Baez Tries to Sneak Bracelet to Casey

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But, would you want to?

And if so, list reasons.
Actually if I was a lawyer(I'm not one of those either) I would have no problem doing my utmost for client CA. Even now I do not wish any legal penalty befall CA & GA (My mental jury is still out on Lee). I am running out of good will towards them, but even now if they would just come clean with evnts they know about that would be OK. God knows a huge heap of misery has decended on them already. I think we have gone round in circles because your original point was that JB was ultimately to blame? I'll go along with that.
Has it actually been established where the clothes for KC came from.
Were they KC's clothes from haome or
Did JB buy and provide them?

Nancy grace said the clothes were from Cindy, but Baez gave them over to the jail.
Nancy grace said the clothes were from Cindy, but Baez gave them over to the jail.
I find it hard to believe KC had a jacket in that style? I am a mere man, but it looked to be not her style or fit at all? Mind you she is putting on weight rapidly. Not that I am weightist. With any other woman other than the devil KC I would say she looked better.
Actually if I was a lawyer(I'm not one of those either) I would have no problem doing my utmost for client CA. Even now I do not wish any legal penalty befall CA & GA (My mental jury is still out on Lee). I am running out of good will towards them, but even now if they would just come clean with evnts they know about that would be OK. God knows a huge heap of misery has decended on them already. I think we have gone round in circles because your original point was that JB was ultimately to blame? I'll go along with that.

Glad you agree with the original point. JB's responsibility. Was the jail public hand-slap enough?

(note: Was your mental jury hand-picked? Well screened? Passed voir dire cleanly - all?)
Glad you agree with the original point. JB's responsibility. Was the jail public hand-slap enough?

(note: Was your mental jury hand-picked? Well screened? Passed voir dire cleanly - all?)

JB has already been infested with KC in my eyes. Don't want to go to pris. yet, but I probably will as the case goes on.
Hi ya'll, This is my first post, so please be kind to me. :blowkiss: I am curious about this wrist band that jail officials confiscated from Casey after her trial on Friday. Where did she get it? What else has been "slipped" to her while she has been in "protective custody"? Curious to hear everyone's thoughts.
Hi ya'll, This is my first post, so please be kind to me. :blowkiss: I am curious about this wrist band that jail officials confiscated from Casey after her trial on Friday. Where did she get it? What else has been "slipped" to her while she has been in "protective custody"? Curious to hear everyone's thoughts.

Alright, Jose! You're busted!

(haha.. just kidding)
It might have been one of Caseys at home since
she as put on a little weight the jacket looked a little tight
to me so Cindy could have sented it to her and put it in the clothes ?
Who knows what they will do these days messed up mixed up case
I don't trust any of them ....I think George is mixed and as been pulled
though the mud with his family for long time but then I feel like he knows
something just wish he would let it out I don't think he is going to get
better until he gets it off his chest.
CA washed a pair of gray pin-striped dress pants that GA said KC was wearing the last time he saw her. They were in the back seat of the car when it was found. I'm guessing the pants may match the jacket.
Kind of silly to think about but, for some reason Im surprised that whoever packed the clothes didn't add a blouse to go with the jacket. May not seem important that she wore a wife beater t-shirt underneath but it would make you think the power struggle is still being played out with those two women. If JB was goning for a matronly look or a put together look I feel a blouse might have been included.
Kind of silly to think about but, for some reason Im surprised that whoever packed the clothes didn't add a blouse to go with the jacket. May not seem important that she wore a wife beater t-shirt underneath but it would make you think the power struggle is still being played out with those two women. If JB was goning for a matronly look or a put together look I feel a blouse might have been included.

Maybe a blouse was sent and kc nixed it or it didn't fit under the tight jacket
Actually if I was a lawyer(I'm not one of those either) I would have no problem doing my utmost for client CA. Even now I do not wish any legal penalty befall CA & GA (My mental jury is still out on Lee). I am running out of good will towards them, but even now if they would just come clean with evnts they know about that would be OK. God knows a huge heap of misery has decended on them already. I think we have gone round in circles because your original point was that JB was ultimately to blame? I'll go along with that.

The thing that really cracks me up about JB is that he acts like the police and the jail, are changing their rules just to be mean to his client! Newsflash JB........your client aint nothin special & the rules have been there all along, nice try though......
Technically, JB is to blame if he didn't check clothing. I wonder what all gets smuggled in during the way "over the type" jail visits. He and all his croonies spend most evenings a week in the company of the perp, which in itself shows bad judgement.

If the bracelet originated with Cindy and I believe it did, then I will assume that CA has not changed her spots at all (never thought she would) She is still in control and will do "anything" to prove her daughter innocent....even if it means keeping her mouth shut for awhile...still hard to imagine how she lasted this long....something else must be going on behind the scenes. If she put the bracelet in clothing than she "Knew" it was wrong but that never bothered her before, so why should I expect it to now?

If she gave the article to JB w/o his kge, it shows how corrupt she is and how much she will do for kc. She has done maximum damage to this case since the beginning. I will not give her a "pass" on this.
Clearly the bracelet was intended for Casey. What isn't known is where it came from and whether it's one-of-a-kind or one of a thousand.
According to TH last night on NG, anything plastic like this bracelet can be made into a weapon (he wouldn't ellaborate just how), but apparently this has been tried in prison. Could harm herself or others.
CA is not off the hook.

The "Forever in our Hearts Caylee Marie Anthony" bracelet came out after Caylee's remains were found. While bracelet sales on the web site have finally appeared to be suspended, these were for sale until recently.

JB didn't place the order to have them created for sale, therefore, the family did. Ergo, as head of the family, CA must have or authorized the order.

As the party selling the bracelets, it can be assumed CA was in possession of the bracelets to sell. Therefore, at some point CA either did give a bracelet to JB to wear, but it clashed with his big watch so he passed it on to KC.

Or alternately, JB asked Ca for a bracelet and passed it on.

Either way bracelet originated with CA.

Who is not off the hook and is known to rise to the bait.

Sounds right to me!
Could it be that those bracelets will be sold at the public memorial or given as a momento to those who attend it?
If the bracelet originated with Cindy and I believe it did, then I will assume that CA has not changed her spots at all (never thought she would) She is still in control and will do "anything" to prove her daughter innocent....even if it means keeping her mouth shut for awhile...still hard to imagine how she lasted this long....something else must be going on behind the scenes. If she put the bracelet in clothing than she "Knew" it was wrong but that never bothered her before, so why should I expect it to now?

Snipped - have to agree with you 100% there.

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