"BC is innocent" or "I'm not convinced yet" Discussion

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Jul 19, 2008
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Here's a place to discuss what facts have you scratching your head or what has convinced you (if you feel convinced) that Brad Cooper had nothing to do with the murder of Nancy Cooper. Or even if you're just on the fence and want to explore your doubts...
I'm definitely not fully convinced at this point. Perhaps some of that is emotionally driven, and just hopefulness that he didn't do it, as it would be double-tragic for the children. However, even when I try to look at "just the facts", there seems to be substantial room for "information we don't have" to change things significantly.

If it isn't BC, it certainly seems reasonable to conclude it must have been someone else who knew her. Was there anyone else in the 'circle of friends' who would have had both motive and opportunity? Dunno... but the facts as I know them don't categorically eliminate that possibility (at least for me).
I agree. It could just be a deep rooted desire for it not to be true because it would be a very tragic reality for these beautiful, innocent children. Who wants that?

I just have a hard time buying into Brad being controlling. She was stated as being very strong willed and ready to tell you when she did not like or agree with something....that came directly from a family member in a presser....that wasn't made up or rumored....

She was with BC here for a number of years before they had children.....men that are that controlling don't hide it for years, it's how they are. She had ample opportunity to leave him and go back to Canada before they even conceived their first child. Hard to believe she would agree to have a child with someone who was so HORRIBLE.

If he was some premeditating murderer, why would he wait until there were court papers out there awaiting signature? Would not someone who killed so they did not have to give up income do that at the first hint of separation...before lawyers or therapist could testify? They were on the second draft!!! On one hand he is depicted as being a techno genius with the ability to plot and decieve the LE and on the other hand, he was so stupid that he did not anticipate those things that would be obvious because he was the bread winner and a VOIP expert? Does not add up to me. Additionally, if he does not make public his fight for his children he is a murdering *advertiser censored* who never wanted them to begin with and if he does defend his self as innocent in the media and public he is raving maniac only trying to save his own guilty *advertiser censored* while using his children as pawns....really? Well, I have a kid and if I were accused of something I did not do, I would fight like hell in public and private to get my kid back. I think most parents would.

I'm not convinced....does not sound like LE or ME is either...
It's nice to see a thread like this one in Nancy's forum...it may just draw out some lurkers who are intimidated, for whatever reason.

(I recently joined WS, but have been reading here since Laci. I only just recently found how to join through my IP provider because my email address had been the hang up).

I have followed this case, albeit from NY, since it first broke and I have read all the affadavits and news articles. I'm not 100% sure BC did it. I see the troubled marriage and the small window of opportunity for anyone else to have murdered NC, but I'm just not fully convinced and the autopsy release didn't really sway me. I am highly suspicious of BC, but I am far from convinced by what we know as of now.

I hope more documents are released soon. I particularly didn't like the latest MH affadavit. I read the first MH affadavit and felt as if he and BC weren't best of friends....just friendly acquaintances because they were neighbors. Maybe I was reading more of a connection between BC and SH that MH blended into the background. When I read the follow up, I felt like LE was barking up the wrong tree for an accomplice.

I know Sleuthygal (hi, by the way...I feel as if I know all you guys from reading here) asked if it was really plausible that MH had spoken with NC at the BBQ and asked if Brad could play tennis with him on Saturday. YES I can totally see that because the previous time he had plans with BC, BC showed up 45 mins late and said it was on account of NC. It totally makes sense to me that I would ask the spouse of someone who had inconvenienced me in the past...just to make sure BC was actually going to show up on time. To me, it made good sense.

I am very troubled by the affairs/ bad marriage aspect, the cleaning of the house by BC, and the small window of opportunity for someone else to have killed NC. I am totally unfazed by BC not attending memorials, etc, because his presence would have brought about as much speculation that he was attending because he's guilty. That's a no-win situation.

