three years this is the "best" he can come up with?

PS- I'm thinking he thought "early morning hours" sounded better 'cause it can imply that Casey was still in bed and had no idea that Caylee left the house. Any later, everyone would be up and starting their day. Also, if George hadn't locked in his testimony as to seeing both leave on the 16th, I might have bet something did actually happen "early" on the 16th. I always felt there was a reason why Casey wrote that she dropped off Caylee between 9a-1pm. Who wouldn't be able to remember something like that?!! I mean it was the last time you saw your child (supposedly)!
Isn't it amazing that after almost three years this is the "best" he can come up with?

PS- I'm thinking he thought "early morning hours" sounded better 'cause it can imply that Casey was still in bed and had no idea that Caylee left the house. Any later, everyone would be up and starting their day. Also, if George hadn't locked in his testimony as to seeing both leave on the 16th, I might have bet something did actually happen "early" on the 16th. I always felt there was a reason why Casey wrote that she dropped off Caylee between 9a-1pm. Who wouldn't be able to remember something like that?!! I mean it was the last time you saw your child (supposedly)!

IMO. Yeah, you're right, he's not a very good actor or script writer.

Did you know that acting coaches give workshops for attorneys?
If I were part of the prosecution, I would study the pool ladder. It's height, weight and how likely a toddler could move it at all, let alone move it horizontally or pick it up fro the ground, raise it and then attach it to the pool. Chances are you have to hook or latch it to the platform.
This one factor would destroy his theory in my view.
Also, Andy H. how many times did Caylee get out there through the sliding glass door that was locked and climb the ladder by herself to get into the pool?
If I were part of the prosecution, I would study the pool ladder. It's height, weight and how likely a toddler could move it at all, let alone move it horizontally or pick it up fro the ground, raise it and then attach it to the pool. Chances are you have to hook or latch it to the platform.
This one factor would destroy his theory in my view.

In his opening statement, JB said that Cindy had left the ladder up from the night before when she and Caylee had been swimming.

That's pretty much the whole family under the bus, except for Casey, of course. Even Kronk found himself under it.
Under the bus, yes. Speaking of being under things. What about some people's theories that perhaps Caylee's body was hidden by ICA under either the pool, sandbox, or playhouse for a time?
ooh, quite clearly

gotta love the camera, which had been on KC, panning to JB just as that moment was crystalizing

God bless the camera people! Yep, I'm sure the camera person thought Baez and Mason were getting a bit uncomfortable and wanted to capture it.

That's what I have always loved about Baez, his body language. Baez gives himself away every time.
Why aren't some of the "body language" experts, more expert?
If Caylee's body was hidden under a structure in that backyard, then did ICA pry it up with the shovel to move it? Several people posted about that possibility in the beginning.
JB wants the jury to believe that while ICA and GA were in the Anthony home, somehow this scenario occurred: Caylee Marie tiptoed thrru the house, slid open the patio door and then very quietly closed it behind her, stealthily crept over to the pool, climbed up the pool ladder which had miraculously been connected to the pool again...then Caylee Marie, knowing how careful her grandparents were with her and that pool, stood facing that deep expanse of water (remember how tiny she was) boldly jumped in anyway and silently drowned herself to free ICA who just didn't want her anymore but didn't want anyone else to have her. Leave it to ICA, who, fed up rotting in jail and only getting baloney sandwiches, consumed with jealousy and resentment, took almost three years to come up with this alibi....she would blame Caylee Marie for killing herself. ICA was so misled by her deteriorating brain cells, going nutz in her private cell, thought this clever concept would allow her to get away with murder. It could have been an almost perfect murder, but rage, acting in haste, (such a waste) and duct tape got in the way of ICA. All of this is really not her fault, of course.
(Sorry for all the run-on sentences - my brain just doesn't think in paragraphs and it is too old and worn to be trained. I know it was silly and childish to write this, but I just lost it and can't stand any more of this stupid waste of taxpayer's money.)

Karma is going to take care of ICA.
Brilliant point about checking the pool last. This story is nothing less than offensive. It is simply a garbled mish mash of the random events and people involved in this case. It is a verbal Rube-Goldberg contraption and flimsy as could be. The fact that he threw Kronk in there is just unforgivable. How many people will now refuse to search for a missing child or make that crucial phone call because of what the DT is doing to this innocent man??
Did anyone else catch Baez stating in his OS that George & Casey both went out the front, each going around the house in opposite directions to the backyard? The gate on the right side of the backyard (looking from the front of the house) was completely blocked by the shed - so how could George get into the backyard from the front??? Plus, if Casey went to the left as Baez said, she would have gotten to the pool before George, assuming he looked in the playhouse & other areas first.

And then the veer off from George having the body to Kronk supposedly finding the body & keeping it for months, then hiding it for the reward just didn't make sense. How was he (Kronk) sure that no one else would find it during that time? :waitasec:

Lastly, the sex abuse claims against George & Lee didn't make sense either. I posted somewhere here (forget which thread, but it was probably the OS thread) a few days ago about Baez saying Lee's alleged attempts not going as far as George's & in the next sentence Baez says "it got so bad..." not making sense. I just hope and pray the jury has caught all of these illogical statements.

No, from his opening statements, which I transcribed on the first post, Baez states they went out the back, Casey to the left side (from Baez's position if standing at the back of the house) and George to the pool.

If Baez does state they went out the front of the house are you able to point me in the direction of a video link? To be honest I could not listen to all of his opening and I may have missed this - I think I switched off when he brought Mr Kronk into it.
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