Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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The twitter account lists a link to her foundation right under her photo which I would think would infuriate Cindy anthony to no end.

Why? If it points to the authentic website for her foundation (resulting in more donations and money into her clutches), well, that is all good for her.

It's just one more snippit that the fraud added to make it look more real.

Edit: The site has been shut down.
I'm happy to have you prove me wrong Carol, but not by your idea of her grammar and punctuation, and certainly not by the immature, offensive, ridiculous things she says in her tweets. That is classic Cindy Anthony, IMVHOO!
Could someone explain page 56

Applicable median family income. Enter the median family income for the applicable state and household size.
(This information is available by family size at or from the clerk of the bankruptcy court.)
a. Enter debtor's state of residence: FL b. Enter debtor's household size: 1
$ 41,065.00

Is this her income? :doh:

No , this is the cut off amount to qualify filing a chapter 7 bk. if you make more that 41,065.00, you would have to file aChapter 13.
What site? Her "foundation"? Of course it has- they took the money and ran. For your information, the link was good up until the foundation no longer was.
What site? Her "foundation"? Of course it has- they took the money and ran. For your information, the link was good up until the foundation no longer was.

Why would Cindy be irritated to have interested parties redirected to the foundation website?
No , this is the cut off amount to qualify filing a chapter 7 bk. if you make more that 41,065.00, you would have to file aChapter 13.

Whew...thank you! I thought the world had gone completely mad.
It's her "legal team in August 2012"
One of them is attorney Greene

Another bizarre, unprofessional relationship with an attorney. For some people, hiring an attorney does not involve such a level of closeness. She's being used again and couldn't be happier about it.
I'm happy to have you prove me wrong Carol, but not by your idea of her grammar and punctuation, and certainly not by the immature, offensive, ridiculous things she says in her tweets. That is classic Cindy Anthony, IMVHOO!

I want you to have the last word on this, but as my final response, the tweets are so immature, offensive and so ridiculous that they are over-the-top, even for Cindy. Cindy tweeting that her daughter has particular gym equipment and abs of steel, or whatever it was, is too far gone for even Cindy, in my opinion. (I will let it rest now.)
Respectfully Quoted stmarysmead :tyou:

(bolded by me)

I agree with all you said. Thank you.

When a trial begins, if I remember correctly, folks are asked to put their hand on a bible and "swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God."

Why are lies allowed? Defense attorneys know they are lying. Why are they allowed to lie for the "defense" of a client. If you are innocent, no need to lie. If you are guilty, and your defense can't lie for you-then only the facts come out.

Why are adults allowed to lie? Why is any half truth/lie ever accepted? How would you explain this to a child? "Sometimes, adults HAVE to lie Billy..."



Sorry to quote myself, but I was thinking maybe this should be on the lawyer's thread? Can a officer of the court answer this question for me? What would a lawyer say?

Why are attorney's allowed to lie? It seems to me that the law of "truth and nothing but the truth" only applies to...????????

Are officers of the court above the law? Again, I am truly asking. How can this be? Are we to believe attorneys do not know the difference between a lie and the truth? Maybe they do not. Maybe no one cares if they do or not?

I want you to have the last word on this, but as my final response, the tweets are so immature, offensive and so ridiculous that they are over-the-top, even for Cindy. Cindy tweeting that her daughter has particular gym equipment and abs of steel, or whatever it was, is too far gone for even Cindy, in my opinion. (I will let it rest now.)

Again, I am in no way saying that I think that is her twitter account but in regards to immaturity, etc. aren't we talking about the same lady that called the people who were blogging about the case, a bunch of fat lazy bloggers who have no life?!
Is this for real? She claims to be a Christian and she boasting like that (more like throwing it in your face and taunting one)
Seems phony to me.
comming up on Fox news cable Casey Anthony the new legal troubles in case you want to throw your shoe at the screen you have 3 minutes to get ready
Naw, those photos are not even of any particular wedding. I bet they are grabbed off of Google Images generic search for "wedding". Not a single image of the bride, groom, church, family, etc.

Every one of the Anthony family photos was posted on the web during the past few years. All of those are a copy/paste job into the twitter account.

Fake twitter account.

Yep. It's a catfish account.
regarding TMZ: I just assumed Ms Anthony does not do anything unless it benefits her and that little stunt was the 1st attempt at earning some money as I recall. I am convinced she didnt do that for free, just saying
Dizzychick, I think yesterday on this thread you posted that TMZ paid for some photos. Is there any proof of that? Or just speculation?

Oops - crosspost - thanks!
Thanks Strawberry. I respectfully apologize to Carol and all other Ws'ers!
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