GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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Wow. I almost posted something yesterday. It occurred to me that although the deadline for filing an appeal had passed, it didn't mean there was no appeal - just that it didn't make the news. Also, Cohen couldn't really move forward until the written court records are released in Bali.

Weezer, great catch on the video! I rewatched a couple of those videos and noticed something else. Someone has noted earlier that a blonde woman has been seen with Kia in court. HM says she doesn't like the blonde woman. Also says she didn't like 'Osha' because Kia told her Osha was talking trash about her (HM) - but then HM found out Kia was lying. Sounds like the Kia-HM relationship isn't the best right now.

The appeal doesn't surprise me. In spite of her celebrating, I didn't really expect HM to accept ten years without a fight. I have to wonder about the HM-TS relationship right now. She has the $ to appeal her own sentence - what about his?

It sounds like Ary knows about the potential impact of the 'slayer statute' and is doing everything he can to assure Cohen that HM is 'innocent', for purposes of the statute anyway.

It will be very interesting to see what happens with TS in all this. If HM 'appeals' and buys a further sentence reduction, he's going to be one angry guy. I wonder how mad he'd have to get to start speaking out about what really happened?
It is the Prosecution that filed the Appeal. I don't know who gets paid what so not sure what their Appeal is aiming for.

TS & HM were not on their best behavior despite knowing what a light sentence was requested. So the "showed remorse & polite" leniency kind of went out the window IMO. Drinking, Tempers, Calling the Prosecutor names etc.

There should be a follow up soon once they get out of court today, we'll see just what Cohen does if anything.
Thanks Bugbear. So is Scifo out again? Who are all those law firms listed? The only one I recognize is Eric Dorkin, representing WW. :waitasec:

Yes, Scifo originally wanted out back in February, Cohen told him he has to wait til 2/27. Scifo then kicked some dirt around, gained his fee's and bailed. The Firms are listed in the Chancery Case, but it is difficult for me to determine who is doing what. I can only speculate by the Lawyers specialties, even then.....

This will most likely update in the next few days also:
Today there were pics of the new royal baby and to think of the extreme birth if these two babies, one with the best care humanly possible and the other living in a Bali jail cell with a psycho killer. Jmo


I thought the same thing!!!

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It is the Prosecution that filed the Appeal. I don't know who gets paid what so not sure what their Appeal is aiming for.

TS & HM were not on their best behavior despite knowing what a light sentence was requested. So the "showed remorse & polite" leniency kind of went out the window IMO. Drinking, Tempers, Calling the Prosecutor names etc.

There should be a follow up soon once they get out of court today, we'll see just what Cohen does if anything.

If HM had been cleverer, she would have called Soenardi when she was arrested. $ to the cops would have made evidence...become less inconvenient. She got Soenardi too late to bribe the cops, but the trial hadn't started and the prosecutors hadn't laid charges. There was time to pay the prosecutors, most importantly, to take the death penalty or life sentences off the table. That makes the judges' corruption less obvious.

Soenardi's already mad that he's had to (somewhat) comply with Cohen and the trustee to get his $. The appeal is a natural second shot at the $. Having the prosecution make the appeal means Cohen can't blame it on Soenardi.

Second payday for Soenardi, the prosecution and the judges. Plus someone's going to have to put in a request for $ for HM/Stella's living expenses.

I imagine Judge Cohen has learned more than he ever wanted to know about the Indonesian legal system. It will be interesting to see how he responds to this latest fee demand from Soenardi. I'm guessing he'll let Soenardi have the money, blaming the lack of detailed billing on 'cultural' problems. From the tone of Soenardi's note, he's taking this personally.

Meanwhile, I kind of hope TS gets mad, gets drunk/high, starts talking to his cell mates about what really went down with his baby-mama...I hope his cellmates start asking him if he really thinks a chick with $1+ million is really going to hang around waiting for him for 8 years...
Plus someone's going to have to put in a request for $ for HM/Stella's living expenses.

