Baez' "other" murder trial...who and what were results?

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You're welcome Dax.

In Docset 1, page 10, Baez is reprimanded by letter from the judge for missing a Plea Negotiation conference. The judge gives the date of the next meeting, and says his appearance is MANDATORY.

A week later, Baez replies (page 12), asks the judge to take the case off the calendar and also asks to attend the Plea meeting by PHONE.

Guess he doesn't like to drive up to Lake County!

Thanks to both of you. That is an interesting read. I was kind of hoping to see Jose's opening & closing statements.
You're welcome Dax.

In Docset 1, page 10, Baez is reprimanded by letter from the judge for missing a Plea Negotiation conference. The judge gives the date of the next meeting, and says his appearance is MANDATORY.

A week later, Baez replies (page 12), asks the judge to take the case off the calendar and also asks to attend the Plea meeting by PHONE.

Guess he doesn't like to drive up to Lake County!

wow is about all I can say.....
I'm surprised that he called Diaz to testify but I'm even more surprised that Baez offered no redirect of his witness after the prosecution cross examined him.

Seems Baez would have something to offer on redirect to undo any damage the prosecution's cross did. No redirect, Diaz left the the stand after the cross.

I'm not surprised that the judge had to reprimand Baez twice during the trial for making comments about the opposing counsel.
You're welcome Dax.

In Docset 1, page 10, Baez is reprimanded by letter from the judge for missing a Plea Negotiation conference. The judge gives the date of the next meeting, and says his appearance is MANDATORY.

A week later, Baez replies (page 12), asks the judge to take the case off the calendar and also asks to attend the Plea meeting by PHONE.

Guess he doesn't like to drive up to Lake County!

Arrogant and lackadaisical are the two words that come to mind when I think of Baez. There are several times throughout this case that he is warned by the court.

In the docset 3 there is a motion to compel by the state that caught my eye. It seems JB was trying to be sneaky.......sound familiar?

Below is the link to the docs that I have in the ND case.

Everyone needs to thank Muzikman for converting them, spending a lot of time redacting, and leading me through the steps to put them here!! :blowkiss:

I hope I've done this correctly:


There are 6 sets of docs along with various reports. The last half of set 3 includes the chonological summary of the trial proceedings. You can see JB in action.
Thank you Dax AND Muzikman !!!!!!! :)
dax and Muzikman, thank you both!

I've been reading most of the afternoon and have not finished yet. Interesting case. I am wondering if the mother was ever charged with anything. The child protection investigator said in one report that she believed the mother to be just as responsible for the death due to failing to protect her child.
I was so looking forward to reading these docs! Unfortunately, they are no longer downloading properly. All I get are pages of gibberish. Not a download at all!

You're welcome Dax.

In Docset 1, page 10, Baez is reprimanded by letter from the judge for missing a Plea Negotiation conference. The judge gives the date of the next meeting, and says his appearance is MANDATORY.

A week later, Baez replies (page 12), asks the judge to take the case off the calendar and also asks to attend the Plea meeting by PHONE.

Guess he doesn't like to drive up to Lake County!

So, a little OT, but on the 8/14 jailhouse video, CA asks KC something about, "we were up in Lake County (yesterday)-- is there anything up there?" (paraphrasing, sorry) and KC goes BALLISTIC!!! "MOOOOOMMM!!!!" and just about jumps out of her seat. What is the LAKE COUNTY connection?
On page 82, 4th pdf, there is a letter from a Child Potective Investigator that states the mother knew about the abuse, was told by others. Even at the time that her child was in the hospital she denied that there was abuse, the investigator states that she is just as much to blame in his opinion as her boyfriend. Also it is said that the mother has lied to Investigators and changed stories on a consistent basis. I wonder what happened with this, if the state ever considered charging her ?
So, a little OT, but on the 8/14 jailhouse video, CA asks KC something about, "we were up in Lake County (yesterday)-- is there anything up there?" (paraphrasing, sorry) and KC goes BALLISTIC!!! "MOOOOOMMM!!!!" and just about jumps out of her seat. What is the LAKE COUNTY connection?

