GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #2

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Yeah but according to him, he was a "baller" and an "aspiring rapper/hip hop artist". She "dissed" (disrespected) him by expecting him to pay his own way. Violence is how many baller/rap artists deal with anyone who disrespects them. How dare she expect him to pay his way, why she ought to be glad to be in his company and just lay out the red carpet and finance his good time. :rolleyes:

( I hope you know I am being snarky. But in the world that TS imagined he belonged in (rapper/baller/etc) people get killed for dissing other. Look at all of the dead rap/hiphop artists and all their feuds over the stupidest imagined slights)

Oh I am sure HM filled his head with stories of her famous daddy, her inheritance, the money she felt belonged to her and that he mom stole from her. I am sure HM told him how she would beat her mom to get her way. She surely got him all pumped up on expectations, and having to pay his way was simply unacceptable (and financially impossible) for him to do.

I want them both to be equally responsible. She did NOTHING to stop it, helped to cover it up and has shown no remorse. She doesn't care about anything but saving her own but and getting out and getting her hands on that money.

... and HM most likely either opened the locked hotel room door for an angry TS or HM gave TS a key card to the M's locked room.
They have confessed:

"Both suspects have confessed," he said, adding that Schaefer, 21, had admitted to carrying out the killing after an argument with the victim.

The daughter, 19, claimed she watched Schaefer kill her mother and then helped to stuff the body into the suitcase, said Utomo.

"The interrogation is continuing in order to get the full account," he added."

Surely they both have to go down for pre-meditation for this. How could Heather stand there and do nothing to help her mother? No injuries on Heather also confirms she did nothing to prevent this in any way shape or form. She cannot claim fear as she has shown none towards Tommy and has even whined about not being allowed to see him! Some women are so incredibly manipulative and here is another perfect example. Tommy Schaefer wanted to be a "baller" - well now he can languish in a Bali jail awaiting his probably death sentence. Dumb and violent enough to go along with Heather's plan. Poor Sheila paid for her own murderer to fly to Bali and help her daughter kill and stuff her in a suitcase. What a horrendous case of irony...I honestly still believe they planned it along.

HM claimed she watched isn't she a liar who lies. Why believe because she said so? Also if they were arguing in the room there has to be someone else who heard it. Idk hopefully there's more evidence not being released. Like did Mrs Mack die before or after being put in the suitcase. Jmo

I would think there is more evidence that hasn't been made public. It is a bit hard for me to understand why no one else didn't hear this argument, unless it wasn't as dramatic as we think. Maybe when SM was hit in the face she didn't have time to really scream but was more concerned about fighting off her attacker, hard to say. I also wonder why HM would only get charged with murder and not premeditated when she didn't try to stop it. Maybe they didn't really intend to kill SM but the fight got out of hand. HOWEVER, what I do believe is that these 2 are guilty of murder, and they way they treated SM afterwards. They stuffed her in a suitcase, then fled, and they were really sloppy at it. GUILT is all over these 2 IMO
Did the lawyers arrive prior to the confessions? Their stories fit together so neatly, and match the evidence (Tommy with something under his shirt), so I have to wonder if the lawyers advised them on how best to avoid a premeditated conviction.
Did the lawyers arrive prior to the confessions? Their stories fit together so neatly, and match the evidence (Tommy with something under his shirt), so I have to wonder if the lawyers advised them on how best to avoid a premeditated conviction.

Yes they did. And they apparently were allowed to speak with HM. Not sure if they spoke to TS. But I'm really not sure why either or both of them were allowed to speak to these US lawyers at all before giving a statement. Why did the officials there allow this to happen? This is what I questioned earlier when I wondered if they were giving in to some fear of offending the US in some way by changing up the rules for this couple.

Would they, or have they, done the same for Australians who find themselves in trouble with the law there? Since they seem to make up the bulk of the tourists travelling to the country, you'd think it's the Australian's rights that they would not want to offend more so than US citizens.

I would think there is more evidence that hasn't been made public. It is a bit hard for me to understand why no one else didn't hear this argument, unless it wasn't as dramatic as we think. Maybe when SM was hit in the face she didn't have time to really scream but was more concerned about fighting off her attacker, hard to say. I also wonder why HM would only get charged with murder and not premeditated when she didn't try to stop it. Maybe they didn't really intend to kill SM but the fight got out of hand. HOWEVER, what I do believe is that these 2 are guilty of murder, and they way they treated SM afterwards. They stuffed her in a suitcase, then fled, and they were really sloppy at it. GUILT is all over these 2 IMO

Not to mention why TS still flew to the country when Sheila and Heather were expected back two days later. Or why, if it's true, was Sheila in the lobby at 3:45am. Why did she call for a wake up call at 6:45am? Did she decide at that time to try to get a few hours sleep but didn't want to sleep late for some reason? Did she have something scheduled? How about why wasn't HM staying in Tommy's room? It's not like she hasn't always done whatever the he!! she pleases regardless of what her mother says or does.