That request is in the Emergency Motion today, an additional $2000 for HM's expenses on Page 5

WHEREFORE, Heather Mack respectfully requests that this Court enter an order
requiring the Trustee to distribute the following:
A. $2,000 to Heather Mack for personal expenses;
B. $3,140 to Ary Soenardi for reimbursement of Heather's medical expenses;
C. $200,000 to Ary Soenardi for legal services related to the appeal of the verdict
entered against Heather Mack on April 21,2015

Here are items I highlighted from these documents. To read the documents in their entirety, click on Bugbear's link.:

There has been no determination that Heather is
not an eligible beneficiary as a result of the application of 750 ILCS 5/2-6 (the "Slayer Statute")
or otherwise. See January 16 Order providing that "the Slayer Statute is not triggered until
further order of this Court," a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B.

Heather was convicted of
being an accessory to the murder of Sheila Von Wiese under Article 56 of the Indonesian
Criminal Code. See Exhibit C.

However, the verdict is not final. On or 11. about April 24, 2015, the prosecutor
appealed Heather's verdict

WHEREFORE, Heather Mack respectfully requests that this Court enter an order
requiring the Trustee to distribute the following:
A. $2,000 to Heather Mack for personal expenses;
B. $3,140 to Ary Soenardi for reimbursement of Heather's medical expenses;
C. $200,000 to Ary Soenardi for legal services related to the appeal of the verdict

And Exhibit C-the letter from AS:

To. whom it may concern:
I am sending the following email hoping it will give clear up matters relating
to my clients specific charge from the court. Heather Mack has been charged
with article 56 whjch means Heather was found guilty of only accessory, in
Indonesia although she was accessory after the fact we do not have 2
different charges. I will send court documents later this week hopefully
clarifying this.
I would like it to be noted that i have had a tough time financially assisting
Heather with the proper help as I did not have the full amount of my legal fee
within the time frame given by judge Cohen. I am asking to please be given
my legal bill that is currently outstanding.
Today I have informed by the court that the Prosecutor has appealed the
verdict. It is Heather right to appoint any lawyer to assist and represent her
during the appeal trial to defend her self. If she wants my service to further
assist her in her appeal, my fee is $200,000 and it has to be paid quickly and
in 1 payment.
(my bold)
I am also confirming that Heather has right to keep baby Stella in Kerobokan
jail until 2 and that the child is breast feed by her mother. .
IIRC, HM is going to have to pay $700+/month for her semi-private cell. That's in addition to costs for food, drink, cellphones.

Weezer Fan, for some reason when I re-read Soenardi's letter in your post, the last sentence jumped out.

It almost seems to have been added as an after thought. I wonder who he is really addressing, what specific concern?

It seems as though HM might have told him that someone is going to try to take Stella away from her.

I don't think anyone ever disputed that Stella can stay in Kerobokan for a length of time. People just questioned the wisdom of keeping her there.
Here are items I highlighted from these documents. To read the documents in their entirety, click on Bugbear's link.:

There has been no determination that Heather is
not an eligible beneficiary as a result of the application of 750 ILCS 5/2-6 (the "Slayer Statute")
or otherwise. See January 16 Order providing that "the Slayer Statute is not triggered until
further order of this Court," a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B.

Heather was convicted of
being an accessory to the murder of Sheila Von Wiese under Article 56 of the Indonesian
Criminal Code. See Exhibit C.

However, the verdict is not final. On or 11. about April 24, 2015, the prosecutor
appealed Heather's verdict

WHEREFORE, Heather Mack respectfully requests that this Court enter an order
requiring the Trustee to distribute the following:
A. $2,000 to Heather Mack for personal expenses;
B. $3,140 to Ary Soenardi for reimbursement of Heather's medical expenses;
C. $200,000 to Ary Soenardi for legal services related to the appeal of the verdict

And Exhibit C-the letter from AS:

