Baez' "other" murder trial...who and what were results?

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You are absolutely right, cajun. That is exactly what Baez told NB.

There was a deal offered to Diaz....5 years.....for a guilty plea. Baez told Diaz not to take it. Baez had EVERYONE convinced that Diaz would not be convicted. His family, friends, even co-workers were all shocked when the verdict was read.

Diaz was scared. He had never been in trouble with the law before and had no idea what would happen at his trial. But Baez really did convince him that he would be found not guilty. Not only did Baez turn down the deal....he put Diaz on the stand. Diaz didn't mind, however, because he thought if he could just tell the jury what happened they would see that he didn't do it.

He got a lot of bad advice from his attorney...imo ....sound familiar?

This is so interesting, dax. Thanks for sharing your information. Did you ever figure out how to get all your documents online?
I wonder if JB learned his lesson with the last trial, trying to sneak in "evidence" at the eleventh hour just so that the state couldn't counter ?
I think it is dangerous to guarantee an outcome for your client. Or even come close to doing so...
My opinion...

[I have no idea if Baez did or not. It's not good for a client to feel so sure of acquittal...]

bolded by me

I think an attorney should tell the client the simple truth...and that being that there is no guarantee with a jury.

This jury found ND NOT GUILTY of "causing great bodily harm" but turned around and found him GUILTY of "involuntary manslaughter."

Doesn't that sound like the jury was confused, perhaps by the instructions or the law itself or maybe even the facts.

General thought was they felt they had to convict someone for the death of this child but they weren't convinced that ND was guilty so they picked the least of the charges. IDK, but something is not right with this case....imo

The docs I forwarded to a WSer will be published at some point and you can all read them and see the interview for yourselves. I'm very curious to hear opinions..
This is so interesting, dax. Thanks for sharing your information. Did you ever figure out how to get all your documents online?

I forwarded them to another member of WS and he said that he would publish them. He had been busy and so far, hasn't had a chance to do so.

There are a lot of docs and I also have the video of the interview with ND and the mother, SB.

The interview with SB was mostly in Spanish with an interpreter. I was told that the interpreter did not do a good job. The detective...imo....was not very open minded during these interviews. It's very difficult for me to not side with LE because of my personal history but in this case, I'm not liking the way it was handled....not at all.

After watching the video, I read the detectives report. His report was not completely accurate. I noticed discrepancies between the report and the actual interview. That's why I really need others to read and see this.
You are absolutely right, cajun. That is exactly what Baez told ND.

There was a deal offered to Diaz....5 years.....for a guilty plea. Baez told Diaz not to take it. Baez had EVERYONE convinced that Diaz would not be convicted. His family, friends, even co-workers were all shocked when the verdict was read.

Diaz was scared. He had never been in trouble with the law before and had no idea what would happen at his trial. But Baez really did convince him that he would be found not guilty. Not only did Baez turn down the deal....he put Diaz on the stand. Diaz didn't mind, however, because he thought if he could just tell the jury what happened they would see that he didn't do it.

He got a lot of bad advice from his attorney...imo ....sound familiar?

Baez was the reason his client went on the stand? Usually a defense attorney will do everthing possible to keep their client off the stand. That and the fact Baez guaranteed the outcome of the jury is scary.
I was surprised to actually see how incompetent of a lawyer he really is, I wouldn't hire him to get me out of a jaywalking ticket.

I think this guy should get a new trial, maybe the mother really killed the child and just went to the store for this guy would be blamed for it..
Casey won't get a new trial because JB decided to bring in high profile lawyers and experts. No way they can say she got ineffective counsel.

That's a good catch...
There was a window when the mother could have injured the child.

There is also the fact that the child, NV, could have fallen. According to family reports she was always jumping on furniture. The room she was in had a bed, a sofa, a couple of dressers and small night stand. She was found lying on the floor between the bed and the sofa. There wasn't a lot of space between the two.

The night before she was injured she was jumping on a bed at a cousin's house and apparently was hurt pretty badly.

The first Dr to see her at the hospital said her brain was swollen and that according to the MRI the injury COULD have occurred early......even days earlier. However, the ME said that the injury COULD NOT have happened earlier.
He said that the injury was consistent with her head being pushed against a hard object. How can someone tell whether the injury was because the head was pushed into something or it fell into something?

