GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #2

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I wonder why none of dads other children received an inheritance? I find this odd. Nothing to do with Sheila being murdered however makes me wonder why???

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The best I can figure is that at the time of his will, which was done shortly before his trip to Greece where he did, in fact, pass away, he had one minor child. And I'm not sure he left anything to her per say, he just left the instruction that she be provided for. Since his wife, her mother and guardian, was still alive at the time, she inherited his portion of the estate for just that reason. Also, at that time, he didn't really have much of an estate. The house was mortgaged and he didn't have much else. His estate didn't increase until the settlement.

I must say I have been curious about his relationship with those adult children however. Wondering how he managed to keep the home he and his first wife raised 4 daughters in and the police report about SWM hindering the visitation of his son from his second marriage. But they've all been very smart about staying out of the media and I respect their privacy so I am quite content not to have the answers to those questions.



I vaguely recall something about the dad being in jail or absent. Not his mom.

I wonder why none of dads other children received an inheritance? I find this odd. Nothing to do with Sheila being murdered however makes me wonder why???

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Perhaps he had a separate trust for them, like in the Casey Kasem case.
The best I can figure is that at the time of his will, which was done shortly before his trip to Greece where he did, in fact, pass away, he had one minor child. And I'm not sure he left anything to her per say, he just left the instruction that she be provided for. Since his wife, her mother and guardian, was still alive at the time, she inherited his portion of the estate for just that reason. Also, at that time, he didn't really have much of an estate. The house was mortgaged and he didn't have much else. His estate didn't increase until the settlement.

I must say I have been curious about his relationship with those adult children however. Wondering how he managed to keep the home he and his first wife raised 4 daughters in and the police report about SWM hindering the visitation of his son from his second marriage. But they've all been very smart about staying out of the media and I respect their privacy so I am quite content not to have the answers to those questions.


Oh...there's a whole lot of ugly stuff that happens in divorce proceedings. For all we know, the other children were provided for per the divorce settlements worked out with Mr. Mack's ex-wives.
Sheila is not here to speak...and still remains the victim here.
I must say I have been curious about his relationship with those adult children however. Wondering how he managed to keep the home he and his first wife raised 4 daughters in and the police report about SWM hindering the visitation of his son from his second marriage. But they've all been very smart about staying out of the media and I respect their privacy so I am quite content not to have the answers to those questions.


My thought either he purchased the house before he got married or he may have bought out the ex's share. Jmt

Perhaps he had a separate trust for them, like in the Casey Kasem case.

Could be, gitana. Sheila and James definitely had set up at least a couple of trusts ... there could be another that does not involve Sheila or HM at all.

Von Wiese-Mack signed her will Aug. 1, 2006 &#8212; the same day her husband signed his. She left her property to a trust but did not name its beneficiary.

But other court records identified von Wiese-Mack as the &#8220;sole beneficiary&#8221; of James Mack&#8217;s trust after the couple in 2011 won a $1.5 million settlement from a cruise line.
I googled "matricide" and found this interesting article:

"While severely abused girls who kill rarely show an escalating history of violence towards their mothers, abusive girls do. These girls often have a history of behavior (lying, stealing, truancy) that routinely places them in conflict with parents. This is often, in part, due to inadequate and/or absent limit setting by parents combined with a history of failed and rebuked efforts at discipline by children. In these cases, the cycle of family violence and conflict often begins with relatively innocuous family discord and increases in frequency and severity as the parent’s inability or unwillingness to impose meaningful discipline undermines informal family controls and acceptable codes of conduct. In addition, these parents often go to great lengths to protect their abusive children from formal legal responses to their abusive behavior by not reporting and thereby keeping their abuse hidden—sometimes until it's too late."
There were 86 calls to the police in the past decade.
The Village of Oak Park released the police reports.
Police reports

Thank you for providing the links to all of those police reports. It is interesting to note that the more recent events require scrolling down. The seriousness of the nature of the reports seem to escalate as time went on.

It was very obvious that there would be a very bad outcome.
Thank you for providing the links to all of those police reports. It is interesting to note that the more recent events require scrolling down. The seriousness of the nature of the reports seem to escalate as time went on.

It was very obvious that there would be a very bad outcome.

One report that I had to think about was when Heather locked her mother in her bedroom. The only way that could happen is if the bedroom had a keyed lock on both sides of the door, and Heather had the keys. How many bedrooms in the house had keyed locks? Was Heather sometimes locked in her bedroom?
One report that I had to think about was when Heather locked her mother in her bedroom. The only way that could happen is if the bedroom had a keyed lock on both sides of the door, and Heather had the keys. How many bedrooms in the house had keyed locks? Was Heather sometimes locked in her bedroom?

I think the mom would have been wise to make her own room inaccessible by locking........especially if daughter had a track record of taking stuff (like credit cards etc) MOO
Bringing over from the first thread (yes, my own post):
W 80+ calls to 911 over past ~10 yrs, and other history of counseling (attempts), IIRC 2 placements in facilities (IDK what kind), etc.
I wonder if HM expected certain exceptions & concessions from virtually all she came in contact w.
IOW, rule breaking w no adverse consequences.

Did HM expect -
- to access hotel lock box w Mom gone.
- to continue using Mom's CCs indefinitely.
- instant probate of Mom's estate.
- unicorns flying by to spit out gold coins on her command.

-Is she mentally ill or does she have an acute, chronic case of affluenza?

IMO, maybe a 'high maintenance type' or a drama queen.
Thx for reading.
Heather has a new lawyer now.