To. whom it may concern:
I am sending the following email hoping it will give clear up matters relating
to my clients specific charge from the court. Heather Mack has been charged
with article 56 whjch means Heather was found guilty of only accessory, in
Indonesia although she was accessory after the fact we do not have 2
different charges. I will send court documents later this week hopefully
clarifying this.
I would like it to be noted that i have had a tough time financially assisting
Heather with the proper help as I did not have the full amount of my legal fee
within the time frame given by judge Cohen. I am asking to please be given
my legal bill that is currently outstanding.
Today I have informed by the court that the Prosecutor has appealed the
verdict. It is Heather right to appoint any lawyer to assist and represent her
during the appeal trial to defend her self. If she wants my service to further
assist her in her appeal, my fee is $200,000 and it has to be paid quickly and
in 1 payment.
(my bold)
I am also confirming that Heather has right to keep baby Stella in Kerobokan
jail until 2 and that the child is breast feed by her mother. .

Awesome, prosecutors have appealed. Hopefully Judge Cohen sticks to his guns and doesn't give them a dime...

Was it ever confirmed that Heather was able to transfer fund to Stella?

"Cohen says the issue is whether Heather’s actions are determined to be aiding and abetting or whether she is accountable “as if she killed her mother herself.”

The judge says if Heather is accountable for the killing, “she gets nothing.”

Mack’s attorneys said they are worried that without further payment, the Indonesian attorney will no longer represent Mack.

Cohen declared: “Too bad,” noting that Mack’s attorneys have received $150,000 from the fund already.

“He (lawyer) is getting nothing until this is resolved,” judge said."
Here are items I highlighted from these documents. To read the documents in their entirety, click on Bugbear's link.:

There has been no determination that Heather is
not an eligible beneficiary as a result of the application of 750 ILCS 5/2-6 (the "Slayer Statute")
or otherwise. See January 16 Order providing that "the Slayer Statute is not triggered until
further order of this Court," a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B.

Heather was convicted of
being an accessory to the murder of Sheila Von Wiese under Article 56 of the Indonesian
Criminal Code. See Exhibit C.

However, the verdict is not final. On or 11. about April 24, 2015, the prosecutor
appealed Heather's verdict

WHEREFORE, Heather Mack respectfully requests that this Court enter an order
requiring the Trustee to distribute the following:
A. $2,000 to Heather Mack for personal expenses;
B. $3,140 to Ary Soenardi for reimbursement of Heather's medical expenses;
C. $200,000 to Ary Soenardi for legal services related to the appeal of the verdict

And Exhibit C-the letter from AS:

To. whom it may concern:
I am sending the following email hoping it will give clear up matters relating
to my clients specific charge from the court. Heather Mack has been charged
with article 56 whjch means Heather was found guilty of only accessory, in
Indonesia although she was accessory after the fact we do not have 2
different charges. I will send court documents later this week hopefully
clarifying this.
I would like it to be noted that i have had a tough time financially assisting
Heather with the proper help as I did not have the full amount of my legal fee
within the time frame given by judge Cohen. I am asking to please be given
my legal bill that is currently outstanding.
Today I have informed by the court that the Prosecutor has appealed the
verdict. It is Heather right to appoint any lawyer to assist and represent her
during the appeal trial to defend her self. If she wants my service to further
assist her in her appeal, my fee is $200,000 and it has to be paid quickly and
in 1 payment.
(my bold)
I am also confirming that Heather has right to keep baby Stella in Kerobokan
jail until 2 and that the child is breast feed by her mother. .
And if you look at his actual "invoice", it sure isn't very itemized. I can't believe he can just present a few lines and get tens of thousands! Oh, this case makes me so angry.

Haha I hate to laugh, but what a fiasco! I am sure Cohen is growing tired of these demands.

They didn’t get it. Cohen said he is unsure whether Mack’s conviction in the death of her mother would be considered first- or second-degree murder under Illinois law, and therefore that issue requires a hearing to be held at a later date. My Bolding

Cohen then had a testy exchange with Michael Elkin, an attorney for Mack, whom he accused of yelling, interrupting and grandstanding.