Too many things don't add up to their story of a spontaneous argument with an unintentional outcome. These two got a taste of the life they wanted back in July on SWM's dime until she called the cops and ruined their good times. Pretty sure SWM had already voiced her displeasure about them as a couple back then as well. So they likely knew that SWM was not going to finance them for anything and if she were just out of the picture everything would be HM's.

Yep, I'm seeing premeditation more and more. But I do see TS being the one to inflict the blows. Bigger stronger and more efficient. Doesn't make HM any less guilty IMO.

Not to mention why TS still flew to the country when Sheila and Heather were expected back two days later. Or why, if it's true, was Sheila in the lobby at 3:45am. Why did she call for a wake up call at 6:45am? Did she decide at that time to try to get a few hours sleep but didn't want to sleep late for some reason? Did she have something scheduled? How about why wasn't HM staying in Tommy's room? It's not like she hasn't always done whatever the he!! she pleases regardless of what her mother says or does.

Too many things don't add up to their story of a spontaneous argument with an unintentional outcome. These two got a taste of the life they wanted back in July on SWM's dime until she called the cops and ruined their good times. Pretty sure SWM had already voiced her displeasure about them as a couple back then as well. So they likely knew that SWM was not going to finance them for anything and if she were just out of the picture everything would be HM's.

Yep, I'm seeing premeditation more and more. But I do see TS being the one to inflict the blows. Bigger stronger and more efficient. Doesn't make HM any less guilty IMO.


I agree, just one fact all by itself who flies all that way only to turn around and return two days later. How could TS go that far hoping his expenses would be covered. Perhaps there is damming evidence in texts between the two. Jmt.

HM claimed she watched isn't she a liar who lies. Why believe because she said so? Also if they were arguing in the room there has to be someone else who heard it. Idk hopefully there's more evidence not being released. Like did Mrs Mack die before or after being put in the suitcase. Jmo


She is definitely a liar who lies. She already told the gang story. She had a chance then to talk of the horrific crime she witnessed and then helped to clean up.

This murder supposedly took place between 8:40 and 9:52 am. Someone would have heard something if there was an argument. The hotel maids should have been well into their work day at that point. The hotel staff had already heard SWM arguing with HM prior to TS's arrival and with TS upon his arrival. Why nothing during an argument that lead to a violent confrontation and death?

Do we know exactly what time TS entered Sheila's hotel room? Was it about 8-8:30am? I can't imagine Sheila being awake...especially as she left a later 10am wake-up call. For that reason, I think this was very much a surprise attack (as it was meant to be). I don't believe Sheila was the type of person who would "entertain company" barely dressed. If TS wanted to continue the previous night's "argument", a normal person answering the door (say Heather-know it's a stretch) would mention her mother being asleep and perhaps it wasn't a good time. No, I think Heather was waiting for TS to come because it was all pre-planned. Perhaps what the police are suggesting is that TS came back angry enough to kill because he felt insulted. I find it implausible that Heather had NO IDEA what was going to happen. The pair may not have been able to talk post-arrest, but I can't imagine the attorneys representing the two not having a conversation. No, if what's been reported is's been contrived by the pair (with the help of their attorneys?), IMHO.
She is definitely a liar who lies. She already told the gang story. She had a chance then to talk of the horrific crime she witnessed and then helped to clean up.

This murder supposedly took place between 8:40 and 9:52 am. Someone would have heard something if there was an argument. The hotel maids should have been well into their work day at that point. The hotel staff had already heard SWM arguing with HM prior to TS's arrival and with TS upon his arrival. Why nothing during an argument that lead to a violent confrontation and death?


Oh, hadn't seen this before posting. I definitely agree!!
Not to mention why TS still flew to the country when Sheila and Heather were expected back two days later. Or why, if it's true, was Sheila in the lobby at 3:45am. Why did she call for a wake up call at 6:45am? Did she decide at that time to try to get a few hours sleep but didn't want to sleep late for some reason? Did she have something scheduled? How about why wasn't HM staying in Tommy's room? It's not like she hasn't always done whatever the he!! she pleases regardless of what her mother says or does.

Too many things don't add up to their story of a spontaneous argument with an unintentional outcome. These two got a taste of the life they wanted back in July on SWM's dime until she called the cops and ruined their good times. Pretty sure SWM had already voiced her displeasure about them as a couple back then as well. So they likely knew that SWM was not going to finance them for anything and if she were just out of the picture everything would be HM's.

