GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #2

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Regarding Tommy obtaining a State ID... Some of us were questioning why he had a State ID instead of a License. I can't remember if it was on his Facebook or elsewhere but I saw a picture that he took of his Louis Vuitton wallet with what is a license inside of it as well as some other kind of id. That wallet was lost/stolen and returned back to him. I'm thinking maybe he got the State ID bc it was easier to get at the last minute rather than setting up a time to replace his license, bc he needed to get his passport. Maybe? But something that kind of negates this line of thinking is the I also read where an old friend of his mentioned something about him taking a bus to go visit.

I think the big deal about getting the ID was because he had just turned 21. He mentioned many times on his facebook how he couldn't wait to get his ID. I guess he was having a tough time getting into clubs and such and just wanted to be of legal age and have his own ID.

I'm curious how/when Sheila put TS' passport into the lock box. I'm assuming hers and Heather's were already in there?

That's what leads me to believe that Sheila had taken control of things after Tommy got there, after her initial anger, as any parent likely would do. Especially one who dotes on and forgives her daughter as SWM was known to do. After arguing about his perhaps "surprise" appearance at the resort and that he should get and pay for his own room because there was no way he was staying in hers, it probably became apparent to Sheila that she would have to help him out by securing a room with her credit card and locking up his passport for safe keeping. Basically taking care of him like a child, as she did with her own child. And at the same time arguing with her daughter about what another "fine mess" she'd gotten herself into. At which point Heather decided that she'd had enough of being treated like a child and was going to set her mother straight on a few things, including that she was no longer going to allow her mother to tell her what to do because that was the only way to get access to the money. Which led to an argument, perhaps about the money from JM belonging to her and perhaps the pregnancy. Which escalated into a murder.

Wed, 7/23/14 SWM reported to police that her credit card was being used ... without her permission at the Conrad Hotel in Chicago. When police arrived at the tony downtown hotel, they discovered HM and her boyfriend partying with seven other people in an eighth-floor room; HM & TS had used the card to book a room and ring up nearly $1,000 in charges. TS, 21 yo and 6' 4", was arrested for misdemeanor disorderly conduct after acting unruly during the police response. ... TS was charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and breach of peace. HM was released without charges. ... TS was scheduled to appear in court [sometime in the later half of Aug]. [?No other charges filed by SWM/hotel/LE?]

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Was the Conrad Hotel stunt some sort of attempt at raising funds before the Bali trip?

ETA: Did TS know that the room and additional charges were charged to SWM's credit card and without SWM's authorization?

If he did know, why did he act unruly, which drew more attention to himself and resulted in him being arrested and charged?

* * *

Maybe I'm looking for logic and reason where there was/is none.

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I think he probably did know that HM just used her mother's credit card for things when the mood struck her and dealt with the argument later, knowing full well her mother wouldn't really do anything about it. Or perhaps HM lied to him about how much money she personally had or had access to. Hard to say.

Either way, I think he got unruly when the police arrived because he was likely intoxicated. And he didn't want them breaking up his "good time". Plus he's a "baller" and that's how they roll. (sorry...couldn't resist :floorlaugh: )

And trying to look for logic and reason in a situation with a couple of young people like TS and HM is probably futile IMO. HM for sure seemed to be very short on logic and reason.

I wonder where SWM's clothing/possessions were found, if found?
Another question with the media reports. I believe we've heard an ashtray, or a vase, or both. Interesting if it turns out to be both. Would one person reach for another item after breaking the first one on someone's face/head or were there two people delivering blows to the victim with different objects?


feel so sorry for Sheila. You can totally imagine the feeling of total shock when you're suddenly being hit in the head. By your own child no less, & not in a way that only hurts but she would probably know they were hitting so hard with the intent to kill her. Would be so weird. Heather probably hit her pretty hard before, but sudden brutal whacks on the head, & straight on the face whilst on holiday - and continually bashing with the strength to crush bones... f£$@@@@@@@@. I can almost feel the complete shock and amazement for her. She cannot have expected this otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to be in a room alone with her daughter.
I wonder where SWM's clothing/possessions were found, if found?

I've asked that myself in the other thread. Was that Sheila's suitcase that was used to conceal her body and did they just leave her belongings in the hotel room? I understand that they had other suitcases with them that were also placed in the taxi only they were put in the back seat.