That's where Cindy's mother Shirley lives, and her father.

But Casey was just PO'd that Cindy was asking ANYTHING I think...
dax and Muzikman, thank you both!

I've been reading most of the afternoon and have not finished yet. Interesting case. I am wondering if the mother was ever charged with anything. The child protection investigator said in one report that she believed the mother to be just as responsible for the death due to failing to protect her child.

The mother was never charged with anything. She left the country right after Diaz was arrested and continued to communicate with him via computer chat. The family told me they have pictures of her partying at clubs in PR within 2 two weeks after her daughter was buried.
The mother was never charged with anything. She left the country right after Diaz was arrested and continued to communicate with him via computer chat. The family told me they have pictures of her partying at clubs in PR within 2 two weeks after her daughter was buried.
Wow, that is disturbing. It sounds like she knew what was going on and at the least should be charged with something.
I myself did research on this case. Actually it started when Baez was 45 minutes late for sentencing (with no apology or notice to the court) when he wanted to take Casey home. Of course he wanted to take Casey home there was more media and that meant free publicity for him.
From everything I have found on this case the conviction is certainly questionable. The girlfriend left to go to the store gone only 10 minutes, did she really leave because she herself had become angry with the child and did something? It is also my understanding the mother was not at the trial and not called as a witness for either side... why? Why did the mother move back to PR? You really must read the information available to understand the many questions and inconsistencies.
It was after my research on this that I filed the complaint with the Florida Bar regarding JB and his fraudulent and misleading advertising of himself on his web page. JB had represented that he had been a member of the Bar for 10 years the truth was at the time I filed the complaint it was just over 2 years. JB represented he had tried and won some 34 cases in his first year with the Miami Dade PD's office, this was not true. The truth was he was not even a member of the Bar and therefore could not have tried any case. The Florida Bar immediately forced JB to dismantle his web page, which the last time I checked is still disable except a revised home page. The point being if he represented himself this way on his web page I don't believe for one minute he did not represent himself the same to possible clients (though JB denied doing so or gaining any financial gain from his "mistake") IMO this is a great injustice to any client regardless of the charges they are facing.
I hope ND does get a new trial and I hope his attorney comes forth with JB's lack of experience and misleading representation of himself. No one in their right mind would have an attorney with virtually no experience, who received his JD from a law school marginally approved and faced with losing it's accreditation for JD. I might add there is a reason JB did not pass the Bar for 8 years, I don't know what it is yet but there is a reason.
There is a lull in the CA case so spend some time researching ND...

OMG! Are you serious? his website was that blatantly false? How can an attorney be so ignorant and plain stupid? Was anything else done besides him having to get the lies off of his website? I am proud of you for doing something about this. Way to GO!
You are absolutely right, cajun. That is exactly what Baez told ND.

There was a deal offered to Diaz....5 years.....for a guilty plea. Baez told Diaz not to take it. Baez had EVERYONE convinced that Diaz would not be convicted. His family, friends, even co-workers were all shocked when the verdict was read.

Diaz was scared. He had never been in trouble with the law before and had no idea what would happen at his trial. But Baez really did convince him that he would be found not guilty. Not only did Baez turn down the deal....he put Diaz on the stand. Diaz didn't mind, however, because he thought if he could just tell the jury what happened they would see that he didn't do it.

He got a lot of bad advice from his attorney...imo ....sound familiar?
This is interesting to me because, I believe, this trial may show how Jose will conduct himself in Casey's trial. Nothing predicts future behavior like past behavior...

First, he let Nilton take the stand, surprising because most defense attorney's don't do this. I don't see any way for Casey to take the stand with all of the lies she has told and the evidence against her, but who knows, maybe Jose IS that stupid ? How much of a role did Jose play in Nilton's decision to take the stand ?

