Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Down to almost $300,000. Still a lot.

Uh huh - see my next post...:great:

You and I don't have her options - nobody that I know wants to pay me a bucket of money to show up on TV and sell a few secrets..

We have to do it the other way - at least I do - it's called a job.
Just reading that document makes me spit- what was the point in obtaining those judgements for all the costs when they know she can turn around and file bankruptcy? Those should be BK proof. There's nothing to stop her putting on a blonde wig and go get a job as a stripper, and start paying her debts. If her next meal depended on it she would come up with a job somewhere.
I didn't think it ws possible to despise her anymore than I did, but I was wrong...

Something I've been wondering about is if the State's Attorney and the Sheriff's office can file an objection in writing instead of showing up at a creditors meeting.

Do you or anyone else know if creditors have to show up in person to object?
Just reading that document makes me spit- what was the point in obtaining those judgements for all the costs when they know she can turn around and file bankruptcy? Those should be BK proof. There's nothing to stop her putting on a blonde wig and go get a job as a stripper, and start paying her debts. If her next meal depended on it she would come up with a job somewhere.
I didn't think it ws possible to despise her anymore than I did, but I was wrong...

Sorry but if her next meal depended on it she would merely move on to the next sucker willing to let her sponge off of them. Casey will never be gainfully employed. Not at anything legal anyway!
Well you could start by crossing off the 500K to Baez because she said in the creditor meeting it was her original contract with him, and we know there have been two since.

The last contract was her indigency contract which said Baez was paid 89+K as his part of the ABC pictures and that was it. So that brings the total down to $293,341.00.

So FCA put that amount on her BK filing to stuff it.
What she is actually afraid of is not these bills - it is the Roy Kronk, the Zenaida and Tim Miller lawsuits. She knows she'll be deposed and have to answer and she will be exposed for who she really is.
I'd like to see a Retainer Agreement or Invoice from the Baez Law Firm that proves to the BK court that Baez billed her $500,000 because I don't think there is one....and her affidavit dated March 3 2010 says she owes him no further monies.
I would love to know how she and her mother divided Dr Phil's money

in reading about different bankruptcy chapters I saw this comparison chart for chapter 7 and chapter 13, complete liquidation vs payment plan. an IRS levy and having significant assets you don't want to lose in a chapter 7 are indicators for filing chapter 13 (but she is hiding significant assets and 13 is the pay-your-creditors chapter, dang it)

BAPCPA, the current law, says that the bankruptcy courts shall look to the "median income" for the state in which court has jurisdiction. The median income figures come from the Census Bureau. If you remember your math, the "median" income for a state is not the same as the "average" income (the "mean" income.) No, the "median" income is the income you find if you make a list of all the incomes for the state in a vertical column and you pick the one half way up, in the dead center. Also, the new law instructs us to look at the "household" median income. As a result, we are looking at the total income for everyone in the household combined, no matter who is filing the case.

If you are below median income, you qualify for chapter 7, right? Not so fast. What the law really says is that if you are below median income, then there is no "presumption of abuse" of the Chapter 7 provisions. There could still be abuse, but it is not "presumed."... just because you are below median income doesn't really mean you get a Chapter 7 admission ticket. It just means there is no presumption against you. But all this is just a technical reading. On the street, as it were, if you are below median income you are unlikely to be hassled by the U.S. Trustee's office, which seems to be in charge of asking the court to move you from a Chapter 7 to a Chapter 13. Creditors can make this charge as well, but rarely do.

What if you are over median income? Well, you know being over median income produces a presumption of abuse of the Chapter 7 process, and you could get locked out of Chapter 7 and be looking at a Chapter 13. But it's only a presumption and you might be able to rebut the presumption by passing what is called the Means Test.

The first step is simple: If your current monthly income is less than the median income for a household of your size in your state, you pass. Period. You're done. You do not need to complete the rest of the means test. You can file for Chapter 7.

the current median income for household of one in FL is $41,065, before taxes. that's $3422 per month. does she live alone? (IMO, no). if she, for example, lives with two people the median income for a household of three is $53,820. if she lives with two handlers is their combined income above the median? (IMO, yes)

chapter 13 is for debtors owing less than $307,675 (who agree to live on a budget created by the IRS so they can make payments to their creditors, oops). FCA alleges that her debt is $793,341. disregarding JB's $500,000 claim brings her debt under the chapter 13 limit. recognizing his claim puts her above the chapter 13 limit (so she goes chapter 7 instead and is not threatened with the agony of paying what she owes)

I can't tell if taxes and IRS levies are non-dischargable for chapter 7 (the IRS is the first in line for chapter 13 payments). is the IRS listed as a creditor because something she filed is pending but there's no decision yet so they're still a creditor? something was 240 days and something was 3 years so the IRS should forgive the $68,000? is it the chicken or the egg, the IRS forgives so subtract that from her debt or the bankruptcy discharges it before the IRS decides? $793,341 - $568,000 = $225,341. big difference. huge
Sorry but if her next meal depended on it she would merely move on to the next sucker willing to let her sponge off of them. Casey will never be gainfully employed. Not at anything legal anyway!
And after those suckers are tapped out, as well as her parents fridge, I'm sure she'd starve to death before getting off her a$$ to get a job...