Cohen declared: “Too bad,” noting that Mack’s attorneys have received $150,000 from the fund already.

“He (lawyer) is getting nothing until this is resolved,” judge said.

"Cohen says the issue is whether Heather’s actions are determined to be aiding and abetting or whether she is accountable “as if she killed her mother herself.”

The judge says if Heather is accountable for the killing, “she gets nothing.”

Mack’s attorneys said they are worried that without further payment, the Indonesian attorney will no longer represent Mack.

Cohen declared: “Too bad,” noting that Mack’s attorneys have received $150,000 from the fund already.

“He (lawyer) is getting nothing until this is resolved,” judge said."

Must have been pretty lively today. Elkin shouting and interrupting? Cohen is clearly ticked off - at the right people, for a change.

HM can't play the 'suicide' trick this time or they might separate her from Stella.

Meanwhile...TS isn't getting an appeal?
ok Here is NBC's Coverage -

Just verbage difference, but seemingly clear of what Cohen is looking for - it appears HM's $2000 will not even be released.

On Wednesday, Cohen refused to release any funds for living expenses or an appeal, saying he wants a hearing under Illinois’ slayer statute to determine if Mack’s conviction falls under Illinois’ slayer statute.
And if you look at his actual "invoice", it sure isn't very itemized. I can't believe he can just present a few lines and get tens of thousands! Oh, this case makes me so angry.

Someone posted a video from an Aussie guy that went into detail how the payoffs work. One of the things he noted, was that the invoices always equal exactly what, (in his case), the legal fund had.

Haha I hate to laugh, but what a fiasco! I am sure Cohen is growing tired of these demands.

They didn’t get it. Cohen said he is unsure whether Mack’s conviction in the death of her mother would be considered first- or second-degree murder under Illinois law, and therefore that issue requires a hearing to be held at a later date. My Bolding

Cohen then had a testy exchange with Michael Elkin, an attorney for Mack, whom he accused of yelling, interrupting and grandstanding.

Cohen declared: “Too bad,” noting that Mack’s attorneys have received $150,000 from the fund already.

“He (lawyer) is getting nothing until this is resolved,” judge said.

Must have been pretty lively today. Elkin shouting and interrupting? Cohen is clearly ticked off - at the right people, for a change.

HM can't play the 'suicide' trick this time or they might separate her from Stella.

Meanwhile...TS isn't getting an appeal?
Well good! Maybe Cohen will rule that her conviction is the equivalent of first degree murder, and Soenardi won't do her appeal because he's not getting paid!:praying::praying::praying:
Must have been pretty lively today. Elkin shouting and interrupting? Cohen is clearly ticked off - at the right people, for a change.

HM can't play the 'suicide' trick this time or they might separate her from Stella.

Meanwhile...TS isn't getting an appeal?

Well, its the prosecution who appealed, not HM. TS got what the prosecution asked for...18 years.

I think this was all orchestrated ahead of time and they are playing HM. HM may not have appealed the 10 years, and the money train would be over for the lawyers, prosecution and judge. By the prosecution appealing, they can try to get more money from HM, promising her a further reduction if she pays up, or an increase in years if she does not.

I'm sure they know TS doesn't have any money. Clever bunch.
Must have been pretty lively today. Elkin shouting and interrupting? Cohen is clearly ticked off - at the right people, for a change.

HM can't play the 'suicide' trick this time or they might separate her from Stella.

Meanwhile...TS isn't getting an appeal?

So, I wonder if this means that Favia, and the other state side lawyers were NOT paid either? If not, wonder how long they will stick around. Scifo already left Dodge.

I would imagine the rouse to get money from the trust to Stella is ticking Cohen off. Seems to me he has tried to follow the letter of the law, even if he did so without checking into the bribery situation. Favia et al going around they system has probably not made him very happy. I would also imagine he had heightened awareness of Denpaser (Bali 9) and the suggestion that all is not well in the Indonesian judicial system since it has been in the news.
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