GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #2

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If Sheila was hit in the back of the head first, she likely did not see at least the first blow coming. Once realizing danger, she did what she culd to protect her face and head (versus attacking back). That's what I think could explain the absence of bruises in the alleged killers.

This makes sense :)

Wasn't Shelia hit with a ashtray and some other object??
This makes sense :)

Wasn't Shelia hit with a ashtray and some other object??

Another question with the media reports. I believe we've heard an ashtray, or a vase, or both. Interesting if it turns out to be both. Would one person reach for another item after breaking the first one on someone's face/head or were there two people delivering blows to the victim with different objects?

Reports have been sketchy with regard to the silver suitcase and just exactly how it was when place in the taxi trunk ... sheet wrapped body/suitcase ... duct taped ... not fully closed ...

I can only assume the green garbage bag was from the police station and used in an effort to contain the mess. JMO
Anyone have the link for the photo of the blood smeared bumper of the taxi? TIA.
Another question with the media reports. I believe we've heard an ashtray, or a vase, or both. Interesting if it turns out to be both. Would one person reach for another item after breaking the first one on someone's face/head or were there two people delivering blows to the victim with different objects?


I think they both had their own weapon :(
I wonder if the US autopsy results on SWM will be made public?
Interesting point--I wonder when the reservation for Tommy's room was made? And when he checked in, what cc was used?
It's been reported that sometime after TS arrived at the St. Regis, on late Mon evening/early Tues AM, the three were reportedly in an argument in the hotel lobby about who would pay for TS' room ...

If HM & TS didn't have some premeditated plans for SWM and the, say, ~$500/night room was too spendy for TS' pocketbook then why didn't he go, that fateful night, to another hotel? - there are plenty of them on Bali and I'm sure the St. Regis staff would have helped him or directed him where he could go. The next day, he could have met up with HM during the day and evening at the St. Regis or wherever and later return to his less expensive hotel nearby/wherever.

Instead he got a ~$500/night room [that's ~10 escort hours worth], secured for by ?????, but for which it appears he had absolutely no intention of paying [skipped out on bill a few hours later on Tues am - but kudos to him for checking out before/near check out time!!]??
I suppose there'll also be some charges against him for theft?/failure to pay for the room? And, property damage charges against HM, TS or both of them: sheets, pillow, glass item used as weapon, cleaning, spiritual cleansing, etc.
BBM snipped out picture

The questions you ask are really important, IMO. To begin with, how dare he show up on this trip expecting all expenses to be paid for when SWM didn't seem to know anything about treating him to a luxury vacation. Then, after already living it up on her dollar in another hotel the month before, he arrives and expects SWM to pay for an expensive room for him and HM!!!

It seems either Heather misled him to believe it was cool with SWM for him to show up, and not even have enough money, or they could force her to pay. The other possibility is that they did have a premeditated plan and unless SWM cooperated with things going their way, they'd overpower her. TS was a dreamy opportunist and he was hungry for wealth, luxury, and the easy life, but TS just didn't seem on the edge of becoming a murderer for it, JMO.

Maybe, but MOO, I think Heather gave him the ideas and encouragement to get involved in all of this. I'm not sure yet if TS had any intention of actually killing someone, but I have less doubts when it comes to Heather.

Thank You for bringing this up because, as I've said before, I don't know what TS thought his role was on this trip and it makes a big difference.
BBM snipped out picture

The questions you ask are really important, IMO. To begin with, how dare he show up on this trip expecting all expenses to be paid for when SWM didn't seem to know anything about treating him to a luxury vacation. Then, after already living it up on her dollar in another hotel the month before, he arrives and expects SWM to pay for an expensive room for him and HM!!!

It seems either Heather misled him to believe it was cool with SWM for him to show up, and not even have enough money, or they could force her to pay. The other possibility is that they did have a premeditated plan and unless SWM cooperated with things going their way, they'd overpower her. TS was a dreamy opportunist and he was hungry for wealth, luxury, and the easy life, but TS just didn't seem on the edge of becoming a murderer for it, JMO.

Maybe, but MOO, I think Heather gave him the ideas and encouragement to get involved in all of this. I'm not sure yet if TS had any intention of actually killing someone, but I have less doubts when it comes to Heather.