I hope two things happen: I hope more evidence than we know of exists and if BC is charged, I hope his trial is ABC (Anywhere but Cary). As a complete outsider, it's tough to read the two sides of friends without canceling them both out. (I cringed when I read MH's recent statement about the "rumor" of NC's friends getting together to write the first set of affadavits and the pressure it was putting on groups of friends).

IF BC is guilty, I don't think the in-fighting of "his and hers" will matter in the least. The case will hinge on the actions of BC (and anyone who helped him). IF BC killed his wife, I hope he never gets out of jail.

I just want to add that I think Jason Y of North Carolina is guilty and that's a bigger locational leap since he alleges he was hundreds of miles away from the crime scene and in a "happy marriage." In every other case I can think of (the Peterson trifecta---Scott, Drew, and Michael), I believe them all to be guilty of killing their wives. I think Casey Anthony killed her daughter.... It's highly unusual, for me, to have such lingering doubt. Sorry for the LONG answer....I have just read here since July and felt a strong slant that BC is guilty. I don't have any inside info---just what's been published and as of now, I'm just not convinced. Thanks for this thread!!
If he was some premeditating murderer

Did he pre-plan the murder? In my opinion, no. I think it was likely a fight that escalated and resulted in homicide.

However, "premeditation" is a legal term and that is the action of knowing that what you are doing or are about to do will cause death and you do it or continue doing it anyway. Premeditation can be just seconds of time.
Hey tippy :wave:

Not gonna quote ya but great post......welcome aboard !!
I just have a hard time buying into Brad being controlling. She was stated as being very strong willed and ready to tell you when she did not like or agree with something....that came directly from a family member in a presser....that wasn't made up or rumored....

She was with BC here for a number of years before they had children.....men that are that controlling don't hide it for years, it's how they are. She had ample opportunity to leave him and go back to Canada before they even conceived their first child. Hard to believe she would agree to have a child with someone who was so HORRIBLE.

I don't have a hard time believing BC was controlling. Some women, who are strong, stay with men who are controlling. My mom did, for 42 years. It was actually 50 years before they divorced. Why? She couldn't handle the stigma of divorce, and she remembered all the times he was such a "good" man.

BC's own girlfriends of the past believe he could have done it. One of them has actually posted here!
I don't have a hard time believing BC was controlling. Some women, who are strong, stay with men who are controlling. My mom did, for 42 years. It was actually 50 years before they divorced. Why? She couldn't handle the stigma of divorce, and she remembered all the times he was such a "good" man.

BC's own girlfriends of the past believe he could have done it. One of them has actually posted here!

Yes, I read those...but hell has no fury like a woman scorned and clearly NC did not have a concern about the enigma of divorce as she was the one who initiated the seperation.
Yes, I read those...but hell has no fury like a woman scorned and clearly NC did not have a concern about the enigma of divorce as she was the one who initiated the seperation.

No, this was clearly not the writing of a vindictive woman, IMHO. She was thoughtful and well-spoken. This was years ago, anyway. I highly doubt she was sitting back seething for years waiting for a way to get back at him.

My mom was the one who initiated the separation, too.
No, this was clearly not the writing of a vindictive woman, IMHO. She was thoughtful and well-spoken. This was years ago, anyway. I highly doubt she was sitting back seething for years waiting for a way to get back at him.

My mom was the one who initiated the separation, too.

She was indeed thoughtful and well-spoken.

But by the admission of her own brother, NC was strong willed and ready to let you know when she was not happy with something that was said or done that she did not agree with. Many statements have been made that indicate that she was not the type of woman to be controlled....
She was indeed thoughtful and well-spoken.

But by the admission of her own brother, NC was strong willed and ready to let you know when she was not happy with something that was said or done that she did not agree with. Many statements have been made that indicate that she was not the type of woman to be controlled....

But you see, my mother spoke back too, and she was slapped. She is a strong woman and that eventually led her to get the separation. You don't have to have two opposites for this to be plausible.
But you see, my mother spoke back too, and she was slapped. She is a strong woman and that eventually led her to get the separation. You don't have to have two opposites for this to be plausible.

That is absolutely true.
Many statements have been made that indicate that she was not the type of woman to be controlled....