U.S. suspect in Bali suitcase murder of mother appoints new lawyer;_ylt=AwrSbhpCjP1TJBsA.vJXNyoA

Reuters 14 minutes ago

"Heather Mack, 19, was scheduled to be questioned by police this week when she would be advised by a new lawyer,
Haposan Sihombing, her current legal representative, told Reuters."

"We received a letter from (Chicago-based attorney) Michael appoint an Indonesian lawyer by the name of
Raja Nasution," Sihombing said. He did not elaborate.

Still not sleepy, but bedtime soon.

Anyways, I noticed TS on his Genius site, which uses a diamond as an icon, was already anticipating a time when he will have sons, back nine months ago.

Heather has a new lawyer now.

U.S. suspect in Bali suitcase murder of mother appoints new lawyer;_ylt=AwrSbhpCjP1TJBsA.vJXNyoA

Reuters 14 minutes ago

"Heather Mack, 19, was scheduled to be questioned by police this week when she would be advised by a new lawyer,
Haposan Sihombing, her current legal representative, told Reuters."

"We received a letter from (Chicago-based attorney) Michael appoint an Indonesian lawyer by the name of
Raja Nasution," Sihombing said. He did not elaborate.

It's unclear to me whether she changed Indonesian lawyers, or didn't receive her 1st choice of lawyers. What happened to Raja? Was he hired???
I saw an article posted to TS's Facebook about his Mom and her pet duck. She seems like a nice lady and if the baby is her biological grandchild, I think she should be the one to take care of it if she would want to. It's unfair to judge her based on what her son did IMO. A "good upbringing" didn't do much for HM and there is nothing I've seen to indicate that TS did not have a "good upbringing". I've not seen that he was in any trouble with the law until he met HM.

IMO, at this point she's supporting her son quietly and choosing not to get her 15 minutes via the media. I can respect that. If that changes I may rethink my opinion of her. Does anyone know if he has any siblings? Older ones might also be candidates to raise the baby. Not sure HM ever saw any of hers so I don't think they'd be good candidates.


there were reports from his friends saying he usually shifted around their houses/places instead of living at home a tonne of the time & purposely tried to make friends with people/girls with money so he could feel secure for some time because IDK why he would do that if he wanted to live with his mother. Maybe she is nice & TS didn't get on the best with her, or really want to live with her for some strange reason...but it doesn't mean she would be able to provide the best life for a child. Plus no one knows if it even is TS's kids yet.
Has anyone noticed how adopted kids usually go to generally well-off, nicest parents ever - it actually makes me wish I was adopted because a tonne of the time they want more for their child than biological related ones.
Heather has a new lawyer now.

U.S. suspect in Bali suitcase murder of mother appoints new lawyer;_ylt=AwrSbhpCjP1TJBsA.vJXNyoA

Reuters 14 minutes ago

"Heather Mack, 19, was scheduled to be questioned by police this week when she would be advised by a new lawyer,
Haposan Sihombing, her current legal representative, told Reuters."

"We received a letter from (Chicago-based attorney) Michael appoint an Indonesian lawyer by the name of
Raja Nasution," Sihombing said. He did not elaborate.


Lots of experience in criminal law, I see :rolleyes:




Though I notice he deals with Govt & Authorities, and Immigration. Why would a person choose a lawyer who does not list Criminal Law in his credentials to defend a murder suspect? :thinking:

Raja Nasution's law firm is listed in the Advocates - Lawyers section of their Yellow Pages.
there were reports from his friends saying he usually shifted around their houses/places instead of living at home a tonne of the time & purposely tried to make friends with people/girls with money so he could feel secure for some time because IDK why he would do that if he wanted to live with his mother. Maybe she is nice & TS didn't get on the best with her, or really want to live with her for some strange reason...but it doesn't mean she would be able to provide the best life for a child. Plus no one knows if it even is TS's kids yet.
Has anyone noticed how adopted kids usually go to generally well-off, nicest parents ever - it actually makes me wish I was adopted because a tonne of the time they want more for their child than biological related ones.

Heather wasn't adopted. Sheila was 43, and her husband was about 66 when Heather was born.
Heather has a new lawyer now.

U.S. suspect in Bali suitcase murder of mother appoints new lawyer;_ylt=AwrSbhpCjP1TJBsA.vJXNyoA

Reuters 14 minutes ago

"Heather Mack, 19, was scheduled to be questioned by police this week when she would be advised by a new lawyer,
Haposan Sihombing, her current legal representative, told Reuters."

"We received a letter from (Chicago-based attorney) Michael appoint an Indonesian lawyer by the name of
Raja Nasution," Sihombing said. He did not elaborate.


So can we finally expect the elaborate story of what happened that she's been working on for the past couple of weeks?

And when is someone going to tell TS that he's on his own and it's time to start talking?

there were reports from his friends saying he usually shifted around their houses/places instead of living at home a tonne of the time & purposely tried to make friends with people/girls with money so he could feel secure for some time because IDK why he would do that if he wanted to live with his mother. Maybe she is nice & TS didn't get on the best with her, or really want to live with her for some strange reason...but it doesn't mean she would be able to provide the best life for a child. Plus no one knows if it even is TS's kids yet.
Has anyone noticed how adopted kids usually go to generally well-off, nicest parents ever - it actually makes me wish I was adopted because a tonne of the time they want more for their child than biological related ones.

TS's relationship with his mother may not have been what one would consider "traditional" but there are plenty of articles out there that indicate that TS was an emotional manipulator and an outright liar. Maybe his mother wasn't affluent and maybe he was trying to work his way into that society via his manipulation and lies but I've seen nothing to indicate that he had a bad childhood or that his mother did not love him or that she would not be a good grandparent, if the child is his.
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