You guys really need to read these papers for yourselves...
I myself did research on this case. Actually it started when Baez was 45 minutes late for sentencing (with no apology or notice to the court) when he wanted to take Casey home. Of course he wanted to take Casey home there was more media and that meant free publicity for him.
From everything I have found on this case the conviction is certainly questionable. The girlfriend left to go to the store gone only 10 minutes, did she really leave because she herself had become angry with the child and did something? It is also my understanding the mother was not at the trial and not called as a witness for either side... why? Why did the mother move back to PR? You really must read the information available to understand the many questions and inconsistencies.
It was after my research on this that I filed the complaint with the Florida Bar regarding JB and his fraudulent and misleading advertising of himself on his web page. JB had represented that he had been a member of the Bar for 10 years the truth was at the time I filed the complaint it was just over 2 years. JB represented he had tried and won some 34 cases in his first year with the Miami Dade PD's office, this was not true. The truth was he was not even a member of the Bar and therefore could not have tried any case. The Florida Bar immediately forced JB to dismantle his web page, which the last time I checked is still disable except a revised home page. The point being if he represented himself this way on his web page I don't believe for one minute he did not represent himself the same to possible clients (though JB denied doing so or gaining any financial gain from his "mistake") IMO this is a great injustice to any client regardless of the charges they are facing.
I hope ND does get a new trial and I hope his attorney comes forth with JB's lack of experience and misleading representation of himself. No one in their right mind would have an attorney with virtually no experience, who received his JD from a law school marginally approved and faced with losing it's accreditation for JD. I might add there is a reason JB did not pass the Bar for 8 years, I don't know what it is yet but there is a reason.
There is a lull in the CA case so spend some time researching ND...
Baez was the reason his client went on the stand? Usually a defense attorney will do everthing possible to keep their client off the stand. That and the fact Baez guaranteed the outcome of the jury is scary.

I agree....there was no reason for ND to take the stand.

The interview ND gave to LE said it all. Everything the jury needed to hear was on the what was the purpose of convincing Diaz to testify?

Another thing...the mother testified via telephone from PR....what's up with that? AND WITH AN INTERPRETER!
You are absolutely right, cajun. That is exactly what Baez told ND.

There was a deal offered to Diaz....5 years.....for a guilty plea. Baez told Diaz not to take it. Baez had EVERYONE convinced that Diaz would not be convicted. His family, friends, even co-workers were all shocked when the verdict was read.

Diaz was scared. He had never been in trouble with the law before and had no idea what would happen at his trial. But Baez really did convince him that he would be found not guilty. Not only did Baez turn down the deal....he put Diaz on the stand. Diaz didn't mind, however, because he thought if he could just tell the jury what happened they would see that he didn't do it.

He got a lot of bad advice from his attorney...imo ....sound familiar?

my bold

Does this mean we may see Casey on the stand?

I, for one, believe she wants to get up there and show the world she's not guilty...wiping away fake tears and sobbing for "that little girl"...the whole phony, smug act. I'm sure she's begging JB to let her tell her side of the story.
my bold

Does this mean we may see Casey on the stand?

I, for one, believe she wants to get up there and show the world she's not guilty...wiping away fake tears and sobbing for "that little girl"...the whole phony, smug act. I'm sure she's begging JB to let her tell her side of the story.

You would think, wouldn't you, that if he put Diaz on the stand he would tell KC to take the stand too. If ever someone needed to convince a jury it's this one.
I myself did research on this case. Actually it started when Baez was 45 minutes late for sentencing (with no apology or notice to the court) when he wanted to take Casey home. Of course he wanted to take Casey home there was more media and that meant free publicity for him.
From everything I have found on this case the conviction is certainly questionable. The girlfriend left to go to the store gone only 10 minutes, did she really leave because she herself had become angry with the child and did something? It is also my understanding the mother was not at the trial and not called as a witness for either side... why? Why did the mother move back to PR? You really must read the information available to understand the many questions and inconsistencies.

It was after my research on this that I filed the complaint with the Florida Bar regarding JB and his fraudulent and misleading advertising of himself on his web page. JB had represented that he had been a member of the Bar for 10 years the truth was at the time I filed the complaint it was just over 2 years. JB represented he had tried and won some 34 cases in his first year with the Miami Dade PD's office, this was not true. The truth was he was not even a member of the Bar and therefore could not have tried any case. The Florida Bar immediately forced JB to dismantle his web page, which the last time I checked is still disable except a revised home page.