I'd be interested to know how much TS packed and what size suitcase he had with him considering the trip was supposed to be over in a couple of days. His cousin posted to facebook that half of his clothes were in Indonesia. So TS obviously borrowed clothes for the trip from him, which indicates to me that he intended to return. But how much did he bring? What was HM telling him about the length of their stay?

Also curious about why HM and SWM stayed in two different hotels during the trip. Was that planned? We've heard nothing about their behaviour at the other hotel although I think it was from there that HM posted the instagram pic about "her attitude you know what it do". I believe SWM was using Starwood travel points and the St Regis is a Starwood hotel. Is the other one? Were her points only good for a certain number of days at the St Regis?

If she was being frugal with travel points and such to be able to afford this vacation and then she found out that her daughter had charged her boyfriend's plane fare to her credit card when he showed up unannounced with no money of his own to get a room I'd imagine she was livid.

I think he probably did know that HM just used her mother's credit card for things when the mood struck her and dealt with the argument later, knowing full well her mother wouldn't really do anything about it. Or perhaps HM lied to him about how much money she personally had or had access to. Hard to say.

Either way, I think he got unruly when the police arrived because he was likely intoxicated. And he didn't want them breaking up his "good time". Plus he's a "baller" and that's how they roll. (sorry...couldn't resist :floorlaugh: )

And trying to look for logic and reason in a situation with a couple of young people like TS and HM is probably futile IMO. HM for sure seemed to be very short on logic and reason.


Maybe Heather encouraged his unruly anti-police behaviour after telling him how many times police came round to her house. Hence 'pig stop' & all that. Probably felt like him & heather were one against the *evil * police 'pigs' :drumroll: - seems a bit ridiculous that he would instagram about being in the back of police car - as if he felt like such a gangster rebel.
feel so sorry for Sheila. You can totally imagine the feeling of total shock when you're suddenly being hit in the head. By your own child no less, & not in a way that only hurts but she would probably know they were hitting so hard with the intent to kill her. Would be so weird. Heather probably hit her pretty hard before, but sudden brutal whacks on the head, & straight on the face whilst on holiday - and continually bashing with the strength to crush bones... f£$@@@@@@@@. I can almost feel the complete shock and amazement for her. She cannot have expected this otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to be in a room alone with her daughter.

I totally agree that there is no way that Sheila ever thought her daughter had it in her to actually hit her in the face/head with a heavy object and cause any significant injury to her, let alone actually kill her. And I guess it's still yet to be known whether she actually did have it in her or whether she was able to manipulate someone else into "defending" her. But yes, the absolute shock, horror and amazement that Sheila must have felt at that moment makes me very sad...and angry. There is nothing that can justify what happened....nothing.

BTW why is Tommy's Facebook updating? Is he Online or is someone else adding friends for him & changing his name? Wouldn't be too surprised if he was online on a phone or something in custody. IDK why they would allow it/not find out about it though
FWIW, the suitcase appears to be a H*e*y*s Side*winder
although the largest in the set appears to be only 30" long.
[asterisks added by me]

  • Large: 30 inches long x 19 inches wide x 12 inches deep, 11.73 lbs
  • Medium: 26 inches long x 16 inches wide x 10 inches deep, 9.61 lbs
  • Small: 21.5 inches long x 13 inches wide x 9 inches deep, 7.45 lbs

BTW why is Tommy's Facebook updating? Is he Online or is someone else adding friends for him & changing his name? Wouldn't be too surprised if he was online on a phone or something in custody. IDK why they would allow it/not find out about it though

Interesting that one of the recent adds on Aug 24th was his mother. So maybe she's in control of it now? Although I thought I read that people with funds can get the internet in the prison. I'm sure they can get it in the jail too. So it may be him. Maybe he's communicating with his mother that way?

I think he probably did know that HM just used her mother's credit card for things when the mood struck her and dealt with the argument later, knowing full well her mother wouldn't really do anything about it. Or perhaps HM lied to him about how much money she personally had or had access to. Hard to say.

Either way, I think he got unruly when the police arrived because he was likely intoxicated. And he didn't want them breaking up his "good time". Plus he's a "baller" and that's how they roll. (sorry...couldn't resist :floorlaugh: )

And trying to look for logic and reason in a situation with a couple of young people like TS and HM is probably futile IMO. HM for sure seemed to be very short on logic and reason.


