Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Hey everyone! I got a text from Orlando Sentinel notifying me that Voldemort testified. Is there a transcript of it somewhere? If anyone will know where to find it, it will be you guys.

I read the little that i could find and see that she stated that she is "living off of the kindness of friends and "counsel".

Regarding the difference in JB's official bill and what CA claims she owes him: is there any financial advantage for JB in claiming this high sum as an unpaid and uncollectable debt? I'm thinking maybe tax advantage of some kind. Business deduction. Something.

I keep thinking there has to be something in this for Baez.

Well I can only compare it to how business tax filings are done for me - If I have a contract for X amount of a sale, that counts as income. Payments or lack of them are carried forward year to year and eventually written off as a loss if they are a bad debt.

He obviously had to declare the 89k+ the ABC cheque brought him since the whole world knows about it, but I think he's looking for a tax write off to counter the huge profits he's had with his book. :rolleyes:
I could be wrong FLmom777, but those courf fees on her "court" account that have been paid down are IMO administrative document costs, copies of despositions, hearings etc for her legal team during the trial and this cost is actually being paid by them - which I guess means Baez and/or Mason.

I believe the charges were reported to the JAC who was going to release monies to Baez to pay for them. I think these expenses were approved during the trial.

Bettter minds and memories can confirm. Ah..or not. was her account...and aren't they acting as agents for her? I know...mincing words, but I always got the impression that she was the headliner when it came to these things. lol
I could be wrong FLmom777, but those courf fees on her "court" account that have been paid down are IMO administrative document costs, copies of despositions, hearings etc for her legal team during the trial and this cost is actually being paid by them - which I guess means Baez and/or Mason.

I believe the charges were reported to the JAC who was going to release monies to Baez to pay for them. I think these expenses were approved during the trial.

Bettter minds and memories can confirm. Ah..or not.

No, they were fines assessed against her directly.
$3400 is 34% of $10,000. so did she and JB do a 66/34 split on 10K?

_ _ _ _ _

A. 18 U.S.C. § 152. Concealment of assets; false oaths and claims; bribery.

This statute consists of nine crimes, all of which require proof of "knowingly and fraudulently" doing something in a bankruptcy context, namely:

(1) concealing property of the debtor's estate from the court

(2) making a false oath

(3) committing perjury

(4) presenting a false proof of claim against a debtor's estate

(5) receiving property from the debtor's estate with the intent to circumvent bankruptcy proceedings

(6) taking a kickback for forbearing on a claim against the debtor

(7) while acting as an agent, transferring or concealing property of an individual debtor or corporation

(8) "cooking the books" to hide a debtor's financial affairs

(9) withholding property or financial affairs from the United States Trustee or court
No, they were fines assessed against her directly.

I thought they were assessed against her "case" aa court costs and not part of the fines she received for the work the SA did. Three has to be some "hook" to it because I don't believe even she has the "cajones" to tell that whopper of a lie to a federal court. How else would she have been able to pay down a fine of 19K? She claims no income.

It's not that I don't believe you it just seems like a big obvious lie instead of her usual sneaky ones
Off topic, I know...but just read this tweet and had to share!!!
"@freelancewoman: Breaking News: #JodiArias changes testimony yet again, and confesses that Travis actually drowned in the Anthony's pool."

Lol...I wonder how Baez would have defended Arias?
I didn't hear it on the video but apparently Tony Pipitone called out a question to her as she arrived "Casey, what's with the foolproof suffocation search - can you explain that please"...
Casey didn't reply :what:
Here's an article that creates a different spin for FCA admirers. The person quoted in the article has set up a second forum, this time for the innocence of Jodi Arias. Be prepared to roll your eyes and bite your tongue.

"I don't think we see the whole Casey in what has been presented. There's a hard road ahead of her, but she has a lot of support.";_ylv=3
2009.03.25 - Motions Hearing

Muzikman was at this hearing and posted about it.

This is the hearing where the State wanted to know how Casey was funding her defense incase of any conflict of interest issues that my arise.

They discuss the Retainer agreements Casey has with Baez and LindaKB.

Apparently there was an initial retainer agreement with Baez on July 17, 2008 and another one in 2009 (March?) that superseded the original agreement

And that the 2nd retainer agreement covered all future charges

Judge accepts JB's request to go "in camera" to discuss the finances. When they return Strickland ruled no conflict.
2009.03.25 - Motions Hearing

Muzikman was at this hearing and posted about it.