Thank You for bringing this up because, as I've said before, I don't know what TS thought his role was on this trip and it makes a big difference.

Not to mention, didn't he show up only a day or two before SWM and HM were due to return home? Because his passport was late in arriving. What was he thinking? Who flies half way around the world for a one or two day stay? Was there a plan? Did he just figure that the plane trip was going to be an adventure in itself and he didn't care if he was only there for a day or two before flying back home? Or was HM promising him that they would stay longer if he flew to Bali once he got his passport? I still think those phones will hold a lot of information as to whether this was premeditated or not. I wonder who is in possession of them now? The FBI or Bali LE?
Not to mention, didn't he show up only a day or two before SWM and HM were due to return home? Because his passport was late in arriving. What was he thinking? Who flies half way around the world for a one or two day stay? Was there a plan? Did he just figure that the plane trip was going to be an adventure in itself and he didn't care if he was only there for a day or two before flying back home? Or was HM promising him that they would stay longer if he flew to Bali once he got his passport? I still think those phones will hold a lot of information as to whether this was premeditated or not. I wonder who is in possession of them now? The FBI or Bali LE?

Thank You for the great points you made. Wow, now I'm even more perplexed. I hadn't thought about how long he would be there. Lol...just getting on a plane feeling like a jet setter...flying by the seat of his pants on SWM's money. You know his ego, it'd be something he'd brag about even if he did only spend two days there. Somebody else was paying. Can't remember - did he have a return plane ticket already and plans to return to the US? Yes, the investigation and the phones will reveal more. Can't wait to find out more.

One thing I've thought about, and this may seem inappropriate to mention and I hope not, but I've noticed TS was out there revealing he was an "escort companion", and yet, he didn't seem to boast or call himself a pimp of the ladies. I guess why I'm bringing this up is because I don't think he was the boss of Heather or she was afraid of him and had to listen to his orders. He was more her 3!tch because she had access to the wealth and money, or so he thought. Just something I've pondered in trying to figure out their relationship.

Michael Elkin = Menashe Elkin?

Look at the law firms review. There is one person who reviewed ...check out the picture.

He was a clerk to the Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court. Could be that he is Israeli and he uses the "American" version (Michael) of his Hebrew name? Or, that's his real name and he uses a more anglicized version?
Thank You for the great points you made. Wow, now I'm even more perplexed. I hadn't thought about how long he would be there. Lol...just getting on a plane feeling like a jet setter...flying by the seat of his pants on SWM's money. You know his ego, it'd be something he'd brag about even if he did only spend two days there. Somebody else was paying. Can't remember - did he have a return plane ticket already and plans to return to the US? Yes, the investigation and the phones will reveal more. Can't wait to find out more.

One thing I've thought about, and this may seem inappropriate to mention and I hope not, but I've noticed TS was out there revealing he was an "escort companion", and yet, he didn't seem to boast or call himself a pimp of the ladies. I guess why I'm bringing this up is because I don't think he was the boss of Heather or she was afraid of him and had to listen to his orders. He was more her 3!tch because she had access to the wealth and money, or so he thought. Just something I've pondered in trying to figure out their relationship.

You know I went through his facebook and at one time not that long ago he was considering making some money clearing snow from people's driveways. Someone posted to him that they had a snowblower they didn't use and he seriously wanted to know if he could get it from them. So I have a feeling he was always trying to find ways to make money. I don't recall reading that he had an actual job although it appears that he got himself an apartment back in the early part of this year. I wonder if he was still living there before this incident. Not sure if he made any money from the "music" he was releasing but he sure does seem like a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy.

Mother and Daughter were bitterly arguing before TS showed up. Was it about him arriving soon? About the credit card and revelation that his ticket had been charged on it? Was it about Heather being pregnant and what to do about a baby on the way? Sounds like Heather was in combat mode, and even the normally gracious Sheila was pulled into dramatic scenes in front of the hotel staff. It's appalling all this really happened, knowing Sheila's intention taking Heather on a luxury vacation was an effort to have a closer mother/daughter bond. Heather's intention seems obviously more about getting money. :(


Mon, 8/4/14
SWM & HM arrived on Bali; first staying at a Simanyak hotel

Thur, 8/7/14 HM posted on Instagram a photo she presumably took from the window of their hotel ... accompanied by the caption: "i refuse to let someone say what i can do, gettin (sic) money my attitude you know what it do #bali," the MailOnline reports."