And, of course, it would be all GA's fault, or whoever's the fall guy of the moment. She will never understand the concept of paying for her needs and wants. She will always be a freeloader, taking whatever she wants, without ever even considering what it means to actually earn something. Imo, this bankruptcy is not about debt relief, as it's intended to be, it's about greed. It describes her character, it's who she is... She's emotionally bankrupt, and I don't think she even cares that she's financially bankrupt. That's not what this is all about. Most would consider a bankruptcy a loss, so to speak, but for her it's a win. And even worse, imo, she's not mortified or defeated by it, like a normal person would be, instead she takes pride in her ability to con, and is probably laughing about getting one over on everybody. She will always be a victim and a freeloader. This is simply another way to get what she wants, without putting any effort or sacrifice into getting it...

All jmo.
Casey's July 17, 2008 application for Criminal Indigent Status

This is when she was seeking a Public Defender, right before Baez came into the picture.

I have never seen this document before

1. Dependant 1 (she knew Caylee was dead but was telling her kidnapping story at the time)
2. Take Home Income(after deductions)....$1400.00 bi-weekly (then it's crossed out and a 0 (Zero) over it)...
3. Savings $1200.00
4. Monthly liabilities and debt $600.00 monthly expenses..

The Criminal Indigent Status was approved by the Orange County clerk of courts on July 17, 2008

Knowingly providing False Information on this application to the Clerk of the Court is a First Degree Misdemeanor

Thanks Intermezzo - that straightened up a lot of the facts for me. Very helpful.
I would love to know how she and her mother divided Dr Phil's money

in reading about different bankruptcy chapters I saw this comparison chart for chapter 7 and chapter 13, complete liquidation vs payment plan. an IRS levy and having significant assets you don't want to lose in a chapter 7 are indicators for filing chapter 13 (but she is hiding significant assets and 13 is the pay-your-creditors chapter, dang it)

BAPCPA, the current law, says that the bankruptcy courts shall look to the "median income" for the state in which court has jurisdiction. The median income figures come from the Census Bureau. If you remember your math, the "median" income for a state is not the same as the "average" income (the "mean" income.) No, the "median" income is the income you find if you make a list of all the incomes for the state in a vertical column and you pick the one half way up, in the dead center. Also, the new law instructs us to look at the "household" median income. As a result, we are looking at the total income for everyone in the household combined, no matter who is filing the case.

If you are below median income, you qualify for chapter 7, right? Not so fast. What the law really says is that if you are below median income, then there is no "presumption of abuse" of the Chapter 7 provisions. There could still be abuse, but it is not "presumed."... just because you are below median income doesn't really mean you get a Chapter 7 admission ticket. It just means there is no presumption against you. But all this is just a technical reading. On the street, as it were, if you are below median income you are unlikely to be hassled by the U.S. Trustee's office, which seems to be in charge of asking the court to move you from a Chapter 7 to a Chapter 13. Creditors can make this charge as well, but rarely do.

What if you are over median income? Well, you know being over median income produces a presumption of abuse of the Chapter 7 process, and you could get locked out of Chapter 7 and be looking at a Chapter 13. But it's only a presumption and you might be able to rebut the presumption by passing what is called the Means Test.

The first step is simple: If your current monthly income is less than the median income for a household of your size in your state, you pass. Period. You're done. You do not need to complete the rest of the means test. You can file for Chapter 7.

the current median income for household of one in FL is $41,065, before taxes. that's $3422 per month. does she live alone? (IMO, no). if she, for example, lives with two people the median income for a household of three is $53,820. if she lives with two handlers is their combined income above the median? (IMO, yes)

chapter 13 is for debtors owing less than $307,675 (who agree to live on a budget created by the IRS so they can make payments to their creditors, oops). FCA alleges that her debt is $793,341. disregarding JB's $500,000 claim brings her debt under the chapter 13 limit. recognizing his claim puts her above the chapter 13 limit (so she goes chapter 7 instead and is not threatened with the agony of paying what she owes)

I can't tell if taxes and IRS levies are non-dischargable for chapter 7 (the IRS is the first in line for chapter 13 payments). is the IRS listed as a creditor because something she filed is pending but there's no decision yet so they're still a creditor? something was 240 days and something was 3 years so the IRS should forgive the $68,000? is it the chicken or the egg, the IRS forgives so subtract that from her debt or the bankruptcy discharges it before the IRS decides? $793,341 - $568,000 = $225,341. big difference. huge

Very interesting - thank you! That explains the total then.