The second thing that bothers me is the fact that Jose told Nilton, and his family, that he had nothing to worry about, he was going to win this. I have felt all along that this is what he has been telling Casey. I was hoping the new lawyers on Casey's defense would move in and get real with her, but I get the feeling that Jose may keep the other atty's at a distance from his client.
I myself did research on this case. Actually it started when Baez was 45 minutes late for sentencing (with no apology or notice to the court) when he wanted to take Casey home. Of course he wanted to take Casey home there was more media and that meant free publicity for him.
From everything I have found on this case the conviction is certainly questionable. The girlfriend left to go to the store gone only 10 minutes, did she really leave because she herself had become angry with the child and did something? It is also my understanding the mother was not at the trial and not called as a witness for either side... why? Why did the mother move back to PR? You really must read the information available to understand the many questions and inconsistencies.
It was after my research on this that I filed the complaint with the Florida Bar regarding JB and his fraudulent and misleading advertising of himself on his web page. JB had represented that he had been a member of the Bar for 10 years the truth was at the time I filed the complaint it was just over 2 years. JB represented he had tried and won some 34 cases in his first year with the Miami Dade PD's office, this was not true. The truth was he was not even a member of the Bar and therefore could not have tried any case. The Florida Bar immediately forced JB to dismantle his web page, which the last time I checked is still disable except a revised home page. The point being if he represented himself this way on his web page I don't believe for one minute he did not represent himself the same to possible clients (though JB denied doing so or gaining any financial gain from his "mistake") IMO this is a great injustice to any client regardless of the charges they are facing.
I hope ND does get a new trial and I hope his attorney comes forth with JB's lack of experience and misleading representation of himself. No one in their right mind would have an attorney with virtually no experience, who received his JD from a law school marginally approved and faced with losing it's accreditation for JD. I might add there is a reason JB did not pass the Bar for 8 years, I don't know what it is yet but there is a reason.
There is a lull in the CA case so spend some time researching ND...
You deserve another round of thanks for this ! The multiple lies Jose put out on his website demonstrates an extreme lack of character and integrity (no, nothing new there, I guess). I am so glad you did something about it !

found this site-- posting this as is -- this is what i found

[ame=""]Casey Anthony Case: Special report on José Baez: First of 2 parts - Help Find The Missing[/ame]
The victim was Noeris Vasquez. The defendant was Nilton Diaz.

On Feb 11, 2006 ND ran with the child to a next door neighbor's because NV was not breathing...he was alone with the child for only a few minutes when he walked into the room where she was watching TV and found her on the floor. He described her as shaking and stiff. The mother, Samaris Bobe Silva, had just left to go to the store.

The fact is that ND was in the bathroom shaving and preparing to take a shower when the mother told him that she was going to the store. That was after they left the child in the room where they both said she was fine when they walked out.

ND was found guilty of Manslaughter 2....he had been charged with Murder 2. He was sentenced to 20 years.

I have spoken extensively with the family and their reps. Right from the very beginning of this case I was shaking my head. And after reading the files I'm not convinced ND is guilty. I'm just not sure. JB did not do so many things that he should have done during this case in my opinion. It really does amaze me. I will not be surprised if ND gets a new trial on appeal.

You can get the court docs at Lake County Court Clerk.. I'm not sure where they may be published online. The docs I have were given to me by the family and I'm not sure if I can put them on WS.

Here's a link to the court's may take a minute to open:(THANK YOU:blowkiss:)

What was never brought up was the fact that the mother had been reported to child services in Puerto Rico prior to even knowing ND. The child had been seen with bruises before the mother met ND. The mother admitted to perjury on the stand (after she testified) and immediately went back to PR. Less than 2 weeks after her daughter died the mother was out at clubs partying. She wrote to ND in jail and told him she knew he didn't hurt her daughter.

IMO....there really does need to be another trial with ALL the facts

:eek:WOW! Look how long this case dragged on for; 2/15/06 to 11/05/08 2years and 9 months? Casey's case is a heck of a lot more complicated and they have so many witness and attorneys, specialist and other involved that I fear Casey's case will not end until the year 2011.:furious: How can they drag these cases on for so long? Especially if the POI is innocent as I feel ND may be.....I really hope that his case is re-heard and the mother is brought back and also charged! :behindbar
He has never successfully defended anyone. Far as I know, all of his clients were found guilty. I would say something that rhymes with clucks (about him) but ya'll get my point.

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