Well, we've learned what Heather's attitude, "what it do"!
Hi Tristessa: I think a lot like you do: I can almost feel the horror and shock Sheila was feeling when she realized her daughter brutally killing her; I can imagine her crying and asking why- it really is too horrible to think about for too long
I think he probably did know that HM just used her mother's credit card for things when the mood struck her and dealt with the argument later, knowing full well her mother wouldn't really do anything about it. Or perhaps HM lied to him about how much money she personally had or had access to. Hard to say.

Either way, I think he got unruly when the police arrived because he was likely intoxicated. And he didn't want them breaking up his "good time". Plus he's a "baller" and that's how they roll. (sorry...couldn't resist :floorlaugh: )

And trying to look for logic and reason in a situation with a couple of young people like TS and HM is probably futile IMO. HM for sure seemed to be very short on logic and reason.


Yep...logic definitely doesn't seem at play here. If you have a son around TS's age...think- would he ever show up on a trip with a woman who a month earlier had been responsible (and rightfulluy so) for having him arrested? Why on earth would he do that???!! He would know how po'ed she would or no baby...why would he want to antagonize this person more? Especially if he wanted something from her? So, either they had all this ironed out prior to travel...or this TS could have cared less because he did have an ugly plan set in his mind.
Wed, 7/23/14 SWM reported to police that her credit card was being used ... without her permission at the Conrad Hotel in Chicago. When police arrived at the tony downtown hotel, they discovered HM and her boyfriend partying with seven other people in an eighth-floor room; HM & TS had used the card to book a room and ring up nearly $1,000 in charges. TS, 21 yo and 6' 4", was arrested for misdemeanor disorderly conduct after acting unruly during the police response. ... TS was charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and breach of peace. HM was released without charges. ... TS was scheduled to appear in court [sometime in the later half of Aug]. [?No other charges filed by SWM/hotel/LE?]

* * *

Was the Conrad Hotel stunt some sort of attempt at raising funds before the Bali trip?

ETA: Did TS know that the room and additional charges were charged to SWM's credit card and without SWM's authorization?

If he did know, why did he act unruly, which drew more attention to himself and resulted in him being arrested and charged?

* * *

Maybe I'm looking for logic and reason where there was/is none.

* * *
Has the notion of E or ICE or some other chemical drug come into the picture yet? HM is out of home; TS is charged by LE at the party - takes selfies while under arrest; belligerent behaviour at hotel. Escalation to violence. Then murder. IMO the young man may have carried a supply into Bali quite easily. Would also explain the erratic simplistic behaviour following the murder.

SM thought this was a new start for her and daughter - removing her from an environment/bad company. Certainly has a whiff about it, to me. If they had as much as a hint of illegal substances in their blood (and that was 100% certainly tested by LE) then they're history; lock the door and say goodnight. This is all JMO of course.

Re passports locked up by reception - that is the norm for all tourists. Is done at the time of booking in. TS room was booked/billed under SM authority (even if it was actually done by HM) so therefore his passport was locked up under her name not his.
If the silver suitcase was the one noted up-thread w/dimensions and weight:
Large: 30 inches long x 19 inches wide x 12 inches deep, 11.73 lbs

Add a reportedly 5' 5" body weighing say ~130 - ~150 and that's a ~142 - ~162 lb case.

Wonder if there was any mouthing of cuss words visible on CCTV when TS reportedly reached the 7th floor via a back staircase while carrying the loaded case instead of stopping on the 6th floor?

At that weight it's no wonder TS probably didn't allow the porter to lift the case onto the trolly and then reportedly stuck close to the case during transport from his room to the taxi, and then TS lifted the case into the taxi trunk.

The porter and taxi driver, based on their job experience and knowledge of how heavy a case of that size usually runs, must have noticed some strain on TS' part in moving the case??

Against TOS
I wonder where SWM's clothing/possessions were found, if found?

They were probably still in the room. This article does not say which room was messy with clothes, but I imagine that HM & TS would have thought of themselves (only) and tried to take their clothes with them, or the ones they wanted anyway.

The daughter and her boyfriend were found Wednesday morning at another hotel about 15 kilometers (9 miles) away. The couple's St. Regis room was "very messy," with clothes still inside.

I wonder if they just left their 'murder' clothes behind too, or if they stashed them elsewhere.
Sometime in the future I'm going to see that type of suitcase at a store, flea market, swap meet, airport, etc., No doubt I will unconsciously feel upset and disturbed. The memories and sadness of the crimes we follow leave a mark on our lives, too.

No amount of discord and arguing can justify Sheila ending up in a suitcase. It's the stuff of nightmares. I hope Sheila's siblings and family honor her by seeking complete justice.
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