GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #2

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I think the current drive for more attention in the US is simply to solicit more donations to the "fund". Seems to be working. :rolleyes:


The gall to ask please donate to my murderous murdering son who murdered a defenseless 62yr woman. Then laid up on her credit card in another hotel. Smdh Jmo

I googled "matricide" and found this interesting article:

"While severely abused girls who kill rarely show an escalating history of violence towards their mothers, abusive girls do. These girls often have a history of behavior (lying, stealing, truancy) that routinely places them in conflict with parents. This is often, in part, due to inadequate and/or absent limit setting by
parents combined with a history of failed and rebuked efforts at discipline by children. In these cases, the cycle of family violence and conflict often begins with relatively innocuous family discord and increases in frequency and severity as the parent’s inability or unwillingness to impose meaningful discipline
undermines informal family controls and acceptable codes of conduct. In addition, these parents often go to great lengths to protect their abusive children from formal legal responses to their abusive behavior by not reporting and thereby keeping their abuse hidden—sometimes until it's too late."

I wanted to thank you for really does seem to fit this case perfectly. I know that in no way is TS blameless for his role in the matter but I firmly think at this point that the assault and ultimate murder of SVM sprang from her evil spawn. I think TS was just her idiot pawn and she called him for cleanup duty.
The gall to ask please donate to my murderous murdering son who murdered a defenseless 62yr woman. Then laid up on her credit card in another hotel. Smdh Jmo


As a fellow Mother and in this day and age of using social media to go fund everything, I can imagine her desperation and know I'd probably be doing the same. She knows she does not have the luck of the draw to have the $$ sitting in a trust fund that HM and those so willing to "help" her do. She's trying to do whatever she can to help her child and just as I can't fault SVM for doing what she did, I won't judge.

But I do have a question for @gitana1 Do you think that Elkin and his fellow lawyer will be able to reach the funds?
As a fellow Mother and in this day and age of using social media to go fund everything, I can imagine her desperation and know I'd probably be doing the same. She knows she does not have the luck of the draw to have the $$ sitting in a trust fund that HM and those so willing to "help" her do. She's trying to do whatever she can to help her child and just as I can't fault SVM for doing what she did, I won't judge.

But I do have a question for @gitana1 Do you think that Elkin and his fellow lawyer will be able to reach the funds?

I hear ya, I am a mother also however we told our children if you ever go to jail don't call. Not saving you. We provided a fine home and comfortable lifestyle. Not judging this mother I assume its shameful to have to beg for help for a murderer who was not respectful of someone else's mother. Maybe she should take a couple of those donated dollars and send a spray of flowers to Mrs Macks grave with a note from one mother to another. Jmo

I hear ya, I am a mother also however we told our children if you ever go to jail don't call. Not saving you. We provided a fine home and comfortable lifestyle. Not judging this mother I assume its shameful to have to beg for help for a murderer who was not respectful of someone else's mother. Maybe she should take a couple of those donated dollars and sent a spray of flowers to Mrs Macks grave with a note from one mother to another. Jmo


Yes, as someone who works in the legal system with a focus on juveniles and abuse and neglect, I gave my now 30 and 31 year olds the same line. But fortunately I was never put in a situation that called my bluff, as I oft remind myself...there but for the grace of god go I. JMO
I don't think if I was in this position that I would even ask close friends or family for money let alone everyone in my social, employment and acquaintance circles on Facebook. Or complete strangers through crowd source funding websites. I find this whole crowd source fund raising for everything these days offensive actually. But I understand why people are doing it. Why not. I'd like to think I could never do it myself but I just can't picture myself in this situation I suppose.

So far TS has had free legal council in the form of two different Indonesian lawyers and a DP advocate from the UK. He will likely either get another one or the original one back as it is required that he is supplied with a lawyer. However, no lawyer, regardless of what they are or aren't paid, is going to change the evidence that will be used against TS or the outcome of the trial IMO. This is a different system and expensive defence lawyers are unnecessary (don't even think they have such a thing, just general lawyers for all legal dealings), especially US ones that have no ability to practice law in the country where TS has been charged.

The only money that has been spent in almost two months so far is apparently $200 for food and phone privileges. I think I would be covering that expense myself if this were my child. In fact, I think there are people all over the US and other countries who put money into commissary accounts for their imprisoned family members. Should they all be crowd sourcing to cover these expenses?

It appears from this story that Durkin has spoken to TS since his interrogation and he is denying that he confessed.

A US attorney for a Chicago man accused of killing his girlfriend’s mother on the Indonesian resort island of Bali said Wednesday that his client is denying a police claim that he confessed.

The police chief in Bali’s capital, Denpasar, said last week that Tommy Schaefer, 21, confessed to the killing during a police interrogation.

Chicago attorney Thomas Durkin said he spoke with Schaefer by phone and that his client told him he did not confess.
It appears from this story that Durkin has spoken to TS since his interrogation and he is denying that he confessed.

A US attorney for a Chicago man accused of killing his girlfriend’s mother on the Indonesian resort island of Bali said Wednesday that his client is denying a police claim that he confessed.

The police chief in Bali’s capital, Denpasar, said last week that Tommy Schaefer, 21, confessed to the killing during a police interrogation.

Chicago attorney Thomas Durkin said he spoke with Schaefer by phone and that his client told him he did not confess.