This is the hearing where the State wanted to know how Casey was funding her defense incase of any conflict of interest issues that my arise.

They discuss the Retainer agreements Casey has with Baez and LindaKB.

Apparently there was an initial retainer agreement with Baez on July 17, 2008 and another one in 2009 (March?) that superseded the original agreement

And that the 2nd retainer agreement covered all future charges

Judge accepts JB's request to go "in camera" to discuss the finances. When they return Strickland ruled no conflict.

So have we seen the second retainer agreement? Wasn't this before her indigency hearing? Was this one the 500K one?

So her filing the 500K fee with the BK was simply padding? :waitasec:
Well I don't know about everyone else - but I'm finding this silence post BK hearing really annoying! :furious:

I look at Matt Morgan's twitter and he's talking about the Zimmerman case and having dinner with President Clinton tonight and Jeff Weiner OS hasn't said anything past what we saw yesterday.

So what IS going on???

Why the news blackout? Or does that mean "that's it" - whatever that means. :banghead:[Ljava.lang.String;@557f625f

Zenaida's attorney said Casey's answers didn't "pass the smell test!" >>>
The session became tense when Zenaida Gonzalez' attorney, Scott Shuker, turned the session into an apparent cross examination.
Shuker protested that Greene coached Anthony on what to say, and Greene responded, "Take a breath."
"It's not about taking a breath. What you are doing is improper," said Shuker.After the session, Shuker said that Anthony's answers do not "pass the smell test."
He said his next step is to take a deposition of her.

The only article I found regarding what happens next, is this WESH article.
Zenaida's bankruptcy attorney said he will take a deposition from FCA.
Apparently, the bankruptcy case is still open and on-going, because NEW creditors have been added - Casey Anthony's bankruptcy attorney filed an amendment to the list of creditors on March 6, 2013, which Casey Anthony signed.

NEW creditors:

- AT&T Mobility - cell phone - $ 1,403.32

- US Asset Management - Collection Agency for AT&T Mobility

- EOS CCA - Collection Agency for AT&T Mobility

Document is on Google docs:

Casey Anthony Bankruptcy additional creditors March 6 2013
Apparently, the bankruptcy case is still open and on-going, because NEW creditors have been added - Casey Anthony's bankruptcy attorney filed an amendment to the list of creditors on March 6, 2013, which Casey Anthony signed.

NEW creditors:

- AT&T Mobility - cell phone - $ 1,403.32

- US Asset Management - Collection Agency for AT&T Mobility

- EOS CCA - Collection Agency for AT&T Mobility

Document is on Google docs:

Casey Anthony Bankruptcy additional creditors March 6 2013

Thank you ThinkTank - I appreciate your thoroughness in posting updated information.

And yes, this makes sense. It would be hard to beleive she had a paid up cell bill at the time of her arrest and sure enough, she didn't and it's a whopper! Even with added interest. At the time it was hardly something Cindy and George could have afforded. Later -a different story apparently.

Good to know the process is still "open".
Apparently, the bankruptcy case is still open and on-going, because NEW creditors have been added - Casey Anthony's bankruptcy attorney filed an amendment to the list of creditors on March 6, 2013, which Casey Anthony signed.

NEW creditors:

- AT&T Mobility - cell phone - $ 1,403.32

- US Asset Management - Collection Agency for AT&T Mobility

- EOS CCA - Collection Agency for AT&T Mobility

Document is on Google docs:

Casey Anthony Bankruptcy additional creditors March 6 2013

Isn't it disgusting that she runs up a bill like this, just talking, with NO prospect of ever paying it. She has absolutely NO scruples about stealing.
Isn't it disgusting that she runs up a bill like this, just talking, with NO prospect of ever paying it. She has absolutely NO scruples about stealing.

Very interesting that she failed to list ANY cell phone carrier, or AT&T, in her original bankruptcy filing on January 28, 2013 ... but it gets listed NOW, on March 6, 2013 .... TWO DAYS AFTER the meeting of the creditors, where she REFUSED to say who was paying for her cell phone. All of a sudden now she remembers she owes AT&T $ 1,403.32?? Now - she remembers that this debt has already been turned over to a collection agency?

And..... how does AT&T let her bill get that high, with no payments on it???

This late addition of the cell phone bill, does not jive with Casey Anthony saying in the meeting that her attorney got a credit report on her, and listed all the debts from that as creditors. This AT&T bill would certainly be on a credit report. Why are they only listing it now?
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