This was a great posting gramcracker - thanks for the deep research and taking the time to compile and post it to the thread.
WFTV will discuss the 'combative' bankruptcy hearing -

:waitasec: did I miss something? This looks like a TV schedule for tonight?

EDITED TO ADD: LG Needs to learn how to scroll down!

It looks like an interesting discussion. Charles Greene, for Casey Anthony, Scott Shuker for Zenaida Gonzales discuss the creditor meeting with a moderator. And Bill Scheaffer, legal analyst for OS will be commenting. Airs Saturday at 12:30PM.
:waitasec: did I miss something? This looks like a TV schedule for tonight?

Keep scrolling down LG...they had added to the'll find what you're looking for right after the write op on Jodi Arias "How Much of Her Can You Take"
FCA wrote in her bankruptcy filing, page 39, that she "may" have relinquished rights to photographs of herself - DATE 9/9/2011"

The "posed" photos in OHIO, Old Navy store and sidewalk, published by TMZ/SPLASH, were done in August 2011.

Yeah in a backwards sort of way...LOL Between the book sales, the photos and some other fees paid Baez is "taken care of" so to speak. That's the reason he doesn't apparently want anymore from her. He probably cashed out with more than his fees were in the end. As far as "the kindness of the people she is living with and donations" this is the Dr.Phil money and the donation her mother provided from it as well as the donations people gave to Cindy's so called charity. Cindy isnt working, George isnt working and Casey isnt working and yet all the bills are paid after a monstrous court case with some of the top lawyers in the country, IMO that would have not be feasible for any defendant never mind it would have sank any of us financially. Yet, she's still shopping and dying her hair? I wonder if the court recognizes what real "I have no money" looks like.
A book about what?

It has been over a year and half since the verdict....that is a long time to wait for her millions. Whatshername coulda used some of those millions to pay off her debt.

Chances are she sold the rights to someone else who paid alot of money for it into some false twisted charity which in turn never led directly to her. EVERYONE is taken care of.
Keep scrolling down LG...they had added to the'll find what you're looking for right after the write op on Jodi Arias "How Much of Her Can You Take"

Yes, thank you.I went back and looked again because ZsaZsa doesn't make mistakes so I figured it was me. :blushing:
I posted the airing time and people attending.:seeya:
Yeah in a backwards sort of way...LOL Between the book sales, the photos and some other fees paid Baez is "taken care of" so to speak. That's the reason he doesn't apparently want anymore from her. He probably cashed out with more than his fees were in the end. As far as "the kindness of the people she is living with and donations" this is the Dr.Phil money and the donation her mother provided from it as well as the donations people gave to Cindy's so called charity. Cindy isnt working, George isnt working and Casey isnt working and yet all the bills are paid after a monstrous court case with some of the top lawyers in the country, IMO that would have not be feasible for any defendant never mind it would have sank any of us financially. Yet, she's still shopping and dying her hair? I wonder if the court recognizes what real "I have no money" looks like.

George is working, isn't he at Quantico or whatever it is called? Plus he has his toy business...
George is working, isn't he at Quantico or whatever it is called? Plus he has his toy business...

Quinco Electrical...

Quantico is a town in location of the FBI Lab, FBI Academy,Marine Corps base, DEA,
George is working, isn't he at Quantico or whatever it is called? Plus he has his toy business...

Right, we are now to assume that he supports everyone when it was Cindys income that helped him eat for years and that these claimed "incomes" are purely valid? IMO No sorry
So I guess the attitude of the complacent, ineffectual authorities is "just let it go"? They're obviously scamming the system somehow. Is the IRS looking into anything? What is it with FL being so apparently pro-criminal? I'll NEVER understand how or why perjury was permitted in a murder trial. I love Ashton but he should have nailed CA for that. Again, people seemed to think "they've been through enough". Lol as if that's a free pass to commit crimes?
Quinco Electrical...

Quantico is a town in location of the FBI Lab, FBI Academy,Marine Corps base, DEA,

Hey! LOL - it's everybody else's mid morning but 7am and 2nd cup of coffee for me - it takes three cups for the brain to clear....LOL:floorlaugh:

Seriously I love our posters who can just whip these smaller facts out - thank you.
Right, we are now to assume that he supports everyone when it was Cindys income that helped him eat for years and that these claimed "incomes" are purely valid? IMO No sorry

OldSouls2 - I think I need to change my posting style - I am on my wrong foot all over the place. That was meant to be a question as in has there been a status change?

Not me saying George has clean hands in all of this.......
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