At this point who knows what to believe. are interviews recorded? Jmt

I don't think if I was in this position that I would even ask close friends or family for money let alone everyone in my social, employment and acquaintance circles on Facebook. Or complete strangers through crowd source funding websites. I find this whole crowd source fund raising for everything these days offensive actually...

... In fact, I think there are people all over the US and other countries who put money into commissary accounts for their imprisoned family members. Should they all be crowd sourcing to cover these expenses?

[Excellent post SBM]

Tommy's mother is in a special position with respect to the crowd source funding site I'll abbreviate as "YC." It won't last indefinately.

Raffaele Sollecito very recently opened a "YC" page asking for donations and it was shut down within 72 hours. As best as I can tell, the salient difference between Schaefer and Sollecito is that the latter has been convicted. (Admittedly Sollecito's is a provisional conviction, but only the Supreme Court of Italy can help him. Even there, it is widely anticipated that the high court will make Sollecito's conviction final.)

On the other hand, Tommy has not yet been convicted, he has not yet gone to trial, and as we know, per Indonesian procedure, he has not yet even been officially charged with a criminal offense.

I believe that after his conviction, the "YC" fundraising page for Tommy Schaefer will be shut down. Kia Walker (his mother) has only a limited amount of time to hustle funds before all crowd sourcing options will be closed to her. Should her son escape the death penalty, she has a very brief window of opportunity to raise money to fund his lifetime of incarceration at Kerobokan Prison.

Why anyone would donate money to Tommy's roast beef sandwich fund rather than to cancer research, scholarships for talented but indigent students, architectural preservation, the local symphony orchestra, shelters for innocent pets without homes (orange tabbies in particular), or any number of other worthy causes which don't benefit murderers is beyond me.
It has now been 45 days since Sheila's murder and the arrest of HM & TS. Hopefully not too long to go now before they appear in court.

I think their current extension is maxed out at 60 days from the arrest. However, if the investigation needs even more time to put these murderous thugs in Kerobokan Prison for life, that is fine by me.
So once a month I do pro bono work on the side for different kinds of disabled adults grunt type work. I have a older male that I work with and it is basic housekeeping leaves a lot of time for my mind to wander and these two kids were greatly on my mind today, the whole day. I was wondering about the Indoniesia prison system and want to know if there is a work/job system? Are those confined put to work to keep the system moving...not the legal but the day to day functioning of the jail/detention/prison? Like cleaning, food prep and so on? Is there a difference b/t jail detention and prison such as there is in the US?
Has anyone bothered to google how much a plane ticket from Chicago to Bali is? Just curious. Been meaning to do that but it is passed my bedtime.

So once a month I do pro bono work on the side for different kinds of disabled adults grunt type work. I have a older male that I work with and it is basic housekeeping leaves a lot of time for my mind to wander and these two kids were greatly on my mind today, the whole day. I was wondering about the Indoniesia prison system and want to know if there is a work/job system? Are those confined put to work to keep the system moving...not the legal but the day to day functioning of the jail/detention/prison? Like cleaning, food prep and so on? Is there a difference b/t jail detention and prison such as there is in the US?

I posted this link to a Dateline documentary about two of the Bali 9 who are presently on death row in Kerobokan prison a while ago. It will give you a good idea of what prison life is like there and the work that people do to pass the time and help fund the prison. Certainly quite different than what we hear of death row in the US.
Has anyone bothered to google how much a plane ticket from Chicago to Bali is? Just curious. Been meaning to do that but it is passed my bedtime.


The cheapest return flight on Expedia, leaving tomorrow for 10 days on American Airlines/Cathay Pacific, (which we know SWM was flying due to the luggage tags) is $2402.24 per person. It has two stops, one in either SF or LA and one in Hong Kong, likely why TS mentioned something about going to China on his facebook. It is about 30 hours in length with the stopovers.

Then again, the quickest flight with a stopover in China I found is via United Airlines at only 24 1/2 hours, has only 1 stop in Shanghai, and is the most expensive at $3868.46. It is also the only one, other than a Korean Air one that stops in Seoul, that gets into Denpasar just after midnight. The others arrive in the daytime with the latest being around 3pm. Since TS showed up at the hotel after midnight, and these two wouldn't care about being frugal on SWM's credit card, I wonder if that's the flight they booked for him?

ETA: The prices at Orbitz are way less expensive so I guess I have no idea what they may have paid. LOL
I was rereading some of the news accounts and while I knew SWM showed signs of defensive wounds, I did not realize her left hand was broken.
I was rereading some of the news accounts and while I knew SWM showed signs of defensive wounds, I did not realize her left hand was broken.

I've never read that.

In the early few days the police said a finger on her left hand was broken. But when the autopsy was completed, the doctor said only a fingernail was broken.

Do you remember where it said her hand was broken?
Thanks, Kamille. I was also wondering about travel time. 24 hours TT adds to the mystery why TS showed up right before everyone was due to leave.
Thanks, Kamille. I was also wondering about travel time. 24 hours TT adds to the mystery why TS showed up right before everyone was due to leave.
Why'd they wait 'till the very end of the trip for him to fly out? Why not come a week earlier? Then he could've gotten to see the beach at least, if joining Heather on vacation was the true purpose. Otherwise since he arrived only a few hours before the murder, he appears to be a hit man going for the sole purpose of murder.
From the timeline: Mon, 7/21/14 “Leaving Aug 4th for Indonesia might not come backkkk” TS wrote on his FB page according to, yet he doesn't arrive until 8/12.
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