Sat, 8/9/14
SWM & HM moved to the St. Regis [? $545/night ?] in Nusa Dua; A St. Regis staff member told the Mail that HM and her mother were publicly fighting throughout the trip: "The mother had all the appearances of one of our upmarket guests. But the behavior she and her daughter showed did not belong in our hotel. Even so, it's such a tragic end for that poor woman."

Tues, 8/12/14; 12a+ Boyfriend TS arrived on Bali; St. Regis security camera showed HM, SWM & TS had public argument in lobby about who would pay bill upon departure; SWM said something like: I paid for his flight, you two can pay for his hotel. HM is believed to have shared occupancy of TS' room.
Wed, 7/23/14 SWM reported to police that her credit card was being used ... without her permission at the Conrad Hotel in Chicago. When police arrived at the tony downtown hotel, they discovered HM and her boyfriend partying with seven other people in an eighth-floor room; HM & TS had used the card to book a room and ring up nearly $1,000 in charges. TS, 21 yo and 6' 4", was arrested for misdemeanor disorderly conduct after acting unruly during the police response. ... TS was charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and breach of peace. HM was released without charges. ... TS was scheduled to appear in court [sometime in the later half of Aug]. [?No other charges filed by SWM/hotel/LE?]

* * *

Was the Conrad Hotel stunt some sort of attempt at raising funds before the Bali trip?

ETA: Did TS know that the room and additional charges were charged to SWM's credit card and without SWM's authorization?

If he did know, why did he act unruly, which drew more attention to himself and resulted in him being arrested and charged?

* * *

Maybe I'm looking for logic and reason where there was/is none.

* * *
I'm curious how/when Sheila put TS' passport into the lock box. I'm assuming hers and Heather's were already in there?
Regarding Tommy obtaining a State ID... Some of us were questioning why he had a State ID instead of a License. I can't remember if it was on his Facebook or elsewhere but I saw a picture that he took of his Louis Vuitton wallet with what is a license inside of it as well as some other kind of id. That wallet was lost/stolen and returned back to him. I'm thinking maybe he got the State ID bc it was easier to get at the last minute rather than setting up a time to replace his license, bc he needed to get his passport. Maybe? But something that kind of negates this line of thinking is the I also read where an old friend of his mentioned something about him taking a bus to go visit.
Personally, I don't feel the murder was planned ahead of time. Maybe HM read that book (Eat Pray Love) and thought she and Tommy (and baby) could live comfortably in Bali for a long time using the "inheritance" she clearly felt was owed to her that Sheila was controlling.

That would explain Tommy showing up even though the trip was almost over, and why he posted a FB comment about "not coming baaaaak" and even why Sheila had their passports in a safe box that only she could access. I do think that HM had earlier coerced her mother into buying TS a plane ticket for the vacation (maybe promised to pay her back!) and the only reason he didn't travel with them on the 4th was because he didn't have his passport yet.

Once in Bali, HM floated the idea of Sheila giving her "her" money so she could stay, which was denied, so HM posted her cranky FB comment about someone telling her what she can't do. Then Tommy shows up, maybe that's when they break the news about the pregnancy, and when Sheila still says, "No, I'm not giving you money to live here in Bali, the fight escalates to murder.

Ohhh, that reminds me...something else I found is that Tommy said he had to RENEW his passport. Didn't we question him expediting his passport earlier? He posted pictures of going to Cancun on his Instagram from when he was a "Sophomore" so he definitely had a passport prior to Bali. How long are passports good for? Isn't it a lengthy period if someone's a child but once they reach a certain age they're only good for 5 years? Heaven help me but I forget. I'll look real quick...

ETA - Found it! I had it backwards. Here's the info:

3. How long is a U.S. passport valid for?

A passport's validity is generally determined by the applicant's age. In the US, passports issued for adults ages 16 and older are valid for 10 years. Children 15 years of age and under receive passports valid for 5 years. There are two primary exceptions to this rule: a second passport is valid for 2 years and an emergency passport is valid for 1 year. In some instances, when replacing a lost passport, for example, the Department of State may issue a passport with lesser validity (usually 1 or 2 years).
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