Control can be gained through the use of a variety of techniques including manipulation, guilt, pouting, being uncommunicative, withdrawing, passive/aggressiveness, subtle threats, etc. It is not always about violence, but usually contains some mind games.

People usually figure out what works to push a mate's buttons. Some couples push each other's buttons a lot, some hardly ever, but I have no doubt that both Brad and Nancy knew how to get under each other's skin.

A previous GF of BC's who has posted on this forum (if you believe she is who she says she is and if you believe what she says) described him as someone who would pout, withdraw, things would build-up and you wouldn't necessarily know it, then something would happen and he would 'explode' and he would argue/fight and keep throwing out more and more of his hurts/insults when he did get to that point. She also used the term 'manipulative' to describe his behaviors. And no, she didn't say he was a monster at all, just that he did have this side to himself that could be really hard to deal with and basically wear someone down (emotionally).

Someone else who posted here says he was once a roommate of Brad's some years ago and while he didn't know him all THAT well, he did say that Brad could be 'cold' and 'angry' and 'distant.' He also said he could also be affable and friendly, particularly when he was partying.
Regarding the "controlling"/"cold"/"distant" perception of Brad, what "facts" of the case support that notion? [ Eliminating all the plaintiffs he-said/she-said affidavit testimony, and of course eliminating the former girlfriend from years ago (we're missing input from all of BC's girlfriends between this young lady, and NC who may not have felt he was controlling...). Eliminating all of that, then on what basis do we conclude that he is "controlling/manipulative/cold/distant"? ]
I guess we'll have to see what is contained on any of the hard drives, or within papers taken as part of the SW, Nancy's private diary/papers and of course direct witness testimony if someone observed such behavior (it would not be he said/she said or hearsay if the person could be questioned on something they personally observed or had first-hand knowledge.) Also, a thorough psych exam would reveal personality traits, though whether we'll ever learn about them I don't know.
Regarding the "controlling"/"cold"/"distant" perception of Brad, what "facts" of the case support that notion? [ Eliminating all the plaintiffs he-said/she-said affidavit testimony, and of course eliminating the former girlfriend from years ago (we're missing input from all of BC's girlfriends between this young lady, and NC who may not have felt he was controlling...). Eliminating all of that, then on what basis do we conclude that he is "controlling/manipulative/cold/distant"? ]

I am back and still obsessed with the "he said/she said" affadavits...

Brad's mom..didn't she say as a teenager that he would storm off, in a huff? I'll look it up, but it sounded normal. I have read BC's friends from Canada here and I think he very well be cold and distant. To me, that doesn't show "passion," but rather he may have let anger build. Even in his own friends' statements, I just get a sense of BC being "detached." If he hit his boiling point that weekend, that might explain some of his behavior.

As for NC, I think the control was showing in MH's affadavit where she wasn't shy about letting the neighbors know that she had cut BC off, sexually. I am so mindful that NC is the biggest victim here (her kids and family as well), but no one was a perfect angel, as we know.

I think there are 3 sides---his, hers, and the truth. For me, the Coopers strike me as a mismatched couple who really know how to push each other's buttons.
From his mom's statement:

30. Brad does not show his emotions. He is very quiet.

31. I have not noticed him angry as an adult.

33. As a teen, he would stomp off.

**My disclaimer** BC hadn't lived with his parents in many years and yes, she would lie for him...BUT, his distance seems to be in what his current friends say.

Controlling? I don't know. I don't rule it out, but their girls were well cared for and NC, by outward appearances, also seemed to have freedom. I don't think there has to be control issues for either or both parties to be seething mad.
I don't have a hard time believing BC was controlling. Some women, who are strong, stay with men who are controlling. My mom did, for 42 years. It was actually 50 years before they divorced. Why? She couldn't handle the stigma of divorce, and she remembered all the times he was such a "good" man.

BC's own girlfriends of the past believe he could have done it. One of them has actually posted here!

I tend to discount what an EX says. Most of the time they have an ax to grind.
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