The point being if he represented himself this way on his web page I don't believe for one minute he did not represent himself the same to possible clients (though JB denied doing so or gaining any financial gain from his "mistake") IMO this is a great injustice to any client regardless of the charges they are facing.
I hope ND does get a new trial and I hope his attorney comes forth with JB's lack of experience and misleading representation of himself. No one in their right mind would have an attorney with virtually no experience, who received his JD from a law school marginally approved and faced with losing it's accreditation for JD. I might add there is a reason JB did not pass the Bar for 8 years, I don't know what it is yet but there is a reason.
There is a lull in the CA case so spend some time researching ND...

Thank you for taking the actions you did to set things right.

"In 2006, Baez took on Elvira Garcia as a client.
Garcia was accused of kidnapping her roommate's 6-week-old baby.
Police found the infant safe in Kissimmee.
Garcia claimed the baby was hers, authorities said. "

"Investigators are trying to sort out if the baby was kidnapped. The infant's mother told police that she and Garcia got into an argument on Tuesday morning and Garcia told her that she wasn't fit to raise the baby. She said Garcia hit her and took off with the 45-day-old infant.

Hmm that last part sounds familiar.

No kidding ..
Sounds like Baez may have given Casey her idea for the Blanchard Park setting ..
03-27-2009, 04:37 PM
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I personally want Baez to go down. Anyone with that type of Cheshire canary eating grin is enough to burn anyone with a jury.
Who is the E. Gonzalez that Casey was calling on the morning of the 15th of July?

OT...but I'd really like to know the answer to the question you pose in your siggy..

Wesn't one of the houses rearing up to where Caylee was found owned by a Gonzalez? And the other house beside it, was owned by a Zaneida?
The article says that Diaz asserts the state gave him the maximum sentence for not taking a plea. Guess they were "mad" at him. Does that sound familiar? Wonder how the only two defendants JB has had in a murder trial can come up with the same chip on their shoulders regarding what they consider the "motives" of the prosecution?
Apparently, Diaz targets not just the prosecution but also the Judge in some sort of conspiracy; he claims the prosecutor and the judge had a "silent pact" to inflict the most severe punishment allowed by law as retaliation for rejecting a pretrial plea bargain offered by the prosectuion.
Well, it does seem JB keeps it consistent, doesn't like taking depositions, doesn't like to expend too much effort (at getting his own information), and doesn't like for his clients to be present at pre trial hearings...hummm. No wonder Strickland ordered Casey to attend the hearings. I wonder what Baez did tell his client, as far as his chances at trial. I wonder if he tried to negotiate a plea...

yeah - but one major difference is the not answering calls/hard to get hold of/not keeping client informed. Jeezow he visits KC almost DAILY.....:bang:
I agree, and it just shows how bad JB has it for KC, to miss ( late for). a sentencing of his other client. This was the day that KC leaned into JB and ran her hand up the front of him, and whispered in his ear. Pu-leeze! :rolleyes:

That was shocking to me and beyond disgusting! I actually felt a wave of nausea when I saw that.

I have no doubt that the Fl bar is watching JB, and if they're not, I think they should be.
That's a good catch...
There was a window when the mother could have injured the child.

There is also the fact that the child, NV, could have fallen. According to family reports she was always jumping on furniture. The room she was in had a bed, a sofa, a couple of dressers and small night stand. She was found lying on the floor between the bed and the sofa. There wasn't a lot of space between the two.

The night before she was injured she was jumping on a bed at a cousin's house and apparently was hurt pretty badly.

The first Dr to see her at the hospital said her brain was swollen and that according to the MRI the injury COULD have occurred early......even days earlier. However, the ME said that the injury COULD NOT have happened earlier.
He said that the injury was consistent with her head being pushed against a hard object. How can someone tell whether the injury was because the head was pushed into something or it fell into something?

You guys really need to read these papers for yourselves...
What was the official cause of death ?
I am reading through news reports that the injury was a skull fracture. I wish I could find some more documents, testimony on the injury.

Below is the link to the docs that I have in the ND case.

Everyone needs to thank Muzikman for converting them, spending a lot of time redacting, and leading me through the steps to put them here!! :blowkiss:

I hope I've done this correctly:


There are 6 sets of docs along with various reports. The last half of set 3 includes the chonological summary of the trial proceedings. You can see JB in action.
You're welcome Dax.

In Docset 1, page 10, Baez is reprimanded by letter from the judge for missing a Plea Negotiation conference. The judge gives the date of the next meeting, and says his appearance is MANDATORY.

A week later, Baez replies (page 12), asks the judge to take the case off the calendar and also asks to attend the Plea meeting by PHONE.

Guess he doesn't like to drive up to Lake County!

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