Yep, I'm seeing premeditation more and more. But I do see TS being the one to inflict the blows. Bigger stronger and more efficient. Doesn't make HM any less guilty IMO.


Yup, yup ,yup!!
If Bali wants to let HM off with a slap on the wrist (metaphorically speaking), I agree with the poster who mentioned something along the lines of letting the US justice system have a go at her. (!!!)
If Bali wants to let HM off with a slap on the wrist (metaphorically speaking), I agree with the poster who mentioned something along the lines of letting the US justice system have a go at her. (!!!)

:deepbreaths:please NO on seeing these trials happen in the United States!

I was just thinking this morning about what would happen if this was tried in the US.
Honestly, I think it would give both HM and TS more wiggle room.
HM's defense team would use all her vague mental problems, which seem more to do with spoiled anger issues, but with the right attorney HM would be the pitiful girl with mental illness and a mean bf.
TS might say SWM attacked him.
In the US, things are always delayed and sly defense trickery can sometimes work.
I guess I'm less confident after following some trials in the US that have had disappointing results.
I'm hoping in Bali the Justice system is much more clear cut.

These two still have to worry about facing a Firing Squad if it is proven to be premeditation.
If Heather manages to wrangle her way out of being involved in the actual blows to her mother, she should still do fifteen years, but it'll be less if she is not charged with the actual murder. HM might only do eight years. Is that enough time really? There's people in Bali doing more time for a little bit of pot. So, I hope Bali comes down hard on these two.

All my own opinion. :sothere:
I just wish this case would get to court ... then we may hear more detail about what happened that night. Not that there is a lot to question imo.

And I agree that this case is better tried in Bali. No 1/2/3 year delays in the trial, no living it up while out on bail waiting for your trial, no mitigating circumstances, no paying for the best lawyer gets you the best result. You either did the crime, or you did not do the crime. Then you can worry about getting the food and other essentials that you want for 15-20 years while you sweat it out in a humid, damp, mosquito-ridden Balinese prison.
I hope she doesn't fool them into believing she didn't do anything but watch. I have seen no grieving for her mother. I bet she tells them she did nothing because she was fearful he would then turn on her. Ugh. Surely they see through her.
I hope she doesn't fool them into believing she didn't do anything but watch. I have seen no grieving for her mother. I bet she tells them she did nothing because she was fearful he would then turn on her. Ugh. Surely they see through her.

If that were the case, she would have had plenty of opportunity to get some help ... while he was lugging the suitcase up several flights of stairs, when they went to the pre-ordered taxi and loaded up the suitcase, when they went to the front desk and tried to gain access to Sheila's lock box, when they went to the airport and there were security guards and customs officials to help.

No ... I don't think they believe that she was an innocent party and not equally as culpable or more culpable.
:goodpost: SouthAussie.

:runaway::runaway: They tried to run away, and then Heather and Tommy lied :liar: about those armed men. :put em up:
I wouldn't be surprised if they both get murder and lengthy sentences. No pre-meditation. Possibly they may work out an extradition deal so they can serve time for their horrific crimes back in the states. They can send these two back to where they came from and still come out looking like the compassionate entity.
I sure as heck hope they don't get to serve any of their time in a US prison! If they do, there are a lot of Aussies who will be wanting to know why our convicted felons in prison in Bali have not been allowed to serve out their sentences here in Australia. We have certainly asked for that to happen on many occasions, and have asked for death penalties to be changed to life sentences many times. We have never had a person sent back here to serve out their sentence, or their parole. And we rarely have success getting death penalties changed.

Indonesians who pilot illegal boats to Australia, overloaded with well-heeled “queue jumpers”, are dutifully returned to Indonesia upon request while our requests to return Corby are ignored.

THE minister who will decide whether Schapelle Corby will be released on parole from a Bali prison says the Australian will get no special treatment.

INDONESIA'S president will not intervene in the case of two Australian men on death row, and his office says improved relations between Canberra and Jakarta will have no bearing on their fate.
I had another thought today. Remember the reports that said that Sheila was seen on CCTV in the lobby in the very early hours of the morning? I was wondering if that was when she took her jewellery and other valuables down to her lock box. She had been ripped off in the past by friends that HM let into their home. I wonder if she was unnerved by TS showing up (her brother said he thinks that she did not expect that) and decided to lock up a bit more of her stuff and request that no-one had access to the lock box but herself.

I imagine that she would have wanted to do this privately, when few people were around. As TS arrived around midnight, a late night trip down to the lobby to secure her valuables may have been a step she took to avoid being ripped off again while she was sleeping or not in her room. And HM did not seem aware that Sheila had requested that no-one else had access to her lock box.

The front desk would have been manned with a night crew member in a nice hotel like that. And police would not necessarily release that kind of info as it would be part of them building their case.

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